Jaded Edge

Musician Fics
Open Challenge
Tit For Tat
The Dominatress
Of Saints & Sinners
Dirty Deeds
Don't Stand
I Could Fall
Taker X-mas poem
Road Rash
House on the Hill
A Vampire's Love
Dream Lover
Ghost of a Chance
Unexpected Revelations
What Goes Around...
Wanna Wrestle?
Evil In My Blood
Lincoln Park
Saving the Spirit
What Lies Within
Prop: Conf.
Four Against the World
Sister Joan
Sister Joan (cont.)
Kronik Passion
Favorite Links
Awards I Won
Fun Stuff
About Dom.
Contact Me
Desert Island Adventure pg. 2

Chapter 14

They all spread out making sure they could find their way back. Lady Cat, Taker, Sharon and Kane found banana trees, coconut trees and several apple, peach and pear trees. The bananas, apples, peaches and pears were easy for the guys to get, but when it came to the coconuts, they couldn't figure out a way to go up and get them. They decided to shake the tree. Kane and Taker each stood on opposite sides of the tree and started to shake it as hard as they could. Lady Cat and Sharon thought they were going to knock it over. They shook it so hard that the coconuts dropped like flies from the sky. The girls had to dodge them to make sure they weren't hit. They made several trips back and forth bringing the fruits to the beach.

Vampiro, Jade, Lori and Marcus walked down the beach towards an outcropping of rocks. Marcus found a thin bamboo stick and picked it up. He dragged it on the sand as they walked. "What's that for? Lori asked. "You never know" Marcus replied as he switched it. Lori could hear the sound the bamboo made as he twirled it over his head bringing it back down to the sand where once again he dragged it on the sand. They climbed over some of the smaller rocks and looked into a small pool of water made by the rocks. There they were able to see some fish barely swimming around as the water was very shallow. Vampiro and Marcus reached into the water and were able to easily pull out some of the fish from the pool. They handed them to the girls who in turn ran them up the bamboo stick Marcus had been carrying. Once they had enough fish to feed everyone, Marcus and Vampiro each grabbed one end of the bamboo stick as they too walked back down the beach towards where they could see Taker, Kane, Lady Cat and Sharon pilling the fruits on one of the blankets they had.

Lady B, Edge, Christian and Sandra walked through the woods until they stumbled upon a road. They followed the road for about half a mile until they saw an old abandoned building. They walked up to it and noticed that the dust and cobwebs had overtaken the place. They pushed open the rickety door and it almost came off of the hinges. When they entered they noticed that they were standing in what appeared to have been the lobby of a hotel. They walked around exploring. Christian and Sandra headed towards the basement to see if they could find any power and possibly have some lighting.

Lady B and Edge walked up the stairs to see what was on the second floor. They pushed open the first door and noticed that it still contained a king sized bed, night stand and a small bureau. They proceeded to walk down the hallway and all the rooms had the same thing in them. They went into one of the bathrooms that adjoined one of the bedrooms and turned on the faucet to see if there was water. It sputtered and made clanking and rumbling noises along the pipes and what came out was something brown and rusty. They let it run for a few minutes and they could tell that the water was getting clearer.

They walked back downstairs and found a huge kitchen fully stocked with pots and pans, silverwear, dishes, glasses and everything they would need to prepare a meal. The kitchen also had an adjoining dining room. As they were exploring the kitchen the lights suddenly came on. Lady B turned the knob of the stove and found that it went on as it was electric.

Sandra and Christian came bounding up the stairs from the basement. "We gotta go tell the rest of the group" Edge said as they all hurried out of the hotel and raced down the road towards the beach.

Odi, Toad and Logan had gotten slightly lost and wound up in what appeared to be a small abandoned town. They wandered through the stores. They found a mini mall store that contained just about everything that you could need. "Let's take some blankets and a change of clothes for everyone. We can always come back later for whatever else we may need" Odie said as Toad and Logan walked next to her with two shopping carts.

Odie pulled out several pairs of pants in every size she could find. The same with shirts and jackets. They went to the sneaker department and got several pairs of each size. They searched until they found some big enough to fit Taker and Kane. Toad reached out and grabbed a handful of large fluffy towels, while Logan went and got shampoo, conditioner, soap and deodorants. He stopped by the perfume counter and couldn't decide which ones to get so he just pushed all the bottles into the cart. "They can decide which one they want to wear" he muttered to himself. They grabbed underclothes of all sizes and walked out the store with both carts full.

Chawn, RD, Anne and Matt had walked down the beach and spotted what appeared to be a lighthouse at the end of the beach atop some rocks. The lights were off but they wanted to investigate it anyway. "We'll have to find another way to get up there tomorrow, cause we sure can't climb up the face of that rock from here" Matt said as they all craned their necks to look up. "Let's go back and let them know what we've found and see what has happening with everyone else so far" RD said as they started back down the beach.

Odious, Toad and Logan pack the supplies on a make shift sled and
tread into the jungle.
Logan uses his accute sense of smell to pick up the other's scents.
As they trek, he stops and puts his hand up.

He said to Odious "Hold on darlin'..." he sniffs the air a few
times "There's something else that ain't right around here. Got a
scent..it's old...dirty..we'd better pick up the
pace and head back to the shore"

Toady scans the area with his eyes several times, and gently pushes
Odious' back to move on.

Logan strays back a few paces, still very cautious...

Back on the beach:

Lady B and Edge Christian and Sandra rushed back to the beach in

Edge spoke, " You guys we found an abandoned hotel, still in decent
shape, we lucked out..didn't we B..", he winked at her, and she
smiled and winked back.

Vampiro found his way back to the outcrop of rocks..he stood very
still, staring out
into the waters that were becoming darker...he looks up, he could
just feel the storm
coming, he knew it was going to be very bad. Jade climbed up the
rocks and wondered to herself
how the hell he does it. He turns around and grabs her hand, she
gasps, surprised.

"How..how did you know it was me?" Jade asked as she tried to gain
her balance.

"You make more noise that a machine factory love.." He smiled and
helped her down back
toward the beach.

Odious Toady and Logan practically stumbled onto the beach.

Logan helps Odious up, and wipes the sand off of her, she looks down
at him and almost

Logan speaks,
"People, I got a bad feeling, there's something on this island other
than us, and I figure
it ain't happy" Logan pulls a wet cigar out of his jacket, looks at
it for a few seconds
and tosses it behind his back.

Vampiro and Jade walk up to the group, Vampiro says,

"He's right, plus there is a very bad storm coming, we better get
shelter and soon"

Taker and Kane finish loading the fruit into bags that Odious Logan
and Toad had

Taker, saw Lady Cat, he picks out the perfect apple out of the bag,
kneels down
and gives it to her.."Enjoy darlin', and kisses her on the forhead.

