Jaded Edge

Musician Fics
Open Challenge
Tit For Tat
The Dominatress
Of Saints & Sinners
Dirty Deeds
Don't Stand
I Could Fall
Taker X-mas poem
Road Rash
House on the Hill
A Vampire's Love
Dream Lover
Ghost of a Chance
Unexpected Revelations
What Goes Around...
Wanna Wrestle?
Evil In My Blood
Lincoln Park
Saving the Spirit
What Lies Within
Prop: Conf.
Four Against the World
Sister Joan
Sister Joan (cont.)
Kronik Passion
Favorite Links
Awards I Won
Fun Stuff
About Dom.
Contact Me
Tit For Tat

This was a challenge from Jaime. (Love ya, Sis!!)

Dom. Jade and Kane

chapter 1

He was bored. Severely bored. The show wasn't until the next day, he had already worked out until he was sore, checked his email, and flipped through all of the channels on the hotel's tv. He pulled his laptop back out of the case, and decided to do a search on his name. He typed in his stage name, and got thousands of results. Thinking he didn't want to go through them all, he went back and typed Glen Jacobs into the search box. He still got pages and pages of results, but decided to go through them anyways.

One of the results brought him to a fan-fiction web site called Dominatress Jade's Fan-Fic. The link brought him directly to a work in progress called Unexpected Revelations. Tired of clicking through the other results, he decided to read it. The story was about a woman that was new to the company that he was attracted to. The woman played hard to get, but succumbed to his charms. The story had many different plot twists, which kept him interested. In the last chapter that had been added, he had proposed to the girl.

He scrolled back up the page, until he saw the "contact me" link. He clicked on it. When the page loaded, he was shocked to see a picture of himself with the writer. He clicked on "email the Dominatress", and typed out his letter:

"Mistress Jade, I loved the story called Unexpected Revelations. Will there be more, soon? And, do you have any more Kane fiction? He is my favorite. By the way, when did you meet him? Big Red"


She decided to check her email one more time before going to bed. Most of it was compliments to others in the Wrestling Fiction group on their stories. The last one was from a reader of her site. She was always excited to hear from people who had looked at her site. She read the email, clicked reply, and typed her letter:

"Big Red, I'm always happy to hear someone enjoyed one of my fics. Thank you for the feedback. I'm working as fast as I can, but I have so many going right now that I get side tracked at times. But, Sanitarium is another Kane fic on the site, and I have a few Kane song-fics on the Song-fic page. Oh, and What Goes Around, Comes Around and Four Against the World. He's pretty loveable for being a monster. LOL I met him in Feb. of 2003 at a radio station. Dom. Jade"


He read her reply to him. 'The promo thing with 101 in Houston...' he thought to himself. 'I remember, now. She was so short I could see down her shirt, even though she was standing, and I was sitting. Nice view, too.' He looked at the picture again. 'She was the one that was playing with my leg during the picture.' He grew hard as he remembered how he thought of her that night. "Ok, Glen. Time for bed," he said aloud to himself. He bookmarked her site, and shut down the computer. He put it away, and slid under the covers for a good night's rest.


chapter 2

The next day, as he went through his pre-show rituals, he wondered what she wrote in the other stories about him. He tried to get everything done faster so he would have a chance before his match to read part of one. He sat in the locker room, with his laptop in his lap, and went to her Song-fic page. He saw that his theme song was listed, and clicked on it. He scrolled past the wallpaper, and started reading the story. He didn't think it was all that good, until he got to the end. He chuckled as he read the last line.

"Whatcha reading, Kane?" Batista asked. "A story by one of my fans." "Is it any good?" "I've seen better from her." He went back to the main Kane-fic page, and clicked on "Eat You Alive", a song he recognized as being by Limp Bizkit. His character stalked a woman. Before the end, he had kidnapped, and had sex with the woman. He clicked on the "Contact me" link, and looked at the picture again. He came up with an idea. He clicked on the email link, and typed his letter:

"Mistress Jade, I'm enjoying the stories you recommended, but I can't get over the picture of you and him. Would you mind if I wrote a story from his view about it? Big Red"


She was going through her email when she saw another one from Big Red. She read the email, and clicked reply.

"Big Red, sure, just don't call me Mistress anymore, please. I don't sleep with married men, I put them in their place. LOL Send it to me or show me where it's posted when you get it done, so I can read it, please. Dom. Jade"

'Wow... The only one that has emailed me more than once from the site is Lady Shyann,' she thought to herself. 'Uh-oh... That reminds me, she's going to kill me if I don't work on Sanitarium again.'

She opened the document which held Sanitarium. She read the last chapter she had finished, then started working on the next. She continued typing until almost midnight. She closed the document, and decided to check her email one more time before bed. She had a reply from Big Red.

