Jaded Edge

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A Vampire's Love

Vampiro (yeah, the freaky guy from WCW) is looking for an eternal bride, but finds out, his creator wants him back.


Vampiro was walking the streets one night, looking for an easy meal. He saw a man coming out of the bar across the street, and Vampiro stopped to watch him. The man wouldn't put up a fight. He was too drunk to walk straight.
"Blood and a brew all in one. Sounds good," he thought to himself.
He sped himself, faster than the eye, to the alley next to the bar. The man stepped into Vampiro's veiw, and was grabbed from behind. He drained the man of his blood, and threw his body into a dumpster.
He wiped his mouth on his black shirt, then walked out of the alley. As he walked down the street, he thought about how lonely his life was. He didn't have any friends, no family, no woman. He wanted someone that would be a friend, a lover, a partner for eternity.He sighed.
He noticed the sun coming up on the horizon. He walked back to his home, and went down to the basement. As he climbed into his wooden coffin, he thought,"maybe I will find a woman soon, and make her mine."
He awoke in a good mood the next evening, so he decided to go out to a club. He bought a beer and sat at a table. He watched the women shake and wiggle, but none of them held his attention for long.
Then, Vampiro spotted a woman dressed in all black, walking towards the bar. She had long red hair, held up in a ponytail. She entrigued him, to say the least.
Vampiro concentrated, and whispered the words,"come to me."
He watched as she grabbed her drink from the bar and walked over to his table. She set the drink down and said," hello. My name is Ariana."
"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. My name is Vampiro. Please, have a seat."
She sat down next to him. "You have a very interesting name. That's Spanish for vampire, isn't it?"
"Yes it is. I won't bite unless you want me to."
"I may want you to by the end of the night."
Her words surprised him. He had no hold on her after telling her to come to him. She had genuine feeling for him.
They talked for a while, getting to know each other. They danced a few times, the last, ending in a deep kiss.
"Why don't we go somewhere a little more private," Ariana suggested.
They stepped into his car, and she asked," where are we going?"
"To my house." And they sped off, down the road.
They pulled up in front of a dark stone house. He lead her into the house, and into the living room. When Vampiro turned on the light, Ariana almost screamed in shock. His face was so pale.
"Please, don't be frightened. It is only paint."
She let out a sigh of relief. "I didn't notice it in the club. They keep those places a little too dark."
Vampiro snaked his hand around to the back of her neck and massaged it. "You have nothing to fear from me."
'A little white lie couldn't hurt,' he thought to himself.
With his other hand, he pulled her closer to him. He kissed her gently. As she molded herself against him, he deepened the kiss, seeking out every dark crevice.
Vampiro swept Ariana off her feet, and carried her to one of the upstairs bedrooms. He laid her down in the center of a large four post bed. He kneeled over her , and removed her shirt. He took one of her full breasts into his hand, and kneaded the soft flesh.
As he took one of her erect nipples into his mouth, his hunger began to take over. His fangs began to descend. He forced himself to gain control of the unnatural urge. He didn't want to scare her away.
Vampiro slid his fingers up from the top of her knee high boots to the elastic on her thong. He slid his thumb under, petting the curls that threatened to escape. When he rubbed her clit, she moaned his name. Within seconds, he tore her skirt and thong off.
Vampiro moved down her body, and stopped between her legs. He slowly licked her clit, before slithering his tongue inside. Ariana slid her fingers into his locks as he began a slow pace. Soon, waves of pleasure spread from her vortex as she went over the edge of her climax.
He left a hot, wet trail with his tongue as he crawled up her body. He claimed her lips with a forceful kiss and rolled her on top of him. Ariana nipped and licked her way down his body, until she came to his erect manhood. She circled the head with her tongue before taking him in with one quick plunge. Vampiro sucked in a breath through clenched teeth, as she slid up and down his shaft.
He could stand it no more. He had to be inside her. Vampiro slid Ariana up his body and entered her. He started with a slow motion, letting her tightness ease. When she loosened her muscles, he guided her hips faster and faster over him. He sat up and held her in his arms, kissing her neck.
As they moaned their on coming climax, his hunger got the best of him. His teeth descended again. As she screamed his name, he sunk his teeth into her soft throut.He continued to drink her life fluid until he reached his peak.
He sealed the wound, and laid her down beside him. He checked her pulse, to make sure he hadn't killed her. It was very weak. He sliced his wrist with his finger nail, and let the blood drip into her mouth.He held her close as her body convulsed with the changes she was going through.
He laid with her in the bed until dawn neared. He picked her up and carried her to the basement. He laid her down in the coffin and climbed in. He closed the lid and prepared them for their unnatural slumber.

