Jaded Edge

Musician Fics
Open Challenge
Tit For Tat
The Dominatress
Of Saints & Sinners
Dirty Deeds
Don't Stand
I Could Fall
Taker X-mas poem
Road Rash
House on the Hill
A Vampire's Love
Dream Lover
Ghost of a Chance
Unexpected Revelations
What Goes Around...
Wanna Wrestle?
Evil In My Blood
Lincoln Park
Saving the Spirit
What Lies Within
Prop: Conf.
Four Against the World
Sister Joan
Sister Joan (cont.)
Kronik Passion
Favorite Links
Awards I Won
Fun Stuff
About Dom.
Contact Me
Unexpected Revelations

Kane falls for his new partner, but, man, do they both have issues.

week one (ch. 1)

"Where can I find Stone Cold," a girl asks one of the production crew. "His office is down the hall." "Thanks." The cameras follow her as she walks to his door. She knocks on the door, but no one answers. She knows there are people inside, because she hears them all yelling to be heard over the others. She opens the door, and steps in. She yells over the others, "I'm looking for Stone Cold. Where is he?" The crowd parts, until she sees him. She walks over to him, and grabs his arm. He jerks it out of her grasp as he looks at some papers. "Daddy..." He looked up at her. "Jo. I thought you were at home." "I was, but I have something very important to tell you." "Can it wait? I'm busy here." "Not really. I have to meet someone else after we talk." "It's gonna have to wait a little while. I have to get these guys out of here. We can go get some coffee after the show, then you can talk to me."

Defeated, Jo walked out of his office, and stands in the hall. The cameras fade out, as the show goes to commercial. As the camera men walk away, she leans against the wall, and tilts her head up to the light. She didn't see the massive man walking her way. "Hey, Jo." She opens her eyes, and sees Kane. "Hey, Kane." "You doing ok? You look pale." She smiles at him. "I'm fine. I just have a bit of "first day" jitters." "Don't sweat it. You're working with two of the best guys in the biz." She laughs. "And I bet you are only saying that because you're one of them." "Yep." He laughs. He lays his hand on her cheek. "Don't worry. Everything will be ok." She looks up into his eyes, but notices something is missing. He was in costume, but he didn't have his contact in. "You forgot your contact lens." "Thanks for telling me. That would be one hell of a fuck up." She laughed. "Yeah, it would." He let his hand slide from her cheek. "I'll see you later, Jo." "Ok."

As he walked away, the door opened to Austin's office. Six of the guys walked out. One of them said, "fresh meat." She looked to see who it was. "Get a life, Test." "Are you picking on this girl, Test," Austin said from the doorway. "No, sir," he said before walking away. "Don't let him get to you. He's an asshole to everybody." "I guessed as much." "Are you ready for this?" "As ready as I'll ever be. I still don't get how you're old enough to be my dad." He laughed. "Vince is pushing your birth as pre-marital, during high school. Not much of a stretch since it happens so often." "True." "There's the camera guy. Time to get ready for part two. You're on your own for part three." "I know. Until you come out."

Austin went back in the office, where seven guys were waiting, and the camera man followed. After a few minutes, she heard her cue to enter. "Daddy, can I talk to you now?" "Not now, Jo. I have to take care of these guys. Why can't this wait until after the show?" "Because I need to talk to someone else, too. I need to catch him before he leaves." "Well, go catch him now. We can talk later." "I need to talk to you first." "Look, he said not now, so get to stepping," Scott Steiner said.

Defeated again, she walked out of the office. And, yet again, she found Kane. "Have you been hanging out here?" He smiled. "My match is next. I was going to the ring. Do you want to come with me?" "I'll walk to the curtain with you. I need to find out when it's my turn." He held out his arm for her. "Oh, come on, Kane." "You may as well enjoy the little things. We're going to get a lot closer before this is over with." "Ok. For the sake of character development." She laid her hand on his firm bicep. "Damn, you're solid." He laughed. "I have to be to do this." "I suppose you're right." "Has anyone given you any trouble since you've been here?" "No, not really. Why?" "Some of the guys tend to treat the new ladies like..." "Fresh meat," she finished. "Yeah. How'd you know?" "Test called me that earlier." "He's a jerk." "You know, you aren't at all what I expected. I mean, I didn't expect you to be like your character, but I didn't expect you to be so nice."

The walk way narrowed ahead of them, so Kane took her hand from his arm, and laid his other hand on her waist to lead her ahead of him. The roar of the crowd became louder as they got closer to the curtain. "This is kinda like a haunted house." "Yeah, but no one is going to jump out at you." Jo put her free hand out in front of her, to feel her way along the dark corridor. It wasn't long before they reached the curtain. He walked around to stand in front of her. "Can I have a kiss for luck?" She laughed, then stood on her toes to kiss his cheek. "Good luck, Kane." "By the way, your ring time is at the end. The promo is going to be the cliff hanger for this week." "And how long have you known that?" "Since I spoke to Vince about it earlier." He leaned down, and kissed her cheek. Then, the pyros exploded, and he walked through the curtain.

Jo went to the back, and hung out until it was time for the last promo. She made her way through the winding corridors until she reached the dark one leading to the curtain. She reached her arms out to make her way to the curtain. As she neared it, her hands touched flesh. "Who's there?" "I just wanted to wish you luck, Jo." "Kane, you scared the hell out of me." "I didn't mean to. Good luck." He leaned down, and kissed her forehead. "Uh... Thanks." He opened the curtain, and let her pass. She ran to the ring, and took the mic that Lillian Garcia offered. After Lillian stepped out of the ring, Jo appeared on the Titan Tron.

"Dad, I didn't want to do this, but you left me no choice. Now, you can't tell me it has to wait. Now that I'm on your precious show, maybe you'll pay attention to what I have to say." She paused to take a breath. "Daddy, I'm... I'm pregnant. And, one of your precious superstars is the father." The glass shatters through the speakers, then Stone Cold's theme plays. He rides his ATV through the curtain, and down to the ring. He climbs through the ropes, and snatches the mic from her hand. "You wanna run that by me again?" She snatches the mic from him. "I said I'm pregnant, and one of your wrestlers is the father." He takes the mic from her again. "I hope to hell you know which one." Lillian threw a mic in, and Jo bent over to retrieve it. "Of course I know which one." "Who is it? Val Venus? Christian? Chris Jericho?" "Why should I tell you? You haven't even acknowledged the baby yet." "Oh, I acknowledge it. I acknowledge that it will be a bastard when I find out who the father is."

"Why can't you enjoy the simple fact that you're going to be a grandpa?" "Because I don't like the idea of my daughter sleeping with one of the guys." "You need to get over it." She flashed him a replica of the Stone Cold smile. "Cause I ain't done with him yet." She threw the mic at him, and climbed out of the ring. "Don't you walk away from me, little girl." She turned around, and gave him a double bird salute. As she walked past JR and the King's table, she heard JR say, "Stone Cold's gonna be a grandpa!" "Yeah, but who's the father," King asked. "I have no idea."


week two (ch. 2)

Jo enters the arena, lugging her bags on her back. As she walks down the hall, she hears someone following her. "Can I help you with those?" She turns around to see Kane. "Hey, Kane. I've got'em. But if you want to be a gentleman, you can show me where the ladies locker room is." "Ok, but I wouldn't be a gentleman if I made you carry both of those." She smiled and handed him one of the bags. "Better?" "Yes." He held out his arm, and she took it without hesitation. After a moment of silence, she asked, "are we going to bump into each other as much as we did last week?" "It's not a very big area back here, so we probably will. Why?" "It just seemed like you were after me last week." He laughed. "I didn't mean to frighten you. And, I won't have to go after you tonight. You will come to me by the end of the show." "Why?" "We have our first promo together tonight." "Already?" "Well, the crowd will only get a hint that it's me. Something about my costume. The storylines move so fast around here now that it doesn't surprise me." "I have one with Austin tonight, too."

"Well, here we are, ma'am," Kane said as they reached the door to the ladies locker room. He handed her the bag back, then leaned down to kiss her cheek. At the same time, the door opened to the locker room. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt anything," Molly Holly said. "It's ok, Molly." "I'll see you later, Jo." "Later, Kane." Once he was down the hall, out of hearing range, Molly said, "that man looks like he's in love." "I don't think so. We're just getting into this role together." Molly sighed. "I'm not a prude, I just play one on t.v. I know when a man is in love, and he is hot for you." "Maybe I should tell him this is strictly business," Jo said. "Do us all a favor, and don't tell him. He's been a bear since his divorce. I guess meeting you cheered him up." "When did he get a divorce?" "From what I heard, it was finalized two months ago." Deep in thought, Jo murmured, "thanks for letting me know. I'll see you later, Molly."

Jo took her bags in the locker room, and stowed them in a locker. After getting ready for her spot on the show, she went in search of Kane.Her nerves were running so wild that when she found his door, she forgot to knock. As she walked in, he was taking his shirt off. "Sorry, Kane," she said as she stepped out. Almost as soon as the door closed, it opened again. "Jo." "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just barge in. I wanted to speak to you." "Don't worry about it. What did you want to talk about?" "May I come in?" He held the door open for her, as she walked into his dressing room.

"This whole 'getting into our roles by hanging out' thing... Is it for real, or just a front?" He smiled at her. "Would you hate me if I said a front?" "I just want to know the truth. I also heard you went through some hard times recently." He sighed. "Molly told you about my divorce," he stated. "Don't get upset with her. I just want to know about the man behind Kane. I don't even know your name." "Glen. What's your's?" "Jo is short for Joann." "Do you want me to call you Joann?" "No, Jo is fine." "That was easy. What else do you want to know?" "Why have you been flirting with me?" "It's as simple as a man's attraction to a woman. No more. No less."

There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" "It's Austin. Have you seen Jo?" "I'm in here." "Well, come on, girl. You can talk to Kane after the promo." "Just a minute." She looked at Kane. "We're not done." "Fine, but like Austin said, after the promo." "Alright." He grabbed her hand, and kissed her knuckles. "You look beautiful, Jo." She looked him over. "You... need to wear the mesh pants again." He laughed as she walked out the door.

She went down the hall to Stone Cold's office, where he was standing outside the door with the camera man. "Ready when you are," she said. "Let's get to it." He went in the office, followed by the camera man. She waited outside until everyone was ready. "You wanted to see me, Dad?" "Which one is it," he asked as he pointed to the line up of guys. "Is it Test?" She sighed. "Matt Hardy?" "No." "I know! Randy Orton." "No. Try someone with brains." "That little bastard, Newinski?" "Disgusting!" "Look, Jo, just tell me who it is. I promise I won't hurt him." "I don't have to worry about that, because I'm not going to tell you." She storms out of his office, and waits for Stone Cold to come out. "Was that ok?" "Yep. Go hang out for awhile."

She sat backstage with some of the others watching the show. She dozed off for a little while. Then, Kane came up behind her, and tapped on her shoulder. "Wake up, Jo." "What?" "We need to get ready for our spot." "Oh. Yeah. Ok." She followed him to the room that was set up for their promo. He went into the room and sat on the bench, while the camera man laid out the scene for her. He turned on the camera as she came to stand in front of him. "Are you upset that I didn't tell you first?" "I'm just amazed that it happened. I never thought I would be a father." She straddled the bench he sat upon. His arms went around her; his gauntlets in plain view for the camera. He pulled her down to sit on his lap, then kissed her neck. "Your dad would explode if he knew." She wrapped her arms around his neck. "That's why I'm not telling him."

Kane looked over her shoulder at the camera man, who was shutting down the camera. When the camera man looked up to tell them they were done, Kane put a finger to his lips for him to be quiet. He nodded, then walked away, letting the door close on its own. He slid his hands under her shirt to touch her bare skin. He kissed her lips, then went back to her neck. As he became fired by her reaction to him, he laid her back on the bench. She leaned her head back, and looked at the door through her lashes. As he lifted her shirt to kiss her stomach, she said, "Kane?" He didn't answer her. "Kane." He continued to press his lips to her flesh. "Glen!" He looked up at her. "Yeah, Jo?" "How long has that door been closed?" He sat up and sighed. "Since before I put my hands under your shirt." She sat up. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself." She slapped him across the cheek, then got up to leave. As she opened the door, she turned to look at him again. "I'm sorry," he repeated. She walked out the door.


week three (ch. 3)

Jo arrived at the arena early with one goal in mind; avoid Kane as much as possible. As she entered the ladies' locker room, she saw Molly looking at a vase full of yellow roses. "Do you have a secret admirer," she teased. "They're not for me, and he signed the card." "Who are they for?" "You." She dropped her bags, then went over to the flowers to retrieve the card. It read: "Dear Jo, I'm sorry for upsetting you. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I just wanted to show you that I love you. Love, Glen." Molly stood beside her, grinning from ear to ear. "I bet I can guess who Glen is." "I'll save you the trouble. It's Kane." "Well, what happened?" "He went further than we were supposed to after the promo last week." "What did you do?" "I slapped him, then left." "You didn't!" "I did. He's a grown man. He should know better than to treat a woman like that."

"Listen, I'm gonna hit the ring. Would you be my sparring partner," Molly asked. "Sure. Just let me change into my workout clothes." After changing, she and Molly went out to the ring. They practiced all the moves in their arsenal, and tried a few that weren't. When they were through, they heard someone clapping in the stands. They both looked up to see who it was. Then, Kane walked down the steps, toward the ring. "That looked good ladies." "Thanks," Molly said. "What do you want," Jo asked. "Did you get the flowers?" "Yeah, I saw them." "Will you give me another shot?" "I didn't give you the first one. You took it."

He climbed into the ring. "Molly, can you give us a minute?" "Sure." He turned toward Jo as Molly got out of the ring, and went up the ramp. "I'm truely sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen last week. What can I do to make it up to you?" "You can start by not following me tonight. Then, you can keep your hands to yourself, unless it has to do with the show. And last, just stop with the advances, please." She sighed when she saw him looking down at his feet. "Look, you're a really sweet guy, but I don't want to get involved with anyone right now." With a look of contemplation on his face, he slowly leaned back, and let the ropes bounce him back up. "Fine. If that's what you want..." He climbed out of the ring, and slowly walked up the ramp. Her chest ached from the look in his eyes before he turned away. 'If he's the one that screwed up, why do I feel so bad,' she asked herself.

She turned around to punch the turnbuckle, but found a large body behind her. "Hello, Jo." Nervously, she said, "hi, Test." He laid his hand on her cheek. "May I take you to eat after the show?" "No, thanks. I rather enjoy being alone." He took a step closer to her. "So you don't want me in the ring with you right now?" "Uh... I was just leaving. It's all your's." Jo turned to get out of the ring, but Test grabbed her hand. "What? You think you're too good to go out with one of your own? I saw you turn down Kane." Thinking fast she said, "I'll let you in on a little secret. I'm a lesbian." Test stammered. "You only like chicks?" Jo nodded. "I bet I can make you change your mind." "I doubt it."

Jo pulled her hand out of his grasp, then climbed out of the ring. She kept her eyes on Test as she went up the ramp to go backstage. Once behind the curtain, she made a bee-line for Austin's office. She knocked on the door, and waited for him to answer. "Yeah," he called out. "Do you mind if I hide out with you for a bit?" "Come on in." As she opened the door, Austin said, "we were just talking about you." When she saw Stephanie, she said, "thank God it's just you." "Who were you expecting?" "Kane." "I saw him a few minutes ago. Somebody really pissed him off." "I did." "Do you want to talk about it," Steph asked. Jo looked at Austin. "Without him." "Go ahead, ladies. I'll go harrass the talent." "Thank you, Steve."

Jo explained the whole situation to Stephanie. "If you think he's a nice guy, besides the incident last week, why don't you want to go out with him?" "I just got out of an abusive relationship. I'm not ready to jump into another one yet." "Maybe I can have a talk with him." "No. Please don't. I don't want him to think I told on him. I'm asking you, woman to woman, for advice." "Tell him what you just told me. Maybe he'll understand." "I'll try it. I just don't want to hurt him." "You won't be if you tell him the whole truth." "I will. Thanks, Steph."

Jo walked out of the office, and went to Kane's dressing room. She stood outside his door, and took a deep breath before knocking. "Glen, may I speak with you?" She didn't get an answer. "Look, I realize you're probably upset. And, I'm sorry if I seemed like a bitch in the ring. Just, please, let me in, so I can explain." A big arm reached around her, and turned the door knob. "Ladies first," Kane said. She looked over her shoulder at him. His closeness made butterflies flutter in her stomach. She went in, and sat on the bench. He followed her, and sat next to her. She straddled the bench to face him fully. "I wasn't exactly truthful earlier. I'm flattered that you're interested in me. But, I didn't tell you the whole story."

She took a deep breath, and continued before she lost the courage. "For three years I've been in an abusive relationship. He beat me, raped me, and was generally cruel to me. I left him two months ago. Last week, when you took things farther than we were supposed to, you spooked me, which in turn upset me. Two months after your divorce, you may be ready to jump back in the saddle, but I'm still pretty banged up, and not ready for the saddle yet. You get what I'm saying?" He sat in silence. "What I'm saying is that the problem isn't whether or not I like you. Hell, if it wasn't for what I just got out of, I'd be crazy to side-step your advances. I just... have to let my ego heal from the abuse it has taken for these past years." "You don't have to make up a story for me. I'm a big boy. I can handle being turned down." "No... You don't get it at all."

