Athena's Favorite Sewing Project

Talented Wisdom: My Correspondence With The Gospel Of Thomas

My Original Idea With this was to publish Talented wisdom as a text book of sorts: where there would be an empty space on the book page readers could read the original text of what Jesus said and have their own correspondence

note: number order is chaotic

forever is a very long time �� logion 1 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 1

please behoof sing me a song
so I will remember you


fifty years of b ~ sides �� logion 2 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 2

my miracle is immediate; my miracle is now; I cannot weep about my past as the b ~ side of my personal record is an exclamation of joy enthusiastic; and my perfect cup of coffee (the world's best!) is across the oceans and another wherever anytime I am as the Holy Grail is a woman's body; and I don't want to know people throwing away the Grail as trash


text poem aswellas dna

what are Human Rights? �� logion 3 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 3

what are Human Rights?
it would behoof you to
find what


�� never happen again/ 3 bodies absent disposable �� logion 112 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 112

it wasn't the rape
shaming me; it was
breaking the oath
that I had made to
it was cancelling
the making of my performance video,
Disposable Bodies,
that I as a young adult
strove to create:
so nothing like the Holocaust would ever happen again;
the morning I cancelled the shoot with my class, I went and stared over the ocean as if the behoof in me was able to see the answer

that's why they call it a calling

note: how would my understanding of prayer and the human body be different if I had completed my video performance piece Disposable Bodies after being raped the night before?

I feel sitting in grief asking for assistance and being overwelmed is a form of prayer, however if I had able to finish my class assignment it would have perhaps been a deeper form of prayer

so is prayer done within praying ?

note: not to be rude: having to not read Facebook messages for now until I can catch up wimy life: want to connect/reconeenect: so a big 'hi hello and how are ya?'

Julie Jeanette Trahan (also known as Dolphin Julia Trahan or/and Julia Dolphin Trahan)

(please do not copy or borrow my poems without written and signed permission: the BBC/BBC OUCH! has copyright and distributions rights)

three negatives �� logion 111 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 111

to find myself is not a challenge as I am not lost; to sacrifice my childhood dreams is not possible because I am not Jesus


�� logion 110 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 110

there isn't
any reason
inhere to
be cruel


found lost treasure �� logion 109 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 109

a movement: a gesture: a fall: a roll: and a twirl: a shimy shamy shake: a pirouette: a hip hop strudle doodle: and a knee to the chest: and a: no way can the human body do that!
this is adoration
for the way you move,
for the way you talk,
for the way you stop and think;
and I actually do
often wonder
what you would say
about all the envious intruders;
I say: you often don't know what you have
until you lose it
and even then
I have to make myself remember

note: number order

�� never happen again/ 3 bodies absent disposable �� logion 112 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 112

it wasn't the rape
shaming me; it was
breaking the oath
that I had made to
it was cancelling
the making of my performance video,
Disposable Bodies,
that I as a young adult
strove to create:
so nothing like the Holocaust would ever happen again;
the morning I cancelled the shoot with my class, I went and stared over the ocean as if the behoof in me was able to see the answer

that's why they call it a calling

note: how would my understanding of prayer and the human body be different if I had completed my video performance piece Disposable Bodies after being raped the night before?

I feel sitting in grief asking for assistance and being overwelmed is a form of prayer, however if I had able to finish my class assignment it would have perhaps been a deeper form of prayer

so is prayer done within praying ?

note: not to be rude: having to not read Facebook messages for now until I can catch up wimy life: want to connect/reconeenect: so a big 'hi hello and how are ya?'

Julie Jeanette Trahan (also known as Dolphin Julia Trahan or/and Julia Dolphin Trahan)

(please do not copy or borrow my poems without written and signed permission: the BBC/BBC OUCH! has copyright and distributions rights)

three negatives �� logion 111 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 111

to find myself is not a challenge as I am not lost; to sacrifice my childhood dreams is not possible because I am not Jesus


�� logion 110 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 110

there isn't
any reason
inhere to
be cruel

copyrighted BBC

when snakes and doves are friends ��39 (poem title)

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 39

when snakes and doves are friends:
the keys to knowledge
are no longer limited to torturous leaders
secretive in abuse
when snakes and doves are friends:
defining undulate freedom is survival as fire neglect destroys quicker than fire enfolded allows for aged wrinkles
when snakes and doves are friends:
meekly flying to touch the ground is a blessing


note: not to be rude: having to not read Facebook messages for now until I can catch up wimy life: want to connect/reconeenect: so a big 'hi hello and how are ya?'

