July 19th, 2018
The day after Nelson's
Mandela's birthday and I am
going to try for a year explanation later
Free Pie Wednesday July Twenty Fifth 2018
my sentinel poem with my illustration isn’t posting however I am posting it on my Facebook page (Julie Dolphin
Jeanette Trahan): and now I realize . . . the purpose of a blog format: well, I am beginning to exercise and my left foot
is healing so perchance my depressed lethargy is finding a desire to communicate:
When A Warrior Is Injured (poem title)
yes, name calling does hurt however slanderous prattle isn’t a reason to boycott a friend: and when I was lost
you were my compass providing me homework assignments until I found my own plummy vision. find my reconciliation before me
as I watch injured warriors decide fates of countries as easily as I purchased a dark purple flashlight to make peace with
my fears
Your Pertect Weight (poem title)
I don’t know why the alienated wouldn”t want you to be better as if fear of a word defined your existence
your perfect weight isn’t necessarily the number on the scale and plummy as plummy tries to talk about old fashioned
acceptance: your perfect weight isn’t necessarily the amount you weigh while resenting everyone around you: I
am on a nutrition plan and I think I know my perfect weight as I have weighed that much years ago: now if I weighed as much
as Nelson Mandela I would have to exercise tremendously to maintain my weight and if I weighed as much as a carefully folded
crane I might be so thin few would see my lightweight shadow so a hundred and forty pounds is likely my perfect weight however
rather than boast and meet resistance head on before I begin I will stay my muscle building strategies to wearing my perfect
weight sun glasses in the very sun
Tampon Chronicles: 5 More Minutes
( poetry series title) .
if someone you loved told you they were working so that you would have at least 5 more minutes to do the things you love
to do, what would you do? why don’t you realize now is always you’re 5 more minutes as not everyone gets
a lightening bolt to remind them
Inner Strength (poem title)
What does strength look like? A nimiety of strength? An absence of strength?
Dog Poems: There Were A Lot Of Real Women Named Diane (daily poetry series title).
When Girlie Dog and Sophie Dog visited dog parks (simultaneously although they don’t get along now) they would
stick their heads and fore arms into a pack of dogs and monitor the reaction as a way of introducing themselves to other dogs
usually they would be sniffing and running in no time faster than you can think the word ‘cat’: Girlie
Dog a bit smaller than most dog park dogs often would leave the pack and ignore the humans (including me) and walk to higher
ground and sniff whatever there was to sniffe. there are lots nimiety of dog parks here in Portland Oregon and as my left
foot is *finally* healing with elevation and bare warmth maybe Girlie Dog and Sophie Dog can visit an off leash dog park and
run freely: maybe not together as it isn’t a pretty sight when they fight and maybe someday people will remember
when they were children and all they wanted for their birthday was a puppy
When There Is A Nimiety Of Lies Friend (poem title)
if it is only lies demanding protection then there is only tection without pro an absence of balance an absence of friends
to ask geniuses: what were you thinking deciding what to purchase at the store when you didn’t eat breakfast or
lunch because your doctor made fun of you for being old and fat
Tampon Chronicles: This Is What Good Is
( poetry series title) .
A vulnerable naked body and what do you do?
I have asked the question many times over the decades As the Question has been asked many times ovee the centuries the
answer is the hidden treasure found inside of a woman: a machine body is built to do much more rhan festinate and obey:
an obscene scooter can aid mobility yet a bandaid is useless : tiny courageous pleasure and a body breathes in the good
air of feee will
You Ask (poem title)
You ask how can I expect to make a painting of a six pointed star in a White Supremacy church and expect to live. Because
to be Supreme is to disagree without violently silencing anyone including yourself
Please Ask A Friend (poem title)
parties parties parties celebrations Birthdays New Year's Eve Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy to festinate while drinking?
Yes: however R and J is more than a Public Service Announcement for sleep safely and ask a friend
Tampon Chronicles: Highway Express ( poetry series title)
I see people steering carefully on the highway express festinate in rush hour traffic as my driver’s are often
so angry they stay on the pavement
Dog Poems: Going Outside! (daily poetry series title)
a purple dog leash is not a dogs favorite destination: sure, dogs will bark and wag their tails and wait impatiently
patient near the door: let’s go outside! woof! woof! I think a dog’s favorite destination is at home
curled up next to a dog’s favorite person
Look In The Mirror (poem title)
look into the mirror to find the one you’ve been looking for as the person who knows your every thought is right
there looking into your eyes wishing you would listen to what is so important that you seem to ignore
look into the mirror to see your best friend from child hood your neighbor your family your spouse the mysterious wise
person you thought you would never meet and travel to far away specific destination to find look into the mirror and see if
you can find the person who loves you as much as the person in the mirror
Tampon Chronicles: Tampons and Condoms Are Medical Necessities( poetry series title)
If tampons and condoms were people would they rebel when called taboo? If tampons and condoms were people would they
be upset when called unmentionables? If tampons and condoms would they cry don’t you forget about me whenever people
called them obviate?
