Athena's Favorite Sewing Project

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1st and 2nd set: ❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In 1stThe Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes


Creating Space MAC22
Copyrighted BBC

copyrighted BBC

❤️The video, the drawing and the poem are all one piece

❤️������Back Off! An Evening Poetry Series Specifically For Child Protective Services And Their Adult Friends With Reasons To Fear Sleeping At Night (Step 3) Begun On The Friday Morning Of September Twenty ~ Fourth Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48

��❤️��Article 19 For A Red Planet : (two friends co write a book they didn’t bother to write after corporate America decided their adventures weren’t interesting

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone!Wisdom On Saturday July Thirtieth 20/22

❤️The Decorticate Sound of unsolved child murders Without Beethoven’s 5th Visual Cues [*��A Picture Poetry Video Project Poem] (inspired from Tao te Ching Verse # Twenty ~ Two) (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

““I tried to have some fun”
Girlie Dog Trahan

Girlie Dog ran recklessly outside in the hot above 100 degrees heat, return ing inside exhausted. Only after a good icing of her fur and a dose of doggie medicine peanut butter combo is she able to resume her exploration into flunking United Nation’s qualifying tests for her Global Dance Competition (the United Nations doesn’t actually administer dance tests and Girlie Dog doesn’t actually have a Global Dance Competition.
This is her (and Raccoon’s presentation of Dancing On The Orange Chair (Recovery After 911 When The Piano Is Quiet)
I don’s speak dog speak: I don’t know if she wants to invite the entire world to dance or if she is resenting a rebuttal to teasing about her legs.
I don’t know

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✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone!Wisdom On Friday July Twenty ~ Nimtj 20/22

��Seven Years [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (inspired from Tao te Ching Verse # Twenty ~ One) (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

❤️“you tried to write about me? And they wouldn’t let you? I thought you were famous”
❤️⏰Girlie Dog Trahan

what could you accomplish in seven years? When I was seven years old I had worked out the global credit system, had a firm stance on the proper economic relationship between women and men,
A short lived concomitant of a medium sized dog’s life is a log time with many opportunities to say “ Thank goodness you are here with me”.
Seven years. A long short time

Copyrighted BBC

����❤️✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48

��What Is Post ~ Modern Slavery?

What do Cowboys knows about slavery? Nothing! Cowboys know about ataraxy while sitting uproar on a horse. And both cowboys and Indians know about Liberation Theology

copyrighted bbc

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️Eggs. Eggs. Eggs Om Demand (A Not Actually Jewish Poem About Article Nineteen Of The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48!)

OMG Dudes! Is censorship like suffering or what?
I was minding my own business: no job, no girlfriend however doing alright; not bad not good so I perform a little dance in front of a grocery store; nothing serious, nothing weird, just a little bit of entertainment for class credit in a Seattle neighborhood with a good share of jerks and homeless and Taxi Drivers who wouldn’t stop for me if I was the only fare on Capitol Hill.
And before you know it, creeps are breaking into my apartment and playing with my feet at. night! Then the window washers showed up while I was trying to sleep on the daytime!
And that was over Ten years ago! It’s not like they leave people like me to die alone in the sun of heat stroke and dehydration! It was just a little song and dance; I don’t even write the words and now all I want to do is be as excited and enthusiasm and energetic as that day I did a little dance in front of the market simply to see people smile and to keep myself in God’s blessings.
occasionally Perhaps I am guilty of resentment against dancers and writers who follow the established path and make a confident income.
[KER-ə-pays], I remind my self. [KER-ə-pays] is what I must remember if O truly want to dance a dance of healing medicine; in memory of that day of a little song and dance on a clear place on a busy sidewalk where the words that I didn’t even write flew past all reason and erupted into the 2006 Seattle Diaspora And I did not even write the words

copyrighted bbc

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

Grandparents Rights On (Wednesday July Twenty ~ Seventh) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

Grandparents rights include informing and advising their Grandchildren about all their mistakes, including not paying attention to Teachers at school. Grandparents rights include reminding their Grandchildren that if they do not have a [KER-ə-pays], they might not grow up to remind their Grandchildren that if someone is in physical pain you comfort them and be good because the. Bad can speak for herself.

Copyrighted BBC

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom On Sunday July Twenty Fourth 20/22

❤️ Household Hate Crime [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (inspired from Tao te Ching Verse # Twenty ) (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“I am looking for a place to sleep where I won’t be molested”
Girlie Dog Trahan

Sleep Where? After witnessing unsolved child murders how can I sleep? I wonder with my sleep indicator light on locking looking; resting seeking rest: communicating I am in sleep mode yet barely recovering after 911. how do I know where to search? when I have not murdered I have enever raped !
��when I eat protein listen to my body and the tap tap tap dance of nails on my Mother’s wooden floor each morning I rise and pivot like a ParaOlympic Athlete as the Statue of Liberty was a gift to America from France and only then am I able to see the hidden household hate crime as my canine ~ self remembers that boundaries used to mean that a child was safe to sleep without any serio-comic fear of humiliation about wanting to see the sun rise in the morning

copyrighted bbc

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom On Sunday July Twenty Fourth 20/22

❤️Wool Clothing In Winter [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (inspired from Tao te Ching Verse # Nineteen) (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“I thought it would be more exciting “
Girlie Dog Trahan

Octothorpe is a very good year for a hash tag. When is a pound sign a pound sign?
Leprechauns clothing themselves in wool remember and remind of the ancient books with colored ink worth reading

Copyrighted BBC

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️The Uses of Technology; Chapter Two The Uses Of Stem Cells (boogie boogie doo whop doo whop) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

I’ll:: physical technology: we can connect the parts however the life spark with full emotions that wishes if I could do it all over again I wish there was an undo button
If we can’t even steer our complex bodies, then a motion controlled sink let alone a loaded revolver is way way too complex for humanity in all our forms.
unsolved computer errors are not resold in recovery after Y2k 911

copyrighted bbc

♥️♦️������Movement Poetry Series includes 48 The Price Of Children (poem title includes 48)

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

“Are you going to call a Listen 24?”
Girlie Dog Trahan

❤️When An ElectricChair Fails (Don’t Waste A Moment)(inspired by Tao te Ching Verse #Nineteen) (poem title includes 48)

When An ElectricChair Fails there is room for a small amount of black humour in our greedy vengeful world. Some will tell you that you have the right to die as all men are created equal. I am a woman however. I am lucky enough to have both a Mother and Father that I know well enough to say “This is what my Dad said” and “This is a quote from my Mom
I am stretching my long legs with my knee brace and ankle braces and I am (without straining my muscles) lifting my head so my long neck reveals my childhood “could have been me” scar and the funny thing about having the furniture angle and sturdy support and motivation (I paid for my own recliner) to lifting my partially paralyzed left arm is not only am I able to say all women and girls reading this poem are alive to write a letter with a paraph as ~ it is time to begin a new paragraph where all women and girls have control of our bodies and minds and if a letter to a lost woman contains only these words, “I don’t want to be raped again and I don’t want the women and girls in my family to be raped again”
❤️There was no reason to publicly murder a man for being judged stupid for protecting his wife, a woman or his daughter, a girl. For not knowing his rights from lefts and lefts from rights how would he have known his rights unless he could read and someone wrote a Bill of Rights and printed them in a newspaper which he had an opportunity to prevue purview
❤️When An ElectricChair Fails, there is a brief but spectacular second chance to breathe.
How dare you deny the right to write a few last words. How dare you to paraphrase what you wanted him to say when his exemplar quotes are written in stone.
If Romeo and Juliet had been able to separate themselves from incestual ignorant complicity and survive their childhood electric chairs, the unrequited lovers might have set the stage and written their own plays for an ancestral musical legacy where even noble boys and ambitious girls survive falling in love and grow up to write about how wonderful life is when you consider a mistake might not be a mistake after all

copyrighted BBC

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone!Wisdom On Tuesday July Thirteenth 20/23

