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Quizzes and Fun Stuff

These are some goofy quizzes and other fun tidbits that have to do with wrestling. I have posted my results below the links to the quizzes.

Which WWE Wrestler Fathered Your Baby?

I got HHH. Considering the possibilities, this is cool! LOL

Which WWE Wrestler is Fuckable to You?

"Brock Lesner, a guy who scares the shit out of people...you like a guy who doesnt take crap from no one...flirting might not work on him." As long as it's a one night stand...

Which WWE Raw Wrestler Are You?

I got Kane. VERY cool! Gotta love the Big Red Sex Machine.

Which WWE Smackdown Wrestler Are You?

"You're The Undertaker. The baddest SOB the business has ever known. And you don't show your age in the ring either."  Man, we are so alike, it's not even funny. LOL

Which WWE Diva Are You?

"You are Deadgurl, Inc. Sara Callaway! You always stick up for yourself in the worst type of situation, you're tough, spunky, and you will always stick up for your man! If you set your goals right, you could be the next Women's champion! You go girl!"

Which WWE Finishing Move Are You?

"Your the 'Edgecution'. Edge's harder version of a DDT. Hurts like hell when you put elevation to it to make it that much worse. You will meet your Edgecutioner when you meet Edge's fast rising superstar ways." Edge rocks!

Who's your ideal sex partner?

I've done this one several times and have got several answers. lol HHH, Matt Hardy, Edge, RVD and Big Show. Hey, they can't all be winners. LOL