Three Women. Three women survived World War One AsWellAs World War Two and I don’t know what they would say
about cotton and latex and private parts
Tampon Chronicles: Your Moral Duty( poetry series title)
If you are a Make A Wish Kid in Portland, Oregon Your Moral Duty before you reach your “final destination”
is to stay alive as long as it takes to selve the debate about you being
More than a social construction.
mention T4 and the world’s sexiest girls and women gear up in bikinis and train for double duty because His
Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama points out: If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.
Dalai Lama XIV
When you try to do the impossible with all your heart, you will memorialize invisible limits as you zoom past
Dog Poems: Girlie Dog Is Naked In Church (daily poetry series title)
the heat is supposed to be above ninety degrees and I also promise if you try to understand pi with all your heart you
will never be obviate and your only leash will be the umbilical cord protecting you from running out into traffick without
looking both ways
Nothing Fancy (poem title)
my dance is to break through my shackles of despair: my list 5 years 10 years. 15. 20. my feeble minded obviate life
bringing my passion back: I never understood why I had to give it up like a portland requirement and like always I decide
my purpose within parameters
Note sent to FBI via the FBI website web form on Sunday July Twenty Second 2018
Dear FBI,
priorities; my Mom’s safety, my safety and the safety of those concerned with our safety including our dogs
and people interacting with me in a respectful way
I have the purple dog leash from our car: Girlie Dog is wearing it at Unity church portland oregon
I will be staying after service for a painting workshop and I have already typed my intentions for any paintings I create
I don’t know what mom intends to do : I have some fetish poisons with me as I don’t know what the
hell to do with them! And there are some at home and what these assholes sexualized. : harm reduction/ crime prevention
seems pointless if the result is people curling up in corners until they give up on their dreams just in case
mom and I have a Death and Dying workshop about specifically suffering next Sunday also at Unity church portland oregon
and mentioning the Third Amendment “they” could have stopped years ago
Facebook post: Note: warning: please be aware my name is Julie and it isn't Irene or PJ
there might be someone missusing my SunDog312@gmail.com address especially on the HMR site
whenever I use my SunDog312@gmail. com it is a warning to people around me and the receiver that stalkers are likely
to be close and contact the FBI if there is any problem and don't be ashamed to say there seems to be an increase in "I
know I just had that in my hand a second ago". or internet coincidences
I downloaded the HMR application and unusual in my current life is my iPhone accepted my fingerprint right away
however, the plan won't save on my phone likely because someone somewhere is jerking off about close to $200.00 is being
spent *with my iPhone forensics and my Mother's credit card"
my best friend in college Paul Smith once said thirty years ago : you can get a hit man in Ohio for $200 dollars
and if I can ever become something official I wouldn't have to rely on word of mouth and the internet/ social media/ the
very busy with diverse opinions FBI to communicate for me
anyway, I couldn't get a Netflix password prompt or HMR password prompt so I signed up with my julie.trahan@alumni.unimelb.edu.au
and if my Mom has moments where she isn't being used as a public science fiction testing ground she is very smart and
to withstand these guys obviously very strong and stubborn and is very nice and yes, she is a Christian and her facial expression
was terrified to even look at outdoor work boots when we moved here from at least 70 degrees year round Honolulu Hawaii
and "these guys" find vermin hiding in closet corners and whenever there is improvement "they" bring
them in
and if I was an investigator I would brainstorm in regards to another University of Melbourne Australia Alumni: the dogs
are more human than people with intellectual disabilities green food Professor with the cure for poverty
Dear FBI,
priorities; my Mom’s safety, edit
end of Note sent to FBI via the FBI website web form on Sunday July Twenty Second 2018
Tampon Chronicles: A Woman President ( poetry series title)
Does America have to elect a woman President for their to be concern about women being able to remember our obviate dreams
that were important at the time while worrying about being noticed with menstrual bleeding and without a tampon?