"My apologies, Dominatress Jade, for the mix up. I thought a dominatress would want to be called mistress. Sort of the female answer to master, isn't it? And, don't worry. You will be the first to read it. Big Red"

She giggled as she clicked reply, and typed:

"Big Red, it's no problem. And, yes, mistress is the female version of master, but I don't want to be confused for the other kind of mistress. Besides, only men would need to call me that. You can just call me Jade."

She sent the email, and continued on to the rest. When she got to the end, there was another email from Big Red.

"Jade, I feel I must apologize again. I'm not a woman. LOL Big Red"

She smacked herself in the forehead, and laughed. She clicked on reply, and typed:

"Big Red, no, I must apologize. I assumed you were a woman b/c you said you were going to write a fic. I guess it's true what they say; when you assume, you make an ass out of you and me. LOL Now I'm really excited about your fic. I've never read one written by a man. Jade"


When he got to her reply, he had to laugh. But, then he thought, 'I've never written a story before. What did I get myself into?' He clicked on reply, and typed:

"Jade, this will be something new for both of us, then. I've never written a fic. LOL If you have a write-up of what happened when you met him, it would greatly help me. Big Red"

A few minutes after sending the email, he got a reply with the address to her write-up. He clicked on the link, and read it. 'So, she likes my thighs, huh? Oh, and she caught me looking down her shirt... Man, does this help.' He went back to his email, and replied:

"Thanks, Jade. That was a big help. Big Red"

He closed out of everything, and started a new document on the desktop.


chapter 3

The next day, he was scheduled to go home for a couple weeks of R&R before the pay per view. While he was on the plane ride home, he started working on the story:

"How the hell did I get trapped into doing a radio promo and an autograph signing right afterward," Kane had asked Brother Love.

"I don't know, but you have to do them, now," was his reply.

"I just hope everything goes ok with the promo. From what I was told earlier, there is going to be nine women and one man in the studio. You know how the ladies can get."

"Yeah. They're all crazy about big masked men," he joked.

When they stepped out of the elevator, he looked through the glass doors, and saw all of the ladies that were going to be in the studio with him and the DJ. One drew his attention. A short blonde, standing next to the front desk. He walked through the door, and went up to the counter.

He whispered. "I'm Kane. I'm here to see Outlaw Dave."

"Give me just a moment, sir, and I'll get Dave for you."

He turned, and looked at the blonde. "Hi," he said. He noticed her roaming eyes. "Hi," she replied. He smiled as he turned back to Brother Love, and began a conversation with him. At one point, BL started laughing for seemingly no reason. Kane gave him a questioning look. He just nodded behind him. Kane turned around, and the blonde snapped her head up to look him in the eyes, hoping he didn't notice she was looking at his butt. He looked her over, then smiled again, before turning to see who just entered the room.

A man with curly blonde hair walked up to him, and said, "hey, man. I'm Outlaw Dave. It's good to have you here. Well, if you will follow me, we can get you set up in the studio, then have the contestants come in."

"Sounds good to me."

"We will be landing in Nashville, Tennessee in about thirty minutes, so I must ask that you turn off all electrical devices, and fasten your seatbelts. Thank you," came the flight attendant's voice over the speaker.

He saved his progress, and thought to himself, 'not bad so far.'

Once he got home, and got settled, he sat on the couch with his laptop, and continued writing. After a while, he decided to email his progress to Jade.


She was going through her emails, and weeding out the SPAM, when she noticed an email from Big Red. The subject line read: His Favorite Kane-a-nite ch. 1. She forgot about what she was doing, and clicked on the email to read it. As she did, she had to stop and say, "holy shit..." She finished reading it, then clicked to reply:

"Holy shit, Big Red! This is so close to what happened, I'd almost think you were in the room. LOL Keep up the great work! Jade"


He laughed as he read her reply. 'If you only knew...' he thought to himself. He clicked reply and typed:

"I'm glad you like it so far, Jade. I'm working on the next chapter now. Big Red"

He sent the email, then went back to work on the story.

chapter 2:

That night, even though the promo and autograph session left him weary, his mind wandered back to the little blonde. He listened to the radio program before he got to the session. In her promo for the contest he remembered that she called herself Jade (a disreputable woman), instead of Jody, which was on her name tag.

"Jody, my little jade... I wish you were here now," Kane said to himself.

He leaned his head back on the pillow, and thought of what he wanted to do to her. How he would slowly strip her clothes away, and kiss every inch of her flesh. How he wanted to make love to her. He was forced to take matters into his own hands, as his cock begged for attention.

He set the computer on the coffee table. He sat back, and wondered if he should leave the last part in. To her, it was just a story, but to him, it was his memories. He wasn't sure if he wanted to share the fact that he used her for a "mind fuck" while he jacked off.

