To explore my feelings may hurt me and I may feel
it is safer not to I have hidden behind this great big wall and not wanted to reveal all cause I may find it too scary
for me to explore my feelings for ME.
But confront my feelings I need to do to try to
stop it being such
big issue.
It may work and it may not but it is something I need to feel safe when
I do for when I confront them for me not a very easy thing for me to do.
I have spent years hiding my feelings
to all when what I really want to do is to let them all out that are buried deep within me.
Feelings are a scary
thing to confront and all sorts of emotions run throughout me and can leave me
just feeling isolated with them all and wondering what I can do to combat these many
within me.
I think why they may be scary is because I feel if I do reveal my inner
feelings to anyone they may end up hurting me like when I was small so I would
not reveal any of them at all.
Because I have buried all of these pent up feelings over many
years they felt safe to me and then I think I won't get hurt anymore because
no one knows about any of my feelings or sorrow at all and it keeps me safe behind
my barricaded wall.
need I think let them out and maybe I may feel better by far because I won't need to
hide them anymore and perhaps it may begin to help me heal my soul just a little
bit at a time at my own pace and I can stop whenever I feel the
need if I feel unsafe to carry on and then start again when I feel stronger to examine them once more. It will take
some time I suppose as I have hidden them so well for a very long time and yes it's true I
may get hurt but isn't it better they are out rather than inside of me constantly eating
away at me...
Copyright Statement
Much of my time and effort has gone into the creation of my website please
do not copy any of my website without asking my permission first you can do this by e-mailing me do please respect my
rights as owner and author of this Maria's Reflective Poetry
thank you all "Copyright [2000-2009] by [Webmistress Maria E Hart"]
THE MIDI PLAYING IS=feelings_johnnymathis.mid