❤️A Long Walk Home Is Nothing To Laugh At [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem])inspired from Tao te Ching verse 18) (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

““ I love you very much sometimes”
Girlie Dog Trahan

Embryo in a jar with oil sold at the grocery store? Your incest? My childhood molest. Possibilities of rape: ever find yourself doing something unexplainable difficult for reasons unapparent to anyone except you? Do you sign your name with a paraph ~~~ wanting never to have to discuss the matter again as the reason and cause for healing is walking away even if limping is necessary

Copyrighted BBC

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️My Chair In My Mother’s Garden [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (inspired by Tao te Ching Verse #Seventeen) (poem title includes 48)

“Be angry about injustice and do something about it” Ellen Trahan (my Mom)

My Collagehood girlfriend was murdered when she was Seventeen. She was so smart she had graduated from high school early and gone straight to College. In terms of girlfriends, her memory is like the difference between a direct quote and a paraphrase in the eyes of a Journalist.
For years I told myself maybe she had simply transferred or dropped out as was common behavior at my College. I certainly did avoid the subject of her whereabouts when back on campus and was keenly aware that no one mentioned her name at least not in my presence.
I liked to think that the International Prostitutes in Waikiki saved her and now rather than being another unsolved child murder (from my POV) she is running around in some foreign country wearing big hats and kissing alienated performance Auteur’s in public.
Although she didn’t like Artists saying we are self centered and lazy. I would argue. with her about Art shaping and documenting political and social wealth and health. She might have only loved me for my media theories.
I don’t know what she would think about my recovery after 911 ideas. Maybe she would say the sole of the foot is the window to the eyes

Copyrighted BBC

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

��❤️��Article 19 For A Red Planet : (two friends co write a book they didn’t bother to write after corporate America decided their adventures weren’t interesting

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom On Saturday July Sixteenth 20/22

Be [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48) “

“You don’t love me anymore”
Girlie Dog Trahan

Be angry about your missing persons
Be gentle with the little ones who don’t understand injury
Be a boon in a Charrette
Be the silence after trauma
Be the unappreciated dog that jumps up enthusiastically after stillness
Be the aggrandizing human unafraid to sit in a comfortable chair
Be the one to speak up when ignored
Be yourself at all times

Copyrighted BBC

❤️✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone!Wisdom On Friday June Fifteenth 20/22

❤️Modern Day Witches
(Second poem so far): ❤️ (inspired from Tao te Ching Verse Fourteen) (poem title Includes 48): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“Do you want me to say something?
Girlie Dog Trahan

How can peace be found when actions speak louder than words? Men are sperm bodies women are egg bodies. How did Joan d’Arc survive without Eunomy? She carried CBD oil snared and put on male armor

Copyrighted BBC

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️Gusto Finding Eunomy At A Kaffeeklatsch (inspired from Tao te Ching Verse Fourteen) (poem title Includes 48)

❤️There’s drug addicts and alcoholics in every city and they need their drugs and alcohol everyday and they’ll run over anyone in their way so it’s not a fun game to play

Copyrighted BBC

❤️Criminals (1999) (intro)

There is a compulsory freedom that goes along with being an artist. A writer. A lover. A lover of beautiful women.

The drive to create is not always a pure, beautiful or even compassionate urge. it is more of a reptilian need to survive. A need that surpasses all personality and will.

I would like to convince you that the drive behind the creation of art is of a glamorous or spiritual nature, but in truth, it is a need to pummel human flesh with one’s fists of jaded hope.

All the better if the writer’s desperate surrender that throws the cigarette of morality out the car window gives pleasure to another. It is only the painful death of the ego, a loss of identity, that we can become ourself ecstatically.

Author: Julie J Trahan (Dolphin) pseudonym for privacy and safely: Dolphin Julia Trahan or J Trahan
Copyrighted BBC

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️Gale’s Idea (a request for more glasses) (inspired from Tao Te Ching Verses words

❤️Gail didn’t wear glasses.

❤️She didn’t need eye glasses to see 20/20 sternutation. However, she didn’t deny glasses from idealists and dreamers, Neither did she ridicule the less fortunate with less than perfect vision.

The wind inconnu suggested looking in the back alleys and underneath the garbage dumps and in all the places people don’t go because they are not physically able and in all the amphigory places people don’t want to go because it’s smelly and damp and cold in order to find unsolved child murders and ideas about how to provide glasses so everyone could see 20/20 and recovery after 911.
When the storm halts and the gale stops and the breeze slows, there is no secret wish for the wind to die down: a matter of language: in order to seeword the:
In front of humanity’s face.
How did a sparse paragraph in a purple notebook suggesting a global economy based on the opposite of torture turn into a chronic pandemics and an arresting of pleasure and choice?
I don’t know.
Gail isn’t here.
And I can’t always understand what gale is saying

Copyrighted BBC

Copyrighted BBC

Poems and photos not updated missed

No photo

❤️Meditations On Innocence: My Temporarily Gratitude Poem l (poetry series ) 5:24 Hours also at least a letter as I might never see your face however might recognize you as you mirror me in mirrored measures: I want Forty Eight minutes of your time: not 5 times daily: I want 5 Hours and Twenty four minutes of uninterrupted time with a Twelve Minute Break every hour in case I need to rest or type or eat or do as I wish before the solving of unsolved child murders continues while I try for my peek gratitude heart rate knowing that Jane Doe was almost me as in there I am unrecognizable in my body cast with my neck tube and stomach tube and little girl’s cunt tube and arm drip tube there I am and now my bodies cast is a thousand’s castaway : It Is My Inadvertently Intensifying Investment backing recovery after 911 in hopes of regaining my Enthusiasm about Survival

copyrighted BBC

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️Lily Dog Is Crying [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] inspired from not being able to play anxiously books out loud (poem note includes 48)

Where is Lily Dog’s human? A small dog cries because she feels alone when the person she adores is far away. There isn’t assoil for neglecting a small dog’s crying

Copyrighted BBC

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

Power And Control words

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom On Sunday July Fourth 20/22

Power And Control [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (inspired from Tao te Ching Verse #10)(Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“Are you writing a book about me?”
Girlie Dog Trahan

Magna Carta! I am the MC with an innate understanding of the Magna Carta! and although the gambit is excellent, I do not understand why I struggle to write a daily book of what is most important. A Girl is born innocent.

