My teddy he sits in my room with pride of place given to him he has a great big
smile :) upon his lovely happy face.
sits on my bed and brightens my day he helps me to smile :) when I lookat his happy face a joy he is to me forever
tender with me as he sees all of my tears, pain & sorrow he never judges me or belittles me.
My teddy may look old ragged and worn but, this is through no fault of his own
he does have a heart of gold hearing my stories that I have endlessly told.
It is through all the love that I have shown that he sometimes looks old ragged and worn
it is all the HUGS that I have given to him that is why Ted lookes old ragged & worn but I don't care because to me he is still lovely.
My teddy he does listen to
me forever patiently while I go on and on so endlessly my teddy bear is my special best friend it makes no difference to me
if he looks old ragged and worn he listen's to me, he does care never does he say a word to hurt me or would he ever betray me.
He is my special best friend indeed he is
always there for me whenever I feel the need to HUG him so tightly my teddy he brings me such comfort & joy when I am
in need I just love him so very much indeed.
I tell him so and to whom I know I can bear my soul he would never laugh at me my teddy is so gentle and kind, I know
I can always tell him what is going on my
I am me and he is he never any questions does he ask of me HUGS and HUGS we do share all the time Ted is
just so devine I do know that he will always be there for me.
Never a cross word will Ted hear from me because he shows me he really doescare and I
love him so much indeed he makes my heart feel light
& happy.
My teddy never shouts or says cruel words to me indeed a special best friend he will always be he is
always there and he listen's to me intently I know
he does care.
A HUG is always there for me should I feel the need for a HUG from Ted I know I can pick him up at any
time and HUG him and HUG him until I feel fine.
My teddy bear I love sooo sooo much he feels good when I need it so much he is a treasure to me and very special to
me oh! how I love him so much, I know he will not hurt me at any time he will never betray my thoughts my TED is just
soooooo soooooo devine!!!!
I Love him and Ted loves me and together
we will always be he is just pure magic BLISS!!!
Copyright Statement
Much of my time and effort has gone into the creation of my website please
do not copy any of my website without asking my permission first you can do this by e-mailing me do please respect my
rights as owner and author of this Maria's Emotion's Poetry
thank you all "Copyright [2000-2009] by [Webmistress Maria E Hart"]