The group packes up what small possessions they have and Edge, Lady
B, Christian and Sandra lead
the way to the hotel.

Odious was one of the last ones to follow, Logan headed out a few
moments before the group
to make sure nothing funny would happen. Natural loner.

As she walks she glances back to notice Toad standing on a log, near
the entrance as she walkes
pass...she stopped curious..

"Toady, something wrong...?" She put her hand on his arm, He slighty
smiled and took her hand gently in his..he put it up to his mouth and
kissed it gently..

She again got a very nice feeling..she took his hand and kissed it

He jumps off the log and they run up to catch the others, him chasing
her in the process.

As the group walked through the jungle the winds
started to pick up. Thurder could be heard in the
distance and the sky turned from peaceful day to
terrible storm coming. All the girls stayed with the
men as they lend the way to the hotel. "How long to we
get there"Anne said."A few more miles"Edge said. "The
reason i am asking is because my feet are hurting
from all this walking"Anne said. "Mine are
Tracy said together. "Plus these mosquitos don't help
much anyway"Matt said slapping the mosquitos away him.
"I agree"Vamprio said. "Well at least it's not
raining"Kane said. Just then it started to rain. "Hey
kane you just had to say something huh"Taker said to
Kane. "Ok ok so i'm cursed"Kane said in mock horror
and thrown his hands up too. The whole group cracked
up laughing until they're sides hurt. "So go head and
laugh at me"Kane said in mock sadness. "You're not
laughing at you we're laughing for you"Sharon said.
The rain started to pour down harder and
harder,thurder was getting louder and louder. Anne
started to get scared because she was scared of storms
since her childhood. She started to shake and
goosebumps appeared on her arms and legs. Matt notices
this and put a blanket over her to keep dry. "Thank
you"Anne said to him. "No problem"Matt said walking
with a blanket over her. The wind had the rain blew
sideways and made it more diffecult to get to the
hotel. But they arrived at the hotel and
LadyB,Edge,Christian,Sharon opened the door to the
hotel. Everyone walked in and Taker,Kane took all the
food in the kitchen for it to dry."Ok ladies let's put
all that fruit away before it goes bad"Lori said
lending the ladies into the kitchen to put all the
fruit away. All the ladies left the room leaving the
men talk among themselves."Well does anyone know how
long this storm is going to last?"Marcus asked. "It's
hard to say"Roaddogg said."It's everyone'sguess"Chris
Jericho added."Well this might be good or bad news but
i,Anne,Chawine,Roaddogg found a lighthouse but there
was no way to get up to it but climbing up rocks to
get to it"Matt said to the group. "That's the best
time i've heard in few days"Taker commented.
"Yeah"Kane said agreeing with his brother. "I wondering what's taking the women so long to put those
fruits away"Chris B said. "Well you know women they
like to be neat and not messy while putting food
away"Logan said."Unlike like us men who just put
anything anywhere and then i complain about it not
being in the right place"Toad said."You got a point
Toad"Vampiro said. Meanwhile all the ladies were
cleaning and putting away the fruit.Kal,Chawine,Jade
were cleaning the fruit while Anne,LadyB,LadyCat were
organizing the silverware in
drawer.Lori,Sharon,Odi,Prue,Tracy,Sandra were cleaning
the stove and orgaizing the refrigerator to put the
fruits by type."Man i bet those men in the other room
are wondering why it is takingus so long with"Anne
said."Yeah and i bet they're thinking we got lost
doing this"Kal said joking."Or went to the endings of
the earth"Jade added."Yeah but they could not last one
day without us just like we can't last a second with
out them"Lori said. "Oh yeah"Chawine said."Ok ladies
we're finished"Lady B annouced to the group. "Thank
goodness if i have clean fruits one time i'm going to
turn into a fruit"LadyCat said jokly. All the ladies
cracked up laughing and they were laughing so hard
that the men heard them."What's what all that loud
laughing"a deep voice bombed over the group. There
stood Taker with his arms acrossed his chest and with
him were
and Steve Blackman were just staring at the ladies.
"Ok i want to know what is so funny so i can laugh
too"Chris Jericho said. "Well Lady Cat she was going
to"Anne couldn't finish her comment b/c Lady Cat
elbowed her in stoamch. "Ouch Lady Cat that hurt"Anne
said to her."Cool a cat fight"Chris Bernoit said. "Ok
i'm betting that LadyCat can kick Anne's ass"Taker
said starting to take bets."There's isn't going to be
cat fight gentlemen"Jade said breaking up Anne and
Lady Cat."Sorry to dispoint you"LadyB said to the men.
"Nuts"Matt said snapping his fingers together. "I
wanted to see a cat fight"Roadogg said pounting."I
agree"Edge and Christian said. "Well gentlemen me and
LadyCat are very friends and plus i don't know we need
to have a cat fight"Anne said. "Yeah it will just tear
us apart in matter of seconds"LadyCat added."Good
call"Chawine said jumping in the conservation. "Well
we better get our things unpacked looks like we're
going to stay here for while"Lori said."I agree with
Lori"Kal said.
Jade,Sharon,Sandra,Chawine,LadyB,LadyCat only nodded.
"That's a great idea Lori"Sharon said."Ok excuses
gentlemen us ladies have to unpack our things"Tracy
said. All the men out of the doorway and let the
ladies pass.The ladies walked in line and picked up
bags. They walked up the stairs to see what rooms were
usable and get first tibs on their rooms before the
men did. "Ok ladies let's split up and find our own
rooms before the men decided to be the search
party"LadyB said. "But i won't mind"LadyCat stopped in
midsentence. "We all are having the same ideas too
Sandra said. "Well not all of us"Anne said quietly so
noone could hear her. "Ok let's get started then"Odi
said. All the ladies went seprate directions some went
right and some went left.LadyB,LadyCat,Odi went left
went left. All the while the men were thinking to
themsevles. "Ok"Kane said breaking the silence.