Copyrighted BBC

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone Wisdom On Thursday August Thirteenth 20/20 (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48) “When there is no comparable competition, compete with yourself “ Look underneath mocking truth to discover truth When Sophie Dog’s name is left out Dada lies are created Be the kind of person someone could fall in love with and maybe you will fall in love with yourself Copyrighted BBC

❤️Abort Child Abuse [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (inspired from Tao te Ching Verse #9) (poem title Includes 48)

“If I get to be a guard dog do you want me to go on without you ?”
Girlie Dog Trahan (while practicing her standing strength)

My black hole theory is all about ylem and smorgasbord. Do unsolved child murders occur at Chautauqua
North American?
Supposedly there are no dumb questions.
However, when ordering a philter do most Americans want nutriment or rasta roko? If you are uncomfortable around children with ambisinister costumed misogynoir likely limits your universal exploration not to mention the abilities of all God’s creatures to eat and drink. If you accept that children also long for recovery after 911, then perhaps you will understand that my theory about black holes is that is where all possibilities of questions and questions about possibilities are.
What do you hold in your empty hand? The primordial ooze of creation (God’s spit) and the future, so don’t forget your backpack

Copyrighted BBC

❤️My Mom’s Birthday Poem
Daying [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (inspired from Tao te Ching Verse #9) (poem title Includes 48)

There once was a Queen from Nantucket
Who knew life was more than a bucket
She sent for an ential
And instead got a vowel
So her Sentinel’s bucket was “um, I forgot”

Copyrighted BBC


❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone!Wisdom On Sunday June Twenty ~ Sixth 20/22

Clichés All ~. American Girls Will Never Hear (inspired from Tia te Ching Verse #8) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“I want to say something great today”
Girlie Dog Trahan

". . . you can grow ~ up to be whoever you want to be” unsolved child murders are in correlation with Plangent Clinomania and in life, firstling and scission seem determinate of recovery after 911’s shaping of the geckos.
As if there is an unlimited supply of apricate and meed (or in Girlie Dog’s case peanut butter and CBD oil as she fell from the car in front of the hospital yesterday)
While the truth is that in replacing sugar there are only sparse words and phrases that can survive the crucifying criticism of over abundance.
I have nothing to offer except thank aesthetics
Life is God blessed and my opinion is this is my poem and I can talk twice if I want to: “I don’t want to be a Christian because they talk about death too much”
Girlie Dog Trahan
You were born and are alive now and need clean water, food and company while others go outside that is all I have to say

Copyrighted BBC

Missing poems?

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone!Wisdom On Friday June Seventeenth 2022

��Even Great Dancers Have To Sit Down To Eat Breakfast Sometimes (inspired from Tao te Ching Verse #6) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“Is everybody going to make fun of me?”
Girlie Dog Trahan

Dactylonomy Oxfordian only makes sense in a dactylonomy paleography context. Past histories are the water in our vein tissues that shape who we are at any given moment. As we fill our DNA with our intentions.
Perhaps Robin Hood merely wanted to apricate like agile Beowulf the Warrior and measure like mononym Girlie who sits down to eat her breakfast without apologizing for her existence

Copyrighted BBC

❤️Less Than A Minute Version❤️Able To Measure Eudaemonism A Glass Of Spilled Oat Milk (A Three Minute Internet Search 4 Economic Justice) Poetry Series Includes 48

“I’d like my breakfast a little earlier”
Girlie Dog Trahan

♥️Cupid’s Missing Love Letters [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (Inspired from Tao te Ching Verse # 72) (poem title Includes 48)

IF I only traveled clockwise I would never know what counter clock wise meant
If I didn’t know missing I would never understand you are here now
If I didn’t know wealth I might not understand poverty and waste and shame in flaunting the ability to have and hold without sharing
If I did not meet ridicule I might not understand that being a woman and a target is deasil in my self dare to embrace my childhood Archery abilities
I forgot what I forgot
I remembered what I remembered
Solve an unsolved child murder and recovery after 911 is what you have

Copyrighted BBC

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone Wisdom On Wednesday June Eighth 2022

❤️Gainsay Disappointment (inspired from Tao te Ching Verse #71 [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48) “

“they’re saying you don’t have enough time for me”
Girlie Dog Trahan

Nyctalopia is not necessarily a condition everybody wants however I can barely remember life prior to vision disappointment.
Especially when Zaftig women were realistic Rubenesque appearing active and Angelic in paintings representing fertile life (a gracious and grand life of Humanity within Nature)

Copyrighted BBC

♥️♦️������Movement Poetry Series includes 48 The Price Of Children (including girls and their dogs) poem title includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone!Wisdom On Saturday June Fourth 2022

(Before And After Peanut Butter (And Prescription Doggie Heart Medicine) (inspired from Tao te Verse #One) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48) (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

Before Peanut Butter
“No one likes me at school “

Once upon a time there was a Mom and a Dad who loved each other very much and wanted to marry and to promise to spend the rest of their lives together regardless of how bad or good life got.
So, Mom married Dad or Dad married Mom (depending on how you look at who asked the question first)
Mom and Dad both wanted children and they thought about all the things their parents taught them and if they wanted to do the same thing only modified for a more contemporary reality.
Then Mom and Dad talked about all the ways they wanted to raise children and sure enough, after a year, their first perfect child was born.
And Mom and Dad were so pleased and they loved their perfect first child so a second a third a fourth and nervously this time because Mom and Dad didn’t have a lot of money a fifth child!
Mom and Dad’s children grew up very fast and time seems that when they were born they were already off to school, wanting to cook dinner Their Way and wanting to drive the car.
One Sunny Saturday the entire family (included doggie) was having a picnic in their favorite park when a suspicious man asked the youngest daughter (the first three children girls) what she wanted to be when she grew up. Now, 3Daughter did not like being told what to do or interrupted when she was enjoying the sunshine
“A run away” she replied.

When Dad and siblings couldn’t find her and Mom hadn’t return from looking either when it was time to go, Dad called 911 and the FBI and a few of Mom and his friends to see if they were there and because he didn’t quite know what to do while waiting for the Police to arrive he ate *all* the peanut butters sandwiches except for doggie’s.
“Give that dog some peanut butter”
After Peanut Butter
“I’m ready to be a Super Spy”
Girlie Dog Trahan
When the Police arrived Dad felt like a limpet neep
however he answered their questions and sat on the picnic table with the kids while the Police scoured the park. Doggie barked at the Police however the police did not understand. And the youngest son told the police “She wanted to be a Ninja when she grew up”

Copyrighted BBC

��☎️❤️Miss Ed afew

❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

❤️Three Words (inspired from the Tao Te Ching Verse Ten) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom On Saturday May Twenty ~ Eighth 2022

❤️Two Towers (inspired from the Tao Te Ching Verse Ten) (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“I have nothing to say on the subject.”