Jo ran her fingers through her hair, and looked down in frustration. When she looked back up, she grabbed his neck with both hands, and pulled him toward her. She kissed him hard on the lips. Kane loosely wrapped his arms around her waist. When she ended the kiss, she leaned her forehead against his, and stared him in the eyes. "What I was trying to tell you is that I love you, but my heart won't let me trust you." He pushed her hair away from her face. "I could never hurt you." "But, for me, that's not enough to make me trust you. My ex seemed like a sweet guy, like you, but he turned out to be a monster." "I'll do whatever it takes so that you will trust me." He softly kissed her. "I have to get ready for the show. I was going to talk to Steph and Austin about tonight, but Steph and I wound up talking about you. She gave me the push I needed to come talk to you." "I'll go with you. I haven't spoke to them yet." "Oh. By the way, Test thinks I'm a lesbian. Don't let him know otherwise." Kane laughed. "Why does he think that?" "It was the only thing I could think of to get him to stop hitting on me."


week 3 pt. 2(ch. 4)

Just before the end of the first hour Stone Cold goes out to the ring, and calls Jo out. She walks down to the ring, and cautiously joins him in the middle. "Jo, I promise not to get upset with you, or the father, if you tell me that wasn't Kane that the camera man caught you with last week." "And if it was?" "Don't toy with me, girl. Who was it?" The pyros explode, and Kane walks to the ring. He steps over the top rope, then walks toward Austin until they are less than two inches apart. He smiles down at Austin before taking the microphone out of his hand.

"Are you threatening me, Austin?" "You're damn right, I am. If I find out you went to bed with my daughter, I'll kick your ass." Kane shook his head. "Too bad. I'll have to tell my kid that I killed his grandpa." Jo stepped between the two of them, and pushed them apart. Then, she took the mic from Kane. "Stop it, both of you! You're not going to kill my dad. And, you're not going to touch Kane. I love him, Dad. Doesn't that mean anything to you?" "It means you're just as crazy as he is." "He's not crazy. He's just misunderstood." "So, you want to marry him, and have a few psychotic kids?" "Nobody mentioned marriage."

Austin grabbed her arm. "We're going home. And I'll make sure you never see this crazy bastard again." "The hell you will!" Kane grabbed Austin. "Get your hands off of her." Austin looked up at Kane. "Sure." He let go of Jo, and took a swing at him, connecting with his cheek. Kane swung back, hitting Austin in the temple. Jo stepped away from the two of them as they brawled. As the referees came out of the back to pull them apart, she high-tailed it to the back.

As Jo walked through the dark corridor an arm went around her waist, and a hand went over her mouth. She struggled to be free of her captor, as he carried her into a dark room. He closed the door, and locked it, before letting go of her. I heard you tell Kane you love him, so I know you're not a lesbian." "Test?" He turned the light on. Once her eyes adjusted to the light, she saw him. "Ok, how's this sound? You're just not my type." He slapped her across the cheek. She turned back to him with a cold stare. Then, she spit in his face. "Think you're tough, huh?" "I've met bigger opponants." He swung again, but she ducked it, and gave him an upper-cut. He swung at her again, but hit the brick wall. While he shook off the pain in his hand, she punched him in the cheek. "Wanna try it again," she taunted. His face contorted in anger. He took her by surprise by pinning her against the wall instead of trying to hit her. She kicked him in the jewels, then gave him a head-butt.

As he fell backward, she ran out of the room. She ran through the back until she found Kane. "What's wrong, Jo?" "Test..." She paused to catch her breath. "Test attacked me." He tilted her chin up, and inspected her face. When he saw the red handprint on her cheek, he asked, "where is he?" "I left him in a room near the stage." "Go lock yourself in my dressing room. I'll take care of Test." "I already gave him an ass whoopin'." "Then I'll go check on him" "Alright, Glen. Be careful."

She did as instructed, and wait for awhile. Then, she heard a commotion coming down the hall. She unlocked the door, and peaked out into the hall. What she saw almost put her in shock. Paramedics were pushing Test down the hall on a gurney. As they passed, she caught a glimpse of his battered and bloody face. Her attention was caught by someone walking behind them. She looked up at Kane. "I didn't do that to him." "Let's just go in and have a seat." Once the door was closed behind him, he said, "no, you didn't do that to him. I did. He got up, and wanted to get rowdy with me." "That man is thrown off." "What?" "He's crazy." "Oh. Well, listen, we've been given the rest of the night off. Why don't you go get some rest." "Ok. I think I will." "Don't forget your flowers." She grinned. "I won't." She stood up, and hugged him. "Thank you, Glen." He looked down at her, then kissed her forehead. "Anytime."


week 4 (ch. 5)

Jo was nervous as she walked around backstage. Not only was it a big night for Austin, Kane and herself, but she also had to keep an eye out for Test. She had a feeling he wasn't done with her yet. As she turned down another hall, she found Stephanie talking to Trips. "Sorry if I'm interrupting anything," she said as she neared them. "We're just talking. What's up? How did things go when you talked to Kane?" "Just fine. We came to an understanding. About tonight... How are we going to make up for the last segment from last week?" "It will be the first one tonight. Then, we'll go forward from there." "Alright. Have you seen Kane around?" "Try his dressing room." "Ok. Thanks, Steph."

As Jo neared his door, she heard him talking to someone. She knocked lightly. "Glen, it's me." "Come in," he called out. As she opened the door, he said, "she doesn't have a case. The kids aren't mine. They're from her last marriage." He paused a moment. "Yes, I'm sure." "If this is a bad time, I can come back," she offered. He put up a hand for her to stay. "Look, just take care of it, and I'll be there for the hearing. I have it won already." He closed his cell phone, and threatened to throw it against the wall. "Of all the stupid notions... My ex-wife is trying to get child support on kids that aren't even mine. Not to mention one is eighteen already." "Do you want me to leave you alone?" He smiled at her. "No. You're just the person I need to see after that call."

He patted the bench next to him in an invitation for her to sit. "What did you need?" "I'm nervous about tonight. I just wanted to see if I'm the only one." "You probably are." "You are so reassuring." He laughed. "Well, this is business as usual for me and Austin." "Well, it's not every day that I get engaged to a psychotic monster." She looked at him for a moment. "Why don't we go out and do something after the show tonight," she asked him. "Are you sure?" The lump in her throat wouldn't let her speak, so she nodded. "Ok. What do you have in mind?" "We can come up with something before the end of the show."

"What made you ask?" She blushed a little. "I... kinda missed you." He laid his hand on her cheek. "May I kiss you," he whispered. "Yes." As he leaned down to claim her lips, she laid her hands on his shoulders. He merely teased her lips, leaving her wanting more. "Are you still nervous?" "I'll be ok." "I need to get ready for the show. We can decide what to do after the first part." She stood from the bench, then leaned down to kiss him. "Keep an eye out for Test," she whispered. "I doubt he's here." "In case he is. I don't want you to get hurt because of me."

When she went to the locker room to get dressed, she found two roses sitting on her bag, one red, one pink. "Love and passion," Molly said from behind her. "What?" "Each color of rose has a meaning. The ones he sent last week, the yellow, they are for friendship. Red is for love, and pink is for passion. One of the security guys brought them by after you dropped off your bags." "What am I going to do with him?" "I told you. He's hot for you." Molly took a step to stand beside Jo and look at her. "And, from the look on your face, you have a thing for him." She smiled. "Pardon the pun, but he's burning down my barriers." "So tell him." "He knows." "So, drop what's left, and go out with him." "I am. Tonight." "Good. Problem solved." As Molly walked away, Jo said to herself, 'but, should I trust him? After he betrayed my trust a couple weeks ago? But he's been so sweet besides that one incident...'

After Jo was ready for the show, she went back to his dressing room. The camera man was outside the door, testing the camera. She knocked on the door. "Come in." She opened the door, and stuck her head in. "Thank you for the roses." "You're welcome. I wasn't sure what color you liked." "Red." "I'll remember for next time. Are we about ready?" "The camera man is getting set up out here. Shouldn't be long."

A couple minutes later, the camera man was ready, and set up in Kane's dressing room. Jo enters the room. "Hey, Kane. You wanted to see me?" "You ran out of the arena so fast last week. I was worried about you." "I had to go think. I didn't want to see the two of you fighting." "I'll leave your dad alone, if he leaves me alone." Jo nodded. "Fair enough." "There was also a question I wanted to ask you last week." "What is it?" He grabbed her hands, and got down on one knee. "Joann Austin, will you marry me?" She took her hands from his, and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Oh, Kane... Yes, I will."

The camera man shut off the camera, and said, "we're done. Hey, Jo, I need you in Austin's office in thirty." "I'll be there." After he left, she looked down at Glen, who was still in her arms. He laid his hands on her hips. "The camera gave me an idea. Let's go to a movie. We'll be in the dark, so we won't be recognized by any fans that may be there." "Sounds good to me." She joined him on the floor, and softly kissed him. "I wish we could leave now." "Work before play."

He ran his hand up and down her spine. "Why are we on the floor?" She smiled at him. "I don't know. I guess I just wanted to be closer to you." She laid her hand on his cheek. "I'm trusting you not to break my heart." She leaned forward, and kissed him. His hands stopped at the small of her back, and he pulled her tight against his body. "I won't let you down." He claimed her lips, and probed deeper, familiarizing himself with her mouth. She returned his kiss as if her life depended on it. Slowly, his hands went up her back, then down her arms to her wrists. "We have to stop," he said as he lifted her arms off of him. She nodded as she looked at her hands in his. He tilted her chin up without letting go. "What I want to do to you will take longer than thirty minutes."

She looked at him with wide eyes. "Hell... I spooked you again, didn't I?" "I... I..." "I'm sorry, Jo. I shouldn't have said that." "Glen, I haven't had sex that lasted longer than five minutes in years." "Will you let me?" "Let's see how our date goes tonight." She kissed him before saying, "I have to go to Austin's office. When is your match?" "It's last tonight. Then we have the promo with Austin." "What if I come out to the ring with you?" "I'd love it, but you need to ok it with Stephanie." "I will." She ran her hands over his bare chest. "You know, you're kinda like a drug." He laughed. "Really?" "You're addictive."


week 4 pt. 2 (ch. 6)

When Jo entered Stone Cold's office, he had his head bent low, with his hands on his head. "Dad?" "Tell me that Kane is not going to be my son-in-law." "Well, Dad, I am having his child, so it's only right for us to..." His hands fell, and his head snapped up. "Ah-ah-ah... I will not let that monster in our family." "Well, you can either gain a son-in-law, or lose your daughter." "You would abandon your only family for him?" "You're not the only family I have anymore. I thought you would be happy that he wants to make me an honest woman." "An honest woman wouldn't have had sex with him."

"What are you so worried about, Dad? If he's part of the family, maybe he'll stop stomping your ass around the ring." She turned, and went out the door. Austin stood, and went to the door. "Joann Austin, get your ass back here!" "Go to hell!" Bischoff walks up beside Austin. "Ooo... Are you going to let her get away with that? Or, will you let her be the first to get the drop on ol' Steve?" He turned his cold blue eyes to Bischoff, then slammed the door shut. Eric stands there laughing as the camera fades to black.

Jo just kept walking, searching for Stephanie. She came to a group, and asked, "anybody seen Stephanie?" "Check with Hunter," Victoria said. "Thanks." She remembered passing his dressing room on the way to Austin's office, so she turned around. When she got to his door, she made sure to check for cords before knocking, so she didn't interrupt one of his promos. "Hunter." "What?" "Is Stephanie with you?" "Maybe." She heard laughing from inside the room. The door swung open. "What's up, Jo?" "Is it alright if I go to the ring with Kane tonight?" "I don't see any problem with that, as long as you can sell it when Austin comes out." "Should I try to stop him?" "Not until he gets in the ring. Then you can stand between the two to keep them apart. Just go on from there." "Alright. Thanks."

She went back to Kane's dressing room. Before she knocked, she heard him talking to someone again. "Oh, you hate me now, huh? Just wait until it goes to court." She sat outside the door, to wait for the conversation to end. "Oh, that's real original. Yeah, I'm an asshole, but you're the reason why I am." Jo's heart began to ache for him. "Maybe they should go live with their father. They would be better off with him, since you became an alcoholic." There was a pause. "Yeah, I was gone. I had to work." Another pause. "Look, I don't have time for you anymore. I've moved on. Why don't you go out to your beloved bar, and find a man to go home with." 'This is getting ugly. I shouldn't listen to this,' she thought to herself. As she started to get up, she heard him say, "yeah, I found another woman, and you know what? She's more woman than you are, and in a smaller package. She's beautiful, fun, and she loves me for who I am." A smile spread across Jo's lips, and her eyes began to water. "I have to go." Then, Jo heard the beep from him ending the call on his cell phone, just before it crashed into the wall.

He almost tore the door off its hinges when he opened the door. When he saw her, he had to blink a few times. "How long have you been there?" "Not long." "You heard me, didn't you?" "Hunny, you were yelling. I'm surprised the crowd didn't hear you." He seemed to relax a little. She wrapped her arms around his waist. "You're not an asshole. No matter what she says, you are a good man." "You heard that much?" "I was going to walk away, until I heard you tell her about me. Atleast, I hope you were talking about me." A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "Yes, I was talking about you."

He loosened his hold on her. "Did you see Steph?" "Yeah. I'm your valet for the night." "I was just going to find a hole to crawl into until the match. Care to crawl into it with me?" "It'll have to be a big hole for the two of us," she laughed. "But, I'd love to." Jo took his arm, and let him lead her into a dark, secluded area of the arena. "There's a set of stairs up ahead. Watch your step. "Where are you taking me?" "To the stairs." They climbed halfway up the stairs, then sat with him in front of her. She reached out, and massaged his shoulders. He moaned, and leaned back slightly. "That feels good." "That's the point."

After a few minutes, he leaned back against her, and laid his hands on her knees. She rested her arms on him; one going around his neck, and the other laying across his chest. "I meant what I told my ex about you." She kissed the top of his bald head. "I know. I just don't know what to say." "You don't have to say anything. I wanted you to know I wasn't just trying to piss her off." "From the tone of your conversation, I'd say you've seen about as much pain as I have." "I don't know about pain, but anger, frustration..." "Loneliness," she added. "Trust me, it sounds familiar." He let out a humorless laugh. "You've been a big help with that. These past few weeks, whenever I feel alone, I think of you." "I've thought of you a lot for the same reason. I don't want to be alone forever, and I enjoy the time we spend together."

He turned to look in her eyes. He could barely see her, until she leaned down, and kissed him. "Whether you know it or not, you are helping me get my life back. Personally and professionally, and I can't thank you enough." "Having you in my life is all the thanks I need." They were locked in a deep, passionate kiss, when someone below yelled, "Kane, your match is in five. Get your ass in gear." He was furious because of the interruption, until he looked down and saw Shane McMahon. "Oh, hell... They'll let anybody in this building." "Yeah, I missed you, too. Now come on. Steph and I have a surprise for you." Jo and Glen got up, and made their way down the stairs. "What kind of surprise?" "You'll find out when you get your big ass out to the ring."

Kane and Jo made their way to the curtain. Once there he grabbed her hands and said, "don't get nervous." "I'm not." "The pyros exploded as his music started, and she followed him through the curtain. She wondered what his surprise was when she looked at the ring, and noticed it was empty. They got in the ring, and waited in the middle for his opponant. Then, they heard "Test... Test... This is a test." Kane smiled and popped his knuckles in anticipation. He leaned toward Jo to say, "watch your ass," then kissed her. She nodded as she watched Test walk down the ramp. He had his eyes fixed on her as he climbed into the ring. She turned toward Kane, and said, "kick his ass, babe."

Jo climbed out of the ring, but stayed in Kane's corner to watch. Before the music stopped, he attacked Test. With repeated blows to the temple, Test became wobbly. "Come on, Kane! Chokeslam!" He threw Test into the ropes and put his arm out to catch him by the throat, but Test ducked it. He bounced off the ropes, and came back with a big boot that hit Kane in the chest. He stumbled backward, but didn't fall. He caught his ballance on the ropes behind him, and glared at Test. He ran towards Test to knock him out of the ring with a clothesline. He flipped over the top rope, and landed on his feet. Kane stood in the ring laughing at him. Test turned his attention to Jo. He smiled as he slowly walked toward her. She backed up, trying to keep some distance between them. As she rounded the ring post, she saw Kane flip out of the ring behind Test. She stopped and smiled at Test. By that time, Kane was right behind Test. He grabbed Test by the shoulder, spun him around, and knocked him out. Kane picked him up, and rolled him into the ring. Test began to stir, so Kane went to the top rope. As soon as he got to his feet, Kane knocked him back down. He rolled Test up for the pin, and got the win.

Kane got up, and gave the crowd his menacing smile, before he turned to Jo. She climbed in the ring, and went to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, as he raised his hands, then dropped them to make the ringposts flare up. Once they stopped, Stone Cold's music started. Kane rolled Test out of the ring, as Austin drove his ATV down the ramp. He stopped three feet away from Test's head. He put his hands up for Austin to stay back, but Austin revved the engine, and inched his way closer. Test got up, and ran up the ramp. Austin drove the ATV around the ring, then parked it in front of the ramp. He climbed into the ring, and pulled a mic out of his back pocket.