Julie Jeanette Trahan (also known as Dolphin Julia Trahan or/and Julia Dolphin Trahan)

(please do not copy or borrow my poems without written and signed permission: the BBC/BBC OUCH! has copyright and distribution rights)

found lost treasure �� logion 109 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 109

a movement: a gesture: a fall: a roll: and a twirl: a shimy shamy shake: a pirouette: a hip hop strudle doodle: and a knee to the chest: and a: no way can the human body do that!
this is adoration
for the way you move,
for the way you talk,
for the way you stop and think;
and I actually do
often wonder
what you would say
about all the envious intruders;
I say: you often don't know what you have
until you lose it
and even then
I have to make myself remember gratitude


note : almost got numbers confused

using plain words �� logion 108 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 108

there is a moment when I am holding a flashlight and I am walking cautiously because I inhere know if I fall I know I might not get back up;
for numerous people a daily kiss is common;
when I kiss years of loneliness are forgotten


continuously whatsoever �� logion 107 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 107

within all the names of God and within all the names of creatures of God:
there is the mistake I made: and within all the names of God and within all the names of creatures of God, I found my way


mountains of sorrow �� logion 106 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 106

do you really believe in your self?
there are many stories inhere and maybe:
begin with your name as:
every one deserves a name: then Jesus says: mountains will move


little girls
the recognition
old fashioned
inhere deserve
the right to grow
to become women
working to provide
is my Father a whore?
is my Mother a whore?
am I a whore?
call me whatsoever,
I will never apologize for surviving


in love �� logion 104 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 104

a wife isn't a souvenir: she isn't a trophy; a wife is a human being to talk to; she might cook your meals or mend your clothes or bear and raise your children; her presence might always be with you:
show a bit of gratitude:
in love with a person is in love with God's vitality


note: regarding my word choice: correspondence

my meaning of correspondence is: a conversation with God

so my poems are neither a reinterpretation of the Gospel of Thomas nor necessarily an understanding of the logions application to my life;

in conversation, I might say: is this what you mean? or this is the way I see it or even have you considered this idea?

note: poem edit

facing fear �� logion 103 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 103

before "they " arm themselves; the harshest inhere reality is difficulty to look at; the most wonderful blessings on those looking into the face of fear before it can be seen: know "their" behavior patterns; wake up; rouse your extinct and endangered species so that we are prepared


note: my misspellings are unintentionally

note sent to FBI on Friday December 16th�� 2016 via the web form on the FBI website:

Deat FBI,

a mom went to a party at Chicago Pizza without me

we did not go to free pie this Wednesday; I am very concerned about preventing me from falling on the slippery ice or in the cold wind. our house is now such I have a difficult time being warm to fall asleep without my body yemp falling to shivering

today it is less wind and the moms are likely to whine and be annoying about my bloodtest;

please help them figure out something to do besides distract me from creating a book and being asswipprs

I realize it might be challenging to be or play the role of an elderly woman whos family has turned against her or is neglecting her, however I am trying to finish my book before Christmas regardless of official approval or popular opinion

my main concerns in contacting the FBI are my Mom's physical safety my physical safety ,
and the physical safety of the people protecting our safety

this includes the accuracy and authenticity of all information about us

end of note sent to FBI on Friday December 16th�� 2016 via the web form on the FBI website:

hate's distractions �� logion 102 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 102

shame on those blaming hypocritical leaders then
following neglect's nauseating
footsteps; when inhere truth's brightness shines within delightfully, inner light embraces external roles worthwhile!


my parent's disciple �� logion 101 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 101

my parents are two people I admire: inseparable: my love of reading and books and movement and life and talking and quiet is inhere: a round wonderfilled world; separate from my parents is my alley dog self that I wanted to keep to myself


a bridge poem �� logion 100 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 100

perch inhere:
the policies of the ruling States must be rearranged so that children with severe and permanent disabilities can inform trusted adults, including care givers, about abuse, including subtle poisoning and covert sexualized violence disguised in bathing dressing and toileting;
my goodness!
begin with the beginning; allow God to speak and recreate the world continuously;
then after speaking
and being heard;
create space for infinitely speaking to discuss strategic prevention of sexualized abuse of children
including children with severe and permanent disabilities

copyrighted BBC

note: not to be rude: having to not read Facebook messages for now until I can catch up wimy life: want to connect/reconeenect: so a big 'hi hello and how are ya?'