Dog Poems: Everyday Miracles (daily poetry series title)
dogs and humans seem to differ in our paragnosis responses to miracles and I tend to observe dogs have the more evolved
response: dogs are friends and the ability to create friendship with complete loyalty is a miracle: being human I am more
concerned with my fingers and ties than any miraculous wonders occurring: forgetting that my fingers and toes are miracles
Pushing A Button Is An Action (poem title)
All this tech tronic tech phonic sound blasting volume into an outer space paragnosis idea: downloading an application
from the app store where there wasn’t any dirty remarks: dead beat poets need not apply is an action that creates
a social paradigm within an oval structure
if you are afraid of your shadow, chase it (poem title)
there is always the phantom play within the play and it will always be at the Amphitheater where I began to see the ghost
of Christmas future and decided if you are afraid of your shadow, chase it is more than a warm up exercise
Dog Poems: Canine Casual paragnosis (daily poetry series title)
Her ability to be so comfortably profound interminable is a mystery four me as I ask how she feels about seeing her reflection
in my reversed iPhone
Again I write about her life and wonder what she would say
Tampon Chronicles: Love Your Tampon ( poetry series title)
Tampons are made of cotton. People grow cotton. People manufacture tampons. There is love inside a tampon: the first
time I had my period, the first time I used a tampon and being all grown up. There is paragnosis inside a tampon: the knowledge
that women birth babies and that our bodies talk in a direct language setting priorities. And it might seem scary at first
because it is scary because the highway tunnel of love is really a tunnel of love and a tunnel isn’t supposed to
be scary : sometimes when I am a passenger in a car driving in tunnels I hold my breath and concentrate on a wish from the
beginning until the end
I Can’t Remember The Name Of The Banned Book I Began About Banned Boots (poem title)
Basement Pathos ? Bathroom Pathophobia? Yes, You Are Heaviily Drugged? Why Do I Type On My iPhone So Much? I Can’t
Remember The Name Of The Banned Book I Began About Banned Books: please don’t be afraid to dream again even if
part of you believes your dreams will be stolen again because not everyone is right all the time
Tampon Chronicles: Injury on top of Injury On Top of Of Injury ( poetry series title)
pathophobia is more than injury on top of injury on top of disease
Saturday, July 21st, 2018
24 minutes of rehersal: I guess it is moderate activity: my left foot is wrapped with a bandage and tape so the tops
of my toes don’t hurt!
mom and I ordered our food for our weight loss plan!
Nothing Fancy (poem title)
my dance is to break through my shackles of despair: my list 5 years 10 years. 15. 20. my feeble minded obviate life
bringing my passion back: I never understood why I had to give it up like a portland requirement and like always I decide
my purpose within parameters
Tampon Chronicles: A Woman President ( poetry series title)
Does America have to elect a woman President for their to be concern about women being able to remember our obviate dreams
that were important at the time while worrying about being noticed with menstrual bleeding and without a tampon?
Dog Poems: Everyday Miracles (daily poetry series title)
dogs and humans seem to differ in our paragnosis responses to miracles and I tend to observe dogs have the more evolved
response: dogs are friends and the ability to create friendship with complete loyalty is a miracle: being human I am more
concerned with my fingers and ties than any miraculous wonders occurring: forgetting that my fingers and toes are miracles
Friday July 20, 2018 check my few notes on my project Oath I am thinking if I was picking out paintings to put a wrench in
my thinking then I probably drew my Choreography for another writing project copyrighted note: not to be rude: having to not
read Facebook messages for now until I can catch up wimy life: want to connect/reconeenect: so a big 'hi hello and how are
ya?' Julie Jeanette Trahan (also known as Dolphin_J or/and Dolphin Julia Trahan or/and Julia Dolphin Trahan) (please do not
copy or borrow my poems without written and signed permission: the BBC/BBC OUCH! has copyright and distribution rights)
Pushing A Button Is An Action (poem title)
All this tech tronic tech phonic sound blasting volume into an outer space paragnosis idea: downloading an application
from the app store where there wasn’t any dirty remarks: dead beat poets need not apply is an action that creates
a social paradigm within an oval structure
Dog Poems: Canine Casual paragnosis (daily poetry series title)
Her ability to be so comfortably profound interminable is a mystery four me as I ask how she feels about seeing her reflection
in my reversed iPhone
Again I write about her life and wonder what she would say
Tampon Chronicles: Love Your Tampon ( poetry series title)
Tampons are made of cotton. People grow cotton. People manufacture tampons. There is love inside a tampon: the first
time I had my period, the first time I used a tampon and being all grown up. There is paragnosis inside a tampon: the knowledge
that women birth babies and that our bodies talk in a direct language setting priorities. And it might seem scary at first
because it is scary because the highway tunnel of love is really a tunnel of love and a tunnel isn’t supposed to
be scary : sometimes when I am a passenger in a car driving in tunnels I hold my breath and concentrate on a wish from the
beginning until the end
I Can’t Remember The Name Of The Banned Book I Began About Banned Boots (poem title)
Basement Pathos ? Bathroom Pathophobia? Yes, You Are Heaviily Drugged? Why Do I Type On My iPhone So Much? I Can’t
Remember The Name Of The Banned Book I Began About Banned Books: please don’t be afraid to dream again even if
part of you believes your dreams will be stolen again because not everyone is right all the time
Tampon Chronicles: Injury on top of Injury On Top of Of Injury ( poetry series title)
pathophobia is more than injury on top of injury on top of disease
Salvo Tie (written poem title)
Dressing up to read outloud? Why? I can read in casual clothes in torn sweatpants with messy hair with cropped shirts
with shorts that don’t fit a woman’s hips however as literacy goes I have my boots, my support stockings
, my knee brace, my pants that fit and several black turtlenecks that make me look intellectual and I forgot and am not ashamed
to admit I got my triple D bras (I’ve gained lots of weight) and my formal salvo tie is always where my literacy
abilities belong
Dog Poems: This Poem Is About Uou (daily poetry series title)
This poem is about your animal instinctive nature.