He saved his progress, and shut down his computer. He put it on the charger, and decided to take it easy for the rest of the day. The story haunted him as he tried to relax. It wasn't long before he had the computer back in his hands, and was working on the story again.


chapter 4

The next day, Jade found the next chapter to "His Favorite Kane-a-nite" in her inbox. She read the chapter, then clicked to reply:

"You are great at this. It's hard to believe this is your first fic. I would be one flattered woman if I ever found out that he thought of me after he left the studio, let alone thought of me while he pleased himself. (here, she placed a smiley with bubble hearts) Jade"

She went through her email, and found another from Big Red before she got to the end.

"Why wouldn't he? You are a beautiful woman. It's obvious he thought so, too, since you said he was looking down your shirt. I'm working on the next chapter. I guess I have too much time on my hands right now. LOL Big Red"

She blushed, and replied with a simple "thank you".


chapter 3

Two years after the day they had met, Kane became bored as he sat in his hotel room. He did a search on the internet for his real name. Hundreds of pages of results came up. As he went through them, he found one that went to a story.

He enjoyed the story so much that he had to tell the woman what he thought of it. When he got to the contact page, he saw a familiar face, beside his own. "It's her," he said to himself. Everything he had thought of her from that night came flooding back to him. "I found her. If only she were in front of me again..."

He went ahead, and replied about her story. In their back and forth discussion, he had told her he was going to come up with a story. To her it would be a story. To him, it was his memories of what really happened.

As he wrote his "story" and continued a back and forth discussion with her, he never let her know who he really was. He used an assumed name. Likewise, he never told her that he wanted to see her again, this time on a much more personal basis. He had become as obsessed with her, as she seemed to be with him. He wanted her to finish what she had started that day when she caressed his thigh.

He finished the chapter, and sent it to her.


As she read the chapter, she become leary about this mysterious writer. 'He's basing Kane's character on what he did. That's a bit disturbing, but, if it helps him write...' She finished reading it, and clicked on reply:

"Can I hire you to write my fantasies for me? LOL It sounds like you are merging Kane with what you did. You're not Kane, are you? LOL Jade"


Kane read her reply, and chuckled. He clicked reply, and typed:

"Sure, I'll write your fantasies. Just tell me what you're into. LOL And, you never know. I could be Kane. Big Red"


She read his reply. She thought about it before she replied. 'He was pretty detailed about the meeting, and he used my real name.' She shook her head. 'There's no way he would remember me with all of the signings he has to do.' She clicked reply:

"You almost had me. There's no way Kane would remember me after two years. LOL Jade"

She received a reply shortly after.

"If you were special to him, he would. Big Red"

'This is getting really weird.'


chapter 5

Glen came up with a great idea. In his travels through the internet, he had found several sites for finding people you lost contact with. He joined, paid the fee, gave them all of the information he had. Within a few days, he had her full name, address, and phone number. 'I think I just got an idea for the last chapter.'

He sat on the couch for hours, trying to word it just right, so he didn't completely spook her.


When she got chapter 4 (three days after receiving chapter 3), she opened it, and read. She had been waiting to see this chapter since the last. When she got to the final lines, her heart jumped into her throat, and she couldn't breath.

He had used a web site used for reuniting old friends to find her. When he received the information he needed, he bought a ticket on a flight to Houston. The butterflies in his stomach annoyed him. 'I'm a grown man, damn it. This woman is making me feel like this is my first date.'

He drove his rental car to her house. He parked in the street, so as not to disturb her while she read his last chapter. He took deep breaths as he walked to her front door carrying a half dozen black roses, and a half dozen red roses. He waited for the exact moment when she would read the last line in the chapter. It read: If you want to know what happens next, you have to go to the door.

"Jade, go to the door. Big Red"

She began to shake. She got out of her chair, and went to the door. She looked out the peephole, but could only see a large chest with a black T-shirt fitted tightly over it. "Step away from the door," she said sternly. He took a few steps back, but she still couldn't see his face. "A little further." He stepped off of the porch.

She stepped away from the door. "Oh shit! Oh hell! Oh fuck! Oh damn!" She went back to the door, unlocked it, and opened it. He stood on the other side laughing.

"Hopefully, the next thing you say is 'oh, Glen'." He pulled the roses out from behind his back. "I wasn't sure what color you like, but I felt these were appropriate."

She took the roses, and sniffed them. "Oh, Glen... They're beautiful. Thank you. Please, come in."

He had to duck to get inside, but he was thankful that she had let him in. He smiled to himself, as he realized she was just as nervous as he was.