"There is no way in hell I'm going to let you marry my daughter, you big dumb son of a bitch." Kane smiled. Without the mic, he said, "I asked, she said yes. I'm marrying your daughter, Austin." Kane turned around, and picked up the microphone that hit the heel of his boot. "Over my dead body." Kane took a step closer. "That can be arranged." Jo stepped between the two of them. She put one hand on Austin's chest to keep him back, and used the other to pull Kane's hand down that held the mic. "I'm sick of this fighting between the two of you. Do you want to beat the hell out of each other?" She turned from one to the other. They both nodded. "Fine. At Vengeance, you two can do whatever you want to each other. I'll go home with the winner." "Until then, we're going home, and we're going to have a long talk." "You didn't let me finish. Until then, I am still engaged to Kane, and I'm going home with him. And, if we choose to do so, we will be married before the pay per view." "You're making a big mistake, girl." Austin turned, and climbed out of the ring, then rode his ATV toward the back.

Jo turned to Kane, and wrapped her arms around his waist again. His arms went around her shoulders, as he leaned down to claim her lips. Their kiss was interrupted by the revving of the ATV as Austin rode it back down the ramp. He got back in the ring, and stared at Jo. He moved his finger in a motion for her to come to him. She stood right in front of him, and stared him in the eyes. He moved her out of the way, then walked over to Kane. "Even if she isn't really my daughter, I'll kick your ass if you do that girl wrong," he said without a mic. Then, he did as he was supposed to, and punched him in the bread-basket, then gave him the stunner. With one last glance at Jo, he climbed back out of the ring, and rode the ATV to the back again.


week 4-The Date (ch. 7)

"I guess ol' Stone Cold has a heart after all," Glen said as they walked back to his dressing room. "Why do you say that?" "You didn't hear what he told me in the ring?" "No." "He threatened to kick my ass if I did you wrong." "That's sweet of him to look out for me." "It's normal for everyone to look out for each other, but to threaten one of our own like that... It's almost unheard of." "Well, heed his advice, and you won't have anything to worry about." "That wasn't my point." "I know." She smiled up at him. "Enough about work. It's time for play. While you're taking your shower, and getting dressed, I'm gonna go to the ladies locker room to get ready." He stopped her by grabbing her waist. She turned around, and laid her hands on his chest. "You look fine the way you are." She giggled. "I'll look even better in a dress." He gave her a mere tease of the lips before they parted ways.

As Jo entered the locker room, Molly, Victoria, Lita and Trish were getting into their street clothes. "Well, we haven't seen much of you tonight. Did you find a new place to hang out?" Jo just smiled. "Or someone new to hang out with?" "Molly, Glen officially holds my heart in his hands." "Glen who?" Trish asked. "Big Red," Molly answered. "Kane!?" "The first thing you need to do is work on his attitude," Victoria said. "Haven't you noticed he hasn't been so snappy?" Molly said. "We have you to thank for that?" Lita asked. "I guess so. We've both been feeling it happen since my first show." "And the roses, and the kiss..." "Really?" Trish asked as she took a seat. Jo blushed as she looked down at her feet. "She caught him kissing my cheek a couple weeks ago, a dozen last week, and two tonight."

The door burst open, and Stacy and Jackie walked through. Stacy walked up to Jo, and stared down at her. "Do you mind? I'm trying to breathe here," Jo said sarcastically. "What?" "Back the fuck up." "No! Between you and your partner, my man got a mild concussion last week. Now, he's going back to the hospital." Molly saw the confused look on her face, and whispered, "Test." "First of all, your man shouldn't have attacked me last week. Second, if he has a concussion, he shouldn't have been wrestling tonight." "He wouldn't have if his job wasn't on the line." "What?" "Shane said Kane requested this match, and if he didn't do it he was fired." "What are you talking about? Kane didn't know who he was fighting until Test's music started." "That's bull shit. Everyone knows ahead of time who they are fighting, unless there is an emergency." "Or a surprise. Shane said he had a surprise for Kane. It was Test."

The argument was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Hey, Jo, are you ready?" Stacy recognized Kane's voice, so she went to the door. She pulled the door open and glared at him, before reaching up and slapping him. Jo cleared the bench, and pulled Stacy away from him. She pinned Stacy against the wall, and punched her. Kane wrapped his arms around her chest, and pulled her away from Stacy. "Bitch! Don't you ever touch him again, or I'll kill you!" "Calm down," he whispered in her ear. "What the hell is going on here?" Stephanie yelled over the commotion. "I came to get Jo. Stacy opened the door, and slapped me. Then Jo punched her. That's all I know." Molly explained the rest to her. "Alright, Kane take Jo with you. Stacy, go to the hospital and sit with Test. I have to be somewhere right now, so I will deal with the two of you later." With that said, Stephanie walked off.

"Molly, will you hand me her gear," Kane said. Jo stood still in his arms glaring at Stacy as she gathered her bags. As she walked out of the locker room, Jo stuck her foot out, and tripped her. When she looked at her Jo just smiled and said, "oops." Stacy went after her, but Jo lifted her feet, and kicked her in the chest. Kane turned around when he saw Stacy coming at them again. After Stacy hit him in the back, he let go of Jo, then turned around and glared at Stacy. She slowly backed away, then turned to leave. Kan4e turned back to Jo. "She didn't hit you before I got here, did she?" "No. But I'm not going to let her hit you and get away with it." With a finger under her chin, he tilted her head back to look in her eyes. He smiled at her. "You're a fiesty little thing." Then, he softly kissed her lips.

Molly cleared her throat to get their attention. He turned to her, and took the bags she held out to him. "Thanks, Molly. We'll see you ladies later." He turned Jo around. "Come on. You can get ready in my dressing room." With a hand at the small of her back, he lead her down the hall. Despite her calm demeanor after Stacy left, Jo was still furious when they reached his dressing room. As they walked in, she said, "can you believe the nerve of that bitch? She blames the whole thing on us! I guess her man can do no wrong." "Let it go for now. We can take care of both of them later," he said as he set her bags on the bench.

She reached into one of the bags, pulled out a little black dress, and laid it on top. She pulled off her T-shirt, and threw it on the bench. "Uh... Jo? You might want to go in the bathroom." She was so wrapped up in her anger toward Stacy and Test that she didn't hear him. She slid the dress on over her head, then pulled it down to her waist. She reached under to unfasten her jeans, and let them slide down her slender legs. She pulled the dress down, then sat on the bench to pull her sandals and jeans off. That's when she looked at him, and realized what she had just done.

She covered her face with her hands. "I can't believe I just changed in front of you." "I'm not complaining," he teased. She couldn't help but smile. "Of course you wouldn't." "I think it's a good sign if you can get your date out of her clothes before you take her out." She laughed. "I didn't see much, so don't worry about it." Jo finished what she was doing, then grabbed her make-up bag and took it in the bathroom to touch up her make-up. When she came out, all he could do was stare at her. Her light brown hair hung loose down her back. The black dress clung to her every curve. Her blue eyes sparkled with humor. Her soft lips had been covered with a thin layer of gloss.

He stepped up to her, and laid his hands on her hips. "You are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on." She smiled as she laid her hands on the back of his neck. "Thank you, Glen." She greatfully accepted the kiss he offered her. "Are we ready to go now?" he asked. "Yes." After getting their bags, taking them to the car, and dumping them in the trunk, they set out for the movie theater near the hotel they were staying in. Once they had the tickets, they got a drink and went to their seats.

Thirty minutes into the movie, Glen laid his arm behind Jo. She leaned over, and laid her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes, and deeply inhaled his cologne. 'Oh, gawd he smells good,' she thought to herself. She looked up, and found him looking back at her. She leaned forward just enough to kiss him. His arms went around her tightly as he deepened the kiss. His hand went to her hip, while his lips touched on the softness of her throat. "Glen, I don't think this is the place..." She stopped when he licked, then lightly nipped at the spot on her neck that made her melt. "Let me make love to you," he whispered in her ear. She closed her eyes, and moaned as he went back to the spot on her neck. "Not here," she whispered back.

He wanted to laugh at the preposterous idea of making love to her in front of the movie-going audience, but he realized full well the trust she was giving him. "Do you want to leave now?" "The movie sucks, anyways." This time, he did laugh. They stood and quietly left the theater. Once outside the door to the movie, Jo said, "I need to go to the ladies room before we go." "OK." She went in, and stared at her reflection in the mirror. "You can do this. You can trust a man in bed again. Glen is not like David. Glen is a loving, gentle man. At least most of the time." She took a deep breath, before walking out to meet him.

He grabbed her hand, and held it as he walked her out to the car. The drive to the hotel only took five minutes. Jo became nervous as they walked into the hotel, and rode the elevator up. By the time they reached his door, she was visibly shaking. "Jo, are you ok?" "Yeah." He opened the door, and held it open for her. She slowly walked in. Once the door was closed, he laid his hands on her shoulders. She jumped, then turned to look at him. "Jo, if you want to wait..." "No. I want you to make love to me." "Then relax. I'm not going to hurt you." He slid the back of his hand over her cheek. "I love you too much to hurt you." "I love you, too, Glen."

He leaned down, and kissed her. She pressed her body to his, gathering strength from his heat. She returned his kiss; every tongue thrust, every nibble on the lips. As she pushed his shirt up, he slowly backed her toward the bed. He helped her by taking the shirt off. He threw it to the floor, then looked down at her, his eyes dark with desire. Then, he went to her neck, kissing and nibbling, making her moan. His hands went to the back of her thighs, then slid upward, pulling her dress off. She laid her hands on the chest she fell in love with the first time she saw it up close. She stood on her toes, to circle his nipple with her tongue. She pressed her lips all over his chest and down his stomach, while she worked on his jeans. He kicked his shoes off, and pushed them aside. She let his jeans fall to his ankles, as her arms went around his neck. He stepped out of them, then picked her up. He gently laid her on the bed, and stood letting his eyes roam over her body. He pulled his underwear off, and threw them aside.

"You have the body of a Greek god," Jo said. "And you shall be my godess." He slowly joined her on the bed; laying on top of her. She loved the feel of his naked hips pressing into her thighs. He kissed what flesh was bared of her breasts as he slid his hands under her back to unhook her bra. Once exposed to him, he gently squeezed the mounds in his hands, before tasting the stiff peaks. She sighed as he made a fiery trail down her abdoman with his lips. As he did this, he pulled her panties off. He crawled up her body, and positioned himself for entry. As he slid inside her, she arched her hips upward to meet him. She had secretly dreamed of this moment since their first promo together, but it didn't prepare her for his magnificent size.

He started with slow, deep thrusts, but as she dug her fingers into his back, he quickened his pace. He got up on his elbows to look down at her. When he did, he stopped moving. "Why are you crying?" he asked as he wiped a tear away. "I had forgotten how... wonderful sex could be." He kissed the tears away from her face, then her lips as he thrust inside her again. "Oh, Glen," she moaned as her body began to tingle from her center and down her legs. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and locked her ankles at the small of his back, then cried out as she reached the peak of her orgasm. Soon after, she felt his length grow and throb inside her. She heard the growl start in his chest, then work its way out of his mouth as he came inside her.

He pulled out of her, then laid by her side. He wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her back against his chest. "Jo?" "Hmm?" "Will you spend your time off with me?" "I'd love to." He pushed her hair out of her face, then kissed her ear. "I've fallen hard for you, my love," he whispered. "And, I have for you." He grabbed the blankets and covered their naked bodies. Then, they fell asleep.


week 5 (ch. 8)

After spending the week together, even attending the house shows with him, it was time for another Raw. Jo went to the ladies locker room to see Molly, while Glen went to his dressing room. After exchanging girl talk for awhile, she left the room to go to Glen's dressing room. As she walked out the door, she ran into another big man. "There's my favorite diva." "Mark! Hey, hun. What are you doing here? I thought you were on Smackdown." He wrapped his arms around her, and picked her up. "I'm just visiting, darlin'. I wanted to see how things are going." "Everything's fine." "How do you like working with Kane?" "I love it. I couldn't ask for a better partner." "That's good." "Mark, you know I love your hugs and all, but do you think you could put me down?"

He laughed as he set her on the ground. That's when she saw Kane staring at them. "Glen, look who came to visit us." "No, that's ok. I'll leave you two alone." He turned around, and walked away. "What's wrong with him?" "I don't know. We spent the week together, and he's been smiling like the Cheshire cat." Mark raised an eyebrow. "If you two are seeing each other, and he just saw me holding you, he may have got the wrong impression." She smacked her forehead. "Shit! I never told him about our relationship. I need to go talk to him." "I'll be around for the whole show." "Alright. Later, Mark."

She went down the hall to Glen's dressing room. She knocked on the door. "Glen, hunny, it's me. Can I talk to you?" "I don't want to hear it." "You'll spend the week in bed with me, but you won't let me explain about Taker? That's bull shit." The door swung open fast. "What do you want to say? That you want both of us?" "No, Glen. I..." "I didn't like seeing you in his arms." "I understand, but..." "Did you know he's married, and has a daughter?" She had heard enough. She slapped him as hard as she could. "For your fucking information, Taker is my brother-in-law," she said in a deathly tone. Then she yelled, "I'm Sara's little sister!" She stood there glaring up at him. He closed his eyes, and mentally kicked himself. "Shit... Jo, I didn't..." "Save it. Maybe next time you'll find out the truth before you start making accusations."

Jo left him in search of Mark. She found him hanging out with a few of the younger guys. "Taker, Sara wouldn't happen to be with you, is she?" "No, lil sis. She's at home with the baby. Why?" "I want to fight someone, but I don't want to injure one of the divas." "Jindrak, why don't you go spar with her?" "No thanks. I saw Test after she got done with him." "Kane did most of that." "I'll do it. I see we need to have a talk, Jo." "Mark, I don't want to take you from the guys." "Too late. Family comes first. Now, move it." "Mark, I..." "I said move it." With a groan, she headed out to the ring. Once in the ring, he took a fighting stance. "Alright. Spill it."

This time, she told him the whole truth while they practiced; about Test, about Stacy, but most of all, about Glen. When she was through, and after he recovered from a punch to the stomach, he asked, "do you love him?" "Yeah, I do. But he pissed me off when he accused me of wanting to sleep with both of you." "I'm not that ugly, am I?" She stopped and laughed. "No, but you're my brother-in-law, and I love Glen too much to even think of being with anyone but him." For a split second he looked to the floor behind her. "Why don't you tell him that?" "He wouldn't listen when I tried." He nodded toward something behind her. She turned around, and saw Glen looking back at her. He looked at Mark. "She's really your sister-in-law?" "Yeah."

Glen climbed into the ring, and walked over to her. "I love you, too, Jo. And, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you." He leaned down and kissed her. He smiled. "Let's go get married." "What!?" Jo and Mark said in unison. "We're getting married tonight." "Uh... Glen, I love you, but don't you think it's a little early to start talking about marriage? I mean, we've only been together a week." He laughed. "I know. But Kane and Jo are engaged, remember?" She let out a heavy sigh. "Damn you! You had me scared." "I thought I was gonna have to whoop an ass. No offense, Kane," Mark said. He laughed again as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and pulled her against his body. "I'm not ready to jump back in that saddle just yet." She punched him in the ribs. "Don't do that again unless you're serious." "Ow! Woman, you play too rough." He slapped her ass. "Go get ready. We have to head out for the chapel."

Glen stayed in the ring, while Jo climbed out, and went to the back. While he was watching her, Mark slapped him on the back. "You know, if you hurt her..." "You and Sara can take a number. Austin already threatened me." "Austin?" "Yeah. I guess with you on Smackdown, he nominated himself as the locker room leader for Raw." "He's not a bad pick for the job." "I know. But, none of you have anything to worry about." "I know. Because if you really piss her off, she'll kick your ass. I watched her do it to her ex, and he's about our size." "She is a tough little thing..." "What do you expect? Jo and Sara had four older brothers." "That explains a lot. Hey, you wanna come with us? We can go get dinner after we're done." "Alright. I'll follow you two. I'm not done with Jo, though. We're going to play a little prank on Sara." "There's a speaker phone in my dressing room. I wanna hear this."

"Hey, Jo. You in there?" Glen asked when they reached the door. "Yeah, hun." "Are you dressed?" "Almost. Can you come zip my dress?" He went in, and did as she asked. When she turned around, he was in awe. Her make up had been done by the professional, and her hair had been fixed in a bun. The white satin dress hugged her body down to her hips, where it flared out and went down to her feet. "You make a beautiful bride." "Thank you, hun." "Is it safe?" Mark said from the door. "Yeah. Come in." He entered, and went straight to the phone. "We're going to pull a prank on Sara." He relayed the basics of the plan. Jo laughed. "OK. Call her." "She's not going to know I'm here." "Alright."