"They've gone to
Roadogg,Edge,Christain,and Steve added. "Better go
look for them then"Logan said to the group. "Yeah we
better"Toad said following Logan up the staris.
Taker,Kane,Matt,Chris's,Edge,Christiana and
Roadogg,Steve follwed behind the group on the search

to find the ladies...

chapter 17

All the ladies started checking the rooms.
Some had broken windows,they couldn't use those with a storm raging
outside.Some were just too dirty to bother with.Out of twenty rooms,they
found eleven that were in reasonably good shape.
Lady B noticed a staircase leading to a second floor of rooms.She
called out to the others,telling them what she found.Lori,Anne,Odi,and
Sandra went to see
what it was.
"A second floor,maybe the guys can find rooms up there",Anne said.
Lady B,Odi,Sandra,and Lori,all turned at the same time and gave Anne a
funny look.
Seems all the ladies but one,had the same thing on their minds.
Still looking at Anne,Lady B started up the stairs."I go have a look".
"Be careful B",Odi said.
"What is it B?" Sandra asked.
"The stairs are rotted away about half way up,isn't that a shame!".
"Dammit all to hell!",Odi said in mock disappointment.
They all exchanged sly smiles,and went to inform the others.
As the ladies were getting settled in their rooms,the guys decided
to go look for them.
Hoping they hadn't gotten lost or hurt.
Taker led the way up the stairs,mumbling to himself,"I'll be damned
if I'm gonna sleep down there".He hear Kane start laughing.
"Okay,aren't there usually two beds in each room?" Chris J. asked.
"Yea,but I don't plan on using two beds,and I ain't sharing a room
with any of you guys!" Vampiro answered.
"I think we are feel that way",Chris B. said.
Marcus rubbed his hands together and said...
"Well now, that's settled,lets find our women!"
Everyone split up and started knocking on doors.Then they heard a
loud crash.
They all looked back and saw Steve B.standing in front of a room,he
had just kicked the door in.
"Ah,Steve,,I think just a knock will do", Doggie said. Steve
shrugged and went to the
next door.
After a few wrong rooms Taker found Lady Cat,He smiled,she grabbed
his shirt,pulled him in,and shut the door.
"Hello baby!",Vampiro said when he found Jade.
Having heard the crash,Tracy opened her door to see what
happened.There was Steve,ready for another kick,"I think we're going to
need this door,hot stuff",she said with a smile.
When Lady B opened her door,there was Edge with a big toothy
grin,she stepped aside and allowed him to enter.
Road Dogg found Chawnie,in typical Doggie style he said,"I got two
words for ya,baby!"
Chris J. saw Kaliegh stick her head out the door,both
smiled,Kaliegh said,"Your mine,,,,all
Chris B. found Prue in one of the last rooms.He knocked,then heard
her sweet voice say,"Come in".He opened the door,saw Prue,
smiled,and went inside.
Marcus found Lori,,,,"Bring that stuff in here Buff!!",she told
When Christian found Sandra,he said,"This is SO TOTALLY cool!!.
Kane finally found Sharon's room.When she opened the door,she
was wearing just a
robe,,,,he hoped."Come on in,"she said,"Lets get you out of those wet
clothes".Kane disappeared into the room.
Matt knocked on Anne's door.He smiled sweetly."There are two
beds,,,,could I use one?" Anne couldn't resist that smile,she waved him
Toad and Logan stood in front of what they
now knew to be Odi's room.
"Well,There are two beds",Toad said.
Logan nodded,"I guess we can all stay in one room".
The door opened,and Odi looked out.
"Both of you,,Shut up,and get the hell in here!!"


Lori walked into the room and turned on the light. It wasn't exactly the
Ritz, but under the circumstances it looked just as good. There was a large
bed in the middle of the room and on one side was a dresser and the other
side was a large vanity. Lori walked over to the vanity and blew the dust
off the top. It was very beautiful, whoever had this took very good care of
it. She looked up in the mirror and noticed Marcus walking towards her.
Even with a crack in the mirror it was still a beautiful sight to see him
behind her. He put his arms around her and gently kissed the back of her
neck. She could feel the goosebumps on her arms. She turned towards him and
snuggled her face into his neck. She still couldn't believe everything that
had happened in the last couple of days. It was almost like living a dream,
one that she had many times before, only ten times better. They had mainly
just kissed and snuggled while onboard but she knew that tonight it would
be much different.
That thought excited her more than she imagined. It had been a long time
since she was with a man. In fact, almost a year had passed since her and
her exboyfriend, Stone, split up. It wasn't a good breakup and she had been
pretty bitter since. She really thought that she might spend her life
alone, but since meeting Marcus at the airport and spending time with him,
her entire attitude had changed. She was actually letting him in her life,
telling him things she had never imagined she would tell anybody. When
everything happened with Stone, she lost a lot of her self confidence in
herself. She stopped feeling pretty and stopped feeling wanted. Now,
everything has changed.
She looked up into Marcus' eyes and asked "Do you think I'm pretty?" He
took her face in both of his hands and said "No". She couldn't believe what
he just said, she pulled away from him but he only hugged her tighter and
said "I don't think you're pretty, I think you're beautiful". Lori could
feel tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at him. She knew at that
moment that what was going to happen tonight was going to change her life,
Marcus bent down and kissed her, first on each eye and then on the mouth.
He was being extremely gentle and she was happy for that. They were locked
into that kiss for a long time when they heard a loud BOOM. It scared both
of them. The thunder was getting louder and the lightening seemed to be
striking right outside the window.
"Are you cold?" Marcus asked. "A little bit, I think I'm more frightened
by the storm than anything" replied Lori. They decided to look around the
room and see what they could find. Lori found some candles in the vanity
drawer and placed them around the room. She then found her lighter and
proceeded to light the candles. The entire time she was doing this, Marcus
sat on the bed watching her. "I thought you were going to look in the
dresser?" Lori asked. She noticed he had a glimmer in his eyes that hadn't
been there before. "What are you up to Mr. Bagwell?" Laughing he said "Come
here and I'll show you". Lori walked to the other side of the bed and
noticed he had one of the dresser drawers open. "Look inside." Lori opened
up the drawer more and noticed exactly what he had been looking at. Inside
the drawer were 4 or 5 pieces of beautiful lingerie. They were all very
beautiful but one in particular caught Lori's eyes. It was a beautiful
pale peach color. It had a long satin bodice and a lace gown to go over it.
Smiling she said "I suppose you want me to put this on?" He picked up the
bodice part and threw it to the side and said "No, all I want to see on you
is this". He was holding up nothing.
He then stood up and gently kissed her. She put her arms around his waist
and pulled his shirt out from inside his pants. She then put her hands
inside of his shirt and felt his muscular back. His skin was hot to the
touch and she couldn't help but move her hands to the front of his chest.
Feeling him was amazing. She had never felt skin smoother than his. She
stopped kissing him and pulled his shirt off over his head. She started
kissing his neck and gradually moved down to his chest. She could hear him
slightly moaning from her touch. She moved down further and unfastened his
pants. Not wanting to go too fast, he stopped her and pulled her into
another long warm kiss. He then unbuttoned her shirt, very slowly. When he
was done with the last button he took his hands and opened the shirt and
slid it down her body. He moved his hands back up her body to her breasts.
He slowly unhooked her bra and let that slip to the floor also. He took
both breasts in his hands and gently massaged them. He then took his thumb
and proceeded to enlarge both nipples. When he felt they were hard enough
he bent over and kissed both of them. The heat from his mouth and tongue
were driving Lori crazy. He picked her up and laid her on the bed. Slowly
he started taking off her shoes. He looked at her smiling, knowing exactly
what she was thinking right now. She smiled back secretly wishing he would
hurry up.
After both shoes were off he bent over and took his boots off. Lori sat up
and started unbuttoning his pants. This time he didnt stop her. She could
feel his bulge inside the denim material. She slowly kissed around his
stomach while unzipping him. She let the pants fall to the floor and looked
at his boxers. She started laughing. "What's so funny?" he asked. "I never
imagined you would wear Tazmanian devil boxers" she said. He smiled and
said "I think it's time we let the little devil out". She pulled down his
boxer shorts, secretly thanking god that what people said about men who
were pumped up, was not true. He stepped out of them and removed his socks.
She started kissing his stomach again. Running her hands up and down his
legs. She could feel his manhood throbbing against her chest. She grabbed
his ass and slid her nails down the backs of his legs. She could sense him
getting impatient but smiled remembering what he had just made her wait
for. She looked up into his eyes and smiled, and then finally lowered her
tongue to his penis. She slid her tongue up and down the sides and finally
took him inside her mouth. She started sucking very slowly, enjoying the
taste of him. She could feel him on the brink and slowly slid it out of her
Marcus gently laid her down on her back. He unbuttoned her pants and in
one swift move had her pants, underwear and socks off. He laid down next to
her and began kissing her. His hands were all over her body feeling her. He
then started kissing her breasts. Paying close attention to both of them.
Her body had never ached like this before and she knew she was close. He
took his tongue and ran it down her stomach. His fingers had found their
way inside of her and he was gliding them in and out of her. Suddenly she
could feel the warmth of his mouth on her. It was the most incredible
feeling she had felt. Between his fingers and his tongue it wasn't long
before her first orgasm shook her body. He seemed to get more intense after
that, working her over like she had never been before. Finally after the
second orgasm he came back up to meet her eyes.
There was so much love in his eyes. "When we make love I want it to be
forever". Not knowing exactly what he was saying she just looked at him
funny. "What do you mean?" He positioned himself above her and said "I want
you to be the only person I make love to from this day forward". Realizing
what he was saying she started crying. She looked up at him and nodded. She
was ready for this, she wanted this more than anything else. He gently
lowered himself inside of her, making sure not to go too fast. He was so
gentle and so caring that she forgot everything else and concentrated only
on feeling him inside of her. They both climaxed together.
He gently rolled off of her and laid next to her. She laid her head on his
chest. She could hear the rain and the thunder outside but inside she
could only hear the beating of his heart. They laid there for several
minutes without saying anything. Then they heard this loud crash that
sounded like it came from the room next to theirs. Lori and Marcus started
laughing. "Well, it sounds like Jade and Vampiro are having fun in there"
Marcus said. "Hopefully as much fun as we are going to have again in here"
Lori replied. She then got up and straddled Marcus and said "Ready for some

