it: Note: wow just what I need: more Pedofiles perverts to fondle my iPhone at night (sarcasm)
Yes, this the text of the poem book I am making for (at least) an e book as I said I’d write a book for anyone
inventing a COVID vaccine quickly and I did:
This doesn’t replace the handwritten book I made, just is an easier more type able accessible poetry back up
in process perhaps
Dolphin Julia Trahan
❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom On Thursday May Sixth 2021
Anamnesis International (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku
poetry series title includes 48)
“i am scared to drink my water”
Anamnesis International
One Thousand
Nine Hundred
Children scared to drink their Kool - Aid
As if a Zelig utopia is dangerous to want
Copyrighted BBC
Poetry Series includes 48
De Criminalization Du Thoughts; The Price Of Children (poem title includes 48)
Due process is a punny way of saying do the process: even when the evolution of applied thought seems out of sync: there
isn’t much raillery in missing persons: not a lot of joy in injured and disappeared kids. Thankfully there is
a song to sing: Doo Da Day the thought police have my banned and censored thoughts and they are not throwing them away
Copyrighted BBC
Poetry Series includes 48
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The Price Of Children (poem title includes 48)
Step with your left foot forward, shift weight, no w Step forward with your right foot, shift weight while drawing back
your foot left. and repeat, you are walking in place hour after hour walking in place in no hurry to be where you already
are: My 5 year old can’t dance like this.
Why? She is too busy to sit still. She has too much social standing she can’t stand still.
Brain Control Body Control: that’s what Dancers do That’s why dance is important:
Because my 5 year old shouldn’t have to carry a gun to feel safe. Because my 5 year old shouldn’t
have to look behind her.
Notes are written on paper and typed on the internet and my 5 year old can do that but she can’t put one foot
in front of the other, not like she used to in raillery: when a train is charging at you, step a side
copyrighted BBC
��♥️♦️�� OATH: Meditations On Innocence
(poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life (book title includes 48)
The Ring Is Removable (poem title includes 48)
In love and marriage a little bit of good ole fashion childish slapstick humor is always important. The raillery component
of removing a wedding ring (o r the implication) is the “that’s not funny” aspect make a daily
routine determination and absolute perspective all the easier
Copyrighted BBC
Poetry Series includes 48 The Making Of Julia’s Body (the short lived dance troupe)
The Price Of Children (poem title includes 48)
Labels Labels Labels
No one wants to be called broken before they are even born with all the daring courage and naive enthusiasm of a great
adventure through a dark tunnel with only the knowledge that you will meet strange creatures, your body will change drastically
and the life support you depend on will be taken from you as Independent Breathing is required reading in this unknown country
far far from Inside The Womb.
Once born and with an opportunity to exceed social configurations, I called on 1984’s Julia for the direct phone
number to 1984’s Winston to talk to him about my concerns with the broken hearted (including myself). I asked if
he had any words of wisdom: he answered “yes, they are written in stone”
I hadn’t realized that popular dancers didn’t want to dance with me because of the stigma (since we
are no longer in the age of a well placed tomato thrown at good intention Actors as satisfactory artistic criticism, that
is understandable) and I was even more despondent about the State of America than before I had accepted the Desirability challenge
(way back when in 2001)
Why would anyone want to be called broken on stage for the entire world to see?
A 7 member dance troupe, I can not speak for individual reasons
My reasons are summed up with the soundtrack we danced to: “. . . it’s what Hitler didn’t
like . . .”
And the 2 + 2 = 4 equation
And the inscribed poem at the Statue of Liberty’s base
My reason: I wasn’t called broken in the womb and I wasn’t called broken after being permanently
injured: I am only called broken when O want to go to work. And I wanted to make a permanent statement that the worth of
women’s and girls bodies is not defined by men and social constructions of normality.
Copyrighted BBC
Note: 3:33 am
Girlie Dog’s Social Commentary On The Increase Of Child Abuse During COVID ~ 19 Stay ~ At ~ Home Measures On
Sunday May Second 2021
Every Night I Am Scared That You Are Dying (poem 31ish so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7
5 Freestyle Haiku Poetic Choreography Series title includes 48)
“Every night I am scared that you are dying “
Girlie Dog Trahan
Dog’s mirrored raillery in times of trouble is surpassed by no species I have encountered
Even in serious moods, is Girlie Dog the snake of human’s centuries old debate on the origin and creation of
the Universal AsWellAs our species situation O R is Girlie Dog the snake of what has turned into the latest sadomasochistic
entertainment: the misuse of modern medicine’s COVID 19 vaccines to camouflage genocide as “accidental”?