He dialed in the number, and Sara answered on the third ring. "Hello?" "Hey, Sis. How soon can you get to Chicago?" "Why? What happened?" "I'm getting married, and I want you here for it." "You're what!?" "I'm getting married tonight." "I didn't know you were seeing anyone. Who are you marrying?" "Me," Glen said. "Who is me?" "Glen," Jo answered. "Glen who?" she asked, getting impatient. "Kane." There was silence from the other end of the line. "Sara?" "I'm still here. What made you decide to marry him?" "I think it was his chest. He has a really hot chest. And, he has a nice ass, too." "You're going to marry him for his looks?" Mark started laughing. "Hey, baby. I'm here with your sister and her new boyfriend. Their characters are getting married tonight, and I just couldn't resist pulling this on you." "You are such an ass sometimes. All three of you." "Yeah, but you still love us."

week 5- the wedding (ch. 9)

The camera crew let Jo loose with a home video recorder. She turned it on, and got a shot of the sign for the little chapel. "Well, Dad, this is where we're getting married." She turns the camera around to get Kane and herself. "In less than an hour, I will be Mrs. Kane. I know you don't like him, but you haven't seen him the way I have. You only know the monster that appears on the show. I know the lover hidden within him. I know the gentleness that he doesn't show the rest of the world." Kane rested his chin on her shoulder. "And, Austin, I know the freak your daughter can be." He laughed as she shut off the camera.

Once they got out of the car, she gave the camera to the camera man's assistant, who rushed back to the arena with it. The camera man went inside the chapel, and set up his live feed camera. "Now, why wasn't I invited before? I am your brother," Mark teased Glen. "Ask Steph when we get back. I think it has to do with Wrestlemania, though." "Makes sense. Well, are we going in?" As they walked in, they introduced themselves to the two people that would be handling the ceremony. "Now, which one is supposed to be the groom?" Glen put his hand up. "I want the couple up front. Who's side are you supposed to be on?" the man asked as he turned to Mark. "I'm not supposed to be here, so I'll hide behind the camera man."

The woman walked up to Glen and Jo with two cigar boxes. "These are temporary rings we keep on hand for those "spur of the moment" weddings. You two need to find a ring that fits you for the ceremony." "And make it quick. We go live in twenty minutes," the camera man said. After finding the perfect fit, they gave the rings to the woman, who was to hold them. Then, they took their place in front of the podium. "Why are you wearing white?" Glen teased. "Don't go there." He took her hands in his, and kissed the back of them. "Do we still get to consumate the marriage, even if we aren't really getting married?" She pulled her hands out of his, and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Mmm... I look forward to it." He leaned down, and kissed her. "Knock it off, you two. The camera isn't even on yet," Mark said. Jo flipped him off. "You are just like Austin."

"OK, you two. Enough with the lip lock. We have two minutes," the camera man said. "Then, we have two more minutes before you can tell us to stop," Glen said. Jo laughed. Jo let her arms slide off of him, and Glen took her hands in his again. The man took his place behind the podium, and the lady stood to his left. The camera man's walkie talkie chirped, then the producer on the other end said, "OK, now." The camera man turned on the live feed, and pointed at the man.

"We are gathered here to..." "Can we cut this short," Kane said. "Calm down, Kane. He's only doing what he's supposed to." He laid his hand on her cheek, and she laid her's on top of his. "Ok." The man continued. "Joann Austin, do you take Kane..." The man paused a moment. "Kane, what is your last name?" He just growled at the man. "Do you take Kane as your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do." "Kane, do you take Joann Austin as your lawfully wedded wife?" "I do." "The rings." The woman stepped forward. They took the rings from her, and slid them on the other's finger. "With this ring, I thee wed," they said together. "Then, by the power vested in me by the State of Illinois, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Kane picked Jo up, and kissed her hard on the lips, making her wimper. He set her back down, then they walked towards the doors leading outside. Once outside, they saw Austin's pick-up, and stopped in their tracks. The window rolled down, and Austin glared at them, while Billy Idol's "White Wedding" played on the radio. "Ya had to go and do it, didn't you?" "Yes, and I'm glad I did," Jo said. "You are my girl. I'm supposed to protect you from monsters like him." Kane stood behind Jo, and rested his arms on her shoulders. "She may have been your girl, but, now, she's my woman." Jo reached up, and ran her hand up and down his bicep. "You may as well enjoy your honeymoon, because this Sunday, at Vengeance, the honeymoon's over." With that said, Austin sped away.

week 5 (ch. 10)

Jo took off the ring, and gave it to Glen so he could return them while she changed. After putting on her leather pants and tank top, she gave the dress to the camera man to return to the costume woman. Then, she met Glen and Mark in front of the chapel. "Are we going? I'm starving." Glen whistled as he looked her over. "You look good enough for me to eat." "Maybe later, hunny, but I want food." "Let's stop by the hotel, and drop off your car. There's no sense in taking both of them," Mark said. "Hell, why don't we just eat there? Then, we can have a few drinks," Jo said. While Glen said "sure", Mark said "no!" "Why not, Mark?" "Because the last time you drank around me, you decided to do a strip tease on the bar." "Hey, I made a hundred bucks that night. Besides, I doubt Glen would let me do it tonight." "Only in the room, and only for me." Jo laughed, then kissed his cheek. "I'm gonna ride with Mark, hun. I need to talk to my bro." "Ok, baby. I'll see you two there." He bent down and kissed her, before getting into his rental car.

Mark and Jo climbed into the rental truck, and followed Glen back to the hotel. "Alright. What did you want to talk about?" "Please don't bring up anymore embarassing shit." Mark burst into laughter. "I'm serious, Mark. He didn't need to know anything about that night." He sobered as he remembered what else happened that night. "Shit. You're right, Jo. I shouldn't have brought it up. I didn't think of anything else that happened that night until now." "Stop. We promised to forget about it, remember?" "Sleeping with your sister-in-law is kinda hard for a man to forget. If you didn't look so much like Sara..." "If we weren't so drunk..." They both sighed. "Well, we can't change the past, so let's just forget about it, like we agreed." "Alright," Mark said as he gave her a sideways glance, from her thighs up. When she caught him, she punched him in the shoulder. "Don't look at me like that." He laughed again. "Alright, alright... I won't do it again." "Besides, I don't look that much like Sara." He smiled as he turned to her. "No, you don't, but that's my story, and I'm sticking to it."

Once in the parking garage, they parked next to Glen. "Hey, good lookin'. Need a date for the night?" she said to Glen. "No, I have one. I think she forgot something." He pulled the pins out of her bun, and shook her hair loose with his fingers. "That's better." He took her hand, and laced his fingers with her's as they lead the way inside. After taking their seat and being handed dinner menus by the waitress, Jo said, "we need a pitcher of Bud, and I'd like three shots of Cabo Wabo." She looked at the other two. "You guys want something besides beer?" They shook their heads as they looked at her in amazement. After the waitress left she turned to them and said, "what?" "Do you plan on getting shit faced?" Mark asked. "I'm drinking my shots, and I'll have one beer. That's all." "Hey. There's the newly weds," a gravelly voice said from behind them. "Hey, Steve. Come have a beer with us," Jo invited. "Don't mind if I do." He took the seat next to Mark. "Hey, Deadman." "Austin."

"You guys celebrating, or something?" "'Taker came to check on me, so I thought I'd get him drunk." "Darlin', you ain't made enough money yet to pay for what it takes to get me drunk." "When did you become interested in the Divas?" "When my wife's sister became one." "Oh. So you're her..." "Yep." The waitress came by and set the pitcher and shots on the table. "I'll be right back with your glasses." Within a minute, Jo had the shots finished, and the glasses stacked. "Does she always do this?" Steve asked. "I've only seen her do it once before." Mark tried not to wince when he realized he brought that night up again. "By the look on your face, I can tell it wasn't pretty." "No, it wasn't." "I'll take care of her, if she gets drunk," Glen said. He rested his arm behind her on the seat. "Gee, guys. I'm right here." The guys laughed. Glen held her chin with his thumb and the knuckle of his finger. "I'm just making sure they know that I'm not going to let anything happen to you." Then, he kissed her forehead. "I think I'm gonna be sick," Steve said. Then, he let out a belch that drew attention from the people eating around them. "Nope, just a burp." They all laughed.

After they finished the first pitcher of beer, and were halfway through the second, Jo became a little foggy. She leaned her head on Glen's shoulder. "Hunny, I think I had too much to drink." "Are you ready to go to the room?" "Yeah." "Ok, baby." He turned to Steve and Mark. "We'll see you guys later." "Later. Keep her out of trouble," Mark said. "I'll see you two Sunday," Steve said. "Hey... About that... Don't hurt my 'husband', 'Dad'," Jo teased. Steve laughed. "Goodnight, Jo." "'Night, Steve." Glen helped her walk to the elevator, then helped her inside. After he pushed the button, he held her body close to his. She ran her hands over his chest. "Glen, I want you to make love to me." "Are you sure?" Her hand went up to his neck, and pulled him down. "I'm sure." Then, she kissed him. He picked her up as he deepened the kiss. When the doors opened on their floor, he carried her out, and to the door. He pulled the key card out of his back pocket, and opened the door without putting her down. Once inside the room, he pressed her up against the wall, as he turned his attention to her neck.

She opened her eyes, and saw someone laying in their bed. "Who the fuck are you!?" Glen looked up at her, and saw her looking over his shoulder. He set her on the floor before turning around to look. His face became red with anger. "What the hell are you doing here?" The woman looked like she was in her mid-forties, and was wearing a corset and stockings. "I'm trying to salvage our marriage." He chuckled. "There's nothing left to salvage. We're divorced, remember? Get dressed, and get the hell out of here." "Oh, come on, Glen. Tell the kid to leave so we can kiss and make up." "Kid? Bitch, I don't know what you're tripping on, but I am a full grown woman. And I'm not going anywhere. Your skanky ass is in my bed." "Funny... I asked for my husband's room." Glen put his arm out to stop Jo, as she lurched forward after the woman. "Ex-husband," he replied. He looked at Jo. "No fighting. Call security." "Gladly," the older woman said. "Hey, dumb ass, I think he was talking to me," Jo said. "That's what you get for thinking, ring rat." "Hold up. Who the hell you calling a ring rat?" "Jo, please, just call security, so we can get her out of here." Jo glared at the other woman. "I'm about to go South Park on that bitch."

Jo picked up the ear piece, and dialed zero. "Hello. Can I get security up to room 413? There's a strange woman laying in my bed." After a pause, she said, "thank you." After hanging up, she glared at the woman. "Get dressed, or they'll drag you out in that plastic slut suit." "Oh, I think I'll be staying right here." "You know, I think Steven Tyler was talking about you when he sang "Dream On"." Glen grabbed Jo, and lead her out into the hall."What are we doing out here?" "You two were giving me a headache." "Damn... I'm sorry, hunny. I guess I'm a little protective of you." "And a little too fiesty after drinking," he laughed. "I'll be ok, baby; once she's out of our life." He leaned against the wall. She laid her head on his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Where's this woman at?" the gaurd asked. "She's still in there on the bed. She's my ex-wife. Our divorce was final a few months ago. I guess she decided to invite herself into our room." "Ok, Mr. Jacobs. I'm guessing this is Ms. Frank." "Yeah." "Alright. What is your ex-wife's name?" "Marissa." The security gaurd went into the room, while Glen and Jo stayed in the hall. They heard the officer talking to Marissa through the open door. "May I ask why you're in this room, ma'am?" "I came to see my husband." Glen kissed Jo, then said, "stay out here, please." "Alright." He went into the room, and bellowed, "EX-HUSBAND! We're not married anymore, nor do I want to be married to you again!" "Mr. Jacobs, please, step back out in the hall with Ms. Frank." He did as he was asked. "Marissa, Mr. Jacobs is signed into this room with his girlfriend. You have no reason to be here. I have to ask you to leave, or I will be forced to drag you out." "I have more of a reason to be here than that cheap whore does." "Oh... Now, it's on," Jo said as she started to go in the room. Glen grabbed her hand, but she slipped through his fingers.

She ran in the room, straddled the older woman, and raised her fist to punch her. Glen came up behind her, and easily lifted her off the bed, and carried her back into the hall. He set her down just long enough to turn her around. Then, he picked her up again, and trapped her between the wall and his body. "Jo, please, for my sake, don't hit her, don't attack her, just ignore her. I know she's pissing you off. Hell, she's got me pissed, too. But hitting her will only come back on me." Jo wrapped her arms around him, and burried her face in his neck as she began to sob. He softly petted her hair as he held her tight. "Come on, you two. Your room is right there." Jo looked up at Mark. "What did you do?" he asked Glen when he saw the tears in her eyes. "I didn't do anything. My ex snuck into our room, and Jo wants to kick her ass, but I won't let her." "Where's your key card?" "In the room, on the dresser. Why?" "Here... Take mine, and go lay her down. I'll switch rooms with you two for tonight." "Taker, you don't have to..." "I know. I'm helping Jo out. Besides, this could take awhile." "Thanks, Mark," Jo sobbed. "Any time, lil' sis." Glen took the card, and carried Jo to the room. As he did, he heard Mark go into the room and say, "alright, lady. Now you're laying in my bed. I suggest you get your fat ass out of it, so I can get some sleep." Jo laughed as they entered the room.


week 5 - Tuesday (ch. 11)

When Jo awoke in the morning, she had a slight headache. She had barely opened her eyes when Glen opened the curtains. "Ah! Close them!" she screamed as she hid beneath the covers. He laughed as he closed the curtains. "Time to wake up, babe." "You couldn't find a nicer way to wake me up?" He pulled the towel off of his waist, and crawled under the covers with her. "Like this," he said as he kissed her neck. "Mmm..." "Or this," he said as he nibbled her ear. She released a sigh. "Or this," he said as he pulled her against his body so she could feel his growing erection. "Mmm... Exactly what I was talking about." He slid his hand between her thighs, and tickled her clit. Her legs seemed to spread of their own accord. He moved his finger along her lips, and let out a groan. "You're always so warm and ready for me." As she laid back, he positioned himself between her legs. He slowly pushed his length into her moist heat. As he slowly thrust his hips, he pushed the hair out of her face.

As her muscles tightened around him, she leaned her head back, and ran her hands down his spine. "I love you, Glen." He claimed her lips with a quick, yet passionate, kiss. "I love you, too, Jo." With one quick move, he rolled onto his back, and brought her with him. She laid her hands on his chest, and rocked her hips in time with his upward thrusts. His hands went to her breasts, and massaged them for a moment, before he pinched her nipples. She arched her back as her orgasm washed over her body. He quickened his pace as he felt the familiar tightening in his lower abdomen. He grabbed a handful of her hair, and pulled her down for a kiss. Once it ended, she collapsed on top of him. She let out a moan before saying, "you are the best lover I have ever had. Not that I've had many, mind you." She heard his chuckle rumble in his chest. He ran one hand up her spine, and the other down to her backside. "You need to get up and take your shower. We have to leave soon." "Ok, hunny." She placed a kiss in the middle of his chest, before getting out of bed, and going into the bathroom.

Once out of the shower, she wrapped a towel around her body, and went out to sit next to Glen on the bed. "So, what are we doing today," she asked. "Well, I need to get some different clothes from my place, and get some gym time in... Why don't we go back to my place until Saturday. I have a fitness center not far from my house." "Alright. I could use a workout, too." He slid his hand down her leg. "Your body looks great to me." "You're biased. Besides, if I'm going to be a competitor soon, I need to stay in shape." "When does that start?" "They haven't given me an exact date yet. Probably a month from Sunday to sell the miscarriage."

The phone rang, and Jo answered it. "Hello." "Watch your back, cunt. I'm going to kick your ass." "Yeah, yeah... You scare me so fucking badly." She hung up on Marissa. "You're ex is a pain in the ass." He let out a heavy sigh. "What did she say?" Jo told him. "She's full of shit. She couldn't kick her own ass. That's why I wouldn't let you fight her last night." The phone rang again, and Jo answered again. "Look, ho, you're just pissed 'cause I'm getting what you threw away." "Did I interrupt something," Mark said. Jo sighed. "Mornin', bro." "Mornin'. Wanna get some breakfast before you two head out?" "Sure. We'll meet you downstairs in ten." "He's that fast, huh?" "We weren't having sex!" Glen rolled over on top of her, and she groaned from his weight. He took the phone from her. "We might be able to if you'd let her off the phone." Mark laughed. "Hey, man. I was just inviting you two to breakfast." He looked up at Jo. "You're gonna have to wait, babe." Mark and Jo laughed. "We'll meet you down there."

After hanging up the phone, Glen got off of her, so they could get dressed. They made it to the table Mark was at in ten minutes, as promised. After placing their orders, Mark asked, "so, where are you going after you leave?" "I'm gonna stay with him until we head out for the pay per view Saturday." "Why don't you two stay at the ranch with me and Sara? She'd love to see you. And, after that joke we pulled on her last night, I don't want to face her alone." Jo turned to look at Glen. "If you want to go, we can," he said. "Alright, Mark. We'll go for a couple days." She turned to Glen. "We can go to my place Thursday, so I can get some clothes, then go to your's." He smiled at her. "Sounds like a plan."