DIA - CH. 19
Wed Aug 23 09:01:51 2000

Christian and Sandra were wiping the dust that had compiled everywhere in the room and to be able to rest. Sandra was wondering how was the bed, so she decided to take all the bed sheets off and sit on it. The bed was in perfect condition and she started jumping on it Christian turned around and asked Sandra what was she doing and she answered him by saying that she wanted to know how the bed was responding to one body. Christian looked at her and asked her if they should check how the bed would respond with two bodies. At the same time he was ending his sentence, he jumped on the bed and started kissing Sandra. She couldn't believe that it was really happening and she was enjoying every second of it After a couple of minutes of laughter, Christian looked at Sandra deeply, their eyes were lit up by the emotion that was going thru both bodies.

Then Christian lowered himself down on Sandra and started to kiss her softly on her cheek and her neck. She was laying down on the bed that was without any bed sheets anymore. She didn't have anything more to grip other than Christian and the bed posts. While he was kissing her, she was playing with his hair and also she was analyzing his back and his ass. His hands were discovering her body, her neck, her breast, her stomach. Kissing her neck, he went down to her breast. She was feeling the heat between them and her nipples were already hard, so it didn't take too much for Christian to be able to enjoy them.... He was sucking and biting on one and with his hand was massaging the other one. Sandra was in heaven and could feel the heat from inside her body.

All of a sudden, Christian noticed that Sandra didn't have her hand on him anymore, but on the bed posts behind her. That gave him a great idea, but made sure that Sandra wouldn't mind at all. He grabbed the bed sheet that was on the floor and decided to tie Sandra's wrist to the bed post. When Sandra realized what Christian was thinking, she started shivering, not knowing what he would be doing. On the other hand, it was just a boost for her fantasy that she would be having with him tonight.

From there, Christian took total control of Sandra and she decided of not battling against it. Christian undressed Sandra smoothly and told her in his sweet Canadian accent that he will do everything to please her, and he meant "everything."

Then he removed his clothes, looking so good with his hair down. He stood up at the end of the bed and bent down to start kissing her feet, licking her calves and massaging her knees. Sandra was starting to breath harder, moans coming out of her mouth.... Slowly, he was going higher and reached her upper legs and thighs. Sandra could feel the electricity thru all her body and she knew that it wouldn't take too long before she would explode. When he reached her center of attention, he spread her legs and put them over his shoulder so he could enjoy all of her as much as she would be enjoying it too.

As he was pleasuring Sandra, he knew that it wouldn't take too long before he could taste her honey and he made sure that he wouldn't miss it. He could hear her moaning louder, feeling the pressure of her legs on his shoulder knowing she was enjoying it. Then, he decided to insert two fingers into her to prepare her for what would be the ultimate satisfaction. Sandra was going nuts and enjoying every single second.... When Christian felt that she was ready, he decided to insert her with his huge penis that was already hard just looking at Sandra getting satisfied. He started gently at the beginning and was going deeper as Sandra would let him know. When he was all the way in, he started thrusting slowly, but then changed the rhythm with short fast thrusts. They came together as she felt the warm liquid going thru her body. It felt so good.... He felt good too, but the main issue was that he satisfied Sandra and that his own satisfaction was to see Sandra satisfied and happy.