Dog’s laugh with their eyes: bright wisdom flashlights offering guidance for those of us who study cycles knowing
sometimes curled up sometimes standing sometimes sitting sometimes outside sometimes inside sometimes with mouth open sometimes
scratching the door sometimes chasing a cat sometimes deciding on the most comfortable furniture sometimes checking to see
if the silly arrogant humans we love are breathing and always loyal and always faithful and always a friend
Choreography Notes: (back ground performers) Bodies curled up lying on side and curled up sitting up: curl and uncurl
with plenty of stillness in between
Horizontal performers remain linear o r slightly curved
Vertical performers remain linear o r slightly curved
Setting; looking for and creating Paradise on Earth
Copyrighted BBC
Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)
Uranus Technology (poem title includes 48)
At Twelve o’clock AM dog food must be ordered on line for a ocher colored dog: the Why? being the mystery:
Fog, tell me this: why do men beat up women and children that they love?
copyrighted BBC
Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)
Honest Response (poem title includes 48)
My honest response about the absence of the Harlem Renaissance is go get a God Damned job and talk to Human Resources
about the lack of mental health services in America: the America I grew up in and live everyday: the America where saying
black people can’t dance on International Dance Day: deserves the honest reply: of “what the hell have
you done with them today?”: I’m too young for the European Renaissance and a few decades too short for
the emerging bursts of Strange Fruit resistance: what good is a dialogue on race if participants can’t even get
their stereotypes correct: It’s White People Who Are Not Supposed to be able to break out of our Lockes of Rationality!
Being prevented from dancing o r even thinking about dancing especially when a reminder about what happened to the Playboy
Bunnies is presented on a banned book bookshelf is your sick desire for the black rectangular bars of censorship to be the
black coffins that blackened bodies are buried in while the Author’s books crepitate to the sound of angry voices.
copyrighted BBC
Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)
“Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.”
Coretta Scott King
Her Hand’s Weight On Paper (poem title includes 48)
Sometimes compassion towards “the self” feels like a big ole punch in the face!
Eternally, there is a struggle of decision: if I am going to wear clothes what clothes shall I wear?
Why would I carry hatred as when I lower my throwing stone I remember myself and my priorities that crepitate creak and
stomp . . .
. . . as even rock women need an income and a healthy Service Dog
copyrighted BBC
Poetry Series includes 48
Sama Earth, Earth Capoeira
(when the earth speaks): The Price Of Children on International Dance Day 2021 (poem title includes 48)
���� We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes
it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
Maya Angelou
The Earth is a beautiful place
The Purpose of dance is Earth’s Homeostasis. “Eh?” you might ask
There is a Code On: Like a relay race constant of repetitive hopscotch, there are places to put your feet depending on
your crepitate goal
Unlike God’s point of view, there is no separation from Nature for Mankind
ACT Threonine = 3:09 AM: searching for your DNA? researching for your DNA?
The velocity of my travels is time measured as my beauty is like the Earth’s beauty.
What will Mankind do when our Planet Earth needs a respiratory? What would a kind man do with a triplet of nucleotide?
Listening Physically is also sequential action: when I dance I can feel the Earth Synthesis breathe a little easier I
don’t know if this is true for everyone
copyrighted BBC
Poetry Series includes 48
Where A Woman Is Lynched There Are Often Survivors: The Price Of Children (poem title includes 48)
Dedicated to anyone who has ever written midnight thoughts covertly under the covers trying not to crinkle the paper
Please do not forget Maya Angelou at today’s Thursday April Twenty Ninth 2021 Coretta Scott King Center Legacy
Celebration about Sisterhood & Social Justice.
I wonder if Harper Lee was thinking of her when she wrote of mockingbirds
I yearn to write about sneaking an unknown African American woman into a crowd full of hundreds white male law enforcement
safety faces (and both of us walking out with only minimum hassle)
However, I don’t dare: maybe someday I will write my silliness in the light of day without any apologies shame
of my mocking ways
copyrighted BBC
Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)
Circling Jupiter (poem title includes 48)
Some children are Ocher; the color of the ground and sand out of water: When your niece needs help and you don’t
know why, where do you dash to hoping to find assistance for an experience far away
copyrighted BBC
Poetry Series includes 48 Tuesday April 27 2021
International Dance Day (Friday April 29th 2021) The Price Of Children (poem title includes 48)
Christ’s Solatium.
What could a human Government give to Jesus Christ’s family in compensation for false accusations?
Mary his Mother wept at his death site. Mary Magdalene was there too. And where was Joseph?
If Jesus Christ really did “die for our sins” what exactly does that mean? One Man from centuries
ago? His life? His fate?
His compensation for his public humiliation torture and murder: did he ask that all future generations be free of assassination
by popular vote? was his recompense that each of God’s Children read about his trial and follow his words?
Is his counterbalance for being called a liar an invitation to all of God’s children to pirouette in a lush
green Heaven on Earth?
If Jesus Christ had survived that day long ago what would his dance be? Would his arms be too sore to lift after being
on the Cross? Would he call his Apostles (including Mary Magdalene) for a stroll and a bop and a disco and a twist and a
Samba Waltz around the dessert: his Apostles singing “Christ! We did not expect you to survive and yet here you
Would Jesus Christ clear the dance floor, catch Mary Magdalene’s leap into his arms and shimmy all day until
the sun and moon lead the way?
No, not likely. However, he might have requested that the whole of God’s Creatures celebrate their embodied
spirit in friendship and family
copyrighted BBC
��‍��❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little
Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom On Tuesday April Catch Twenty Seventh 2021 (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different
Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)
“That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day”
Solatium Woes
Solar panels
She (Girlie Dog) sits in her bed looking straight forward
Soliloquy on International Dance Day is the dance that began long before you were born
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
When You Are Too Scared To Breathe (poem title includes 48)
When You Are Too Scared To Breathe move a muscle and I change a thought. Irrefragable is not the existence of the Solar
System however empathy is the best medicine to cure what ails you. Try it because you might like it
Copyrighted BBC
Poetry Series includes 48 April 26th 2021
Picture This {on ~ stage}: The Price Of Children (poem title includes 48)
I was a Special Needs Kid.