What are your three words? Yes, I am asking and yes I do expect an answer!
“unsolved child murders”
What maintains your breathe 24/7? Ask a Dragoman if you must although he has already said AND written your guidance DOWN to READ When in the hospital of Earth where even the Nurses and Doctors are human who tire, and remind “how did you love?” is more than a mouthful, is your physicality able to remember the three words that point to your recovery after 911? When quickening your stride are you mute? Are you saying “this is how I survived”

Copyrighted BBC

♥️♦️������Movement Poetry Series includes 48

911 GO! The Price Of Children (including girls) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem](inspired from Tao Te Ching verse #9) poem title includes 48)

The recipe for rescue for prevention for quick pray call Dragoman if necessary

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

in process copyrighted BBC

❤️Yes I am aware of infection concerns and will wash with soap; I am concerned about unseen infection on my socks
☎️��♥️��Only Me copyrighted BBC Facebook post (poem and photo)

❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

❤️Disabled Privilege [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom On Friday May Twenty Seventh 2022

❤️To Grow Old (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“If there was a book about me, people would feel better”

You might as well dance at 50 years sixty years seventy years eighty years minty years over a century old and let’s go and see a long time
A life’s measure is quality and length and on your short life did the person who you claim to love as yourself ever need buskins? And what did you do? Did you decide to create nightmares of the unsolved child murder type or did you walk until your feet bled to bring recovery after 911 or somewhere in Eastern Europe there is an audio book about a hungry woman, the cat that she loves and Investigators Investigating what wasn’t a train accident

Copyrighted BBC

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom On Thursday May Twenty Sixth 20����22

❤️Tearing Up A Box (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“I am worried about my friends”
Girlie Dog Trahan

I was the last person she saw : there was an absence of comfort: no last chance for pain medicine: my friends: the thrown away and remember? And I wear boots and not buskins: I guess what I wear is somewhat irrelevant

Copyrighted BBC

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone!Wisdom On Tuesday May Twenty Fourth 2022

My Mother’s Book (Second poem so far): (inspired from Tao Te Ching Verse 6) The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“I thought we were going on an adventure”
Girlie Dog Trahan

Was my Mom arrested for having a stable mind? Born in the 1940’s, she was raised to be the perfect Wife to a hopefully adoring Husband
Even the judgemental must admit, in comparison to unsolved child murderers, most desultory behavior is sane even likable and quirks become lovable in an unselfish way
The right livelihood (lively ‘hood) does not profit from the deaths of children.
A stable mind (Inner Development [ID]) solves recovery issues through communication and diplomacy where children survive despite hatred of their parents
My Mom showed through her relationships and actions that exonym is not necessarily a negative word.
Men in love are not concerned with destruction
People of color are colorful.
My Mom and I rode Amtrak across America to my college for me to begin my grown up education
We have never discussed how life’s lessons occur both inside and outside the classroom

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✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

Poem Title: Why Are Gums So Dangerous? On Sunday May Twenty Seconds (inspired from Tao Te Ching Verse 5) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom On Sunday May Twenty ~ Seconds 2022

Freedom On A Surf Board (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“I wanna dance around the house naked”
Girlie Dog Trahan

How does my DNA movement differ in the water compare to how I differ on land? Many people claim dogs are not capable of the mental capacity of contrast/comparison.
Am I the first Impressario Extrodinaireè? Bark Bark Bark Barking at fate, my friend as Sartre implied we are all merely domesticated dogs barking at fate and praying for understanding and to look good when dancing around the house naked is merely more than luck from a surfboard perspective

Copyrighted BBC

❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone Wisdom On Saturday May Twentieth First 2022

❤️Wording (inspired from Tao Te Ching Verse #4 (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“Will you promise to write a book about me even if I die?”
Girlie Dog Trahan

A hippo hippocreme hippocampus is limited in unlimitedness thought to be shaped like in the center
A dog is not a hippo
What does it mean to be an unsolved child? It means you haven’t been murdered
What does “recovery after 911” mean?
Ask a dog or a hippo and listen carefully to their answer

Copyrighted BBC

♥️♦️������Movement Poetry Series includes 48 The Price Of Children (including girls) poem title includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone Wisdom On Friday May Twentieth 2022

❤️Standing Up In The Morning (inspired from Tao Te Ching Verse #3) (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“I could have been hurt” Girlie Dog Trahan

In a lifetime running with a dog both a child and a puppy wanting to build endurance a human body embraces fartlik to surpass distraction: high ground low ground crying laughing winning losing with awareness there must be time for recovery after a race when your legs seem to run themselves

Copyrighted BBC

❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

��Inside The House [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem (inspired from Tao Te Ching Verse #2)] (poem title includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone!Wisdom On Thursday May Nineteenth 2022

❤️A Tail Wag Verses Over A Million �� (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“They beat up both of us”
Girlie Dog Trahan

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrate eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemblematic
humans envious of dogs because some dogs smile as an automatic existence:
Stick? Not even a weapon against the world of trespasses and abuse and unsolved child (puppies ) murders a way of cerebral body applied power of ankle height critters who turn recovery after 911, into something fun without ever saying a word

Copyrighted BBC

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone!Wisdom On Friday May Thirteenth 2022 (inspired from Tao Te Ching Verse #1)

❤️Near Miss (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48) “

“I could have died and you didn’t even notice”

True, surviving a bear miss especially when saving a human or dog, without fan fare that I would ignore or medals that I would lose in the laundry or awards that I would break the frame of or spill coffee on and create paper stains, can make me feel like s relic: did I save a life!
I cleaned something harsh off Girlie Dog’s fur this morning and then passed out and woke up a few hours later

ME: I did notice. You could have been soup.

Girlie Dog: I want you to to spend more time with me

ME: what do you want to do?

Girlie Dog: I am happiest when you are happy; I remember when we went to the warm beach everyday and you would write and no one wanted to hurt me

ME, is there anything else on your bucket list. We should move and groove on?

Girlie Dog: I want you to write a book about me and learn to draw me because not all dogs look alike and I want to do a stage performance with a real audience and I can wear a funny hat and no one will know I am referring to Ancient Egypt until they think about it: You he Cerebus and I will play Abraham Lincoln only I don’t want to get shot especially while sitting in the audience

Copyrighted BBC

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom On Friday May Thirteenth 2022

❤️Lying Women (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“Be careful’
Girlie Dog Trahan

I would never intentionally force a woman to lie, especially not to force her to lie to save her life the life of those she loves and fertile control.
Are sexism femicide and
infanticide a giant relic?
No, they are not. In the fashion world do women grow on trees? No, no they do not however women sometimes do walk carefully hidden in branches

Copyrighted BBC

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone!Wisdom On Thursday May Twelfth 2022

❤️Diet Coke And Whiskey (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“I have something to say”Girlie Dog Trahan

Cyanotype of a Manhattan: How can I type a Conspectus of my Father in three minutes? Well, I gave him a bottle of wide bottled Lancers wine every Christmas when I was a child because Lancers wine was his favorite, Hr developed a strange preference for Diet Coke and Whiskey when I grew to adult age. My Dad used to send me books in the mail without any card or sometimes without even signing his name. And honestly, that made meaningful communication possible.
I have kept the two videos of my ever Curious Dad’s Memorial Service
And thank goodness his passing wasn’t because of his activities conducted when he wasn’t riding his bicycle or practicing Tai Chi at the beach.
My Dad didn’t drink and drive

