Criticising is so easy to do especially when the
person does not even know me.
Constructive criticising I
can take but not criticising
for criticising sake.
How does criticising make
me feel it makes me angry
and it really hurts a great deal.
Why? do people have a pop
at me for trying hard to
set myself free.
To continue to fight very hard
for justice to be done because of all the abuse that was
I had enough criticising
when I was young always
at every turn to last me a lifetime through and it just
makes me so blue.
When I start to talk about my abuse it is all in my thoughts and all of my feelings
are so raw.
Things do
hurt me very deep although
I do try to appear strong.
So for all you critic's out there if you have not suffered abuse before you leap
in just please give it some thought will you.
Because you can not even begin toimagine what abuse does to someone as
a person often with feelings that are overwrought.
With feelings and emotions
coursing throughout you.
The anguish and the pain it does cause when I was abused.
So Please think before
criticising the Nazareth
House cause.
we asking for at the end
of the day is for the Catholic Church to start and make
amends to the very many of us survivor's who they definitely
and deliberately hurt such a lot...