Ya gotta problem with that?
In 7th grade I did my physical therapy exercises on a raised mat with a physical therapist and went to regular classes
for reading math writing
“Special Needs Student in a Special Needs Class”: I never heard mocking whispers and ridicule: In
1980, I was busy relearning to use my legs
I didn’t have any picture of what my life might be like when I grew up so I focused on my leg lifts: 1 straight
knee 2 higher 3 4 5 6 a set of 10 then change legs and then repeat
When I first realized decades later in 2005 that I could roll really fast while sitting and gliding and singing along
with my portable stereo in my 4 wheeled walker, I had already studied dance for years and I knew I could do something creative
with my new ability to move smoothly.
Maybe There is a lady in the lake handing out swords to the pure of heart: I don’t know if I am pure of heart
but I do know that rolling around shouting Sex Pistol’s tunes in the Community Center’s studio near Green
Lake felt like more movement freedom than almost anything
In 2021, I’m taking a little extra risk: lowering my walker’s handlebars down for extra momentum
like I used to way back when just yesterday: my dance studio is the square of wooden floor in my Mom’s house:
I used to say walking on stage and shouting “Torture is immoral and illegal “ and then walking off stage
doesn’t really count as Performance .
There might be a pure of heart lady in the lake; if there is, she isn’t me irrefragable I didn’t
have any picture of what my life might be like
copyrighted BBC
��‍��♥️��poem note:
Twelve Is In The Sink Copyrighted BBC ����‍♀️♥️♦️��
BORN YESTERDAY (Thank You For Saving My Mother’s Life) 2 Minute Gratitude Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning
Of March For A Month Of Women’s Celebrations On The Third Day Of COVID ~ Nineteen Minutes (poem series includes
The Truth And Nothing But The Truth (poem title includes 48)
Irrefragable For Thinking People is an early morning in the beginning: goodness my goodness
Copyrighted BBC
Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)
Cop Killers And Lady Killers copyrighted BBC (poem title includes 48)
Christianity is a crytonym strange religion: advertising the crucifixion of a Jewish man as if public humiliation torture
and murder were betides to build a religion on
Of all of Jesus’ controversial teachings and miracles, I think saying to other men that he didn’t
hate women and they should stop their belittlement of Mary was what got him strung up on a cross by the Philistines
copyrighted BBC
��‍��♥️#MissingKids Unsolved Child Murders
Recovery After 911 97 Minutes copyrighted BBC ♥️♦️������3
Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)
Purple And White Hair Style (poem title includes 48)
When royalty feels flamboyant there is nothing wrong with a polychromatic blast to the past: when Independent J and DIY
we’re all the rage simplified
Obtuse these days
Radio has unsolved children
Kin in thought and cellular data
India is a crying mess today
Nature is also a purple and white religion as if one life lost could ever be completely erased
copyrighted BBC
��‍����poem note: Twelve Is In The Sink Copyrighted
BBC ����‍♀️♥️♦️��
BORN YESTERDAY (Thank You For Saving My Mother’s Life) 2 Minute Gratitude Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning
Of March For A Month Of Women’s Celebrations On The Third Day Of COVID ~ Nineteen Minutes (poem series includes
MY Center Is here on Earth day 2021 (poem title includes 48)
Polychromatic: green blue brown beige white shades and shades and the air is clear in some places and the water is clear
in certain places
And her fiery son Mars is learning to breathe oxygen
Copyrighted BBC
��‍��❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little
Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom On Thursday April Catch Twenty ~ Second (Earth Day) 2021
Attempted Able Amalgamation On Earth Day 2021 (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs
(5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)
“I’m thinking about what I want to say“
If the planet Earth were really your Mother how would you treat her? Would you believe the decades of reports about the
immediate need to stop and prevent her immediate abuse? Would you want to help her? Would you ask “what can I
do?” Would you go exploring and try to find out what really happened and why and what can be done?
Are you a camper?
Are you a hunter?
A you a fisher?
Do you know your syncretism dog wants to spend time outdoors with you just doing nothing as that’s when a dog
thinks about what to say
Copyrighted BBC
Easily Unmistakable Difference Between Right And Wrong (On Thursday April Catch Twenty ~ Second 2021)
People Do Crazy Shit All The Time (poem title includes 48)
Every person is a singularly water drop.
Why the hell would anyone ride a motorcycle across the Grand Canyon? O r ride their bikes across the United States?
Syncretism goes random syncopated repetitive and quantum: the possibilities of connections through thought and action
are as endless as drops of water that we are lucky to have on our Mother Earth
What kind of water drop are you?
Are you polluted?
Are you contaminated?
Are you clean drinkable fresh water?
People run marathons: why would anyone run 26 miles? O r run around in circles after hitting a ball with a bat?
Perhaps some sort of ancient dance worshipping the rotation of the planets
People do crazy things all the time.
Every person is a singularly water drop.
And we change through out our lifetimes
Copyrighted BBC
♥️♦️�� OATH: Meditations On Innocence: A Choreographer’s
Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life (book title includes 48)
Copyrighted BBC
Emergency Equipment: There Is A Buick On The Side Of The Road With My Name On It (3 Question Word Association Poetic Choreography
Series title includes 48)
“A Voice For The Voiceless” 4/21/ 2021 (poem title includes 48)
Word Choreography :
Numismatic Objects cannot speak for themselves,
What is in your pocket?