Copyrighted BBC

Identification AsWellAs Text Poem and Less than a Monute video AsWellAs DNA

❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

TraditionallyForward (Row Verses Wading) [��A Shorter Version Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom On Thursday May Twelfth 2022

Swimming In The House Verses Short Terminally Illustrated Memory Loss (Conspectus Interuptus And Inspectus)
(Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“I like progress”
Girlie Dog Trahan

As young children grow to adulthood they greet the forest that were once youthful scion, was there veganism in the Pre historic age? Will Watermelon Kumquats Bananas Spruce Fir Daffodils Oak Roses and Kale Pine and Grapes and Oranges and Algae and Zoocini
and Spinach Greens Chard Grass Shrubs all be reduced to techno lingo savey grocery list? Twigs for oars and oats for questions (Nanny, where does oatmeal come from? Do Oats grow on trees?) and Liquid for bathing: when an unsolved child chooses a God after murders and other 911 trauma readily available objects become familiar as they remain reliable and easily understood. Laundry in a warm laundry room: a favorite shirt for meaning a favorite pair of pants for definition favorite vests for action favorite dresses and skirts to remind the cosmos who you really are in the kitchen is comfort found in chocolate chip cookies (with peanut butter and cinnamon and sometimes nutmeg), in the hand washing of dirty geographical plates remembering we can do this? A fork? A pot? A spatula? A spoon? A special cup with your picture?
Where is a child’s God when anything that moves or doesn’t move is hunted and gathered and fried into what was once knowledge and kindness and barely quinoa
I am not so desperate that I must cause the death of others in order to feel alive
Desperation and recovery spell Medical Dr.
My favorite clothes are stained and full of filthy words however I put the spatula in the sink while singing my made up hymn song poems that might accidentally rhyme sometime when I am not looking I might surprise myself with my favorite blanket because I mustn’t
allow mystery to become cold

Copyrighted BBC

❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Curtains Of Memory (Three Unwritten Books)[��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

Remember walking in the sand and turning around to see your own footprints? Remember being a passenger in a car and marveling at the tropical paradise garden that looked like it would keep growing scion forever?
I only know for a fact that one of these three men from Hawaii ever said, “I want to teach before I die”
What did Duke Kahanamoku teach?
What did Unknown Soldier (as Anonymous is over used as a name) teach?
What did Senator Daniel Ken Inouye teach?
That a person is a person and their Aloha deserves to be written down remembered and embraced

Copyrighted BBC

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone!Wisdom On Tuesday May Tenth 2022

My Thoughts/ My Words (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“will you make fun of me when I die?”
Girlie Dog Trahan

“No my mirror, my friend, my Service Dog, my amateurly trained Pet, my co Author and video reminder, I will not make fun of you in life or death. I know my interrupted Boswell behavior seems indifferent as a broken promise I can’t seem to cover up or fix however when I see you through my eyes of childhood memory when I couldn’t speak, I needed my parents to speak the words that I was too scared to understand and that is what my parents did. I don’t know if humans will stop intentional cruelty to animals (see, I generalize everything). Dogs are punching bags to some and the immaculate species to others
However I will tell stupid humans to stop hurting you and Parol a book about your life, difficult to write as you are not bait for dog catchers

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(poem title Includes 48��) 3:33 am or/and pm poetry series passing as any time poetry series (poem series Includes 48��)

Almost Like It Never Happened [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title Includes 48��)

Late night munchies.
A weight loss program and was I sleep walking? Sleep rolling? A concord with my body would be nice.
Girlie Dog explores the kitchen to see why the refrigerator door is open

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Space Space

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48*)

*please note I don’t actually have a cut on my left thumb: a pressure mark from the way I hold my iPhone to type

I Am Not His Majesty The Fourteenth Dalai Lama [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title Includes 48)

I am not a spiritual teacher or even especially wise I remind myself knowing that to concord with myself and my pet personality peeve I avoid hypocrisy: paradox yes conflicted yes human yes unsolved yes: back stabbing no intentionally hurtful no: selfish without regret yes forgiving? compassionate? empathetic? Sometimes
I am not His Majesty The Fourteenth Dalai Lama. I don’t know how he feels every person is human however I do know that he is also genuine

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✈️ ����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

Think Fast! [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

Waking up to only one packet of instant 1$ coffee might not sound like an emergency to most people however to caffeine lovers understanding and empathy are must have’s.
My immediate adjustment however does not make sense.
I put 3 scoops of ground coffee in my cup knowing I would likely drink a pot
I have accepted that I don’t like coffee without milk: I just don’t! A matter of taste texture or even temperature? I don’t know So why would three scoops of already super duper strong coffee be good just plain and black?
I don’t know however I think the overall little things (comparatively) provide quick reminders about life’s bigger lessons
think fast!
maybe what’s important is not how fast a person wakes up: what is important is that a person wakes up to concord about something and then enjoys the day regardless of their unexpected or their usual breakfast

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✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48) On Thursday May Fifth 2022

Dogs On The Line [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem series includes 48) On Thursday May Fifth 2022

Much time has passed since the Sandusky trial and the National discussion about sports and what men and boys are legally allowed to do with their minds emotions and bodies. Now women’s and girls’ bodies are on the line with and without choice.
The impossibility of a juried trial for every professional and nonprofessional American athlete who enters a locker room is much like dispensing trafficked thought tickets to every woman and girl who might think or even be aware of the power of her sexuality and ability to reproduce
The inability to find American Concord seems to me, less a dispute between men and women about sexuality and more a matter of who wants and doesn’t want invasive however legal {is self defense legal in America?} control of other people’s sexuality.
Situationally?/! I have the legal right to bring my naked Service Dog (Girlie Dog) into an American court room during jury duty with or without a sexy official uniform (as long as I have her tags or/and papers); just like I have the legal right to listen to The Rolling Stones’ song, "Sympathy For The Devil” at a loud volume as listening to music might impregnate ideas however doesn’t deny victims of sexualized crime their moral and legal right to recover
After 911, rape and incest continue to be illegal as does child murder.
Not to infer that children are murdered for entering in a locker rooms or being athletic

Copyrighted BBC

❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

❤️Brown Vs Brown (Ask A Sailor On Wednesday May Fourth 2022) [��A Picture* Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

* A Short Version Video Inspired By The Life And Work Of Gertrude Stein

When I was a child “a girl in every port” meant some wild carousing Sailor was either “plowing his oats” (enjoying sew with multiple partners in every country he sailed to with the Navy) or he was having affairs on his travels while leaving his married sweetheart at home.
How did married couples find concord within infidelity?
The person’s Is political.
When a country destroys itself it begins with those closest.
Ukrainian’s are fighting to survive and autonomous resource control.
Russia is fighting for regaining Recognition and Union (RU)
America has been fighting for the right to commit suicide since 1975: way before 9/11 where in comparison we were only temporarily injured: in an unsolved child murder the child is permanently gone without recovery after: what about children who survive?
Will American boys and America girls grow up to be Sailors with “a girl in every port”? Or will only American boys get mature and realize that there is a message in every bottle of port

Copyrighted BBC

❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

❤️The Confusion Of Geographical Location [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