Brian entered the candle lit room and quickly noticed
that Chawn had pushed the bed in the corner and had spread sheets and
pillows across the floor in front of the hugh double balcony doors. As
Brian walked to the balcony doors and gazed at the heavenly moon above
he couldn't help but recall the night of passion that they had almost
shared as the ship sank. Chawn stood in the opposite corner observing
Brian. All became clear as Brian motioned for her to join him on the
floor. As Brian began to speak, Chawn quickly placed her finger across
his lips for silence. She gathered his hands in hers and led him into
the bathroom. Once inside the bathroom, Chawn began to slowly undress
him kissing every inch of skin as she bared it. Brian could barely
stand the sweet torture of her mouth on him. He wanted desperately to
strip off his clothes and prove his undying devotion to her, but he
sensed that she would pull away if he did. He knew that if he wanted
her he would need to show alot of patience. Chawn allowed Brian to
watch her as she slowly undressed,but she refused to let him touch her
in anyway. She bathed each other in the hot tub that she had made for
them. Brian carried Chawn back the the make shift bed upon the floor and
wrapped her in his arms beneath the sheets. Brian fell asleep not
knowing what type of games Chawn was playing but knowing that he was
going to enjoy finding out.

Dom. Jade

Chapter 21

Jade had found some extra pillows along with a blanket in the closet. She cleaned up a little, and made the bed. Upon finishing, she stripped off her dirty clothes and crawled in bed.

Just as she settled under the covers, the door opened. Vampiro entered and said," hello, baby," in his most evilly seductive voice.

"Hey, Vampy. Did you want the other bed?"

He gave Jade a blank stare. She laughed at him and said," come here, hun." He walked over to the side of the bed and stood in front of her. She slithered up his body, pulling his shirt out of his pants and over his head.

Their eyes locked, and Vampiro eagerly kissed her. Jade unfastened his pants and let them slide down to his ankles. He stepped out of them and joined her on the bed. He claimed her lips again, much gentler than the last time.

When the kiss ended, and he looked in her eyes again, she said," there's only one thing missing."

"What's that, babe?"


He thought for a moment, then began singing. "If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.

"When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me."

He nibbled her ear lobe, then lightly spread kisses down to her breast. Vampiro took one of her nipples between his teeth and flicked the tip with his tongue. He rolled onto his back, pulling Jade with him. He entered her slowly, letting her adjust to his size. He helped her move atop of him.

After a few minutes, he became frustrated, because he wasn't in complete control. He rolled her onto her back, and gave her harder strokes. The bed shook furiously.

"If you don't slow down, the bed's gonna fall," Jade warned.

He didn't listen. They panted each others names as their climax drew near. When they reached cloud nine, the legs on the bed folded under and it fell.

"Is it too early to start saying 'I told you so'?"

Vampiro laughed and kissed her on the nose. "I guess not."

They curled up together, Vampiro behind Jade, and watched the storm through the sliding glass door.

"I used to love watching storms, but there's something wrong with this one," He said.

Mon Aug 28 11:47:36 2000

When Lady Cat had shut the door, Taker was smiling from ear to ear. "I didn't think I would ever find you," he said as he pulled her into his arms. "Now to finish what I started on the boat." His lips came down hers.

Lady Cat held on, moaning while Taker ran his hands over her body, bringing her hips closer to his. Slowly he peeled away her outer clothes. When they parted Taker's eyes opened wide at what was underneath. Lady Cat was wearing black lace and satin bra and panties. She could see the bulge in his tight jeans grow bigger.

Taker did a whistle. "Wow, you look so good in black, especially what you're wearing?"

"I'm glad you like. I love wearing them," she said in a purring voice. Her eyes looked at him from head to toe. "I hear Texas is known for its longhorns. Does that apply to the men?"

Taker smiled as he caught the meaning. Taking his shirt off, she sucked in her breath as she saw a rock hard chest. She couldn't help but run her fingers across it, then down to his stomach, the muscles rippling at her touch. Kneeling she undid the belt and zipper, slowly pulling down his jeans and boxers. After he had stepped out of them, she ran her hands up his long, hard thighs. She looked at his manhood. "It is true. Texans do have longhorns," she said with a cat-like smile. She looked up. "Is there anything special they like? Maybe something like this."

She showed him what she meant. Taker groaned, closing his eyes, enjoying the feel of her lips. When she felt him stiffen, she pulled away. "Oh, that was good," he said.

Pulling her up, he pushed her back onto the bed, the springs creaking as he laid on top of her, his "longhorn" rubbing against her thigh. Laying to the side, he unhooked her bra, throwing it to the floor. Putting her on her back, he kissed his way down, tasting the pink tips along the way. "HMMM," she purred.

She felt him take the top of her panties with his teeth, slowly pulling them down, going from side to side as she raised her hips to make it easier. As he slid back up he stopped to taste the sweetness of her pleasure, stopping when he felt her ready.

When his face was above hers, he looked in her eyes, "Would you like this longhorn in you?"

"Yes," she said breathlessly.

Taker slowly entered her a little at a time. Lady Cat gasped as his size filled her. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she began moving her hips. Taker dug his fingers in her, growling as he moved with her. The bed creaked louder the more they moved. Both now were at their breaking point, screaming as they came together. For several minutes he laid on top of her. Slowly rolling to his side, he curled her next to him. Taker kissed her passionately. He whispered in her ear, "This longhorn will be keeping you with him, permanently."

There was a loud banging on the wall. It was Kane. "Can't you two be a little more quiet!"

Taker and Lady Cat didn't hear a word as they were in the middle of round two.

chapter 23 (Kal)

Chris walked into the room and looked around for Kaliegh. He didnt see her until a flash of lightning lit the room and his eyes touched on her standing outside of the French doors out on the balcony. As the room went dark again, lit only by one or two candles, he began walking towards her.

Kaliegh heard him approaching and smiled at the thoughts that went through her mind. When she felt two strong arms circle around her from behind, she leaned back and rested her head on his chest.

"This storm is amazing." She commented as the lightning flashed again and a clap of thunder rolled through the dark sky.

"Not nearly as amazing as you are." Chris replied, his voice deep with passion as he moved her long hair away from her neck and placed a burning kiss there.

Kaliegh melted further into his body as desire for him coursed through her veins. She was amazed by the effect that just the slightest touch from him had on her. She found herself wondering if he would be as intense in bed as he was in the ring. She had a feeling that she would soon find out about that.

The next thing she knew, Chris turned her around facing him. Reaching out, he framed her face in his hands and slowly leaned forward until his mouth found hers in a kiss that started out gentle but quickly deepened as passion consumed both of their senses.

After a moment Chris pulled back and looked into her eyes as he ran a finger tenderly down her cheek. "Its starting to rain. We should go back inside." He suggested as he took a hold of her hand and led her back through the door into the room.