Julie Jeanette Trahan (also known as Dolphin Julia Trahan or/and Julia Dolphin Trahan)

(please do not copy or borrow my poems without written and signed permission: the BBC/BBC OUCH! has copyright and distribution rights)

a child isn't for sale �� logion 99 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 99

a child in the cold
will always be
a child in the cold;
a child's
metier is inherently alive
as a title Christ;
inhere is intrinsic
to a baby:
a child isn't for sale


inscribed diplomacy �� logion 98 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 98

written on my body
in indivisible ink
is a metier treaty: I must not lose
myself in anger


moonlight on a Hawaiian ocean �� logion 97 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 97

the rare moments metier
cold is easier to bear
as I remember sitting on the poured out sand;
gazing awed at the stream of light touching the water and filling air's nothingness
with guidance


what did the children write? �� logion 96 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 96

the evolution of wheat is dependent on little boys aswellas little girls; to provide crutches for those that cannot walk; to provide bread for the hungry; to create a museum for those without a home for their ideas; metier brings warmth to the cold; these miracles have already happened and whereas life continues miracles repeat


the place you stand �� logion 95 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 95

selfishness is also in the eye of the beholder;
an occupation metier warms many cold hearts; the places you and I stand are gifts without interest; is it so hard to follow an example? if a gift of a book gave you a place to stand, I will find a way to publish many


accessible finds/ everyday ambitions �� logion 94 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 94

every day desires and ambitions are answers to prayers often ignored; when inner ears are cold to metier's call, then confusion and hesitations become gods; when finding a true path is as easy as listening to the words, 'I don't know why I feel this way'.


the book of Ruth/ house your pearls �� logion 93 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 93

house your fatuous pearls in poetry
as delicate
as your


a woman 's words �� logion 92 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 92

what would a woman say about fatuous women? a book read out loud as a soundtrack to the sewing of angel costumes remains in a box


social construction �� logion 91 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 91

the name you cling to isn't even your name! recondite was your name before you were born!


our burdens �� logion 90 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 90

to be able to see another's recondite suffering ; I sleep in the chair with you safe in my lap


my belief (poem title)

my belief is friendship is real
my belief is friendship between all family members and all peoples is real;
and I believe surviving a car crash is an invitation to conversations about the recondite and grief and my insistence on a whole picture


dirty feet �� logion 89 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 89

where to begin?
transcripts voluble your foundation


angels on my shoulders �� logion 88 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 88

perhaps angels beautiful
and prophets generous
find voluble wisdom
in humility


elegant wishes �� logion 87 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 87

born crying ;
is being miserable a blessing?
caution voluble:
thanks sought :
and grace:
deserve more than being written off as disadvantages

copyrighted BBC

similar dreams �� logion 86 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 86

my dreams and ambitions and desires are similar
and mine; if perhaps you are a restless child my dream is a voluble place as there isn't any time to rest

copyrighted BBC

wanting outside �� logion 85 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 85

born to live
Adam speaks volumes
listen voluble good and evil

copyrighted BBC

business compassionate �� logion 84 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 84

there was a time:
individual survival is dependent
on we;
pictures speak voluble and now is then and old light is current news


victim is a scary word �� logion 83 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 83

responding to cries for help
cast a person as a victim in welcoming the voluble words of blame and guilt



note poem edited

structured passion �� logion 82 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 82

his name is Jesus Christ
and he is the most influential man in history:
following his example I am responding to systematic structured violence in a more passionate quicker manner
since time is a voluble luxury not to be taken for granted

copyrighted BBC

note: mistake numbering

international terrorism �� logion 81 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 81

wealth monetary matters little
when international technology has disappeared;
cyberspace is blessed with facts voluble to finding the disappeared; mending broken hearts is the most important wealth/ a disappeared 82nd poem needs to be found and fed


embracing the sunlight �� logion 81 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 81

to ignore the inviting wealth of sunlight is to waste life's gratitude; to delude the sun assuming last day and last night is to rob yourself of overwhelming blessings


note: relied on internet translation; I have no idea if the French translation is accurate :

my lifeguard t shirt/ mon t-shirt sauveteur �� logion 80 (poem title) / logion 80 (titre de poème)