chapter 2

When Ariana awoke, she felt Vampiro laying behind her with his arm draped over her side. She tried to stretch her arms in front of her, and hit the silk lined wall of the casket. She followed the wall with her hand until she felt the lid.
Ariana screamed at the top of her lungs.
Vampiro nuzzled her ear and said," calm yourself, love. There's nothing to worry about."
"Are you crazy!? We're in a coffin!"
"Ariana, we will talk about this when it is time to awaken."
"Screw that! I'm outta here."
"If you step out, the sun will fry you."
"What is going on? This is really scaring me," she sobbed.
"I will explain everything when we get up. Right now, we need to get some rest."

After the sun had set, Vampiro awoke and opened the lid. He sat up and lightly shook Ariana awake.
"It is dark now, my love. You may come out."
She looked up at him and smiled. When she noticed the coffin again, her expression changed to one of fear. "What's happened, Vampiro?"
"Why don't you put your clothes back on. Then, I will answer your question."
She dressed and went into the living room. Vampiro was standing next to the fire place, watching the flames.
"What is going on? I can hear a child crying, people walking on the sidewalk, and loudest of all is a heartbeat. What did you do to me?"
"Let me start from the beginning. You may want to sit down."
She did and he continued. "Two hundred years ago, I was living in Canada and was working as a lumberjack. Some of the guys and I went into town, one night, for a few beers and laughs.
"A beautiful woman lured me to her house, with the promise of sex. Instead, she slashed my throut and drank my blood. At the last moment, just before she killed me, she felt bad about what she did. She fed me some of the blood from her own veins.
"When I awoke, I was laying in the alley beside the bar. I noticed the same things you do now.
"Last night, while we made love, I did almost the same to you. I wanted you to live, because I chose you as my eternal bride."
"In short, you're a vampire, and last night you turned me into one. Is that right?"
"And you want me to stay with you?"
"Yes, I do. I have wanted someone to be with. Last night, you entranced me with your beauty and personality. I knew you were the one."
She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "You'll have to teach me. I know almost nothing about vampires."
"We have an eternity. Now, I have to get something to eat. I will bring some back for you."
"Oh, here's the hard part," Ariana said with dispair. "What does blood taste like?"
"V8," Vampiro said with a laugh.
She burst out laughing at his discription. When she calmed down she asked,"Thick and salty?"
"Yes." He kissed her on the forehead and said," I won't be long."
Vampiro returned an hour later with a chalice filled with blood. He sat next to Ariana on the couch and handed her the cup.
"I don't think I can do this, Vampiro."
"Take it like you would medicine. Hold your nose and drink fast."
She did as he said. When the chalice was drained of it's contents, she handed it back to him. Pain wracked her body soon after, completing the transformation.
As the pain subsided, Ariana asked him, "will it be like that every time?"
"No. Just this one, unless you feed from another vampire. In such a case, the pain would be more excruciating."
Ariana climbed into his lap and laid her head on his shoulder. Up until then, she couldn't figure out if she loved or hated him. Then, it dawned on her that he had been very patient and gentle while she was with him.
"I love you, Vampiro."
"And, I love you, Ariana."
He held her in his arms and kissed her forehead. She fell asleep in his arms. He carried her to the basement and laid her down.
He walked to the corner store and bought a six pack. He didn't notice the red-brown eyes following him to the store or back home.