In my pocket are keys and a tiny metal doggie
Things I need for medical accessibility that other people don’t need
I don’t know what it is like to not speak English. I do know what it is like to feel there is no one to talk
to. I do know what it’s like to have my vocal cords so damaged it hurts to speak/ my partially paralyzed words
so slurry no one seems interested in forcing themselves to listen (reports of sexual violence are difficult to listen to)
I learn from my service dog: she has a name: Girlie Dog: and she has accomplished so much in her life without ever
saying a word
Copyrighted BBC
Emergency Equipment: There Is A Buick On The Side Of The Road With My Name On It (3 Question Word Association Poetic Choreography
Series title includes 48)
“Where’s The Victim?”?4/21/2021 (poem title includes 48)
Word Choreography :
Roman Numerals
Recalling Numismatic
Where’s the victim?
I find the boxed meat and serial killers in the boxes near my Mother’s Cross
And I set their closed box on Da Kine wood furniture and wait until an air of purity and innocence returns
I put the changed box inside the empty spaces on the boxes of food and dark shelves
If I can do this, can you admit that sometime we all hurt and need someone to care about our worth
Copyrighted BBC
Poetry Series includes 48
If I Can Make It There I Csn Make It Anywhere: The Price Of Children (poem title includes 48)
Eeeeeeeeeeeelectricuty flying through the air: a thunderous new aircraft flies through the air with the greatest of ease:
#NCVRW2021 #MissingPersons ���� Bertolt #Brecht Unsolved Child Murders Recovery
After 911 24 Minutes copyrighted BBC ♥️⛑♥️����
#MissingKids Unsolved Child Murders Recovery After 911 97 Minutes what’s it like to survive in a city no w known
for having it’s own terrorism #?
Numismatic is a City made of paper: a city where a golden train token is a coin to base secret dreams if where you might
go and the people you might meet
Epic. That is the most important aspect I have been advised on how to make it to Heaven on Earth: Don’t be
envious of epic people: appreciate them but if you want to be epic, you must learn that you must not steal anyone else!s
life o r anyone else’s story
Because even the Angels don’t know how to fly without wings however even Angels go to flight school and are
required to do their homework
copyrighted BBC
Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)
Bring Your Own Damn Chair (poem title includes 48)
Victimization is not a fun experience: and most crime victims are not invited to the table
Control issues of who is the strongest God and who is the most powerful planet are in the way of both prevention and recovery
As argument goes, the sun is the most influential Solar Being: how does a person be as great as the sun that shines on
all beings and things without judgement?
Is true power as easy as being the opposite of a victim? And what is the opposite of a victim? What does it mean to
say your friend’s Mother is also your Mother?
Planets and Celestial Beings and Stars are oll very old
Eat some fruit eat some vegetables nap when necessary and exercise feels great sometimes abd a few thoughts: how can
I not be a victim again?
Eat an extra large pizza with lots of tomatoes (pizza isn’t junk food!) and train a healthy Service Dog for
With effort Victimization changes into Survivoruzation
copyrighted BBC
Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)
What’s Your Message? (a poem for those afraid to fly: dedicated to Amelia Earhart who disappeared over the
ocean before I was born). (poem title includes 48)
You might as well dance? Why can’t we all get along? Live your life?
The sound of a baby cry? The color orange? The color blue? the color red?
The US Constitution is a very long document.
Add on the Bill of Rights and try and sum it up in the American Flag
Flying is easy when you like yourself and are willing to put up with your bad habits for hours stretch without a break
Hyaline’s clarity:
and a healthy Service Dog copyrighted BBC
Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)
Where Where Is My Confrère ?(on a 9 to 5 Sunday: leave your problems at work) (poem title includes 48)
Girlie and I go everywhere together and I wish I had known her all my life even if dogs live between one and two decades:
sure, feeding and water and the Veterinary Clinic have extra expenses: Girlie Dig goes to the gym the Doctor to classes
and a healthy Service Dog copyrighted BBC
BORN YESTERDAY (Thank You For Saving My Mother’s Life) 2 Minute Gratitude Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning
Of March For A Month Of Women’s Celebrations On The Third Day Of COVID ~ Nineteen Minutes Every April Moment Is
Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)
The Ugly Law Enforcers On Sunday April Eighteenth 2021 (poem title includes 48)
At some churches the diseased and infected and contagious are not welcome in a Sunday.
God time family time dress up time worship time: whatever you call it
Sunday is a time to welcome hyaline’s advancement past torture: Jesus was publicly whipped for walking around
the desert with his friends and for kicking the greedy out of his Temple: the Ugly Laws turned into nondiscrimination laws
OnceASlave can no w own property: Evolution? Creationism?