As they were talking, Marissa walked through the door. When she spotted them sitting at the table, she walked towards them, and pushed Jo as she passed. "Hey..." Jo laid her hand on Glen's arm to silence him. "I have an idea," she whispered. Jo got up, and went over to the table Marissa sat down at. "I want to thank you for all the hell you've put us through." "Thank me?" "Oh, yeah. You see, if you weren't such a pain in the ass, he wouldn't have realized how much he loves me. If he didn't realize how much he loves me, he wouldn't have asked me to marry him this morning." "Mar... What?" "We decided "why wait?" We're going to get married while we're off this week." Marissa's face turned red with anger. She pushed Jo out of the way, and stormed out of the resteraunt.She walked back to the table with a smug look on her face. "And, I didn't even have to hit her." The guys laughed. "Damn, you're fun, babe."


chapter 12

Since the night she spent with Mark, Jo had been nervous about seeing her sister. She was worried that the guilt would show on her face. And Sara was the last person in the world she wanted to cross. Jo's nervousness didn't go unnoticed by Glen. "What's wrong, babe?" She looked up at him and smiled. "It's nothing." "It must be something, because I can tell it's bothering you." "There's a bit of a strain in mine and Sara's relationship." "Oh?" "I did something that would hurt her, if she knew. If she found out, I'd lose my only sister." "Sounds like a heavy burden to carry. Do you want to tell me what it was you did?" "No. If I told you, I'd probably lose you." He grabbed her hand, and kissed it. "You'll never lose me, Jo."

Tears stung her eyes. 'I don't want to tell him, but I should before we reach the point where I can't live without him.' "Do you promise not to hold it against me?" "I promise." She let out a heavy sigh. "That night Mark was talking about, when I did a strip tease on the bar... I was on the road with him, then, doing dark matches for Smackdown. That night was my first match, so we went out to celebrate. We got really drunk. After I did the strip tease, he grabbed me from the bar, threw me over his shoulder, and carried me to my room." Tears were rolling down her cheeks. "After he laid me in bed, I kissed him," she sobbed. "You think she'd be upset over a kiss? You think I would be upset over a kiss?" "He kissed me back. Before either of us really knew what we were doing... I had sex with Mark."

Glen pulled the car over to the side of the road, put it in park, and turned on the emergency flashers. "You did what?" "Please don't be upset with me. I've been upset with myself since I woke up next to him." She wiped the tears from her cheeks. "We promised to forget it ever happened, but neither of us really can." Glen sighed. "Come here, babe," he said as he held his arms open. She leaned over, and wept on his chest. He petted her hair as he held her.

"I promised I wouldn't hold it against you, and I won't. You know what happened wasn't right, and I'm sure you feel bad enough about it. But don't you think Sara deserves to know?" She sniffled and looked up at him before answering. "I know she does, but how do you tell a hot head like her something like that?" "Straight and to the point. Let's say we were married, and Sara and I slept together... Wouldn't you want us to come forward and give you the honest truth?" Yeah, I would." She wiped the tears from her eyes. "I'll tell her before we leave." He kissed her forehead before turning off the emergency flashers, and putting the car in drive.

Sometime later, as they pulled into the driveway, they saw Sara and Brittany watering the plants. As soon as the car stopped, Jo got out. "Aunt Jo-Jo," Britany yelled. "Hey, sweetheart." The little girl ran and jumped into Jo's arms. "How's my favorite niece?" "Good." "You being good for Momma?" "Uh-huh. What'd ya bring me?" "A new friend to play with." "Well look at what the cat dragged in," Sara said. "Hey, Sis. How have you been?" "Pretty good." Sara looked over the roof of the car. "Hey, Glen." "Hi, Sara." Brittany pointed at Glen. "Not new friend. He Kane. He bad." "No, Britt. He is Mr. Jacobs. He's a nice man." Jo looked at him, and explained, "she knows that her dad isn't Taker at home, but she hasn't grasped that the others aren't like their characters."

"Well, why are we standing around out here? Let's go inside," Sara said. They went in, and sat in the living room. "So, how have things been with the show?" "Pretty good. I can't complain about the guys I'm working with." Brittany walked over to Jo, and crawled into her lap. "Aunt Jo-Jo marry Kane?" Jo looked up at Sara. "She couldn't sleep last night, so she got to see the 'wedding'." "Britt, hun, that wasn't for real. Glen and I were pretending." "Oh. Aunt Jo-Jo no have baby?" "Sorry, sweetie. No baby." After a few failed attempts at saying Glen, Brittany said, "Kane have baby?" After the laughter died, Glen said, "no. No baby."

"So, what are you two doing here?" "Mark invited us to stay. We probably won't stay as long as I first thought, but you have us for now." "So that's why Mark is coming home tonight, instead of tomorrow." The silence was deafening. "Sara, I need to have a serious talk alone with you." "I'm right here. Go ahead." "I'd like to enjoy today, so I'd rather wait until tomorrow." "Alright, Jo. You're not hurt are you?" "No. Nothing like that." "Alright. We'll set aside some time just for us."

The three of them continued talking until late into the night. Around midnight, the front door opened. "Hunny, I'm home." "We're in the living room, Mark," Sara yelled back. He dropped his bags by the door, and went into the living room. "Hey... You guys made it." "Did you have any doubt?" Glen asked. "The way you drive, yeah." He walked over to Sara and kissed her. "Hey, baby. Brittany asleep?" "Yeah, since nine." "So, why is everyone else up?" "We were waiting for you." "Well, I'm here, and I'm ready to head for the sack." "We'll bunk in the usual room," Jo said. "Goodnight, guys," Sara said. "Goodnight."


chapter 13

Jo woke up at two in the morning, and couldn't get back to sleep. She went to the kitchen, to get a drink. That's where she found Mark. "You couldn't sleep either?" he asked. "No. I just can't get comfortable," she said as she pulled a glass from the cabinet. "That again." She filled up her glass and sat at the table with him. "I... Uh... I decided to tell Sara." He silently looked up at her. He sat back in his chair, and folded his arms over his chest. "Don't give me that look. The guilt is driving me insane. Isn't your conscience getting to you?" He let out a sigh. "Yeah, it does. But the idea of losing your sister over one night hurts more than my conscience ever could."

Jo felt the threat of new tears. He sighed again, and reached out for her hand. "You know I want to tell her the whole truth, but if I do, if either one of us do, I'll lose my entire world. My whole reason for living is in those two bedrooms." He let go of her hand. "We've both moved on. Let's just put it behind us." A knife flew through the kitchen, and stuck in the very center of the table. "What are you two talking about?" Sara said from beside the stove. Jo began hyperventilating, wondering where the knife Sara held in her hand was going to be aimed.

"Um, Sara, will you set the knife down, please? If you set the knife down, we'll tell you the whole story," Mark said. She threw the knife, and it stuck in the floor in front of Mark's bare foot. She took another knife out of the block, and leaned against the counter. "I'm waiting." "We went out to celebrate her first match. We got plastered, she did a strip tease at the bar, I took her to the room, and... That's all I remember before we woke up next to each other." "Joann..." "He remembers as much as I do, but he left out that we were naked when we woke up."

Blinded by tears, Sara threw the knife. It landed in Jo's shin, and stuck there. Jo cried out in pain, and watched as Sara ran towards Mark, and attacked him. "You son of a bitch! How could you!?" Amidst the chaos, Glen ran into the kitchen. "What the hell is going on here?" he bellowed. "Glen, help," Jo whimpered. "Oh, shit." Mark finally got a hold on Sara, and held her to him as Glen went to help Jo. "What the fuck happened?" "We told her," Jo answered. "Here... Put your arm around my neck." She did as he said, and he lifted her out of the chair. "I'm taking her to the hospital. You take care of Sara," he told Mark.

Glen laid Jo in the back seat, and sped off to the nearest hospital; thirty miles away. "Baby, don't move, and try to calm down. The faster your heart beats, the faster you'll lose blood." "It's barely in, Glen. I can take it out, if you have something I can press on it." "The back seat opens into the trunk. Open it, and get one of my shirts out of the bag." She did as he instructed. Once she had the shirt, she grabbed the knife with both hands, and tried to ease it out. With a hiss, she got it out of her leg. "It's out. You can slow down, before you kill us." She wrapped the shirt around her leg, and tied it tight over the wound.

As they pulled up to a red light, Glen chanced a glance back at her. "Are you gonna be ok?" "It hurts like hell, but I don't think it's anything serious." "Care to answer me now? What happened?" "I thought Sara was asleep, so I was talking to Mark, and told him I was going to tell her what happened. She overheard us, threw a knife in the table, then at Mark's foot. Mark spilled his guts, and after that she threw the other knife that I caught." "Do you think she really meant to hit you?" "No, but it wouldn't surprise me if she did." She leaned her head back against the window. "I really fucked up now."

Once the doctor was finished repairing her leg, Glen sat next to her on the bed. "What's the verdict, Doc?" "She'll be in pain for a few days, but there's no fracture. I'll write her a prescription for some pain killers. She needs to stay off of her leg as much as possible." "I'll make sure she does." They waited for her papers, and the prescription, and left as soon as they were in her hand.

Once in the car, Glen asked for directions to her house. "Take me back to see Sara." "I don't feel like being in the middle of World War III at this time of morning. Let's just get some rest, then talk to Mark and Sara." With a sigh, Jo said, "get on 45 south, and take the first Conroe exit."


chapter 14

When Jo awoke late in the morning, she heard Glen talking on the phone. "She's doing ok. She's still asleep now. The doctor said there isn't a fracture, or anything like that." Jo got out of bed, and went to find him. "Glen?" "Hold on. She just woke up." "Hunny, who are you talking to?" "It's Sara. She wants to talk to you." "Oh, hell..." He handed her the phone, and she reluctantly put it to her ear. "Hey, Sara." "Jo! Are you alright? I didn't mean to hit you with the knife. I meant to hit Mark." "Sara, you really shouldn't have been aiming for either one of us. We were drunk when it happened. If we were in a normal state of mind, it never would have happened. He loves you too much, and so do I." Sara sighed. "I know, but he told me he was like this before we met. Always getting drunk, and going to the hotel with a different woman every night. This time it was my baby sister, and that hurt more than anything." "So you'd end his career, or possibly his life, over a night that meant nothing to either one of us? Stop and think, Sis. You have a baby with this man. You've been married to him for a few years. What happened was an accident, and we don't want to try it on purpose. Besides, Glen must be better in bed, because I can remember every time I've been with him, even when I was drunk."

Glen turned red as he laughed. The laughter through the phone was so loud that Jo had to pull the receiver away. "All I want you to do is talk to Mark. I know he feels worse about this than either of us do. Hopefully you two can work this out, but even if you can't, you need to tell him what's on your mind." "I will, Jo. How is your leg feeling?" "About like it did when we fell out of the boys' tree house. I'll live." "I'm sorry it hit you, Sis." "Don't worry about it." "I'll talk to you later." "Later."

"Don't worry about it? She threw a knife at you." "We've had worse fights over guys. Before my ex, she broke my arm in two places with a car door." "Jesus... Talk about disfunctional." "She has a BB still stuck in her ass from when we were in middle school. Trust me, this was mild." "How is your leg?" "It's ok. It doesn't really hurt. I doubt I'll even get that prescription filled." After kissing Glen, Jo walked into the kitchen. "Are you hungry? I can make breakfast." "You're not supposed to be on that leg," he reminded her. "I know." He walked up behind her, and trapped her between his body and the counter. "Why don't you let me take you back to bed?" "Mmm... You can take me where ever you want me." He leaned down to kiss her, but it was interrupted by the phone ringing. Glen answered it. "Hello." After a pause, he said, "hold on." He handed her the phone. "It's for you." "You're just making yourself right at home, aren't you?" He smiled, then kissed her cheek.

"Hello." "Who is he?" She laughed, thinking it was Mark. "Your brother. What do you want?" "I don't have a brother." "You have four brothers, and then there's Glen. What do you want, Mark?" "I'm not your fucking brother-in-law! Did you forget my voice that fast?" She swallowed hard. "David?" "See? You do remember me. Now, who is the asshole taking up my side of the bed?" "He's... He's... He's my husband." "Aw... So you've gotten married. Where did you meet him? That skin sin you call a job?" "That's none of your business." "Doesn't matter. I hope you two have life insurance. Your husband is about to fall like a ton of bricks." She hung up the phone. "Glen, get down!" As they hit the floor, shots rang out, shattering glass and splintering wood. The shots stopped, then they heard tires squealing. "What the fuck was that?" "My ex. I guess this means it's time to move again." "How many times have you moved since you two broke up?" "Three times." "Three times in what? Three months?" "Yeah."

He sighed, then hit his head on the floor a few times. "He's gone, now. I want you to get back in bed. I'm going to make a few phone calls, then, we're going to start moving you." "But where?" "Don't worry about it. I've got it covered." Glen got up from the floor, and helped her up. He laid his hands on her neck, and let his thumbs rub along her jaw line. "I'm not going to let him hurt you again. You mean too much to me." A tear slid from her eye. "I'm sorry I got you involved." "Don't worry about it, babe. Go get in bed." He kissed her forehead, before she walked away.

After a little searching, he found the phone book in a cabinet. He looked up the number he needed, then punched it in. "U-Haul?" After a pause, he said, "I need to rent one of the big trucks. It's going out to Tenessee." Jo sat up in bed. "Tenessee? Oh, God... He expects me to move in with him."


chapter 15

Jo got out of bed, and went to Glen. As he hung up the phone, she tapped him on the shoulder. "Tenessee?" "Look, if you're not comfortable moving in with me, we can find you an apartment, or a house, but I'm not leaving you in Texas." She smiled up at him. "How am I ever going to repay you? Taking me to the hospital and moving me in the same day..." "Stay with me." Jo sighed, and tried to tell him something, but he spoke before she could. "I'm not asking you to marry me, or give me a life commitment. I wouldn't ask that of you after only a couple weeks." He smiled, and pushed a few hairs out of her face. "I like waking up to you. I love going to bed with you." She giggled. "And, I love you." She bit her lip as she looked at him. "I love you, too. Alright. I'll stay with you." He leaned down, and kissed her. "Do you trust me yet?" "With all my heart, Glen."

Jo went back in her room, and started packing whatever wasn't still in a box. As she put the last of her clothes in a box, Glen stood in the doorway. "I just got off the phone with the rental car place. Two of them are going to meet me at Uhaul, so I can pick up the truck, and return the car in one trip. I'll be back soon." "Alright, hun. It shouldn't take me long to finish packing. I'm not even going to bother with the kitchen stuff."

As she got the words out of her mouth, there was a knock on the door. She went to it, and looked out the peep hole. She let out a sigh, then unlocked and opened the door. "Good morning, Officer Jones." "Ah... Joann. I might have known. What happened this time?" "David did a drive-by on my apartment." "Any idea why?" "He kinda caught me with another man." "Is he still here?" She opened the door wider, and invited him in. When he laid eyes on Glen, Officer Jones said, "is he ever. I'm sorry, I don't believe I've met anyone as big as you." "I get that a lot." He introduced himself, and shook the officer's hand.

As Glen and Jo told the officer the series of events, Officer Jones took notes. "Did he tell you where he was staying this time, Joann?" "Not unless he left a message if he called last night. Glen and I have only been here since about five this morning." She checked the caller ID on the phone. "I have repeat calls from the La Quinta on 45." "What time was the last one?" Her eyes went wide as she looked at the time. "Eleven ten this morning. He called me from the inn." The officer scratched his head. "If he called from the hotel, who shot up your apartment?" "I don't know." "Made any new enemies lately?" She looked up at Glen. They both said it at the same time. "Sara."

After a moment, Jo relaxed. "Sara wouldn't have done this. She apologized about what happened this morning." "What am I missing here, Joann?" "Long story. Besides, she wouldn't have had enough time to leave her house, and come down here to do a drive-by." "But you haven't heard from Mark," Glen pointed out. She waved off the idea. "Mark is a big teddy bear." "Yeah, one with a really dark streak," Glen replied. "Ok, now, who are Sara and Mark," Officer Jones asked. "My sister and brother-in-law. We got into an argument this morning," Jo said as she began to sob.

"I think I have enough for now. I'll check on these three. See if I can get anything out of them." "Officer, is it alright for her to leave the state?" "It might be in her best interest to do just that, as long as I can contact her. Why?" "After the drive-by, I started setting things up for her to come live with me, and I live in Tennessee. I just want to keep her safe." "That's fine, but I need a contact number." Jo gave him her cell phone number, and Glen gave him the house number. "I'll give you a call if I find anything out." "Thanks, Officer Jones."


chapter 16

Glen returned from the Uhaul company a little over an hour later. He loaded the full boxes, while Jo continued to repack the rest of her stuff. Once all of the boxes were loaded, they stood back and looked at it all. "We have enough room. Are you sure you don't want to take any of the big stuff?" "I'm sure. I have to put one more thing in before we head to your house, but it's not here." "What is it?" "My Indian. It's in a car storage lot down the road." "Let's get it, and get out of here." "Give me just a moment."

Jo ran to her neighbor's apartment, and knocked on the door. A little old lady answered the door. "Why, Joann. What a surprise. Come in." "I'm sorry, Mrs. Codwell, I don't have time. Do you remember when you said you'd like to have a shelf like the one I have in the dining room?" "Well, yeah." "If you can get someone to help you move it, you can have it. All I ask in return is for you to return these keys to the office." "Are you moving, dear?" "Yes, ma'am." "Alright, sweetie. I'll do it." "Thank you, Mrs. Codwell. I'll miss you." She hugged the woman, then ran, and got in the truck. After stopping to get her motorcycle, they were on their way to his house.