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 80/

Remarque : le �� désigne un poème inspiré directement des logions depuis les objets perdus et trouvés Évangile de Thomas ; ce poème correspond à logion 80

should they fall into the hands of the adverse parties: please find them and provide immediate medical attention if need be:

devraient ils tombent entre les mains des parties indésirables : s’il vous plaît trouver et fournir des soins médicaux immédiats si besoin :

why is live theatre music and dance (the inseparable friends) so important? because when a venue creates essentially a picture frame for Nature's poetry all directions are included ;
inherent spirit is present even in the injustices: spirit shines brighter though when mixed with consciousness;
which is when a venue becomes a place of voluble grace whereas true conscience is revealed;
when a poet recites a freshly written poem on stage, the poem allows a correspondence with the God in even the Atheists and Naysayers because barriers are set aside;
and with theatre music and dance intertwined it is possible to create 'c'est eternity' with simply wearing a lifeguard t shirt on stage

Pourquoi le théâtre musique et danse (les amis inséparables) est-elle si importante ? parce que lorsqu’un lieu crée essentiellement un cadre photo pour la poésie de la Nature toutes les directions sont incluses ;
esprit inhérente est présent même dans les injustices : esprit brille plus lumineux mais lorsqu’il est mélangé avec la conscience ;
qui correspond à un lieu devienne un lieu de grâce volubile alors que la vraie conscience est révélé ;
Quand un poète récite un poème fraîchement écrit sur scène, le poème permet une correspondance avec le Dieu même les athées et les opposants, car les obstacles sont infirmés ;
et avec la musique de théâtre et de danse étroitement liés, il est possible de créer des « c’est eternity » avec simplement vêtu d’une chemise de t de sauveteur sur scène

droits d’auteur


urg! note: poem edited

public storage �� logion 79 (poem title)

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 79

public storage in Hawaii is where my family used to keep our Christmas lights; my Mom and I would drive out and I would sit in the car while she went in to get the boxes of hand painted wooden ornaments,
strings of colored lights,
and a two foot Santa riding a bicycle (my Dad rode his bike every day)

here in Portland Oregon, where a seventy two degree holiday and a Christmas Eve swim in the ocean are far behind me, my favorite decoration is our large voluble Grinch


note: poem edited

gravity's momentum �� logion 78 (poem title)

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 78

as I dress
and redress I no
longer rehearse my
forty five minute's of
voluble monologue fitting
me like soft cotton;
I can barely
recall autobiographical the words tangled in my
mind: The Convention
against Torture and Other
Cruel, Inhuman or
Degrading Treatment or Punishment;

to bring warmth
isn't complicated especially when
no explanation is needed


sand candles and barbed wire �� logion 77 (poem title)

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 77

on the highway's edge
somewhere in Southern California:
my childhood lungs undulate
in the backseat
without a seatbelt:
and today: I love you more
than I will ever understand
because everywhere I go
there you are


note: not to be rude: having to not read Facebook messages for now until I can catch up wimy life: want to connect/reconeenect: so a big 'hi hello and how are ya?'

Julie Jeanette Trahan (also known as Dolphin Julia Trahan or/and Julia Dolphin Trahan)

(please do not copy or borrow my poems without written and signed permission: the BBC/BBC OUCH! has copyright and distribution rights)

note: poem edited

pearls in my safety deposit box
�� logion 76 (poem title)

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 76

mind and body
men and women
the difference between men and women
men tend to destroy
women tend to reclaim
like a Marine in combat I saved and preserved my Mom's pearls simply because it might hurt her feelings to have them taken away :
women in combat
I am thrilled! Go Go Go!;
brief moments of momentum
spiral as protection of pearls and prevention of hurt feelings become voluble priorities


note: poem edited

people who love you �� logion 75 (poem title)

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 75

when you are born your Mother is with you;
when you are born your voluble separation from billions of people is reduced;
when you are born only you know your perspective;
you and you alone are responsible for your decisions;
however: surround yourself with people who love and adore you and alone gets very over crowded


note: poem edited

down syndrome �� logion 74 (poem title)

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 74

to look down a well and see nothing is three times more than average frightening;
many voluble procrastinators;
few want to climb down
into the dark to find
water however looking down
again until something is seen
is the beginning of quenching your thirst

an insignificant miracle �� logion 73 (poem title)