Today, even the infected and infectious and the inflicted and the dying and the crippled and the maimed can go to Church
although they may be public ally whipped because they know that Ugly Law Enforcers worship themselves and false Gods: And
they said so: And we will say “Get Out” again until everybody can feel the warmth of the Sabbath rather
than the cruel ignorance of the Crucifixion
Copyrighted BBC
Poetry Series includes 48 The Day I Was Born (On April Seventeenth 1966 And 2021) : The Price Of Children (poem title
includes 48)
Sometimes before morning coffee when I am often tired and exhausted, my emotions have a hyaline appearance: an unsolved
child murder is not an everyone knows but nobody wants to say anything incest. There are babies made of flesh and blood and
babies begin with ideas
As ideas are not babies
And babies are not ideas
Adoption is almost always an option as both Intellectual Property and Babies are copyrighted
Copyrighted BBC
♥️♦️�� OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process):
A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life (book title includes 48)
527 Alpha Breaker Charlie. (poem title includes 48)
Taxonomy integrity requires that a #missing child be a missing child.
Licenses of poetry, however allow #missing child to be perceived as #MissingPersons
As Grandparents and Great Grandparents are someone’s babies. And why does it matter to be someone’s
baby? Because it is nice to know that someone won’t laugh at you if you cry
Copyrighted BBC
Emergency Equipment: There Is A Buick On The Side Of The Road With My Name On It (3 Question Word Association Poetic Choreography
Series title includes 48)
Cursive Words Breathing 4/17/ 2021 (poem title includes 48)
Word Choreography :
Twirl and loop
Swan song P moving into G
Volute as I lean forward changing my center of weight
My answer to your respirator that I can’t see
Unsolved Child Murders Why?
Is Saying I hurt sometimes a source of ridicule for the many few?
Some People follow laws and Some People Don’t follow laws
Please wake up so I can hear you breathing
Copyrighted BBC
Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)
Is That Your Mother In The Kitchen?
(poem title includes 48)
The Woman who gave birth to you might be the volute reason that you are able to read this poem
Copyrighted BBC
BORN YESTERDAY (Thank You For Saving My Mother’s Life) 2 Minute Gratitude Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning
Of March For A Month Of Women’s Celebrations On The Third Day Of COVID ~ Nineteen Minutes
Every April Moment Is Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)
April Sixteenth April Seventeenth 2021 (poem title includes 48)
What will happen if I speak?
What will happen if I say my confusing name outloud? For all the world to see and hear my words?
What will happen if I demand these moments are so precious that they must be preserved forever?
Four they are edible time and esculent appetite
Copyrighted BBC
Note: 3:33 am
Girlie Dog’s Social Commentary On The Increase Of Child Abuse During COVID ~ 19 Stay ~ At ~ Home Measures On
Tuesday April Thirteenth 2021
The Direction Of Shoes (snd boots) (poem 31ish so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle
Haiku Poetic Choreography Series title includes 48)
“Every morning begins better with a hug ” Girlie Dog Trahan
Words: There is a way to survive she told me: a winkle way that might be new to you and seem almost impossible however
practiced daily with endurance and perseverance you will find the right recipe for you when your worried conscience pesters
you to stay awake
Centuries of silence might pass, with your sandals and your shoes and your boots and your night time slippers hidden in
the dark cave of your closet
However the direction of shoes and boots is to speak and to write and to protect your feet as you stand o r sit o r walk
o r run
To do something difficult usually means to do something you have never done before: like a touch of a hand that doesn’t
hit o r seat o r demand attention
Like trying on a new pair of boots for the first time and wiggling your toes and stretching your arches and heels: that
is how shoes and boots and books talk first thing in the morning: they want someone to listen because what they have to say
will probably w rap around your feet so comfortably you will forget that you are no longer barefoot
Choreography Notes: Girlie Dog slept in her bed in my walker near the bookcase: my walker was pointed towards the bookcase
because of necessity [wheels don’t roll on carpet]: like with “the direction of shoes and boots”
I regard my walking facing a certain direction as a opportunity fir a conversation, usually a nonviolent mundane conversation
which is what the majority of human interaction human beings have before calling lights out at night:
Same with waking up in the morning: so profundity is in the simplicity of “a children’s story”
If books in a book case mysteriously whispered to a small child a puppy a dog what would they say and how would they introduce
It can be any bookcase o t choose of books: however the important simplicity is that Girlie Dog wakes up and wants to
do something right away (maybe eat breakfast if she is portrayed as human!
And she has at least one adult to converse with about the knowledge wisdom and insights that the books behind her in the
bookcase while she was sleeping have taught her
Copyrighted BBC
BORN YESTERDAY (Thank You For Saving My Mother’s Life) 2 Minute Gratitude Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning
Of March For A Month Of Women’s Celebrations On The Third Day Of COVID ~ Nineteen Minutes Every Moment Is Forever
2021 (poem series includes 48)
A Girl In Every Port (Pornography Is Not For Children) (poem title includes 48)
Prince Philip is Old School. The kind of man who makes a heuristic tuxedo look good
A real naughty sockdolager unlike serious Winston Churchill understanding the daydream art of the giggle and the ultimate
weapon of Ithers guffaw
Copyrighted BBC
❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone Wisdom On Sunday April Eleventh Hippo
Virus Is A Situation On Our One And Only Planet Earth
0/20 (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title
includes 48)
“I want my picture taken too”
(Getting a second COVID ~ 19 vaccine shot with my adopted Mom)
A second shot on a Sunday
A second sockdolager on a Sunday
A vaccine for a Service Dog and I might be come a sockdolager
SockA Doodle Doo; Animals catch colds too!