chapter 3

Vampiro put the beer in the fridge, and went to check on Ariana. When he lifted the lid, he saw her writhing through a nightmare. He grabbed her shoulders and shook.
"Ariana, wake up."
"No! Get away from me! Vampiro, where are you," she screamed.
He took her into his arms and rocked her. "I'm right here, my love. It was just a nightmare."
She became fully awake and realised where she was.
"It was terrible! There was a woman with red-brown eyes and white hair, and she was trying to kill me. She said she was going to kill me and take back the man that belongs to her. You."
"It's alright, my love. I'm not going anywhere."
He laid down next to her and closed the lid. She snuggled up to his body, and he told her,"I will be with you for an eternity."
Ariana felt safe in her lover's embrace, and quickly drifted back to sleep. Vampiro couldn't shake the uneasyness he felt as she described the woman.
'The eyes, the hair.' He gave himself a mental shake. 'No, it couldn't be. It has to be a coincidence. Or, has Vera come for me?'
The eyes from before watched the whole ordeal through the basement window.
"So he has taken a bride. She will have to die."
She let out an evil laugh as she walked back to her apartment.

chapter 4

"What do you have planned for tonight? Hopefully no more pain."
"No more pain for you, my love. We're going to your place, so you can pick up some clothes. Then, I have a surprise."
"Mmm, I love surprises." Ariana wrapped her arms around Vampiro's neck, and he wrapped his around her waist. He gave her a deep kiss before they headed out the door.
Once they made it to her apartment, Vampiro looked around. He saw statues of gargoyles, demons and other mythical beasts. The statue that held his attention was of Vlad the Impaler.
"I thought you didn't know anything about vampires?"
"I don't know anything about being one. I know legends, not the truth."
"The legends are pretty much right."
"Oh, Vampiro," she called from the bedroom. "Come here."
When he went into the bedroom, Ariana was standing next to the bed wearing tight leather pants and a leather corset.
"You look great," Vampiro told her.
"Thank you.Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah. Did you pack a bag?"
"Yep. Let's go."
She threw her bag in the trunk, and they headed for the mountains. They parked on a dirt road surrounded by trees.
"Close your eyes."
He lead her to a cave further up the path. He turned her to face over the edge.
"You can open them, now."
"Look at all the lights! It's beautiful!"
He wrapped his arms around her waist.
"This is where I go when I need to think. I thought you might like it."
"I do!"
"And, so do I, " came a voice from behind.
Ariana screamed. "That's the woman from my nightmare!"
"Vera, what do you want with us?"
"I want you, of course. And who is this waste of flesh?"
"She is none of your concern, and if you wanted me so bad, you shouldn't have left me to fend for myself!"
A grizzley bear came out of the cave growling and foaming at the mouth. Vera turned and saw him, then started running.
"This isn't over! You belong to me."
The bear chased her through the trees.
"Who was that," Ariana asked.
"That was the bitch that made me this way," Vampiro said through clenched teeth.
chapter 5
Ariana drove back to the house, while Vampiro tried to mentally find Vera. To their good fortune, she wasn't following them.
"I can't understand why she wants me now. She sure as hell didn't want me when she made me."
"What should we do?"
"I don't know yet. She's stronger than I am. Let's just go home and get some rest. We'll need all the strength we can gain."
They arrived at the house, and prepared to sleep. Ariana wasn't tired yet. She knew how to cheer Vampiro up. She put on a sheer black robe that had a built in bra and hung open, and a thong. She found him sitting on the couch.
Ariana walked up behind him, and massaged his shoulders. Vampiro grabbed her hand, and placed a kiss on her wrist.
"Thank you, my love."
"For what?"
"For being everything I wanted. A friend, a lover, someone I can trust. I don't want to leave you."
She went around the couch and kneeled in front of him. "You won't, my dear. I know, in the end, we will still be together."
He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. They went upstairs to the bedroom, where he made slow gentle love to her.
When they finished, Ariana told him," we need to get downstairs. The sun is coming up."