Where are you?
What is your mouth doing? Your hands?
Have you solved an unsolved child murder today?
Are you a piano Symphony or a crime report or both?
Are you a #1 all or Nothing kind of gal?
Have you ever stolen and eaten a Concord grape? I have. It is difficult to steal only one as they grow in bunches.
A few times after Mom (yes I am over 50 and live with Mom for economic reasons: she does the grocery shopping and cooking) has gone to bed I have gone into the kitchen, realized I have not eaten all 5 of my (HMR) weight loss program’s minimum required fruits or/and vegetables after seeing our strainer full of Concord grapes and eaten handfuls with an awareness that they are a little more expensive however without any awareness of regret.
And I didn’t feel any remorse about my sneaky covert actions!
“Remorse” and “Regret” are funny words in a serious way in that they are often used to mean the same thing and they actually don’t mean the same thing at all except referring to an emotional states that are temporary and unpleasant however are overwhelming and can dog at a person for a lifetime.
What I feel remorse about is those times I failed to broadcast an urgent S.O.S. message
“Remorse” means to me to repeat the use of Morse code
That there is something and someone worth the fight worth the struggle
And that that person might be me or the person worth fighting for might not be an individual: maybe everyone, even the most hated sometimes embody concord like a dove (which is sort of like a pidgin after a bath)
Everyone at one time or another carries an olive branch to a friend and to an enemy
And Peace becomes a way of fighting
I have the right of silence
I have the right to not believe in God
I have the right to tell the US Government that they can wear any damn thing they want as long as their fashion sense doesn’t interfere with my lesbian news or my on stage performing (which has been non existent for over a decade as I grew up before Facebook and don’t even know what a cyberspace “platform” is)
When I was a child I decided I was Beethoven’s 5th Symphony.
I didn’t know the history or symbolism or multiple uses of Beethoven’s Symphony of Fate.
I liked the passion of Beethoven’s notes and I didn’t care that he was German or had lived far away and was born and passed way before I was a twinkle in my Mother’s eye.
Now that I am an adult is there any American song that I feel I embody?
Do I have to limit my musical enjoyment based on geographical boundaries?
The right to listen to enjoyable music is worth re Morse Coding for (at least in my non published book with a photo of me with a Concord grape wreath in my hair)

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✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

The Autobiography Of Marilyn Monroe [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

When I was a child and my platinum colored naturally colored hair was undiluted with hues, I saw a paperback book near the door on the turning circular book rack at our local grocery store and if I remember correctly it wasn’t entitled the Autobiography Of Marilyn Monroe.
I don’t know if Marilyn Monroe wrote a book however I stole a few moments to read this book with pictures of a platinum blonde woman with a white dress that I would later choose in a similar style
Marilyn wanted to be more than a statistic, more than just another blonde woman who was loved simply for being traditionally beautiful. so I watched some of her movies and although I am not conversant with muscular men carrying me around on movie sets I feel the same way in that I want to define myself and what being blonde means to me
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��❤️❤️������Back Off! An Evening Poetry Series Specifically For Child Protective Services And Their Adult Friends With Reasons To Fear Sleeping At Night (Step 3) Begun On The Friday Morning Of September Twenty ~ Fourth Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️Some may call it God [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

I was in the other room at the time.
And I wanted to tell you that what you have in the palm of your conversant hand when you play the piano has many many names

Copyrighted BBC

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone Wisdom On Friday Apricot Thirteenth (April Twenty Ninth) 2022

Flying Piano (flying dog)[��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“I don’t want to talk about it because it’s too personal“
Girlie Dog Trahan


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✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

What’s Missing? [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

When you are conversant about as situation, spotting what’s missing is not necessarily easier than someone familiar. How do you solve an unsolved child murder when there is nothing to recover from and no emergency to talk about and the number 911 is simply the number before 912?

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✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48) On Tuesday April Twenty ~ Seventh 2022

The World Where I Don’t Fit In [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title Includes 48)

I grew up in a world where torture wasn’t necessary as you simply asked and someone conversant answered truthfully. I can’t run one mile (a requirement for Seattle Washington police). Solving unsolved child murders is not just for men in suits however women with purple Mohawks might not fit in without adjustment and explanation as to why a woman would be concerned about the life of a child she doesn’t know: and the interrogation questions on the routine checklist from the armchair law enforcement in the way of an honest Feminist answer; “did she know her Mom was looking for her and would have sent her money and a bus or plane ticket?”

Copyrighted BBC

♥️♦️������Movement Poetry Series includes 48 [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (Longer Version Video)

❤️How Do You Write In Cursive? How Do You Write In Numbers?: The Price Of Children (including girls) poem title includes 48)

Would you turn your back on your Mother when she needs you? Would you betray your Father’s trust?
How do you know when to curve? When to straight line? And when to overlap?
Enormous numbers of n + b numeracy are writing to protect themselves with ten fingers and ten toes and two legs and two arms

copyrighted BBC

♥️♦️������Movement Poetry Series includes 48

Your Creative Ambitions Under Attack (On Sunday April 24th 2022): The Price Of Children (including girls) poem title includes 48)

whenever I eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (my relaxing philosophical food with warm milky coffee and lots of thinking time) I have time to wonder what happened during the Industrial Revolution when an ignored piano is treated as a cumbersome judder: a 25$ gift of use and abuse of inherent power over inventions of genius
what is in your hatchback of childhood ambitions? My Mother kept the fossils alive of my childhood favorite comic book character DareDevil in storage for me all my teenage and young adult years until I learned that I didn’t have to worry about not being able to drive because of Paratransit and I didn’t have to be sad about or ashamed of having to push a wheeled seated walker because I could bring Girlie Dog or a heavy boom box with me to dance rehearsals

copyrighted BBC

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom On Sunday April Twenty Fourth 2022

Word (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“I wish you would spend more time with me”
Girlie Dog Trahan

Solving one unsolved child murder at a time a comparison poem asking a woman cooking with a judder in a kitchen how she finds fossils and makes dinner after recovery after 911 (I am not waiting until the perfect symphonic Hutch moment)

Copyrighted BBC

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone Wisdom On Wednesday April Twenty First 20/22

If I Were Completely Blind (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“I would just want to eat peanut butter“
Girlie Dog Trahan

If I were completely blind I would want to be a film maker or at least a videographer or photographer so I could travel with my assistant and when we talked long enough about what I could see when I listen and look we could go to a site and I could photograph the possibility of capturing an image we could Matt and grime and put on a wall so we could look at her forever and talk about the times we talked about the possibilities possible if we could see through each other’s eyes

Copyrighted BBC

Friends only Facebook privacy

❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48) Poisoned Fur [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem]

❤️Monsters Are Contagious *April Twentieth 2022) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem]; poem title includes 48)

911 recovery after child murders/ unsolved cavorts to solved
Monsters fight a 20 year war crippling refugees cancel burning the American Flag
Patty Hearst Syndrome’s role at the 24 hour eidetic noetic Summit?
OJ Simpson is a real person.
And the monsters at the end of the story turns out to be a Prince

