Laughter can bring tears to your eyes it can make you feel so happy
inside when you laugh it is such a good feeling you just glow inside with such a happy feeling.
Laughter is always good medicine for us it is better than any potions or pills
or even therapy or advice.
leaves you feeling oh! just so good and nice laughter lifts up your heart and helps it to sing.
It can also help you to feel anything you wish it
also makes you full of joy and it is just sheer magic bliss....
Copyright Statement
Much of my time and effort has gone into the creation of my website please
do not copy any of my website without asking my permission first you can do this by e-mailing me do please respect my
rights as owner and author of this Maria's Emotion's Poetry
thank you all "Copyright [2000-2009] by [Webmistress Maria E Hart"]