Copyrighted BBC
Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)
PG Rated [Girlie Dog’s Bed] (poem title includes 48)
Staccato dog nails tap on the floor in puppy wise Morse code
Alerting all that listen to the beginning of a new day
Islands are calling and a young healthy Service Dog is thirsty and wants to run outside and greet the day
copyrighted BBC
♥️♦️�� OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process):
A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life (book title includes 48)
Babies Are Born From Some Where (Dad) (poem title includes 48)
Human beings are flesh and blood and energy: “we are not ants” doesn’t inspire the William
James one on one God relationship nor does the staccato obvious insight rock Socrates’ boat: however the reminder
about the birds and the bees is the answer to Solar System questions
Copyrighted BBC
Dear Beouaris,
I might type a staccato letter to God during the daytime if I can remember. I miss and adore the sound of old fashioned
typewriters and I’m sure my iPhone has an effect. It is late at night here and quiet from necessity.
The word of the day is staccato and I want to try to think in a Staccatos style tomorrow for a poem: I have not felt
good for days and I spit up often
All My Love,
Julie (Dolphin)
Poetic Inspired Choreography: Four Dancer Sets ((the more the merrier)
Birds. Bees. Flowers Trees: grasp hands and spin around as fast as possible, let go of hands (at agreed upon time o r
signal), when break away do a staccatos movement until spinning with a different partner (I am imagining the dance is fast
and complicated looking)
Copyrighted BBC
♥️♦️�� OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process):
A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life (book title includes 48) In Process
Babies Are Born From Some Where (Mom) (poem title includes 48)
If I tried to describe a writer like my Mother’s thoughts I would say Jane Austin although my Mother doesn’t
like Jane Austin’s writing. She like the Bronte Sister’s staccato gossip about social prestige and class
Dear Beouaris,
Telephone Operator. That is what my Mom was doing the day President John F Kennedy was assassinated. Driving me to staccato
work. That is what my Mom was doing on September Eleventh 2011.
All My Love,
Julie (Dolphin)
Poetic Inspired Choreography: Old Hawaii with reverse costumes: Polynesian women in traditional formal English long
dresses and Polynesian men in formal tuxedos and suit coats of British style White people in traditional Hula garb
Dance styles: staccato combined with graceful
Copyrighted BBC
♥️♦️�� OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process):
A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life (book title includes 48)
Write N*O~W! (poem title includes 48)
Home are the taltaltaps of staccato cursive
A writing Teacher said: statistics show that writers stop writing when they grow old and marry
Dear Beouaris,
I had never realized the similarity in looks of my Dad and Hemingway. _The Sun Also Rises_, I have become a lazy reader
as well as a lazy writer in the techno futuristic 2021.
So much information and I read book titles as if they were books.
Staccato: maybe if I try to write like a machine gun I will understand robotics
All My Love,
Julie (Dolphin)
Poetic Inspired Choreography: A Duel that never ends: the longer the better: typewriter keys and as if God is typing
at God speed: Staccato vertical jumping combined with ease: sword fighting, boxing, swimming with quick beats
Copyrighted BBC
Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom On Tuesday April Sixth 2021
March Forward With The Rage Of A Mother Fucker: (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs
(5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series title includes 48)
“You only get one chance to bark”
A hospital’s shape viewed from above is in the mind’s eye not a target of an insane war fought over
the value of a single human life.
And what of us dogs no longer living in a humane society where quality medical care and health are a given?
Where is the love? you may ask
Where are the bandaids accused of wound coverups?
Where are the operators falsely accused of lies and operations?
They have gone so far that you don’t even know what you are missing
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 22
A Pomegranate’s fettle is distortedly oval like the Pineapple’s scales
And a factory worker ideally has two full arms and two full legs: there are exceptions
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�� ♥️♦️������3
Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 2021 (poem series includes 48)
Your One Chance (poem title includes 48)
From Nature’s blessings o r Nature’s cursings I am here for my one opportunity to shine so brightly
the stars in the sky look down on the Earth and wish they had my bless Ed cursing fettle!