Copyrighted BBC

❤️ ❤️Triple Whammy At Da Bomb One Time Only Poetry Series On April Twentieth 2022 [��A Short Version Picture Poetry Project Poem] (includes my older sister’s Happy Birthday Julie song probably created on my birthday Easter Sunday April Seventeenth 2022)

poem: Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48) Poisoned Fur [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem]

❤️Monsters Are Contagious *April Twentieth 2022) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem]; (poem title includes 48)

911 recovery after child murders/ unsolved cavorts to solved
Monsters fight a 20 year war crippling refugees cancel burning the American Flag
Patty Hearst Syndrome’s role at the 24 hour eidetic noetic Summit?
OJ Simpson is a real person.
And the monsters at the end of the story turns out to be a Prince

Copyrighted BBC

❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Handrail Bar Mustache (unsolved child) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone Wisdom On Tuesday April Twentieth 2022

Handrail Bar Mustache (unsolved child) (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)

“I just want the music all to myself“
Girlie Dog Trahan

In a room, alone with yourself/ yourself alone/ are you the perpetrator who murdered you as a child?
With nothing except a bar to hang on to are you your own recovery after your Pedagogue parent’s 911?
When they found you? An ambitious girl with a dream ages to become a woman with a mustache and you are not to blame as you did not murder yourself (puppy)

Copyrighted BBC
❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Pedofiles Are Not Always Honest ��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

Would a woman ever have thought of using medical care as a weapon of war? Would a woman ever decide that child abduction could be justified if enough Grandparents and Parents are out of the way?
Ask a Pedofile if intentionally hurting a child is like intentionally hurting yourself and you’ll ikely get a lie or a distracting accusation of your faults. So how do you get a satisfactory answer to the question, . “did you abduct my child?”
I know that metal screws were invented to fasten separate pieces together and that when the screw falls out of my eyeglasses they fall apart and become very difficult to wear because a part of them is missing
And I know that if I jump into the ocean and wash all the lies off of me, I find some sort of truth that I can live with in the face of Pedofiles lies

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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Missing Women [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

Who would call Gertrude Stein a Prostitute? Who would call Amelia Earhart a Whore? Who would call Golda Meir a Sex Worker? Crabwise carefully in the face of raging men wanting something unknowable/ willing to pay a price as Dear as their own Mother: Somewhere
words are music to my overwrought brain as I sit near the kitchen and hum my lyrical song, “My Body Is My Body”

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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Jonathon Is Aging Anyway (children including girls) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

Last try: fly!
Damn it: fly!
Seagulls are also cruel as orts is the correct spelling

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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Occupational Safety (Is MoreThanSheCould Have Been My Daughter) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

A young woman explains because it helps people
“Because it helps people?” I ask in bewilderment
“Because it helps people” she replies confidently and before I ask about the river bank and protest “you are just a child!” the conversation is interrupted and she is gone.
Does explaining "it” embrace the drunk and embolden the sober? When women have independent survival options perhaps there will be less human shame in what it means to be unselfishly human

I am not the best friend however I wouldn’t turn my back on Cambodia or punish sentimental ladies for remembering what you said as an innocent satisfied child

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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Driving To Unity With Store Bought Cakes On Sunday March ?, 2022 [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

I wake surprised to see my red blanket under the coach as if my favorite has decided to start her own dance troupe and is performing a social commentary modern ballet on mental healths wounded clumped state in America.
I can not drive a car and do not eat the omnifarious cake of martyrdom and sacrifice considered normal on a Sunday as part of a Religion that I do not fully understand,
I could figure out how to make a homemade cake (or two) nd this I understand.
I could figure out how to purchase birthday cakes from a store and this I understand
I can not understand ridiculing another’s beliefs and traditions and poverty and losses.
Did you ask yourself about the cost of flour increasing for Sunday birthday cakes before stopping the car with a lie (expired license?) and seizing evidence of only a crime in your narrow mind limiting the measure of birthday cakes to canaries count.
The day you were born your Mother was placed carefully in the back of a car where she remains today anxious about her children’s tossed away warmth and food endangered during transport

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✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

Are Ukrainians White People?

Oh God! O wad! Poetry is supposedly supposed to rhyme

3 friends ( a dove a pidgeon a seagull) decided to create a song fir a talon contest.
Each decided to fly while expressing something having 4 talons (1 on each toe) when human beings have five fingers,
Then as they discussed their Master Plan about Passé-Partout, they realized that walking on the ground is something humans can do as well and decided to add walking ground moves such as hopping and standing to their choreography. So . . . Dolphin Does A Down Ward Dive Productions presents the oremiere of FIGHTING OVER WATER!!

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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48) Poisoned Fur [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48) Copyrighted BBC

A Woman Is A Woman Is A Woman {Stolen Weapons}. (Srep 3)

A poem in a breath
Don’t worry about blame, me compadre,
Get up, eat your breakfast from a box,
Pick up your fiddle
Wipe it off
And play
Until you remember before

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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Born Again [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

God didn’t mean for a war between the sexes. Men are supposed to make mistakes and renounce their lost ways and attempt again to find peace being incomplete without beautiful women (a beautiful woman)
IT is better to be a soft drop of water than a bullet.
IT is better to be a protective bullet (yes a vaccine is available) than a suicidal murderous bullet of misguided lust.

A man of Idea must know which day Ceaser was born in for he can surmise his innocence quotient and the day of his birth then his rebirth and rebirth and rebirth unto his rebirth is as predictable as the sun rising: however he must be a friend to beautiful women who are the pond as there is nothing humiliating about being a fish desiring to swim in clean water
And in this way a Man can be a friend to an innocent boy who loves his Mother as he loves himself as he learns to keep fresh waters for plants to grow and creatures to swim so that new species of life are able to grow and evolve without the perversion of Men playing God

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1st set: ❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In 1stThe Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Creating Space
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1st set: ❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In 1stThe Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Creating Spacer
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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In 1stThe Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

❤️3.2.1: Three Mile Island All Over Again (Step 2/ Verse 33) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title includes 48)

❤️When I was a child one of my worst fears was that I would somehow sell my soul along the growing up journey and become an adult with a mind limited to a three mile radius.

Not that “think local” “think immediate” “think of where you are at this exact moment” isn’t crucial for survival or mental health as mindfulness is a good idea thought of centuries ago.

I mean narrow mindedness and cruelty and humiliation: I didn’t want to grow up to be an adult who didn”t know how to laugh at himself and who went out of his way to hurt people (when I was growing up I mostjy looked at men for my role models as I liked to play basketball and wrestle)
So why a fundraiser for people with intellectual disabilities AsWellAs their Advocates?
Because even before 9/11, the Americans who were disappearing into the night were the Americans who had/have a larger mental radius than 3 miles.
Ask a child with Down Syndrome about why Einstein was kidnapped and what did Hitler want even before World War 1 began.
And they might refer you to The Encyclopedias and the Tao te Ching saying Hitler wanted the Atomic Bomb and he also wanted the 3 Treasures and tell you to look up the 3 Treasures Tao te Ching verse for yourself: AND mention that “Aloha” is both a proper noun and important activity as in verb quality: not a word ~ of ~ the ~ day holophrasis.
Aloha is a whole word and to divide it up causes shame
‘a’ there is nothing in the US First Amendment implying that protection of Freedom Of Speech And Expression including in the media and press can be defind as protection of fraud or/and physical assault
“ lo” there is nothing dispicible about self protection: nothing underhanded or sneaky about protecting family property livelihood and income
“ha”: there is no humor in sadism humiliation and ridicule
Aloha is the wisdom to know that to find someone to care about you and risk a legacy of “no name” or “forgotten” or “mentally retarded Prostitute” is much more important than your most brilliant most genius thoughts.
Do you have the courage to be laughed at in the street?
Do you have the courage to be silent in your communications?
Do you have the courage to demand without apology or explanation that sometimes your heart needs a handrail?
Do you have the courage to be anonymous?
Do you have the courage to define yourself rather than your maquillage defining you?