As they were leaving Louisianna, Jo's cell phone rang. "Hello." "Joann, this is Officer Jones." "Yes, sir. Did you find out anything?" "David checked out of the hotel at eleven thirty. Sara said she was at home with Brittany, waiting for Mark to get there." "What about Mark?" "I haven't gotten to speak with him yet. I asked Sara to have him call me." "Ok. Thank you for keeping me updated." "You're welcome. Have a safe trip." "Thanks. Bye." She turned the phone off, and leaned back in the seat.

"What's going on?" Glen asked. She told him what the officer said. "I doubt it was Mark, though. I mean, if Sara was waiting for him to come home, then he would have seen that there was a chance left for them." "I don't know, Jo. I've never really understood Mark. All we can do is wait and see what Officer Jones finds out. In the meantime, you may want to get some sleep. When I get tired, I'll need you to take over." "Ok, hun." She leaned her head against the window, and closed her eyes.

When she awoke, it was because they hit a bump as they exited the freeway. Jo stretched her arms out, and yawned, "getting tired?" "Nah. The truck and I need a pit stop. We passed the state line about ten minutes ago." "I must have been asleep for a long time." "Yeah, and it sounded like you were having a bad dream." "Was I talking in my sleep?" "You were telling Mark, Sara and David to stay away. Then, you must have been looking for me, because you kept calling my name. I grabbed your hand to let you know I was here. You kinda smiled, and you've been quiet since then." "I guess all the drama invaded my dreams." "Atleast you weren't telling me to stay away." He turned off the truck, and kissed her before getting out. 'Yeah, I guess that's good,' she thought to herself.

As she was about to get out of the truck, she caught a glimpse of a face that looked familiar. She looked for it again, but couldn't find it. 'I'm just seeing things. There's no way that was him. he'd have no reason to be way down here,' she said to herself.

chapter 17

Once they arrived at his house, Jo insisted that Glen go inside and get some rest, while she unloaded the truck. "Are you sure? You're not supposed to be on that leg." "I feel fine, and you need rest, so yes, I'm sure. If you want to help me before you go to bed, tell me where I can park my bike." He smiled and carressed her cheek. "You're stubborn." He leaned down, and kissed Jo. "I'll take care of the bike, then I'll go to bed. OK?" "OK." "When I wake up, will you be beside me?" "Hopefully. I'm just going to unload the truck, then I'll join you." "All right. Whatever room the box goes in, just set it in there. I'll help you put it away when we get up." "All right."

He took the bike down off of the truck, and parked it in the garage. "Are you sure you can get the rest?" "Yes, Glen. Now will you go get some rest?" "All right, all right. I'm going." He smiled at her before turning toward the house, shaking his head, and going inside. She continued carrying the boxes inside. It took her all of an hour and a half to get everything inside.

As she was closing up the truck, she heard someone walk up behind her. "Running from something?" She jumped when she heard his voice. "Why are you following me!?" He stepped closer, and trapped her between his body and the truck. "Because you're the only thing Kane has that I want." He stuck a rag with chloroform over her mouth and nose. Once she stopped struggling, he put her in the back seat of his car. Then, he stuck the note to the front door of the house, before leaving.


Glen awoke around noon. When he noticed Jo wasn't beside him, he got worried. "Jo? Where are you?" When he didn't get an answer, he got out of bed, and searched the house. "Damn it. Where are you," he mumbled to himself. He went back in his bedroom, and put on a pair of sweat pants. He went out to the truck, not noticing the note on the door. He finally saw it, when he was on his way back in. He pulled it off, and read it.

Big Bald Freak,

If you want to see Jo again, you'll do exactly as I say. She's safe, for now. If you don't meet me in the OVW ring at six o'clock tonight, something unfortunate may happen to your girlfriend.

Andrew Martin

He went inside, and slammed the door so hard that the walls shook. He grabbed a t-shirt out of the drawer, and his keys off of the hook. He got in his 4x4 Silverado, and made the tires squeal as he backed out of the driveway, and took off for Ohio.


chapter 18

Glen made it to the training gym with only a few minutes to spare. He wasted no time getting inside, and climbing into the ring. "All right, Andrew. I'm here. Where's Jo?" "She's safe." Garrison Cade pushed a wheel chair out of one of the offices behind Andrew. She was tied to it, with duct tape over her mouth. "Test. You know, boy, you're about on my last nerve." "I'm proposing a fight for the lady's hand." Glen laughed. "I'm not going to fight you for her hand. She's a human being. She can choose who she wants to be with. But, she chose me, so I'll kick your ass for taking her." She looked up at him, and shook her head wildly as tears streamed down her cheeks.

While Glen looked down at her, Andrew sucker punched him. He shook off the effects of the blow, then looked down at Andrew. He nodded, and smiled. "Alright. You want to play dirty?" He laughed. "And Stacy thought I hurt you before..." Andrew and Glen traded blows, neither one giving up the fight. After repeated blows to the head, Glen became wobbly. With one more punch, he fell to the mat. Andrew pulled a gun out of the back of his pants, and pointed it at Glen. "You can give up now, or I can shoot you between the eyes. What's it gonna be?" Glen kicked Andrew's feet out from under him. As Andrew hit the mat, he dropped the gun. Glen hurried to get it, before Andrew did.

He got to his feet, and pointed the gun at Andrew's head. "I have a counter-offer. You and your little buddy, are going to release Jo, or your tiny brain will be splattered all over this ring." Andrew laughed at him. Glen heard Jo try to yell at him, just before he saw the glimmer on the barrel of Garison's gun. "Always have a back up plan, Kane." While Glen and Andrew had a stare down, a ringing came from the ring post. Glen turned to look as Garrison fell to the ground. "Your back up plan just arrived," Mark said. "You were saying, Testicle?" Andrew closed his eyes, and let his head fall to the mat. "You win. I give."

Mark went over to Jo, and ripped the duct tape off of her mouth. "Are you alright?" "I was until you took the tape off. Can we get out of these, please?" Mark worked on the ropes that bound her to the wheel chair, while Glen stood gaurd over Andrew. "How the hell did you know where we were?" Jo asked. "Glen called me on his way, and told me what happened. I flew out." "Thank you, Mark." Once the ropes fell, Jo ran and climbed into the ring. She straddled Andrew, and threw punches at him. "You... stupid... son... of a bitch!" Glen pulled her off of him. She looked down at Andrew. "Don't fuck with me, and don't fuck with my man." Mark carried the ropes over, and started tying up Andrew.

Jo turned around in Glen's arms, and looked up at him. She smiled as she laid her hand on his face. "My hero... I tried to warn you about the guns. I guess you couldn't understand me." "We're all safe. That's what matters." He leaned down, and kissed her. "I love you." "I love you, too." "I hate to break up the love fest, but I just ran out of rope, and Garrison is waking up." "Grab his gun. Officer Jones can have them annilyzed. Maybe they're the ones that shot up her apartment."


chapter 19

That night, instead of going back to Glen's house, they got a hotel room in town. As they laid in bed, trying to sleep, he asked her, "what did they do to you?" "Nothing really. I was tied to the wheel chair most of the day." "They didn't hurt you?" "Nah. They tugged on my hair a few times. That's all. I was more worried about you. They were so intent on killing you... I can't lose you." She ran her hand over the arms that held her to him. "You're the only good thing going in my life." He slid his lips along the side of her neck, then kissed her shoulder. "Can I admit something to you, Jo, without you thinking I'm less of a man?" She giggled. "I don't think I could think of you as less of a man. Go ahead." "I was scared when I woke up, and couldn't find you."

Jo rolled over to look at Glen in the dim light coming through the window. "Do you believe in destiny?" "I hadn't really thought about it. Why?" "I wonder if we were destined to be together. I mean we drive each other, we tame each other... I could spend every waking moment with you, yet worry about what I'd miss if I didn't wake up with you." "If I have any say so, you'll never have to find out." He kissed her forehead. "Get some rest, Jo. You've had a long day." It was too late. She had already fallen asleep with her head on his chest.

In the morning, when they awoke, they made the drive back to the house. Once there, Jo ordered a pizza for their lunch, and they started working on the boxes. While Jo was eatting, Glen walked up to her, carrying one of the boxes. "What's this one, babe?" "What does it say?" "'Memorabelia'." She jumped up and said, "give me it." "Tell me what's in it." "It's private." "Nude pictures? Playgirls? Old love notes?" Jo stomped on his foot, shoved a slice of pizza in his mouth, and took the box from him. "I said it's private." After swallowing a bite of pizza Glen said, "you don't have to show me. I just want to know." She sighed and said, "pictures." "If you're nude, I wanna see." "You've seen me naked. And they're not pictures of me." "Then who are they pictures of?" Jo gave him a nervous smile. "The brothers of destruction." Glen laughed. "Pictures of me and Mark?" "Yeah." "You must have quite a collection," he laughed. "This box is kinda heavy." "Oh, shut up. I shouldn't have told you."

She took the box in the bedroom, and shoved it on her side of the closet. As she came out Glen grabbed her and laid her on the bed. "When did you start putting that collection together?" "Forget it. Forget I told you what's in it." Jo tried to push him off of her. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the mattress above her head. He nuzzled her neck. "No. I want to know." She closed her eyes and sighed, then moaned as he kissed along her neck. "About three years ago." "You've kept it hidden all this time?" "Oh, yes. David would have freaked out if he knew I had that." Glen stood from the bed, and held his hand out to her. Jo moaned as he did, not wanting to lose the moment. "I have something I want to show you." She took his hand, and followed him out of the room, and down the hall.

Glen stopped in the middle of the hall, and reached up to open the attic access door. He unfolded the ladder, and said, "ladies first." "Glen, what are you..." "Up the ladder, woman." She laughed and climbed the steps. "I like the view better from back here." She laughed again. "Which way do I turn?" "Left." She crawled to her left, and made room for him to get up beside her. In the dim light coming through the vent, she could see boxes stacked all around her. He turned on the light, and right in front of her was a big dark green trunk. "Open it," he urged her. She looked at him for a moment, then flipped the latches open. She lifted the lid, and looked inside. On top of everything in the trunk was one of his old costumes. She looked at him confused. "Move the costume. I have a few of them in there." She moved it out of the way, and found a tall stack of magazines underneath. "I thought maybe you could add a few more to your collection." "You're in all of these?" "Yeah. Most of them as Kane, but there are a few from before. I saved them to show to my kids some day."

She flipped through a few of them. "Glen, I couldn't. These are your memories." He turned her attention to him with a finger under her chin. "You would be helping me if you could put some order to all of this." He smiled at her. "Besides, I hope you will be the mother of my kids, some day, so they'll still be around." She laid her hand on his cheek, and they met in the middle with a kiss. "I thought you weren't ready to get that serious again." He wrapped his arms around her, and brought her to her knees in front of him. "You're getting me there, babe."


chapter 20 - Before Vengeance

The rest of their time off went without incident, which was fine with them. Glen and Jo had had more drama in one week, than most people had in their lives. As they stepped through the arena doors, they went their seperate ways; Glen going to his dressing room, while Jo went to the ladies' locker room. "Hey, Molly," she said as she walked through the door. "Hey, Jo. How has your week been?" "Hell. And your's?" "Fine. What happened to you? Are you limping?" "I don't think I was." "So, what made your week hell?" "To make a long story short, I moved in with Glen." "So soon?" Jo shrugged. "I needed a place, and he offered." "And you're both ok with it?" "We're adjusting fairly well. It's only been two days." "Do you want to spar again?" "Nah. I'm saving my bumps for Austin versus Kane tonight." "Yeah. I should too. I go against Trish for the title."

In Kane's dressing room, Glen was being given the third degree. "What happened to Jo?" "Lay off my ass, Austin." "No. I saw her limping through the door with you. She's trying to hide it, but I saw it." "Sara stabbed her. I was asleep, so I couldn't help her." Glen looked up from his boots to Steve's cold blue eyes. "I really didn't think you needed to know that, because that's a family matter." "Oh." "Look, I've been saving her ass all week, and you know what?" "What?" "I'd do it all over again, just to keep her with me." Steve smiled at Glen. "You're not half as bad as I thought, Kane." "Glad someone figured that out," he said sarcastically. "We have the fourth match tonight. I'm going to get ready." "Good. Leave me alone." "Somebody hasn't been getting enough." Glen growled at Austin as he walked out the door.

Twenty minutes later there was a knock on his dressing room door. "Yeah." "Is it safe to come in, Kane?" "Sure, Steph." As she entered the room, she looked around for Jo. "Where's Jo?" "Ladies' locker room." "You two aren't fighting, are you?" He smiled at her. "No. She wanted to see Molly." "Okay. Steve said you were in a bad mood." "Because he was bugging me." "I want to do a small promo on Heat. One with you and Jo. It's kinda last minute, but it's to hype up you and Austin." "Alright. I'll get Jo. You can have the cameraman come in and get set up."

Five minutes later Glen and Jo were waiting for the cameraman to finish setting up. When he gave the cue, Kane put his hands on Jo's hips. "Jo, I don't want you at ringside tonight." "I need to be out there. You're fighting my father." "I have a bad feeling something is going to happen to you." She laid her hand on his cheek. "Kane, I wouldn't be a very good wife if I didn't go out there to cheer my husband on." He kissed what was bared of her stomach. Then, she leaned down, and kissed him. "The three of us will go home together. You, me and..." He smiled up at her. "Little Kane." "I know we will." The camera faded to black.

While the cameraman rolled up to move on, he said, "fourth match, you two. You have about an hour." "I know," Glen snapped. "Ok," he said before leaving. "What has your unders in a bunch, babe?" "Austin. He caught you trying to hide your limp. He didn't come out and say it, but he implied that I gave it to you." "But we both know you didn't." "I know that, but..." "That's all that matters." She kissed him to ward off any further protest. "It's nobody's business but our's." He smiled. "You're right. Now if Austin could understand that..." "I'll take care of him. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Jo left the dressing room, and walked down the hall to Austin's office. She knocked on the door, and heard him say, "hold on." After a minute, he answered the door in his wrestling gear. She looked him over. "Nice trunks. We need to have a talk." "Come on in." She went in and stood by the door, while he sat down to put his boots on. "Lay off of Kane, will you? He's been nothing but a saint this past week." "How do you explain the limp?" "Sara and I got into an argument over Taker. She was throwing knives at him, but I got hit." "Show me." She lifted up her pant leg, and showed him the open wound. "Damn."

"Aside from him taking me to the hospital after this, he was at my apartment when it got shot up, he helped me move in with him, then he had to save my ass from Test and Garrison Cade." "What the hell did they do?" "They kidnapped me from his house. Then, they wanted to kill him. They would have succeeded, too, if Kane hadn't asked Taker to come along as back-up." Steve let out a sigh. "I guess I had him figured all wrong." "That man has not raised his voice at me, he hasn't raised a hand in anger toward me... The pushiest he's been is he insisted I move in with him after my apartment was shot up." "If you trust him that much, Jo, I'll leave him alone." "Thank you. I'd hate for you two to do this match with him really upset with you." "I'll come apologize. I heard you tell Steph about your ex, and I guess I took my role as your dad a little too seriously." "I appreciate it, but you are being defensive against the wrong man." "I'll be there in a minute."

She went back to his dressing room. "Steve wants to say something to you. He'll be in here in a minute." "You had a talk with him?" "Yes, I did. And I told him what a saint you've been this week; how you've been my knight in shining armor." "I'm no saint, baby." "I know, but to me, you are." Then, there was a knock on the door. "Come in, Steve." The door opened. "I'm not Steve, but can I come in anyways?" Stephanie asked. "Yeah. We're just talking," Glen said. After the door was closed, she said, "I just wanted to make sure you two know what's happeneing, when. Jo, when Kane goes for the chair, you need to try to take it from him. While Kane's looking at you, Steve is going to kick Kane in the back, making him push the chair into your stomach. That's when you go down." "I got it, Steph."

She smiled at them. "I'm glad you tamed the bear for us all, Jo." She laughed. "I can't imagine him being much of a bear. But, it's been my pleasure." "I'd like to say it's all been good, but I can't. I hope you know that Test and Garrison Cade are in jail." "I heard. We can do without them. By the way, Jo, the costume lady has something for you." "She does?" "We came up with an idea for you to match your 'husband'." She looked at Glen. "I gotta see this." She kissed him, then followed Stephanie out the door.

Not a minute later, Steve knocked on the door. "Come in," Glen yelled out. "Hey, Kane. Uh... Jo told me what happened this week. I just want to apologize for getting onto you. I guess I took my role a little too seriously." "Apology accepted." "That little girl is wrapped around your finger. Just don't hurt her." "I wouldn't have saved her so many times this week, if I intended to hurt her." "Good. I won't bother you anymore." "Thank you."


chapter 21 - Vengeance

Glen met up with Jo at the steps leading to the stage. "What do you think, hun?" He looked at the black pleather catsuit she wore with flames going up the legs. He whistled. "Spin for me." She turned around, and stopped so he could get a good look, then lifted her hair to show him the bare back. "Wow." She turned back around. He wrapped his arms around her. "Think they'll let you take that home?" "I doubt it. This is going to be my costume when I start to wrestle." "You look great." "Thank you."

They were locked in a deep kiss when Steve caught up to them. "Can you save that for later?" They laughed as they parted. "I guess we have to." They climbed the steps, and waited for Steve's music to start. Once it started, and he went out, Glen gave her a squeeze of the shoulders. "Are you going to be ok?" "As long as I'm with you, I'll be fine." "In that suit, you're fine without me." She laughed. Then, the explosion went off, signaling their entrance.They went out on stage, then Kane held out his arm for her. As she took it, the gleam from a new wedding band nearly blinded her.