Kaliegh looked up at him with burning eyes. She wanted him so bad and as she gazed up into his eyes, she saw her own emotions mirrored there. Her heart began to pound furiously as she took her hand away from his and slowly walked back out onto the balcony.

"Lets stay out here. I like the rain.It makes me all wet."" Kaliegh smiled devilishly as she spoke.

Chris breath caught sharply in his throat as her last statement raced through his mind. He started walking towards her but stopped when a gust of wind blew through the open doors, extinguishing the two candles that had been lit inside the room, and leaving them in complete darkness. He waited a few seconds until lighting lit the room again and then he started off again.

He had just stepped through the doors when he found her again and pulled her into his arms. As he lowered his mouth to hers, the storm brewing in the sky above them intensified, just as their desire for each other did.


DIA - Chapter 24

Lady B opened the door and Edge stepped in with a big grin on his face. She had cleaned up the room as best as she could and had opened the doors leading to the balcony so that some air could come in and get rid of the musty smell. She also had laid out some of the new clothes that Odious, Wolverine and Toad had brought back from their shopping excursion so that they could change into them after they showered. Edge put his arms around her and kissed her as he slowly backed her towards the bed. She entangled her fingers in his hair as she kissed him back.

They fell on the bed as they continued to kiss. He pulled back and looked at her with love clearly showing in his eyes. She smiled up at him and pulled him by the hair so that they could kiss again. They laid there in each others arms kissing for a while, knowing they didn't have to rush it because they both knew what they wanted and that it would happen.

They were talking and occasionally kissing as they leisurely ran their fingers gently over each other, igniting their passions very slowly. As they teased each other Lady B thought she saw a pair of shining eyes at the balcony door. She didn't say anything, but kept staring past Edge's shoulder. "What's wrong B?" Edge asked. "Oh, nothing. I guess my eyes must be playing tricks on me in this faint light" Lady B answered as she turned to accept his kiss.

Lady B could feel Edge getting harder through his clothes as they continued to tease each other to no end. As Edge grew harder so did the rain outside. They were getting to the point where they were ready to start removing each other's clothing. "How about we go in and take a nice warm shower?" Lady B said to Edge. "Okay" was Edge's muffled reply as Edge kissed her neck and very slowly licked his way down to her collarbone. As he started to raise himself from the bed, pulling her up with him, there was a flash of lightening. Lady B opened her eyes when she saw the room grow lighter and was shocked by what she saw. The bright eyes were now inside the room and a foul smell now was permeating the room. Something had been outlined by the light from the lightening and it was coming towards them very quickly. "Edge, Look out" she said, but it was too late.

Whatever it was had hit Edge on the back of the head, knocking him unconscious, his body falling onto Lady B. Lady B could not move or scream as the wind had been knocked out of her by Edge's sudden weight falling on her. She tried to push Edge off of her, but she was pushing dead weight and had no way of getting leverage to roll him off of her.

Lady B tried to open her mouth to scream when It reached out and struck her on the chin, rendering her unconscious also. It picked Edge up and draped him over his shoulder. It grabbed Lady B by the arm and pulled her off of the bed, dragging her out the balcony door, as It carried Edge on Its shoulder, and headed back towards it's retreat.

Chapter 25


Sharon stood aside and let
Kane enter the room. He came in and stood by the bed,Sharon
closed and locked the
door.When she turned to face Kane,he stood with his arms stretched out
to the side.
"You were going to help me out of these wet clothes?"he said
with a smile.
Sharon smiled back as she walked toward
him.First grabbing his t-shirt and pulling it out of the waistband of
his very tight jeans.She began pushing it up his chest,As Kane finished
pulling it off,Sharon uttered the words,"Oh my God!"
"You say something?",Kane asked.
"Nope",Sharon answered,as she went to work on the buttons on
his very tight jeans.
After getting his t-shirt off,and dropping it on
the floor,Kane put his hands inside Sharon robe,as she worked on his
"Thank God for button-fly jeans",he thought to
himself,as Sharon's fingers pressed against his manhood.
"How about we take a shower?".
Sharon smiled up at him,as she lower his jeans. Kane
removed her robe and they headed toward the bathroom. Sharon stood
under the spray and washed herself,as Kane watched.They
then switched places,Sharon watched his every move. "Oh my
God!", she uttered again.
"What?", Kane asked as he rinsed himself off "Nothing".
They finished,and went back to the bed.
As they crawled in,They head noises from the next room,Kane got on his
knees and banged on the wall.
"Can't you two be more quiet!".
While he was up there,Sharon ran her hand up the back of his
thigh,up over his backside.
"MMM,,Oh yea", he said,"Just one minute,darlin". He
got out of bed,grabbed the foot of the bed and pulled until the bed was
in the middle of the
"Okay,,where were we?", he said as he
crawled back into bed with a
sly,sexy smile.
Afterwards,Sharon lay
cuddled close to Kane and listened to his steady breathing as he slept.
Thinking she heard something outside,she
got up,and went to the door of the balcony,and looked out.The rain had
stopped,the thunder was off in the distance,and lightening still
flased.She stood looking out,but saw nothing.
Kane woke and went to her,He wrapped his arms
across her chest. "What's wrong darlin?".
"I though I heard something,like someone,,or
something being dragged,and a muffled moan",
she told him.
As the lightening flashed,it lit up the area,but they
couldn't see anything outside.
Kane leaned down and kissed her neck.
"I don't see anyone,,come on back to bed,,,ready for round two?", he
whispered in her ear.
"Oh my God!", Sharon thought to herself.

chapter 26


Chris entered the room amazed at what he saw.Lit candles scattered

around the room,bathing it in a soft glow.Two large french doors open

exposing a small veranda,the curtains being whipped around furiously as

the storm winds raged uncontrollably outside.As he went to close the

doors,he heard "No don't".

"what" he said as he turned to see prue sitting on a rather large four

poster bed,sheer gauze wrapped around the poles and prue wearing nothing

but a smile on her face.

"Prue,the storm." chris said,becoming very excited at seeing her.

"I like it that way.Now come here." she demanded.

He quickly walked over to the bed,stripping away his shirt.As he got

closer he saw prue change positions and was now perched,on her

knee's,at the side of the bed,waiting.When he reached the side of the

bed,she grabbed him and they began to kiss,passionately.Prue was quick

to explore his body with her hands and chris in return began to do the


As their bodies pressed together,prue could feel his bulge on her thigh

and with that she reached towards his pants and said"lets get these

off."she undid his belt and slowly unzipped them,allowing her a full

view of canadian package.Prue was excited to see that what she heard was

true that canadians were always up and ready to go.