This poem is about your loyalty to the people who love you most and make certain you eat when you are hungry and ensure
you sleep in your bed when your tired,
This poem is about the people around you who look into your face to see what your expression is and who fortify your enticement
in your life.
This poem is about the way you growl and bark and woof and sometimes stay quiet when there is too much entertaining noise
Tampon Chronicles: pepper spray rapist (poetry series title)
after rape when even salve can’t take the pain away and a tampon is too painful on a period pancakes are medicine
Tampon Chronicles: A Piece Of Questionable Plastic (poetry series title)
what is natural? what is natural. plastic and the human body? cotton and the human body? plastic’s eccentric
form is in human hands would God and Nature exist if humans did not exist to call them names?
Dog Poems: $5 a day = $1. 680 (daily poetry series title)
if Girlie Dog and I had completed the performance project we began when we and my Mom moved to Portland Oregon from Honolulu,
Hawaii at $5 a daily paratransit ticket our confrontation to obviate would carry an annual cost of leave myself two hours
time flexibility just in case of other pickups to get there and then another two hours time flexibility to account for pickup
and traffic then a required half hour at my destination ; the facts are answerable to my instincts: I don’t know
what the hell just happened , it sure as hell wasn’t good : in terms of arts funding in city planning: $1,680
really is a very low cost answer to your question
Note: over 5 minutes to get past FBI CAPTCHA
Note sent to FBI via the FBI Ninth web form on Free Pie Wednesday July Eighteenth 2018
Dear FBI,
priorities; my Mom’s safety, my safety and the safety of those concerned with our safety including our dogs
and people interacting with me in a respectful way
mom and Sophie Dog going to Veterinary Clinic appointment as Sophie Dog needs some sort of vaccine
Kids and Scott walking her outside
I will either watch my DVD or write after I . . .
Also, if I had no prior knowledge of my family or this situation, especially if I was law enforcement with a reputation
to uphold I wouldn’t have any suspicions of danger or meed to contact the FBI
Also, as I do post my Note sent to FBI via the FBI Ninth web form on such and such day on Facebook and also BCC them at
committing crimes with the intent to spurrn discussion or create a social gathering is likely double illegal regardless
of what the first letter of any given word is
there are plenty of dance and theater and martial arts classes AsWellAs community colleges with law classes in Portland
and there are Portland specific web sites on almost any interest: likely even a class about how to teach your kids not
to be obnoxious in someone else’s house
Note sent to FBI via the FBI mweb form on Friday June Twenty Sixth 2018
Dear FBI,
priorities; my Mom’s safety, my safety and the safety of those concerned with our safety including our dogs
and people interacting with me in a respectful way
couldn’t find my keys
had dirreah earlier
mom and I drove to my bloodtest
FBI web confirm difficulty
denying mom her free bday pie
I need 2 finish poetry book
she is mid making a birthday cake for a woman very productive at Unity church portland oregon
I opened my black backpack this morning to get an unopened package of pens with my bar code on them
revealing several packs of my Usual Bold Coffee
Note sent to FBI via the FBI website web form on Tuesday June Twenty Sixth 2018
Dear FBI,
priorities; my Mom’s safety, my safety and the safety of those concerned with our safety including our dogs
and people interacting with me in a respectful way
my recorded video of my poem I typed this morning ( Tuesday June Twenty Sixth) ‘Tiny Black Dot In The Upper
Left Hand Corner Of Your Computer Screen (poem title)’ Poem disappeared! I used my iPhone photo application to
post it on Facebook and I included my text with the word ‘copyrighted’.