When they awoke the next evening, they started on a plan to be rid of Vera.
"We can use one of our disadvantages to our advantage."
"What are you suggesting, Ariana," Vampiro asked.
"The only way that would be safe for us, is if we used a wooden stake."
"You're right. We'd run too big of a risk doing anything else."
"Should we feed before we get started? We didn't eat last night, and I'm starved," Ariana told him.
"Of course, my love. But, you have to get it from the source."
"Alright. I have to learn sometime."
"You will hear the heartbeat and smell the blood. Let the hunger take over. Then, your fangs will come down."
They went to a bar where they met and drained their prey. They left their victims laying in the alley.
As they walked back to the house, Vampiro asked," that wasn't so bad, was it?"
"Actually, it hurt like hell," Ariana replied.
"Aw, poor baby. Can't take a little pain," came Vera's voice from the alley they were in front of.
"Why can't you leave us alone, Vera? Why can't you just get another man," Vampiro asked.
She wrapped her arms around him and said," because no one compares to you."
Ariana's eyes glowed red as her anger grew. She grabbed Vera by the throut and dug her nails in.
"Let go of him, you bitch! He belongs to no one, especially not you!"
Vera released him from her arms. Ariana released her throut. Vera rubbed her neck while saying," you have no idea what power I hold."
"I couldn't care less, but I will defend Vampiro until my dieing day."
"Which will come soon."
"That's it, cunt! You're mine," Ariana yelled.
Vampiro grabbed Ariana before she reached Vera. "Whoa, hold on." He held her tight in his arms. "Relax. Calm down. She's not worth it."
When they turned to where Vera was standing, she was gone. They continued their walk home. When Ariana sat on the couch, Vampiro laid into her.
"Losing your cool like that, can get you killed! You're lucky she didn't try to!"
He sat down beside her, traped her in his arms and kissed the top of her head. "I don't want to lose you."
"I'll be more carefull next time. I'm sorry. I didn't like seeing her hang on you like that."

An hour later, Vampiro broke the handle of a broom into three pieces. They sharpened the ends to a small point. Then, they retired to the coffin.

chapter 6
Ariana woke up screaming. She tried to sit up, but hit her head on the coffin's lid.
"Ow! God damn, son of a bitch!"
Vampiro laid there laughing. "You have to open the lid before you sit up."
"Damn it! It's not funny! I have to see that bitch when I'm awake! Why do I have to see her in my sleep," Ariana sobbed into his shoulder.
"Do you mean Vera?"
"Yes. Who else," she said, getting even more upset.
"Shh. Calm down. I'm going to do something, and I need you to relax. This won't hurt unless you fight me."
He placed his hands on either side of her head, and closed his eyes. He eased his way into her head. He told her," don't be scared. I'm going to see if she's lurking in here."
He walked down a hall in her mind. He opened the door to her hopes, and saw them getting rid of Vera. He opened the door of love, and saw them having sex. He opened her nightmares, and found Vera.
"If you want me, torture me! Leave my bride out of this!"
Ariana smiled at his words. "He called me his bride."
Vera kissed Vampiro passionatly. Vampiro pushed her away, and slapped her with the back of his hand.
"If you bother Ariana or me again, I'll kill you," he said in a deathly tone.
"But I love you," Vera whined.
"You didn't know me long enough to love me."
Vera's body faded from sight, but she didn't go quietly. "I will have what belongs to me."
Vampiro retreated from Ariana's mind.
"It's alright now. She's gone."
"Thank you." She snuggled into his arms. "You called me your bride. Why?"
"Because it sounds better than 'woman I made inhuman'. Am I being too forward?"
"No. I don't mind it. In fact, I kinda like it."
They shared a passionate kiss. Then Vampiro asked," are you ready to start the night?"
"If we have to. Are you sure this is going to work?"
"Don't worry, Ariana. Everything will be fine." 'I hope,' he thought to himself.
"I heard that, Vampy!"
"Sorry. I need to remember that you can read my thoughts, too." He sighed. "I don't think this will end the way we want it to."

chapter 7

They sat at the kitchen table, dicussing the plan.
"We'll make it look like a fight. You will leave first. Walk down the street and go into an alley. When she follows you, I will follow her. We will trap her in the alley, and attack," Vampiro explained.

What they didn't know was Vera was sitting across the street, listening to their conversation.
"They plan on killing me? They will find that it is impossible."