They stopped at the steps. He kissed her, and said, "wait out of the ring." She nodded, and went to stand in his corner. Kane laughed as he met Steve in the middle of the ring. "Your daughter kinda wore me out this week. I think I still have enough in me to beat your ass." "I hope you got your fill, because she's going home with me." The bell rang. "I can't get enough of her. You know, everybody calls me a freak, but the only freak in my bed is your daughter."

Steve punched him in the side of the head, then tried to throw him into the ropes, but it was reversed, and he went into the ropes instead. Kane lifted his leg for a big boot, but Steve ducked it. He bounced off the other ropes, and hit Kane making him stumble. Stone Cold did it again and again until Kane fell. Steve straddled him, and continually punched him in the face. With a burst of strength, Kane pushed Stone Cold off of him.

"Come on, Kane! Don't let him win," Jo yelled. He got up and grabbed Stone Cold. He threw him into the turnbuckle, making him hit his head on the ring post. Kane got out of the ring to get a chair. Stone Cold started to move a bit, then looked over at Kane. Kane got the time keeper's chair, but Jo grabbed it as well. "Don't go that far, Kane. Please. I don't want him to win, but I don't want him hurt that badly." Stone Cold got out of the ring. "Let me do it, Jo!" "No, Kane! He's still my father!"

Stone Cold kicked Kane in the back, making Kane stumble into the chair, pushing it into Jo's abdomen. The look on her face was one of pure pain as she fell to the floor holding her stomach. Kane was pulled away by Stone Cold, but he was the one that started throwing punches again. He continued until Austin fell to the mat. He picked him up, gave him the chokeslam, then got the pin.

He got out of the ring, and went to Jo. He kneeled beside her, and picked her up, as he was supposed to. "Glen, I think I just had a miscarriage." "You were supposed to, remember?" "Listen. GLEN, I think I just had a miscarriage," she stressed his name to get the point across. "Oh, shit." He ran to the back, where the EMT's were waiting in case there was a problem. Stephanie wasn't far away from the ambulance. "What's going on, Kane?" He took Jo over to the gurney, and laid her on it. "She thinks she really had a miscarriage. We need to get to the hospital now." "I didn't know she was really..." "I didn't either. Either way, that is my woman, and my child if she is, and we need to know what's going on." Stephanie looked at the EMT's. "Well, what are you waiting for? Get this girl to the hospital. You don't want to see this guy mad."

They loaded the gurney into the back of the ambulance, and Glen climbed in next to her. He took her hand, and kissed her knuckles. "Did you know?" "That I was pregnant? No, but I know what it's like to miscarry." He knew it had to be her ex that had made her miscarry before. One of the EMT's jumped in next to Glen, and the other got in the driver's seat. He turned on the siren, and they rushed out of the back, and onto the street. While the EMT checked her stats, he asked, "what's your relation?" Glen turned toward him and almost growled, "the baby's father."


chapter 22

After an hour of tests, Jo was put in a room. The doctor had told her to get some rest for the night, and he would give her the results in the morning. Rest would be far away for her, as guests continued to come by to see her and Glen. Steve's visit was the hardest to get over. He quietly knocked on the door, then opened it to stick his head in. "Is it safe?" "Yeah. Come in, Steve." He entered with a vase full of daisies. "I got you some flowers. I know it doesn't make up for what you've lost, but..." "May have lost. They're not positive that's what happened. We'll know more in the morning." "They don't know?" "There was no bleeding, just a lot of pain." "It wasn't from the chair hitting you?" "No, because it was below where the chair hit me."

Glen stirred behind her. He wasn't supposed to be laying on the bed with her, but she didn't want him anywhere else. "Shhh... It took me forever to convince him to go to sleep." "You're not worried about the bed breaking with you two on it?" The bed shook as Glen laughed. "I'm not that damn heavy." "I've picked you up before. You're not that damn light, either." He laughed again. "How long have you been here?" "Not long. A couple minutes." Steve sighed and looked down at his feet. "I hope you two don't blame me for this." "How could we? None of us knew." "Still don't know. The pregnancy test hasn't come back yet. And, with no tell-tale sign of a miscarriage, there's no telling what is really going on."

There was a knock on the door, before it opened. "I got a few results back already. I thought you might want them." "Come on in, Doc." He entered the room, and looked at Glen. "Mr. Jacobs, you really shouldn't be laying there with Ms. Frank." "Please don't make him move. I want him to lay with me. Besides, he's keeping my butt from showing out of the back of this gown." The doctor laughed. "Alright, Ms. Frank. Well, I have good news, and bad news." "Ok." The doctor looked at Steve before continuing. "Do you want him to hear this?" "Steve is like family." "Good news is that you are pregnant. The bad news is that the stunt tonight injured the fetus, and the way things look right now, it probably won't make it to term."

Jo felt the tears stinging her eyes. "Oh, Glen..." He brushed her hair out of her face. "Shhh... Everything will be ok," he whispered into her ear. "What do you suggest we do?" "Well, it's not a popular choice, but abortion." Glen and Jo looked at each other over her shoulder. "We'll have to talk about it." "If you decide to go ahead with the pregnancy, the child, if it survives, will have birth defects, and it probably won't develope correctly. And don't forget to think of your physical and mental health, when you make your decision." "I will." "I'll come by in the morning." "Ok. Thank you." After the doctor left, Jo looked up at Steve. "Can you give us some time alone?" "Sure thing, Jo."

After Steve left the room, Jo rolled over to look at Glen. "What are you thinking, hun?" "We would be torturing ourselves and this child if you continue to carry it." Jo buried her head in the crook of his neck. He tightened his arms around her. "I want to have your child, though." Her words brought a bitter sweet smile to his face. "Hunny, I want that, too, but this child is badly injured. We're still young. We will have children someday. This one is suffering. Let's let it rest in peace." She looked up into his eyes again. "You're right. We should give our first a fighting chance, and this one doesn't."

chapter 23

Two weeks after the abortion, Jo returned to the show with Glen. "Are you sure you're ready to come back?" "I'm positive, hun. I can't stay cooped up at the house for the rest of my life." "I know, baby, but I don't want you to come back too soon." She laced her fingers with his. "Just don't call me baby, please. I'll be fine as long as you don't call me that." He smiled down at her. "Sweetie?" She laughed, then stood on her toes to kiss him. "I'm gonna go see Stephanie, and see if she has anything for me tonight."

Jo walked out the door, and down the hall to where Stephanie had set up an office. She knocked on the door. "Come in." She opened the door, and saw Stephanie talking to Austin. "Jo. What are you doing back? I gave you the month off." "I can't sit at home that long. We were both getting restless." "How are you feeling, Jo?" "I'm alright, Steve. Still a little emotional." She turned back to Stephanie. "Do you have anything I can do tonight?" Stephanie looked at Austin, then back at Jo. "Are you sure you're ready?" "Positive."

Stephanie came up with an in-ring promo between Austin, Jo and Kane. She relayed the basics of it to Jo and Steve. Once they were done talking it over, Jo went to Glen's dressing room, and relayed the plan. "Are you sure you are ready for this?" "I'll be fine, Glen. I'm made of tougher stuff than you think." He pulled her close to him, and laid his chin in the middle of her chest. "I just don't want you to get upset, and hurt someone or yourself." She leaned down, and kissed him. "You're so sweet to worry about me, but I swear, I will be fine." "If you say so, Jo." She wrapped her arms around his neck. "You can't keep me away from that ring tonight."

An hour into the show, Kane had a match against Edge. Jo went out to the ring with him. As soon as Kane had chokeslammed Edge, and got the pin, Austin came out, and went to Jo. He grabbed her wrist, and tried dragging her to the back with him. "Let me go!" she yelled. "You lost the child. There's no reason for you to stay with him," he yelled back. Jo balled up her fist, and socked Austin, full force, in the jaw. He let go of her wrist, as he was sent reeling backward. Kane climbed out of the ring, and pushed Jo behind his body. She wrapped her arms around Kane's waist, and laid her head on his back. Kane and Austin stared at each other, until Austin slowly backed away, and headed backstage.

Kane wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and walked with her to the back. As soon as they were behind the curtain, Austin laid into her. "What the hell was that for!?" "I'm sorry, Steve. I told you I was still a little emotional. I guess I took the situation wrong, and got defensive. Are you going to be ok?" "Yeah, no thanks to you." "Hey, man, she said she was sorry." "Have you ever felt her right hook?" "Can't say that I have." Austin stared at her for a moment. "I suggest you find a shrink, and get over this. Next time, I'll fight back." He turned to walk away. "Damn woman hits like a man."

Glen turned to Jo. "Next time we go on the road, keep yourself from working. Ease your way back into the game." "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." "It'll be alright, hun. Maybe, if you had a talk with your sister, it would help you." "Maybe. I should have told her." "Maybe you should go spend a few days with her." "I don't know about that. I'll give her a call, though."


chapter 24

Jo called Sara and the airlines that night, and made arrangements to fly to Houston the next day. When her plane landed, Sara and Brittany were at the gate to meet her. She walked over to her sister, and hugged her, which was a rare thing they shared. "What's going on, Jo? You sounded so bad last night, and now you're hugging me. Did you leave Glen?" "No, but he does have a hand in why I'm here." "Well, let's get to the house. Then you can tell me all about it."

The ride to the house was quiet, and seemed very long to Jo. As they pulled into the driveway Jo noticed Mark's truck parked in outside. "Mark's still here? I thought he had a show tonight." "They don't need him tonight." "I shouldn't have come." "Joann, what are you talking about? You are family. You have every right to come visit us." "I almost fucked up your marriage last time I was here." Sara was quiet for a moment, while she put the Escalade in park. "I've come to terms with it. Atleast he kept it in the family," she laughed nervously. "Don't worry about it. I didn't get all that mad. I heard the whole conversation between you two. I realize it was an accident, and that it won't happen again."

While Sara got Brittany out of her car seat, Jo grabbed her overnight bag. As they walked in the door, Mark walked into the room with a glass of water in his hand. "Don't worry. I'm not going to interrupt "girly time". I just needed some water." He looked at Jo. "Hey, Jo." She looked down. "Hey, Mark." He turned to Sara. "Did you tell her yet?" Jo looked up at the two of them. "Tell me what?" "We're renewing our vows. We thought it was a good idea since... well, what happened between you two." "That's great." "Well, I'm gonna get back to my work out."

Jo dropped her bag in the guest room, then met back with Sara in the living room. As she took a seat, Sara said, "alright, now what did you want to talk about?" "Glen suggested I talk to you about something that happened." "What happened?" "I was pregnant last time I was here. Neither of us knew it." "When's the baby due?" "It's not. He was injured at Vengeance. We were told he probably wouldn't make it to term, so I had an abortion." "Oh, Jo... You should have told me, so I could be there with you." "I know I should have told you, but there was nothing that could be done. And, now, I'm such an emotional wreck, that it's screwing up work." "What happened?" "Did you watch the show last night?" "I always do." "When I hit Austin, it was for real." "What was going on in your head?" "Well, he said things that pertained to losing the child. Since he's part of the reason why my child was injured, it upset me." "But he wasn't talking about your child. He was talking about the fictional child his fictional daughter was going to have with a fictional monster." "I know, but he was the one that caused the real me to lose a real child that I was going to have with a real sweetheart."

Sara sighed. "Jo, it was an accident. If Austin knew that you were pregnant, he wouldn't have gone through with the stunt." "I know, but..." "But nothing. Austin respects and cares for every wrestler and diva on that show. He wouldn't want to do anything to harm you, or your family." Jo looked down. "I suppose you're right." "I know I am. Besides, you and Glen have plenty of time to start a family, if you want to start one with him." Jo smiled. "I really do. We were talking about it before the accident."

Sara smiled at her. "You really love him, don't you?" "It's hard not to. He's sweet, funny, very handsome... and he doesn't hurt me in any way. He's the exact opposite of David." "Speaking of assholes, did you ever find out who shot up your apartment?" "Officer Jones said that Andrew and Garrison's guns didn't match. That's the last I heard about it." "Well, atleast they seem to have given up." "For now. I bet it was David. Even if he didn't pull the trigger, I bet he set it up." "I told you not to get mixed up with him." "Yeah, yeah... You know everything," Jo said sarcastically. "Not everything, but more than you," Sara laughed.


chapter 25

She awoke in the middle of the night that night, when someone opened the bedroom door. "Jo?" she heard the deep voice say. "What do you want, Mark?" There was silence for a moment, then the door closed. She turned toward the door, but could only see the outline of the large framed man. "Do you mind if I lay down with you?" Jo was shocked. "Yes, I mind. You have a bed down the hall, where your wife is." The voice went silent again. The large frame laid down next to her anyways. "Damn it, get out of here!" A deep laugh broke the night's silence. Jo reached over to the lamp on the nightstand, and turned it on.

She turned to look at her unwanted bed partner with a clenched fist, but stopped when she looked at his face. "Jesus Age Christ, Glen. What the hell are you doing here?" "I missed my little lady." She laid down, and rested her head in the middle of his chest. "Hell, I thought you were Mark. I was ready to kick some ass." "I'd like to see that one." "What are you really doing here?" He petted her hair. "I uh... I got something that I thought might cheer you up." She looked up at him. "What is it?" "Sit up."

Jo propped herself up against the headboard, while Glen reached into his pocket. He sat up, and turned to her, as he pulled something small out. "I'm ready," he said. "Ready for what?" He opened the tiny box. "I'm ready to get back in the saddle, as long as you'll ride with me." "What are you..." She looked down at the box, and covered her mouth with her hands. "Joann Frank, will you marry me?" Before she could answer, she fainted. "Shit," he muttered. "SARA!!"

When Jo came to, sometime later, Glen and Sara sat by her and Mark stood over her. "What happened?" she asked groggily. "I asked you a serious question, and you passed out on me." "What was the question?" "Will you marry me?" Jo laid her hand on Glen's cheek, and sat up to kiss him. "I'll ride with you." "Huh?" Sara said. Glen smiled as he stared into Jo's eyes. "That was a yes." Sara reached for Mark's hand. "Let's leave them alone." Mark and Sara quietly left the room.

As Jo continued to stare into his blue eyes, she asked, "what brought this on?" "I missed you today, so I started thinking about everything we've gone through. Before I knew what I was doing, I found myself in a jewelry store picking a ring for you." Jo wrapped her arms around his neck. "Oh, hun..." He held her tight against his body. "I love you too much to let you get away," he whispered. "I love you, too, Glen." He pulled away from her. "Alright, give me your hand.": She giggled as she laid her hand in his. He took the ring out of the box, and slid it on her finger.

He set the box on the nightstand, and stood from the bed. He pulled back the covers, and looked down at her body, which was covered with his worn and faded football shirt. "So that's what happened to my favorite shirt." Jo laughed. "I wanted something that smelled like you to wear to bed." He smiled down at her, as he unbuttoned his shirt. "I'll trade you." "Maybe in the morning. I don't think I need it tonight." He kicked off his shoes, as he pulled the shirt off. He took off his jeans before crawling in bed beside her. She pulled his shirt off, and laid down in his arms. "Joann Jacobs... I kinda like the way that sounds." He chuckled. "J.J." She pressed her ear to his chest to hear his heart beat. "When should have the wedding?" she asked. "Whenever you want to." "Tomorrow morning?" He laughed. "That's a little early." "Halloween?" He laughed. "Alright."


chapter 26

When they went back on the road, Jo was still on cloud 9. She went into the women's locker room, and laid down on the bench. "What's with the goofy grin?" Molly asked. She lifted her left hand in the air, for her to look. Molly grabbed her hand, and inspected the ring. "Did he..." "Yep!" "When!?" "Tuesday night. He surprised me at my sister's." "Congratulations!"

"What's all the excitement?" Lita asked as she came in the door. "Jo and Kane are getting married." "When?" "Halloween." She sat up. "I don't have many female friends, so I was wondering if you two could be my bride's maids?" "Sure! Who's the maid of honor?" "Sara is." "Taker's wife?" "My sister. Same woman." Molly laughed. "The irony of it..." "Taker brought it up while we were there." "What?" "Along with being brothers for the show, they will be brothers-in-law out of the ring" Lita laughed as she caught on.

There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" Molly yelled out. "I'm looking for my beautiful bride," came his sing-song voice. Jo giggled as she went to the door, and opened it. "Hey, Glen. What's up?" "I have a match tonight, against some new guy. I was wondering if my bride would accompany me to the ring." "I'd love to." "Did you invite them?" "Yep." He leaned down, and kissed her slowly, yet deeply. "Can you close the door, before you two become obscene?" "Mmm... Shut up, Lita," Jo laughed. He smiled at her. "My match is around mid-show. Meet me in the dressing room in an hour." "Ok, hun."

As he walked away, she let the door close behind her. "Are you sure you're ready for it this time?" Molly asked. "Yeah. I'll be ok." She pulled her costume out of the her bag. "I thought I might need this tonight." "You hoped you would," Lita laughed. As she put on her costume, she continued to go back and forth with the other two.

