In Loving Memory of My Dad Benny George Treadway - 1937-2011

     Hello and welcome to my Homepage. My name is Randall S. Treadway; "Randy" if you please. I live in Iowa with my family. I am married, and I have 3 wonderful daughters, the great son-in-laws and 6 adorable grandchildren.
     This page is dedicated to my better half; Vickie who has kept me loved and in line since June of 1981 : ), my beautiful daughters, my grandchildren, my parents Ben and LaVonne, my family, and my dearest friends. I made this page for my genealogy related info for my family and other researchers.

      My main interest is Genealogy, which I love and spend most of my free time doing. I started in 1995, but was bitten by the genealogy bug after viewing my Grandpa Treadway's family info when I was much younger. I have many web pages within my genealogy sites. I taught myself HTML and love making my sites to help others in their quest for their roots. Other interests of mine are: Photography, collecting Depression Glass for my daughters sets, watching Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, Marvel and DC shows (basically anything Sci-Fi related), and listening to my music.

     I watch Vikings pro-football, and Iowa State College football, and love to watch my Dodgers baseball when I can. I love planting flowers and being in my garden. I earned my Associates of Science degree in Business Administration from Kaplan University and only had a few classes left in Human Resourses before I had several life altering experiences happened.

My Life Song: Faith of the Heart

My Motto: The only thing permanent in life is your reputation, and of course a tattoo! © - rst

Listed below are links to my family genealogy pages. I hope you find them both informative and enjoyable.

My Lineage Pages
My Beaman Lineage My Brown Lineage
My Clinkenbeard Lineage My Davis Lineage
My Dunn Lineage My Elkins Lineage
My Frame Lineage My Goldsmith Lineage
My Harris Lineage My Haynes Lineage
My Kinison Lineage My Klave Lineage
My Lewis Lineage My Odell Lineage
My Parks Lineage My Procunier Lineage
My Richcreek Lineage My Spencer Lineage
My Stice Lineage My Thomas Lineage
My Treadway Lineage My Trickey Lineage
My Waldrop/Wardrup Lineage My Wells Lineage
My Worley Lineage My Worsham Lineage
My Wynne Lineage -
Vickie's Genealogy Pages
Vickie's Cox Genealogy -

My Other Genealogical Related Pages

The Treadway Web:  This is my site in which I am attempting to put all the Treadway/Tredway/Treadaway/Tredaway lines into their perspective families. I have pages for: Henry Tredway of Co. Buckinghamshire, England, Henry Treadway of New Jersey, Nathaniel Treadway of Watertown, Massachusetts, Thomas Tredway of Co. Buckinghamshire, England, Thomas Tredway of Baltimore, Maryland, and Richard Treadway of Baltimore Co., Maryland, Online Wills, Burial, Bible, and Obituary Pages, An Honorary Hall, Submitted Queries, and a lot more. Please drop in. Everyone is welcome.

The Treadway/Treadaway/Tredway/Tredaway Y-DNA Surname Project:  The Treadway/Treadaway/Tredway/Tredaway Y-DNA site focuses on the Male Y Chromosome (your father's father, father, father, etc.) of our line in an attempt to group the families together. Please join.

The Treadway/Treadaway/Tredway/Tredaway Facebook Page:  A place for all Treadway/Treadaway/Tredway/Tredway kin to gather, talk about stories, and share data or pictures.

The Davis Families of Buncombe Co., North Carolina: This site contains information on the Davis Clan of Buncombe Co., and Madison Co., North Carolina. Deeds, Census records and more. Please drop in. Everyone is welcome.

Do You Know Me - A Genealogy Poem: A poem I wrote in honor of my Ancestors. Through all of their hardships and love, they made a better place for myself and my family.


Please let me know what you think of my site.

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