Several reliable sources confirm that even simply placing a lower case c or a capitol C is a way an Author can legally
copyright their work.
my poem is a reference to the period on my walkonstage.com web page which I bulit and purchased the domain name for when
I lived in Seattle Washington after losing my Father in 2006 a few days before presenting Tao and The Art Of Drowning on stage
at a sizable venue with a sizable stage in Seattle.
As I was primarily sitting in my very large walker to dance and perform as I am now (if I danced and performed), the
only main piece I literally walked on sta edit
end of. Note sent to FBI via the FBI Ninth web form on Free Pie Wednesday July Eighteenth 2018
Girlie Dog’s Banned Book (poem title)
If Girlie Dog has a banned or challenged book she loves so much she wants to memorize and secure for the future I certainily
do not know the title. There are several eccentric titles I think of her as if I think about it and there are clever concepts
: like Girlie Dog represents all the banned newspapers ever printed. However although I can ask her she can’t
express how she feels about representing concepts and books I actually hate: like the identity of a stubbornly rebellious
teenager who doesn’t rebel outright and realizing the complex relationship of other’s external perspective’s
and her own self definition and personal experience she likely would shuff off crapola and allow people with intellectual
disabilities to pet her depending on her mood, activities and as priorities experience has been: she is a dog more interested
in avoiding injury than judging humans from a remotely human perspective. She is mostly interested in barking at dogs and
chasing cats as specific species preference are measurable in behavior: I’ll read a dog food recipe to her and
see if it is the sort of current literature she is interested in
Physicality Enthusiasm (poem title)
Physicality enthusiasm is my word if people were words would I also be eccentric? perchance not
Enjoying Eccentricity (poem title)
an eccentric lifestyle is only enjoyable when you are in control of your life : much as the meaning of a freestyle poem
is to enhance beyond rules and traditional styles
Tampon Chronicles: Waking Up (poetry series title)
I was also surprised as the types of women globally are more various than fonts: too much amortize on women ‘s
bodies: the tampons are in front of my PI bag as if climbing back inside and beginning again were possible
Note sent to FBI via the FBI web form on Monday July Ninth 2018
Dear FBI,
priorities; my Mom’s safety, my safety and the safety of those concerned with our safety including our dogs
and people interacting with me in a respectful way
my list of words of the day I keep on my iMessage has disappeared from my iPhone
I realized this morning : I just relooked and some of my word of the day iMessages have the word followed with cloud
land or are missing my note to myself noting I recieved the message
Also, Girlie Dog has a Vetenarian appointment on Wednesday the eleventh: her $50 heart medication is wet and smells
like chlorine : Unity church portland oregon has something scheduled or there is something gamey otherwise I wouldn’t
mention it
my left foot wound is healing; possibly some of my foot medicine is missing from my black zippered bag however I have
some I set aside in my medical lock box :
my prescription bottle of blood thinner I keep in my medical lock box with personally important DVDs no longer snaps shut.
I have plenty and am so scattered doing nothing I did not really consider a pharmacy and bloodtest anticoagulationist reminding
me I have a refill due
my Mom and I discussed going on a weight loss plan : I just found some if my over the counter supplements toxified however
I am hoping if my Mom orders the plan, asswipes will keep out of it
thoughts from earlier:
I recently watched the movie version of Feirentheit 451 as it is a book that has influenced me since childhood
I had not consciously remembered how in the book (movie) people memorize a book they love in order to safeguard intellectual
thinking as a group of individuals
Also, after remembering reading about toxic shock syndrom in John Douglases books (and having been afraid of it in my
early teen years), I put out a dare realizing that a victom of violent crime would be traceable from her tampon that since
I am having my period I would purchase tampons and be perfectly safe
not so: the outer packaging was unsuspicious however I felt nauseous when I opened the package and I did not wear a tampon
(I was poisoned or something anyway and was too weak to get up or go to bed)
I opened and rinsed most of the unused tampons in our kitchen sink and washed the sink out to prevent reuse of the tampons
Also, tell asswipes to go put tamons up their vaginas: there are plenty of people who are actually transpeople or mixed
gender and some might welcome constant obsession with their genitals
I am a woman and my personality is actually except for on stage performing I don’t like to stand out.
I started a book of choreography notes years ago in Honolulu for rehersal or dance pieces if I ever connected with a dancer
or dance troupe; I have been in Portland *5* years and am no nearer to even showing a possible collaborator my writings then
when I was in Honolulu trying to connect to the Fringe homepage and download an application
even with my injured foot I could have performed edit
end of Note sent to FBI via the FBI web form on Monday July Ninth 2018