She was so nervous she couldn't think of a thing to say. She went into the kitchen, grabbed a vase out of the cabinet, and filled it with water. She felt him behind her, and stopped what she was doing. His hand slid from her shoulder, down to her hand, and took the flowers. He placed them in the water, then took the vase from her, and set it on the counter. She put her hands on the counter, and used it to steady herself as her knees became weak.

"I was hoping you could help me finish the story," he whispered in her ear.

Her voice was as unsteady as her knees. "How much of it is the truth so far?"

He kissed her neck, and she leaned her head back on his shoulder. "All of it."

"Even... that night, after we met?"

He chuckled. "Yes."

She reached behind, and laid her hand on the back of his neck. "I wish I could have been there to take care of it for you."

"We're both here, now."

He wrapped his arms around her waist. "Oohh... If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up." He chuckled as he stood up straight. She turned around to look at him. "Did I just say that out loud?"

"Yes." He picked her up, and set her on the counter. "And you're not dreaming." He leaned over, and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, as he deepened the kiss. He laid his hand on her cheek, as he ended it. "I've waited two years to do that."

"You wrote that you wanted to do more than that." She leaned forward, and kissed him. He lifted her off of the counter, and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Um... I need directions..."

"The bedroom is near the front door," she whispered. He carried her into the bedroom, and laid her on the bed. He slowly stripped her clothes away, and kissed every inch of her body. "Oh, Glen," she sighed.

"Yes, Jody?"

"Make love to me."

He quickly stripped away his own clothes, and joined her on the bed. His body was just as hard as she had remembered. His skin was smooth under her touch. His eyes were so dark with desire that she couldn't tell their natural color. And his lips... No matter what happened after that night, she would always remember how soft, yet commanding his lips were. She had lusted after this man since he made his entrance as Kane. She realized then that he was well worth the time she had spent day dreaming about him.

Laying under him, she realized his large frame and her small frame weren't quite compatible for the position they were in. Staring him in the eyes, her center went to the middle of his stomach. "I don't think this is going to..." "Shh... We can try it. If it doesn't work, we can trade." The thought of riding him was enticing, but she agreed to give him a chance on top.

As he stared into her eyes, he slowly made his entrance. She felt a moan rumble through his chest as he became fully sheathed. He closed his eyes, and leaned his head back as he let her muscles relax around his length. As he slowly started moving his hips, she wrapped her legs around him, and locked her ankles at the small of his back. His hips pumped faster as she licked and kissed his chest. The closest she could get to his lips, was kissing his Adam's apple.

He got up on his elbows, and looked down at her. Her eyes were closed, and her lips were slightly parted as she panted with each thrust. He laid his hand on her cheek. She looked at him through her lashes. She gave him a devilish grin as she felt the first waves of her orgasm wash over her. As her moans increased in volume, he rolled onto his back, taking her with him. She sat up and rode him. He sat up and kissed her, swallowing her moans of pleasure. When he tore his lips away from her's, he kissed down her neck, and along her collar bone. Then, he helped her lean back, so he could reach her firm breasts with his mouth.

He stopped moving, and so did she. She felt his cock throbbing inside her, and knew he stopped to try to make it last longer. He laid his head on her shoulder, and she wrapped her arms loosely around his neck. "We have all night, Glen. If you want, we can go again," she whispered. She kissed his neck. "But, please, don't stop now." He kissed her again, then laid back on the bed. He laid his hands on her hips, and guided her rocking as he moved with her again. It wasn't long before he came inside her.


chapter 6

Glen fell asleep soon after their lovemaking. Jody was still too wound up to sleep. She went to her computer, and opened the document she had been saving his story in. She typed everything that had happened in chapter 5, then laid back down with Glen, leaving the document open.

"What were you typing?"

"I was telling my friends how good you are in bed," she laughed. "I'm just teasing. I was working on chapter 5."

"I want to read it."

"I left it open for you."

He got out of bed, and went to the computer. He sat in the chair, and read it. He seriously considered the last chapter.

Too wound up to sleep, she got out of bed, and added their encounter to his story. While she was typing, she couldn't help but wonder how long he would stay. She knew eventually his job would require him to leave, but she wished he could stay forever.

He smiled as he grabbed the keyboard, and added his own paragraph.

What she didn't know was he still had a week off before going back on the road. And, if he had his way, she would never leave his sight. He lost her once. He didn't want to risk losing her again.

"Do you want to see what I just added?"

"Sure." She got out of bed, and went over to him. He pulled her onto his lap, and let her read it. When she finished reading it, she turned to look him in the eyes. Her lips slowly formed a smile. "I get you for a week?"

"Did you read all of it?" At her nod, he continued. "You get me for as long as you want me." He slowly, softly kissed her. "That could be a long... *kiss* long... *kiss* long time." "I hope so." He carried her back to the bed, where they curled up together, and went to sleep.