Once it was close to time for Glen's match, she left the ladies' locker room. As she walked down the hall, she was grabbed from the side, and pulled into another locker room. "Damn it, Test! This is getting fucking old!" He slammed her against the wall, and turned her around. She looked the man over, her breath caught in her throat. "Oh, God... David..." He blew her a kiss. "Miss me, baby?" "Hell no." She looked him over again. "What the hell are you doing here, and why are you dressed like that?" "You didn't hear? I'm Raw's new monster. I'm the new animal in the circus."

She turned to make a break for the door, but he trapped her between his body and the wall. "You used to love looking at the wrestlers like you wanted to fuck them. Why don't you look at me like that?" "Because I know who you really are. I know I don't want to fuck you." He ran his hands over her skin tight leather cat suit. She closed her eyes, because she knew it would only get worse if she fought him.

"Jo," she heard Glen call for her. "Come on, babe. It's time for my match. Where are you?" "GL..." David clamped his hand over her mouth. She kicked him in the nuts, making him move his hand. "GLEN!!" David stood to his full height, and back-handed her. "Guess I'm fighting your man," he said as she slumped to the floor. Once he knew she was out, he left the locker room. He saw the bald man down the hall with one of the security gaurds. "Find her! I don't care if you don't know where Jo is. FIND HER!"

David walked up to him as the security gaurd walked away. "Is this a bad time, Kane?" "My fiance is missing back here somewhere. She was supposed to walk me out." Glen looked him over. "Are you Batista?" "That's me." "Let's get this over with. Maybe she's waiting at the curtain." An evil grin spread across David's lips, as Glen turned away.


chapter 27

When the bell rang, with still no sign of Jo, Kane started circling with the new-comer, waiting for the first swing. His mind was still wondering where Jo was at. The first shot from Batista brought his head back into what he was doing. Then, the hard fist slammed into him again, yet harder than before. Kane staggered backward. With the man behind the character's inner turmoil, Kane was ready for a fight. He swung at Batista, connecting with his chin. His head was thrown back with the blow, but quickly snapped back to glare at Kane.

"Come on, Kane! Hit me with all you have!" Batista yelled at him. Kane unloaded a punch on him, that knocked him to the ground. He picked the younger man up by his neck, and stared him in the eyes. "Today is not the day, boy." David gave him a cocky sneer. "You're supposed to be a monster. Give me your best shot." Kane head-butted Batista, then slammed him to the mat. He went for the pin. 1-2, then David kicked out.

David laughed as they got to their feet. "Come on, Kane. Is that all you have? Treat me like I'm the reason Joann is missing." Kane backed him into the corner. "How the hell do you know my fiance's name?" When David only smiled at Kane, he punched the younger man. "I asked you a question." When he still didn't answer, Kane grabbed his arm, and flung him into the opposing corner. He quickly followed, and crashed into the corner with him. "If you hurt one hair on Jo's body, I will kill you." David laughed. "She loved every minute of it."

Kane tossed Batista to the ground, and punched him as hard and as fast as he could. Jimmy Corderas patted Kane on the back, and made it look like he was getting onto him for using a closed fist. "Security found Jo. Wrap it up. They need you." Kane continued punching Batista until Jimmy disqualified him. He looked down at Batista. While blood trickled from his lip, and it looked like he would be bruised in some spots, David still smiled at him. "Until we meet again, Kane."

As Glen headed back to his dressing room, he saw the commotion in the locker room. A sick feeling came over him when he saw the bruise on her cheek as Austin picked Jo up from the floor. "What happened?" "Somebody slapped her around. The gaurd came and got me." "Here, I'll take her to the doc." As Austin handed her over to Glen, she moaned his name. "I've got you, baby." "David is here." "David who?" "My ex-boyfriend, David Batista. He did this to me." "Batista!? I just had a match with him. I thought he was trying to get me to put more fight into it." "Please, Glen, let's just leave. I don't need to see the doc. I just want to go back to the hotel." "Alright, baby."

Glen looked at Austin. "Kane verses Batista part two at the house show Friday. Make it happen." "I'll talk to Shane and Steph." "Talk to Vince, JR... I don't give a damn! Nobody gets away with abusing Jo." He set Jo on her feet. They retrieved their bags, and went back to the hotel.

chapter 28

Tuesday Glen had asked Jo for tips on what he could use against David. "Hunny, please don't fight him. I don't want you to get hurt."

Glen laughed. "You don't want me to get hurt?"

"Hunny, you don't understand. He loves pain. He thrives on being hurt."

"I love you. I thrive on keeping you safe. I'm going to fight him whether you like it or not."

Jo sighed. "Nut shots. That's the only pain that weakens him for a while. He hates being called a bitch. Slap him in the back of the head. He hates that and having his ears pulled."

Glen laid his hands on her shoulders. "I'm fighting for your honor, baby. No man hurts the woman I love, and gets away with it." He squeezed her against his body. "I promise you, baby, we'll both make it to the altar in one piece."

"I hope you're right, hun."

The phone rang and Jo answered it. "Hello."

"Tell me I had a bad dream last night," Sara said.

"No, you didn't. That was David."

"Are you ok?"

"He roughed me up a bit, but I'll be ok."

"And Glen?"

"He's fine, Sara."

"What the hell got in to him? He used to hate wrestling."

"He knows that's what I'm doing and he wants to make my life miserable." She looked at Glen as he walked out of the room. "Glen's going to fight him again."

"He's what!?"

"He said he's doing it for my honor. I can't talk him out of it. He's too stubborn."

"I have a bad feeling about this, Jo."

"So do I. It's not televised, so anything could happen."

"When and where?"

Jo answered her. "What do you have in mind?"

"What makes you think I have anything in mind?" Sara asked innocently.

"I've known you since I was born."

"Blood is blood, Sis. That's all I'm gonna tell you."

"I'll see you Friday."


"She's going to be at the house show?" Glen asked as she hung up the phone.

"She didn't say she will be, but knowing her, she will." Jo wrapped her arms around his waist. "She's worried about you, too."

He laid his hand on her cheek. "Is he really that bad? I mean, I was holding my own against him Monday."

"He put me in the hospital several times, besides the miscarriages." She turned her eyes downward. "I was too scared of what he'd do if I left him..."

"But you did, and that took guts. I just need you to be strong a little longer. I plan to get some answers out of him Friday night."

"About the shooting?"

"Yeah. Among other things."

"I hope you know I'm going to be in your corner."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I don't want you to face any kind of trouble out there."

"I've faced him before, and I'll do it again if it means your safety." She slid her hands up and laced her fingers at the back of his neck. He easily lifted her off of her feet, and wrapped her legs around his waist. "I'd walk through the gates of hell for you," she whispered.

"And I'll do anything in my power to make sure David can't get his hands on you again. That's why I don't want you at ringside."

"I'm going to be out there anyways, Glen."

"Even if I try a little gentle persuasion?" he said as he grinned. He softly kissed her.

"Mmm... You can try, but I won't promise anything."

He carried her into their bedroom, and laid her on the bed. He took his time stripping her clothes off and caressing her body. As he kissed his way down her body she grabbed his ears and sat up. "Glen, promise me you'll be ok."

"I'll be fine, I promise. You, my bride to be, have nothing to worry about." He leaned forward and softly kissed her, laying her back on the bed. She slid her hands under his shirt, and bent her knees upward around his hips.

When he ended the kiss she said, "I'll stay backstage, but if things start to look too serious, my ass will be out there in a heartbeat." Jo laid her hand on his cheek. "And you can't talk me out of that."


chapter 29

When Friday came, Jo couldn't help but pace in the dressing room as Glen got ready for the match. "Joann, would you please sit down. You're making me nervous."

"I'm sorry. I can't help it."

There was a loud pounding on the door. Glen was at the door in two strides. He held out his hand to keep Jo back. He twisted the handle, and pulled it open fast. On the other side was Sara. "A little jumpy?" she teased.

"You knock like a fucking mad man," Glen sighed. As she entered he asked, "is Mark with you?"

"Nope. I came alone."

"Well, atleast someone's here that can calm her down," he sighed. "She's been pacing since we got here."

"She has every right to be nervous. You're fighting the man that made her life a living hell for three years." Sara walked over to Jo, who had started pacing again. "Jo, would you park your ass?"

She went over to the bench, and sat. "I'm worried. I can't help it."

"I'm not going to let him get to you," Glen said.

"I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about you." As Glen sat beside her, she laid her hand on his cheek. "Hunny, Dave makes Kane look like a perfect gentleman. He's psycho."

He leaned into her touch. "Let me worry about the match."

There was another knock on the door. "Five minutes, Kane."

"Alright." He turned back to Jo. "I have to go to the curtain."

"And we're coming with you," Jo said.

"Remember your promise."

"I'll stay backstage unless it gets too serious. But, Sara and I are going to be at the curtain."

He nodded as he stood. "Let's go, ladies."

Jo held his arm and Sara followed as they made their way to the curtain. As they got to the steps leading to the curtain, David walked up. "Well, I see you found your bitch... I'm sorry. I meant fiance."

"Drop dead, David."

"Only in your dreams, baby." Jo lurched for him, but Glen held her back. "Oh, yeah... I forgot. You recently lost another one."

This time Glen went after him. "Yeah, she lost my child. What business is it of your's?"

David sneered at Jo. "Lowered your standards, huh?"

She let out a humorless laugh. "I lowered my standards by dating you. I wouldn't marry him if he wasn't a hell of a lot better than you."

They could hardly hear the ring announcer until he yelled out, "David Batista."

Glen stepped out of the way, and waved him past. "Bitches first."

"He called for me, not Joann," he said as he went up the stairs.

Once David was through the curtain, Glen turned to Jo. He leaned down, and kissed her. "Sara, keep her back here as long as you can."

"Will do, bro."

"I love you, Jo."

"I love you, too, Glen. Be careful."

They heard the announcer continue. "By special request, we have a no disqualification rematch from Raw..."

Jo's eyes went wide. "Glen, you didn't..."

"Yes, I did," he said as he went up the stairs.

"Damn him..."

"He knows what he's doing, Jo. Let him do his thing."

"His "thing" is going to get him killed, either by David, or by me." Jo ran up the stairs, and peeked out the curtain. "Oh, God... I hope you know what you're doing, Glen."

She watched as he got in the ring. Sara walked up beside her, and put her hands on her shoulders. "You're shaking." She dropped her hands. After a moment, another set of larger hands laid on Jo's shoulders.

"He knows what he's doing. He's tougher than he let's on," came that deep southern voice. "And I'll kick his ass if he can't beat him."

Without turning around, Sara and Jo both said, "shut up, Mark!"

They turned to look at him once they snapped. "What are you..." they both started. When the bell rang, they turned back.

Glen and David met in the middle of the ring. David smirked as he saw the look on Glen's face. He was ready to rip David's head from his shoulders for the hell he had put his woman through. For the relationship that almost wasn't, because of him. "It took a lot of time to get Jo to date me, because of what you did to her."

"Have you looked in a mirror lately? Maybe your face had something to do with it."

"She said you beat her so bad that she didn't want a man to touch her."

"I'd never beat her."

"That lying son of a..." Jo said as she threw back the curtain.

Sara grabbed her hair, and pulled her back. "Get back here."

Glen saw her out of the corner of his eye, but kept his attention on David. "So, you never beat on her? How about shoot at her?"

David laughed. "The lucky bitch... Three times, and she hasn't been hit yet."

Glen reared back, and threw the first punch. "A bitch? You don't deserve a woman half as good as her." He continued punching until David was backed into the corner. Glen grabbed his throat and growled, "you should feel lucky she stayed with you as long as she did." The referee tried to break them up. Glen let go of his throat, but kicked him in the nuts before walking away.

David pushed the ref out of the way, then ran up on Glen. David hit him in the back with his forearm. The blow hardly phased Glen. He turned on David with a smile. "Is that why you beat on women? Because you couldn't fight a man to save your life?"

"Because the whore asked for it. The way she watched you guys, I could tell she wanted to just go down the roster and fuck every one of you." He laughed. "I'm surprised she talks to Sara after what I did to her and Mark."

Glen's arm shot out, and his hand wrapped around Dave's throat. "And just what was it that you did to them?"

Dave kicked him in the gut, then knocked him around until he fell to the mat. He looked down at Glen and laughed. "I drugged them. When they passed out in her hotel room, I stripped them down. I'm sure she still thinks she slept with him."

Glen shot up, then hit David in the throat. As he stumbled backward, gasping for air, Glen stood. He got out of the ring, and grabbed a steel chair. He slid back in under the bottom rope. "So, you like to play games with people? I have a game for you. It's called beat Batista to death." He hit David in the back with the chair, then smacked him in the back of the head with it. He hit him in the head again for good measure. Dave hit the mat. Glen grabbed his arm, and slid it through the folding chair, before climbing to the top rope.

"Oh, shit..." Jo said as she ran to the ring.

Glen looked down at her, before jumping off of the rope and onto the chair. They heard a snap before David's screams of pain filled the arena. He looked down at her again, and a smile grew on his lips. He walked over to the ropes, and held them open for her. "Wanna help me pin him?"

She climbed the steps, then stepped through the ropes. Glen took the chair off of David's arm, then unfolded it. He set the chair over his head with the bar going across his neck. He helped Jo onto the chair, then went down for the pin. Jo stood on the chair, facing the crowd, and counted along as the referee counted to three.

Once the bell rang, Glen stood, and lifted Jo off of the chair. Jo held on to him with her legs around his waist, and her arms around his neck, as he made his pyros blast. He squeezed her tight against his body. He buried his hand in her hair, and kissed her hard. As he ended the kiss he said, "let's go to the back. I have something to tell you."

As they walked to the back, paramedics came out to get David. Once behind the curtain they heard, "hell of a beating you gave him."

"Taker? I'm glad you're here. Batista just confessed something all three of you will want to hear."

"Well, what is it?" Sara asked.

"He played a trick on Taker and Jo. They never slept together."

Jo wrapped her arms around Glen, and let out a sigh that seemed to her as if she had been holding for months. Mark put his arm around Sara's shoulders. "I knew I'd never sleep with Jo. She's not my type."

Jo looked at him. "Is that right, Mr. Wandering eyes?"

Sara looked up at him. "I, uh... I should shut up now."


One year later:

Jo's eyes slowly opened as sunlight flooded the hospital room. She looked at the chair beside her bed, and smiled weakly. For sitting in that chair were the two most important men in her life; her husband, and their newborn son. "You don't have to constantly hold him, Glen."

"I know. I want to." He ran his hand over the baby's thick dark hair. "He's so tiny."

"Nine pounds isn't tiny for a new born," she said as she sat up. "What are we going to name him?"

"Aaron. A.J. for short."

"Aaron Michael Jacobs."

"That has a nice ring to it." He finally looked up at her. "Do you want to hold him?"


Glen stood, and carefully handed the child to Jo. As he was about to sit down, he asked, "do you mind if I turn on the news?"

"No, just keep it down."

Once he turned it on they heard, "David Batista was sentenced to thirty-eight years in prison yesterday. He was on trial for repeatedly abusing Joann Jacobs- his former girlfriend, and now wife to WWE wrestler Kane. Along with seven counts of assault and battery were three counts of attempted murder..."

"Thirty-eight years... They should throw away the key," Glen mumbled.

"We caught up with Joann outside the county courthouse." The scene switched from the live ancor to the taped part from the day before. "Mrs. Jacobs, are you happy with the sentence David Batista was given?" "Any amount of time he spends behind bars is worry-free time that I get to spend with my husband and our son when he's born. And I plan to be at every parole hearing to be sure he stays for his full sentence." The scene switched back to the live ancor. "On a brighter note, Joann was taken to the hospital shortly afterward, where she delivered a nine pound baby boy. Both mother and child are said to be in good condition."

"Is there such a thing as good condition when you have to push a turkey through a keyhole?" Jo laughed.

"Come on, Jo. He's more the size of a chicken."

"Smart ass."

Just then, the door opened to the room. Sara, Mark and Brittney walked through. "How are you doing, Sis?" Sara asked.

"Not bad. A little tired." Joann looked down at Brittney. "Want to see your cousin?"


"Ok, but you have to be quiet, and you have to sweet talk one of these guys into setting you up here."

"Uncie Glen..." She turned bright eyes up at him. He smiled as he picked her up, and set her beside Jo.

"Have you picked a name yet?" Mark asked.

"Aaron Michael Jacobs."

"AJ," Mark said.

Jo smiled up at Mark. "What is it with you two and initials?"

They both shrugged. "It's a nickname," Glen said.

There was a knock on the room door. Glen answered it. "Hey, man. What are you doing here?"

"Came to see the "grandbaby"," Steve laughed as he carried a big blue bear into the room.

"Damn, Steve... Is it big enough?" Sara teased.

"A big boy deserves a big bear." He looked down at Jo and Aaron. "Atleast he doesn't look like his daddy."

Brittney looked up at Steve and gasped. "Stone Cold..." She looked at her momma. "He hurt Uncie Glen and Aunt Jo-Jo, Momma."

"No he didn't, Britt. Remember the talk we had?"

"Yes, Momma. "Don't believe everything on the shows"."


The door opened and a nurse came in. She looked around at everyone in the room. "Mrs. Jacobs, are they bugging you? I can ask them to leave."

"You mean the big guys?" The nurse nodded. "They're family. You couldn't get them out of here if I said yes."