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❤️Disappeared At Night WakingWAaking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Be A Reply [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem series includes 48)

Be A Replyin process :! literatim takes time to perfect especially in comparison to books of bright blues and sunshine ?yellows of yesteryear inks and farinaceous canvases. What can a blind person say to cruelty ?
Nothing absolutely nothing
A small dog wants an accurate repression complete with detailed facial features: domestication and convenience have made perception optional when citizens obey as mercy has sold out

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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Poisoned Fur [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem series includes 48)

Non traditional thought during a pandemic genocide doesn’t seek revenge in hospice parking lots.
Joyful venturing outside at 3:00 am to tun and stretch meets with poisoned fur too thick to wash off easily on a small dog
So we sit her and I surrounded by sadist’s tyranny about cell phones looking at the table’s edge.
And type our banned notes for outsiders also aware of the sky light

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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Vagina Tunnel. [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem]

There is a tunnel in Hawaii that my Mom and I used to drive through ehete I would make a wish, hold my breath for the drive and then breathe gratefully
The entrance: lush tropical forest the exit: a spectacular view of the Hawaiian coast overlooking the Clearwater of the Pacific ocean
Driving in Hawaii is spectacular because of the views of the lsnd that the people eho live their love
They love the mountains snd the valleys and the surrounding ocean
They love the clean warm air so even a highway or a park or a garbage dump is easy to love because the people love where they live and care for their environment
Where is Vagina Tunnel?
Well to be born you already went through it once
Some people might never see it again and some people go there every day the beauty of Vagina Tunnel and the view’s surrounding is someone loves them and cares for them
Some people want to live Truth
And some people want to live fictionalization
And me, I want to live in a beautiful world where people make wished snd love their lands including being born and traveling through Vagina Tunnel

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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Long Distance Running [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem]

Something to look forward to.
Something to howl about
Do I wake up and hit the ground running?
Am I running to the moon and back?
Advert to my dog and win BIG BUCKS
How sad
Although I would run to the moon and stay there if I could

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❤️Missed poems Thursday February Seventeenth 2022

❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Lesbians Made Out From Legs ⚠️[��A Picture Poetry Project Poem]

Make shift and who I love is ignored. Trying to get to work on time in spite of “he’s nothing but a mutilated penis! A walking interference of s leg flesh cut, Smells like Anesthesia; 2 women and a small dog unafraid of the letter ‘x’ except excerpt while touting addiction to the FBI at the price tag of human needs such as thoughts; mammal needs such as sleep: George Floyd was murdered in the street JFK was murdered in a car Harvey Milk was murdered after talking on stage
Smells like Anesthesia

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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Valentines Day 2022 [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (Step 2/ Verse 79)
(poem title Includes 48��)

If I was a man a loss of genital sensation and orgasm and the gaining of skeletal pain afterwards would be understandably paramount to my existence.
Does a woman’s vagina look like a sideways heart?
If I was a man,
I like to think I wouldn’t hate women as some men seem to: always “suffering “ from an invisible infliction driving me to revenge against my Mother for giving me the gift/curse of birth with my extended laser gun penis able to destroy anyone or anything in my Venereal Disease path
How Mankind survived it’s self is rather surprizing
If I had simply said “no I don’t want to have sex with you: I was just mouthing off” 25 years ago, would I and my Woman’s world be inflicted with surviving violent men obsessed with covering they’re shamefilled course so “no one will know”?
Stealing a woman’s breath in a drinking game requires no time
Stealing a woman’s life force in a economic game requires no time
Replacing a missing woman’s place requires more than 9 months of fertilizing an egg because a woman on Planet Earth on Valentine’s Day 2022 must decide she is more than a beating heart and a beaten vagina.
A woman is priceless regardless of the current market value of her organs.

Why men beat and murder women And Why some women are ashamed of being women are other people’s beasts of burden as the only perception I am responsible for in a Borsht color test is my own

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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

The Publishing Industry (Step 2/ Verse 3) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem] (poem title Includes 48��)

✈️����♥️♦️������3 Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)

Publisher’s benthic water is mire than about profits however who’s ideas are worth paying for? if not your own, then whose?
I want to write books that I would purchase and carry with me from State to State (maybe from Country to Country someday) I want someday I will find a way to face the gains and losses of the Publishing Industry.

I would not purchase a book about hate except to say how hate can be energy to do research and development on one’s self

Warm Regards,

Julie J Trahan (Dolphin) pseudonym for privacy and safely: Dolphin Julia Trahan or J Trahan

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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48) in processs

Learning to write My Name ��[��A Picture Poetry Project Poem]
(poem title Includes 48��)

There are Thoughts typed onto my skin in invisible ink: this imperfect world I was born into and no I did not hit the ground running: I entered crying for my Mother’s warmth her smile her hugs her kisses her pride looking at me as if she had never seen such a beautiful sight
And NOW my cursive tropism is intentional as I see truths rewritten as lies and I know that human rights exist somewhere: A place where women are human and children are human and to travel far from here to there means I must find my own name and learn to write with my own loops and lines and curves and styles as I search for my name on the list of paradox without hypocrisy

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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

XV (��Step 2/ Verse 40) [��A Picture Poetry Project Poem](poem title Includes 48)

god is movement . A light house A house of light and how I feel reaching for that light

I am a drop of water

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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Versant Private Parts (Step 2/ Verse 40 and Verse 41) (poem title Includes 48��)

An urgent firmament of womanhood: why would a man disguise himself as a woman? Why would a woman disguise herself as a man?
My swollen feet are a ramp leading to my versant : I reclaim velcro as a Feminist A statement
2 years without lies
2 years worshiping God (as you understand God)
2 years of not stealing
2 years of not stealing wives
Twelve dares before you open your fraudulent mouth

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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Versant Airplane (poem title Includes 48��)

Land water air e up down all around
See throughout the time measured not in a day and night
Measure in a song your song about 3 minutes at a time
Much more and you’ll never get radio play

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❤️Note. Starting a collection of imagesfrom my new poem series ❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48) in processs Copyrighted BBC that yes is a response to how annoying it is to try and write a quivk poem with assholes “need” for “correctness”

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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In The Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48) in processs
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❤️Disappeared At Night Waking Up In Unknown Place First Thing In 1stThe Morning Poetry Series (Poem Series Includes 48)

Creating Space
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