"Well, I'm gonna go get ready," Ariana told him.
"Can I help," Vampiro asked with a sly grin.
"No," she answered laughing. "That would only delay our plans."
"Alright. I'll settle for a kiss."
She leaned close and asked," are you sure you would be happy with just a kiss?"
"I'll try."
He kissed her gently at first. When the kiss became more urgent, she placed her hands on his chest and slightly pushed.
"We have to get ready," she sighed as he moved down to her neck.
"I think we have time for both."
He picked her up and carried her upstairs, where he had mad, rough sex with her. When they finished, they got dressed and prepared for the fight.
They stood by the front door, and kissed.
"No matter what I say, I don't mean it," Vampiro said, not wanting her to take offense of the 'fight'.
"I know. You remember the same. I love you."
"I love you, too," Vampiro said and then kissed her again.
With her hand on the door knob, Ariana said, "here we go."

chapter 8

Vera sat across the street and laughed at their mock display of anger. She came out of the shadows before Ariana walked off.
She held her stomach and laughed as she said,"did you really think that would work? You're forgetting what we can do. I heard the whole plan!"
Ariana pulled one of the stakes out of her trench coat and went after Vera. Vera put her hand up, as if to catch her wrist. Ariana tried to move her arm but was unable.
Vera acted as if she were holding the stake and turned it to aim at her heart. Ariana slowly mimicked her moves.
"Last chance, before I kill her. Come with me."
Vampiro sighed and said," alright."
"No, Vampiro, don't," Ariana pleaded. "You're just giving her what she wants."
"If she kills you she would get what she wants." He hid his face with his hair, and grinned down at her. He winked at her, and walked toward Vera.
Ariana's arms fell as Vera turned to walk down the street. As she watched Vampiro follow Vera, she noticed he was wiggling his finger for her to follow. She stuck to the shadows, and did just that.

chapter 9

Ariana followed them to her apartment and into the lobby. She watched as the glass elevater took them to the fifth floor.
A wicked smile crossed her lips as she stepped on the elevater. "We have you now, bitch!"
Vampiro connected with her mind, and told her," apartment 520. You have to hurry. We only have a couple hours till sun up."
"I'm on my way up now," she sent back.
He told her that the door was unlocked, and about the sword on the wall by the door. He then asked if she had the other stake.
"Yes, I do. Do you still have your's?"
"Yes, I do."
"Are you away from the door?"
"We're in the back room. She's trying to get me in bed with her."
"I'm coming in. Destract her."
She went in, and grabbed the kitana from the wall. She walked down the hall to the bedroom. She peeked through the crack in the door and saw Vera standing with her back towards the door, going on about how long she had wanted him back.
Ariana slowly opened the door, and crept up behind her. She put the blade of the kitana to Vera's throut. Her eyes glowed red as she told Vera," you should pay more attention to who is following."
Ariana tried to swing the sword, but Vera caught her wrists.
"You don't learn too fast do you?"
Vera turned the sword to aim at Ariana's chest and plunged it into her. Ariana fell to the floor. Vampiro punched Vera. She fell back into the wall and slid down to the floor. He wrapped one of his hands around her throut, and slid her back up the wall, until her feet were dangling.
Vampiro's eyes turned black as he told her," I would rather kill myself than be with you, bitch!"
He pulled the stake out of the back of his pants, and drove it through Vera's heart.

chapter 10

Vampiro stood and watched as Vera's body withered. He turned to Ariana, not really believing she was dead. He pulled the kitana out of her still body and chopped off Vera's head with it.
He turned quickly as he heard Ariana gasp and sputter. He kneeled beside her, and took her into his arms.
"That thing makes breathing hard when it's in your lung," Ariana joked.
"Thank God! I thought you were dead!"
Ariana looked out the window and said," not yet, but if we don't get out of here now, we both will be dead."
He looked down to where the wound was, but it had disappeared. He gave her a quick kiss and pulled her up with him. He grabbed her hand and took her out, onto the balcony.
"What are we doing out here? We have to go, now."
"I know," Vampiro smiled down at her. "We're taking the fastest way."
He climbed up onto the railing, bringing her with him. He looked down and said," I hope you're not affraid of heights." With that, he jumped off.
Ariana closed her eyes, waiting for the concrete to meet her back. When it didn't, she opened her eyes. She saw that they were flying over the city.
As they began to land, Vampiro claimed her lips with a heated kiss. He lead her into the house, and down to the coffin. She laid down first, then he laid on top of her. As he kissed her again, he closed the lid. They spent that day, and many days since, making love to each other.

The End