As his pants feel to the floor,he pushed prue back onto the bed and

began to explore her body with his mouth and tongue,he slowly worked his

way down her until his tongue was inside of her,causing her to moan

uncontrollably.Sensing that she was about to climax he stopped,got up

and began to walk away.

"what the" prue said as she sat up on the bed.

"I think that's all for now prue" chris said as a wicked grin crossed

his face.

"oh hell no" she responded,grabbing him and throwing him back on the


She kissed him fiercely and without much thought straddled him,taking

all of him inside her.Their hips slowly began to move in unison,as their

desire grew their movements became faster and their moans louder.Chris

could no longer hold back and let prue have all he had to give.Prue had

readily accepted it and and they climaxed in unison.

Prue quietly climbed off chris and walked over to the doors and stood

on the veranda watching the storm,as it continued to grow in power.Chris

quietly joined her,wrapped his arms around her and began to kiss her

neck.Prue snuggled closer to him and in his arms she knew she was

home.They slowly began to kiss again,never noticing a pair of dark eyes

watching them.


Desert Island Chapter 27

Matt entered the room and Anne shut the door behind him. She was uncertain on what to do next and she had her doubts too.

Matt turned around to face her and he could see her conflict in her eyes. 'I wonder what's going on her mind'Matt wondered to

hisself as he looked at Anne. 'What am i going to now'She asked herself. Then cold brezze blew in from open window which

made her shivler and she rubbed her hands up and down her arm.

"Here let me help"Matt said walking over to her.

He put his arms around her and held her while trying to keep her warm. Anne felt herself becoming more comfortable in his

arms as he held her.

"You need to take off those wet clothes before you catch a cold"Matt said to her..

"Yeah i should"Anne said to him.

She looked up into his eyes and he lowered his lips to hers. It was the sweetest and tenderess kiss she ever had in her life. She

wrapped her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. Matt put his arms around her and pulled her closeto him.Her body

melted to his and he broke from the kiss. He looked into her eyes trying to see anything emotion and all he saw was her eyes

light up. Her breathe was ragged from kissing him and she could see desire in his eyes.

"Matt i want to you love me"Anne said to him.

She saw a smile crossed his lips and he picked her up. He carried her to the bed and carefully laid her upon it.Then he beside

her and ran his hand down her check. She rolled over to him and sat up on her elbows looking at him.

"Come here" she said pulling him to her.

She laid back on the bed and she wrapped her arms around his neck bringing his lips down to hers.The kiss was gentle but

filled with raw passion. He pulled back from the kiss and lended back off her. He pulled her up and started to run his hand

down her face as she ran her hand to his face if this was a dream to them.'Ok this isn't a dream'She to herself as she ran her

hand down his face. 'She's so beautiful'Matt commented to hisself looked at her. Then Anne took his other hand and started to

kiss his fingertips and she placed his hand on her shoulder. He placed her other hand on his shoulder and their lips met again in

a passionate kiss. He looked at her with a burning desire and as she moved closer to him. She started to pull up his shirts from

his pants and he helped her pulled it over his head.After throwing his shirt on the floor she started to kiss the unclothed skin

which made him sucked in a breathe.Smiling wickly she contined until she kissed his lips and he pulled back from it. He slowly

started to unbuttin her shirt that was still little wet from walking in the rain earlier this evening. After he unbuttoned her shirt he

pulled her take it off,then she stopped him. She reached behind her and take off her bra and threw it on the floor where her and

Matt's shirt now laid. He pushed her on her back and covered her body with his. He started to kiss

her neck with soft,light kisses and the light nap sometimes. He continued the plesure her and driver her out of her mind that they

didn't even know that a something was watching them as they continued the touch and carass her until it became unbearable.

He made sweet,passionful love to Anne that rainy night without knowing that something was watching them as they both came

together. They laid together twisted limbs and all. "I Love You"was the two words that were on their lips.Snaping of a strick

made Matt sit up with a start and Anne rose with him.

"What was that?"Anne asked Matt.

"I don't know i'm to check it out,stay here"Matt said to her.

He quickly picked up his pants and shirt that laid on the floor near the bed and went over to Anne's side of the bed.

"I'll be back don't go anywhere"Matt said.

He placed a quick kiss on her lips and walked out of the room. She pulled the covers over her and laid back down on the

bed.She tried for several minutes to go back to sleep but to no veil.

"Forget this i'm going to find out what's going on myself"Anne said sitting up.

She sat up and twisted her body around to get off the bed. She lend down to pick up her shirt when she heardsomething

moving around outside near the window. She froze not knowing what to do at this point and her body began to shake with fear.

"Oh God i wish Matt was here now"She said shaking with fear.

Her mind was telling her to get dressed quickly and get out of that room,but she remembered what Matt told her"Stay

here".She was thinking of what to do about this sitution and she was pushed in a coner so to speak.Her body was shaking from

so much fear that she had her knees to her chin and her arms around her legs.'Please Matt please hurry'she said to herself over

and over again. Suddenly the door began open and Anne screamed........