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 73

it is easily lost
in the voluble importance of International Relations
aswellas my tendency
to not think about what is 2 painful;

however, today,
a snowed in, can't leave the house, just try to stay warm indoors day: I remember a miracle

did you know I carry insignificant miracle reminders with me? so I will remember the dead in winter it is time to harvest my tenderest words in case you want to converse


the roll of a Judge �� logion 72 (poem title)

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 72

my desire in life is
to fill all with such drunken passion: all burst in to voluble song ;
as who am I to judge?
the choreography, the singing,
good/ bad; don't worry about it 2 much; as long as you sing;
and do try to remember the lyrics; especially until you are ready to improvise


best friends forevers �� logion 71 (poem title)

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 71

a human family based on emotional respect is now possible as violence is recognized;

the wheel has already been invented and taken for granted; voluble expression has already been censored; the sword has already been pulled from the stone and discarded; the witches have already been burned and their ashes aswellas body parts have already been sold as souvenirs

complete strangers from all over the world
clasp hands in friendship
and are already
best friends


social construction �� logion 90 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 91

the name you cling to isn't even your name! recondite was your name before you were born!


our burdens �� logion 90 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 90

to be able to see another's recondite suffering ; I sleep in the chair with you safe in my lap


my belief (poem title)

my belief is friendship is real
my belief is friendship between all family members and all peoples is real;
and I believe surviving a car crash is an invitation to conversations about the recondite and grief and my insistence on a whole picture


dirty feet �� logion 89 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 89

where to begin?
transcripts voluble your foundation


angels on my shoulders �� logion 88 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 88

perhaps angels beautiful
and prophets generous
find voluble wisdom
in humility


elegant wishes �� logion 87 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 87

born crying ;
is being miserable a blessing?
caution voluble:
thanks sought :
and grace:
deserve more than being written off as disadvantages


similar dreams �� logion 86 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 86

my dreams and ambitions and desires are similar
and mine; if perhaps you are a restless child my dream is a voluble place as there isn't any time to rest


wanting outside �� logion 85 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 85

born to live
Adam speaks volumes
listen voluble good and evil


business compassionate �� logion 84 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 84

there was a time:
individual survival is dependent
on we;
pictures speak voluble and now is then and old light is current news


victim is a scary word �� logion 83 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 83

responding to cries for help
cast a person as a victim in welcoming the voluble words of blame and guilt



note poem edited

structured passion �� logion 82 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 82

his name is Jesus Christ
and he is the most influential man in history:
following his example I am responding to systematic structured violence in a more passionate quicker manner
since time is a voluble luxury not to be taken for granted


note: mistake numbering

international terrorism �� logion 81 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 81

wealth monetary matters little
when international technology has disappeared;
cyberspace is blessed with facts voluble to finding the disappeared; mending broken hearts is the most important wealth/ a disappeared 82nd poem needs to be found and fed


embracing the sunlight �� logion 81 (poem title )

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 81

to ignore the inviting wealth of sunlight is to waste life's gratitude; to delude the sun assuming last day and last night is to rob yourself of overwhelming blessings


note: relied on internet translation; I have no idea if the French translation is accurate :

my lifeguard t shirt/ mon t-shirt sauveteur �� logion 80 (poem title) / logion 80 (titre de poème)

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 80/

Remarque : le �� désigne un poème inspiré directement des logions depuis les objets perdus et trouvés Évangile de Thomas ; ce poème correspond à logion 80

should they fall into the hands of the adverse parties: please find them and provide immediate medical attention if need be:

devraient ils tombent entre les mains des parties indésirables : s’il vous plaît trouver et fournir des soins médicaux immédiats si besoin :

why is live theatre music and dance (the inseparable friends) so important? because when a venue creates essentially a picture frame for Nature's poetry all directions are included ;
inherent spirit is present even in the injustices: spirit shines brighter though when mixed with consciousness;
which is when a venue becomes a place of voluble grace whereas true conscience is revealed;
when a poet recites a freshly written poem on stage, the poem allows a correspondence with the God in even the Atheists and Naysayers because barriers are set aside;
and with theatre music and dance intertwined it is possible to create 'c'est eternity' with simply wearing a lifeguard t shirt on stage