copyrighted BBC
Note: 3:33 am
Girlie Dog’s Social Commentary On The Increase Of Child Abuse During COVID ~ 19 Stay ~ At ~ Home Measures On
Tuesday April Sixth 2021
Home Maid Cooking poem 31ish so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku Poetic
Choreography Series title includes 48)
The Luncheon Began with a shape unfortunately: an unsolved child murder that brought families to gather in the Churches
basement kitchen
Who wanted another peek at the blanket covered child’s fettle when the only recovery after 911 was to say, “we
were too late”
And the immediate grieving relief is to make the once was a child’s favorite meal to share with friends and
potential friends (bark bark sometimes a dog has something to say)
Choreography Notes: A Julia Child like kitchen cooking show that includes badly behaved children who run through the
set wanting to be in television and want to put their dirty fingers in the food and want constant attention : they behave
properly by the end of the show and remain “on camera” listening quietly and eventually sitting at a table
with grown ups sharing a home cooked meal
And the kitchen cast includes puppets! Not necessarily the muppets however the puppets are the communicators between
the selfish children and the grown ups trying to make a meal and set a table so a family o r several families can dine together
Copyrighted BBC
Who’s In Charge Of American Illiteracy? Well It Sure As Hell Isn’t Limited To Football Players Combatting
Suicide By Stupidity (poem series includes 48)
Pubic Bones: April Sixth 2021
(poem series includes 48)
Settle my Fettle in a Kettle and A Merry Jug of Wine for everyone designs: my Mistakes might be banned from Vulgate
What does a woman’s birth canal look like ? A long black hole that twists and turns snd if you look inside,
you can’t see the end
Copyrighted BBC
����♥️❤️ Poem Series Title: Climbing
Mountains Olympics
A Peace Of Paper [Who Poisoned Mom? On Wednesday January Fifteenth 20/20? Tuesday January Fourteenth 20/20? and Monday
January Thirteenth and Sunday January Twelvth 20/20? and Saturday January Eleventh 20/20?] (poem includes 48)
Note:: likely this oneUnsolved Child Murders Recovery After 911
97 Minutes (48)
copyrighted BBC
When a woman touches a piece of poisoned paper the physical effects are the same as when a man touches a piece of poisoned
paper (although “sensation might go directly to her head”or some Freudian dismissal)
When a woman touches a peace of paper with her intent to write of her fate,she creates what a peace of paper means:
A peace of paper is the the great equalizer:
:only a woman (or girl) can write honestly from her point ~of ~ view about nine months or less of pregnancy : only a
woman can write from deep in her womb on a peace of paper
what her child’s unsolved murder
feels like: only a Mom can honestly write if her body calls to her child when severely poisoned as if an automated emergency
wireless umbilical cord dialed 911rec
Is there recovery after personalized appurtenances?
I have a name.
You have a name.
There is never too much uxiorious.
What occurs when Mom’s ideas are poisoned
What occurs when Mom is poisoned?
What occurs when Mom’s ideas are poisoned?
Recovery is in the waiting: Like bypassing ignorance: sitting and waiting and blankets and more blankets and lots of
blankets and warm clothes and warm thoughts and look around to see if you are safe: safe from intrusive poisoners and mad
men demanding that you stay so confused you can’t hear yourself ink:
As there is a scary place where darkness is light and light is darkness: If you visit there (and I have several times)
please bring back some words remembered and write them on a poisoned piece of paper and keep warm until you can find a most
trusted man to read them in friendship as I believe that men and women will write a peace of paper onto a peace of paper
Copyrighted BBC
Minutes Warning Poetry Series Begun On The Wednesday Morning Of February Third Forever 202
A Black Day In Portland Oregon (poem series includes 48)
Verbal simpatico, my friend, where is the red line drawn and is there only one line o r are there many?
With Chris Crossing patterns and blue and black bruises seen on black skin
copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 21 Like an alcoholic unable to handle Manhattens, many people can’t handle Easter Holiday, a day spent
on shaking off death (the challenging measure in resurrection is having to die first: bummer!)
Madness is wasting life and time knowing about physical limitations. Eternity spent in regret because resurrection was
deemed too inconvenient.
Murdered, God allowed his own simpatico child to be murdered while Jesus’s Mother tried to halt everything
Copyrighted BBC
♥️♦️�� OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process):
A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life (book title includes 48)
Stealing Christ (Looking Forward) (poem title includes 48)
I am not afraid to look at a Cross.
I can understand the queasiness expressed about Crucifixes
I embrace the power of the Cross to enable Christ power as simpatico: even innovative bystanders and simpatico strangers
are on a list
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 20
Not everyone can live in paradise as nonverbal human anger includes the force filled propelsion of aluminum cans into
recycling bins. During COVID ~ 19 the message is no longer limited to the arbitrary bottle discovered while wading in shallow
coasts o r exploring streams small enough for decorative residential areas. A green soda can at a household doorway during
the open door Summer months of a pandemic is a possible infection site: as if sound designers and Script Writers had
a lack of verbal religion on a Sunday in April
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 19. Mankind is made of meat!
We are flesh and blood. We hunger. We tire. Those of us who love our Mothers and Sisters and Aunts and Selves mourn
our losses daily. For in the 20th Century, close to the Earth understanding and readjusting our wasteful behavior changing
our dietary habits Man’s favorite meal of cannibalistic cruelty is untied United with women of Superior verbal
abilities and innovative cooking abilities designed to foster compassion for endangered species and life as we knew ourselves
before COVID ~ 19
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 18 Because if I could pretend to be male I might be living in a mansion next to my own hospital named after me
because if I could pretend to be someone else I might be living with noetheaster family and southxmas friends happy to see
my smiling face each morning and delighted that I would write a poem for them and only them
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
The Hard Way Is The Highway (poem title includes 48)
From a stone’s view rock is what the planets are made of.
Cement is supposed to hug so tightly that it seems like your noetheaster motion is a step towards a firmer foundation
to stand on
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Where Have All The Writers Gone? (poem title includes 48)
In the year 1984, I went to Summer Art School and started Antioch College in Fall. I had read the book 1984, in fact
1984 was one of my favorite (I later learned about genre and the classification of dystopian novels) however I couldn’t
quite understand what exactly noetheaster 1984 was warning about. My favorite character’s name was Julia
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
We Are All The Same “I’m Not” (poem title includes 48)
COVID subtract noetheaster nineteen. COVID add noetheaster nineteen. Perhaps the verbiage is true: to own is to be
owned. Perhaps the verbiage is hogwash to hide that improvements in technology have not ended reducing our self inflicted
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 17: Audre Lorde and Adrianne Rich wrote down what they had to say and published their words: Wild Women Waggish
Workings Watering Words When Wherever Wondered Wonderful Wonders Was Wanted Warm Welcome manuscript: here my story is: there
were people fighting in the street then there was a war and I invited people to dance in the street
Instead of fighting
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 16 I was in the back seat of my Grandparents Buick: passenger side; talk in’ ‘bout endangered
species: going real fast: real fast along the highway: Blood Alley is the name they told me that stretch was called.