chapter 28- Lori

The light. Where did that light come from. Where was Marcus. Lori sat up
around the room. Outside the door was this bright light, she could barely
see without
shielding it from her eyes with her hand. "Marcus" she yelled. No answer.
She quickly
got up and looked in the bathroom. There was nothing there, not even his
clothes. Lori
looked out the window, still dark. She decided to quickly get dressed and
find out what
was going on. She was afraid to go near the door but curiosity got the best
of her and she
started walking toward the door. All of a sudden the door swung open and
the light was
"Who's there?" she asked. No answer. What the hell is going on here she
She went into the hallway. She didn't see or hear any movement. She ran to
the next
room where Jade and Vampiro were. They were there sleeping. She quickly
woke both of
them up. "Did you guys see that light in the hallway?". They both replied
that no, they
hadn't seen anything. Then she asked if they would help her look for
Marcus. They both
got dressed and went out into the hallway with Lori. "When did you last see
him?" Jade
asked. "When I fell asleep probably about an hour ago" Lori replied looking
at her watch.
She was really getting scared, something wasn't right. The storm outside
seemed to have
completely died, there was nothing, no lightning, thunder or rain. When she
fell asleep it
was horrible out there. They decided to go wake up a few more couples to
see what was
going on. Jade and Vampiro went to look for Lady B and Edge while Lori
decided to go
find Lady Cat and Undertaker.
Lori started walking down the hallway looking for Lady Cat's room. All of a
sudden a large BOOM sounded out through the entire house. It was the
loudest thunder
she had ever heard. This woke everybody else up. She could hear them start
talking. She
bypassed a room and she heard "Chris...where are you Chris" coming out of
it. Lori
opened the door and there was Prue sitting up in bed. "Have you seen Chris"
she asked.
Lori responded "No and Marcus is missing also". Feeling chills run down her
spine Lori
told Prue to get dressed and they were going to go looking for them. Prue
and Lori started
walking down the hall, when they noticed a bright light coming out of the
room at the
very end. Lori explained to Prue that she saw that light also when she woke
up and then it
just disappeared. Jade and Vampiro came running down the hall saying that
Lady B and Edge's room was empty when they got there.
There was yelling behind them, most of the other couples had made
their way into the hallway. They were all asking where Marcus, Chris,
Sharon, Kane, Lady B and Edge were.
Jade said that the room at the end of the hall was Sharon and Kanes. Everyone
turned in time to see the light disappear. Kaleigh went running to the room
and opened
the door. There was Kane sleeping in the bed, but no sign of Sharon at all.
She woke
Kane up and asked if he knew where Sharon was or if he had seen that light,
he said no.
The group decided to split up at this point and go in search of the missing
people. Lori,
Prue and Kane were all visibly upset so Lady Cat told them to stay there
and let the rest
of them do the searching.
Once everyone left Lori, Prue and Kane sat on the bed. They were
discussing the
last time they saw their respected others. All of a sudden the closet door
opened up. Prue
walked over to the closet and looked inside. "There's nothing in here" she
said and turned
around. When she turned around she looked outside and her face went white.
wrong?" Lori and Kane asked. The look on her face was one of pure terror.
Lori and
Kane looked towards the window and Lori started screaming. There looking in
at them
were two yellow eyes. They couldn't see what was attached to those eyes
because of how
dark it was. Kane said "Let's just back up slowly and get out of here". As
soon as he said
it the thing crashed through the window.
chapter 29-Sandra

>While then, Christian and Sandra were still sleeping, both being really >deep sleeper. Nothing could wake them up, thunder, fire trucks, etc& They were in one of the room far away from everybody and nobody thought of waking them up& All of a sudden, somebody was knocking at the door. That wasn t loud enough to wake up our two snoring couple& The knock started to be louder and louder until Christian woke up and was wondering what the hell was happening. He went to the door, but nobody was there and he could still hear a knocking, but coming from somewhere else. Sandra was still sleeping and Christian didn t want to wake her up. Then, he saw that there was another door in the room and the knock seemed to come from there. He open the door and all of sudden, an arm pulled Christian from the room through that door and slamed the door. That noise was so loud that it woke up Sandra. She looked to see where it came from and was going to wake Christian up until she realised that he was not there anymore& She started calling him but no answer. That is when she realised that he was not there and she started to be scared. She went to see if he was outside with others but there was nobody& She decided to knock at Anne s door. When Anne heard the knock she remembered what Matt had told her and she didn t want to answer the door, until she heard that it was Sandra. She then decided to open the door and let Sandra come in. Sandra asked her if she saw Christian lately and Anne started crying and letting Sandra know what has been going on lately. Matt hadn t come back since he left. So Sandra told Anne that they should go and check with the other sisters to see if everything was fine their side but Anne didn t want to leave the room, as Matt told her. Sandra grabbed Anne by the arm and didn t give her any choice but to follow her. When they arrived at the other end of the corridor, she saw all the sisters together. Some were crying, and others were scared. Sandra and Anne joined them and wanted to know what was going on. Lori told them that as for now, Marcus, Chris B. and Sharon had disappeared and they didn t know where they were. Sandra looked at them and told them that they could add two more people on the list as Christian and Matt. Kane looked at everybody from his high heights and told everybody that they had to be here somewhere in the house and they had not too much time to do it. They decided to separate, but making sure that there was enough guys with the girls incase something else would happen.

All of a sudden, a big lightning striked in the house and showed a path to the group that was standing there, to a room that was barricaded with wood and that nobody really approached. They all could see a big light coming from the inside of the room. The girls all decided to hide in back of the guys, but the guys were not even sure themselves if they should even try to open that door and see what was behind it. Taker and Kane, being the two biggest guys decided that it was time to see what was going on and walked to the door. They were pulling the boards that were nailed to the door and as soon as Taker touched the door handle, a big thunder could be heard which made the guys step behind from the door. The girls were screaming and crying and afraid of what was going on. As soon as Kane decided that he had to open the door to see if Sharon was there, they saw something that they never seen before.

chapter 30-Chawn

"Wake up, Chawn. Baby please wake up...." Brian said with tears in
his voice. Chawn woke up to see Brian, Taker, Kane, Anne, Sandra, Prue,
Lori, Cat, Kal & CJ all standing around her with worried looks on their
faces. "I'm up...what happened? Why is everyone looking so worried?
Owww....my does my head hurt so bad?" Chawn looked around expecting an
answer from one of them. "Chawn you don't remember what happened?" Do
you know how you got out here? "Out here? Yes. Brian carried me out
here." "No, I didn't baby. I woke up from all the noise going on in
the hotel & realized that you weren't there. When I came out the room I
saw something jump out at Kane, it had you in it's arms & it ran pass us
in a hurry. We followed it so it dropped you & you fell down this
hill." Brian said. Suddenly there was a loud noise like chains
rattling. When everyone looked up there stood Edge, Betty and Sharon
bound together with chains and far-away statementless eyes.........

chapter 31-Jade

Kal waved her hand in front of their faces. No reaction. Kane picked up a nearby rock, and pounded on the lock. When it broke, he grabbed Sharon and laid her on the ground. Taker and CJ grabbed Edge, and Cat, Kal and Sandra helped Betty. They laid them down also, and tried their best to snap them out of their daze.

Finally, Betty whispered," yellow eyes," in a terror filled voice.

"What are you talking about, B," Cat asked her.

"I saw... yellow eyes."
Meanwhile, Vampiro, Jade, Logan, Toadie, Odious, Anne, Lori, Tracy and Steve were looking into the room. What they saw brought a gasp from the ladies. Buff, Chris B, Christian and Matt were shackled to the wall. Prue was tied to a chair in the corner.

The women untied Prue, while the men tried to undo the shackles. All of a sudden, the door slammed shut. Jade walked over to it and tried the knob.

"Oh shit! Ian, we're all locked in!"

"It's probably just stuck," he told her.

Vampiro turned the knob and yanked as hard as he could. The door didn't budge. All of the men tried to open it, but to no avail.

A loud growl came from the other side of the door.

"What the hell was that," Logan asked.

The knob turned under Steve's hand. "I don't know, but I think we're about to find out."