Pourquoi le théâtre musique et danse (les amis inséparables) est-elle si importante ? parce que lorsqu’un lieu crée essentiellement un cadre photo pour la poésie de la Nature toutes les directions sont incluses ;
esprit inhérente est présent même dans les injustices : esprit brille plus lumineux mais lorsqu’il est mélangé avec la conscience ;
qui correspond à un lieu devienne un lieu de grâce volubile alors que la vraie conscience est révélé ;
Quand un poète récite un poème fraîchement écrit sur scène, le poème permet une correspondance avec le Dieu même les athées et les opposants, car les obstacles sont infirmés ;
et avec la musique de théâtre et de danse étroitement liés, il est possible de créer des « c’est eternity » avec simplement vêtu d’une chemise de t de sauveteur sur scène

droits d’auteur


urg! note: poem edited

public storage �� logion 79 (poem title)

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 79

public storage in Hawaii is where my family used to keep our Christmas lights; my Mom and I would drive out and I would sit in the car while she went in to get the boxes of hand painted wooden ornaments,
strings of colored lights,
and a two foot Santa riding a bicycle (my Dad rode his bike every day)

here in Portland Oregon, where a seventy two degree holiday and a Christmas Eve swim in the ocean are far behind me, my favorite decoration is our large voluble Grinch


note: poem edited

gravity's momentum �� logion 78 (poem title)

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 78

as I dress
and redress I no
longer rehearse my
forty five minute's of
voluble monologue fitting
me like soft cotton;
I can barely
recall autobiographical the words tangled in my
mind: The Convention
against Torture and Other
Cruel, Inhuman or
Degrading Treatment or Punishment;

to bring warmth
isn't complicated especially when
no explanation is needed


sand candles and barbed wire �� logion 77 (poem title)

note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas; this poem corresponds to logion 77

on the highway's edge
somewhere in Southern California:
my childhood lungs undulate
in the backseat
without a seatbelt:
and today: I love you more
than I will ever understand
because everywhere I go
there you are


note: not to be rude: having to not read Facebook messages for now until I can catch up wimy life: want to connect/reconeenect: so a big 'hi hello and how are ya?'

Julie Jeanette Trahan (also known as Dolphin Julia Trahan or/and Julia Dolphin Trahan)

(please do not copy or borrow my poems without written and signed permission: the BBC/BBC OUCH! has copyright and distribution rights)

note: poem edited

pearls in my safety deposit box
�� logion 76 (poem title)
note: the �� denotes a poem inspired directly from the logions from the lost and found Gospel of Thomas

note: not to be rude: having to not read Facebook messages for now until I can catch up wimy life: want to connect/reconeenect: so a big 'hi hello and how are ya?'

Julie Jeanette Trahan (also known as Dolphin Julia Trahan or/and Julia Dolphin Trahan)

(please do not copy or borrow my poems without written and signed permission: the BBC/BBC OUCH! has copyright and distribution rights)

Home | Christmas Book 2018 | Picture Po try Proj ct (without photos and videos) | Picture Poetry Project June 2021 (photos not loading) | To Be Decided In A While | Talented Wisdom: My Correspondence With The Gospel Of Thomas | Queen of the Girls | OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographers Score In Book Form In Th | OAT H Handwritten | Girlie Dogs Little Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom | Poem Series Title: Climbing Mountains Olympics | Contd: poem project: In Celebration of Womens History Month: March 20/20 Poetry Series series | After Sophie Dog Series | Listen 24 Text | poem storage July 30, 2019 | Oath Begining | Body Talk Book Copyrighted BBC l | Regarding the Americans With Disabilities Act | Blank page | AP | Athena's Favorite Sewing Project: (PG in PR and I want to meditate and read more about what he said) | Poetry Storage: Friday , 20th July 2020 | Poem Storage | Another Storage Page | Monday October Second 2017 | Correspondence poems with the Gospel of Thomas; December 2016 | Staying Sane, Staying Calm; Poetry 2008 | Living with hackers and identity thieves 2009 | Post-Australian Hawaiian Period | BBC Date | Julia's Body, a dance troupe | Nothing new here | BT = S Publicity Flyer | Top 10 Links 2002 ish | Mailbag | Monthly log: May 25...2003 | Meditations On Innocence: October 24th, 2014 | X-mas list 2002 | My Second San Francisco Period | My Second Hawaiian Period | My Australian Period | Essay Page | In The Spirit Of Pleasure: an essay | Daily Log Page for January 5, 2002 | Weekly Archives | Contact Me | QD 2002 | Antioch | Sports and Taoism | Temporary Poem Storage 2018 | Poem Storage 20/20

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