I can make almost anyone laugh with my Guerrilla and Orangutang and Chimpanzee imitations: I can’t copy squirrel
monkeys though and that’s the last thing I remember
At least back then
That was years ago
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 15 Sports Wag all the way baby! Go! Go! Go! Go! That’s go ~ go go ~ go! Then go ~ go! Dance until
you wake the waggish waggish waggish dead and THEN d’em ghosts and d’em bones can join ya for a jingle
of remember when we said the right words and the audience thanked us with the tears of metastasis in their eyes
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 14 To watch Aman, Jesus, be tortured and murdered after miles and miles and miles of walking among him and his
friends through the desert is to become Christ like not a usual place for a woman his companion reminding him of his humanity:
to pause from his ideas and care for his own feet as he would care for the feet of a woman
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 13 A Woman works hard to survive in this world where whatever she does she is judged for her available vagina
which is closed for service when a woman decides she doesn’t want 2nd best to be married to for over 50 years:
A Woman in love with a woman in love is among the many bankrupted lovers who fearfully recover themselves in solving unsolvable
murders of children and A Woman in love with a woman in love
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 12 Grocery shopping during COVID ~ 19 can be more than hazardous with not only a virus to fend off and avoid
spreading but because of the separation isolation and fewer crowds that are doing more than avoiding being among those disappeared
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 11 A Nunnery and celibacy are not punishment for women and girls desiring their fragile human bodies remain in
tact: a woman among women without the weight of who she should be is allowed to glide into her wholeness as she creates her
world as she sees fit
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 10 the right for a woman (and girl) to protect herself (and her children) is easily lost in obnubilate obscurity
when a woman (and a girl) are pronounced as unimportant as if their shadows darkening the street blocked the sun.
When the truth is no one would ever notice the sun if bright light didn’t create the shadow of a woman (and
a girl) walking along the street
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 9 humans gathering berries: in some cultures, gardening is a Man’s territory. How he shapes a once
obnubilate landscape is his mind and Nature greeting. A woman in a garden can disappear when Men are missing
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 7 Librarians, like books and other Elementary and Middle School Teachers do not last forever. Like old books,
old librarians have a classic worn smell and sentimental faded look (when well cared for). Paper pages with sloppily hand
written obnubilate ink with words forming stories about unsolved child murders that bypass modern media until a coke a cola
bottle seems to fall from the sky
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 6 does anyone ever answer the sixth obnubilate question “why can’t we all get along?”:
because there is an unmistakable difference between right and wrong in cases of unsolved child murders. Call 911 all you
want because there is recovery in process although not always easy to find
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 5 Censorship’s face hides in obnubilate closets disguised with murder
Copyrighted BBC
OATH: Meditations On Innocence (poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life
(book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason #4: ❤️⏰Girlie Dog‘s Little Book of Dog Gone! Wisdom On Tuesday March
Thirtieth 2021 (Second poem so far): The Incredible Adventures Of Different Sized Dogs (5 7 5 Freestyle Haiku poetry series
title includes 48)
“I liked being able to see“
Legally, blind and partially blind are Blind. Which sounds confusing unless you have lost your sight o r partial sight
and now see obnubilate more clearly understanding that vision is in one’s mind and not all in one’s head
Copyrighted BBC
❤️♥️♦️�� OATH: Meditations On Innocence
(poetry in process started March 29th 2021): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life (book
title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 3: The dark blue suitcase was
obnubilate in my tiny kitchen when I returned from the hospital in Seattle Washington. Did I know anything about unsolved
child murders? Did I know who o r what was in the dark blue suitcase so prominent in my tiny kitchen when I returned from
the hospital in Seattle Washington? I don’t know is sometimes factual
Copyrighted BBC
❤️♥️♦️�� OATH: Meditations On Innocence
(poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life (book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 2: A woman is in a coma on the side of the street. O r is she? Is a childish woman a child? Is it possible
to undo the unsolved child murders that so easily could have been prevented ? In all the obnubilate mysteries of a wake,
no sometimes miracles are not possible
Copyrighted BBC
❤️♥️♦️�� OATH: Meditations On Innocence
(poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life (book title includes 48)
Twenty ~ Four Reasons Why Mary Magdalene, Prostitutes and Other Women Deserve Emergency Health Care (poem title includes
Reason # 1: Genetic cleansing is cruel as murder and rape are undoable whereas personality-disputes and style conflicts
are the reasons treaties and laws exist: “the peasants are starving to death”!”: undo the
unsolved child murders before
obnubilate weeps over the crimes that so easily have been prevented
Copyrighted BBC
❤️♥️♦️�� OATH: Meditations On Innocence
(poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life (book title includes 48)
Passover Is Never Over (poem title includes 48)
I have a friend with a child I have not seen in years: she gave birth to her child after I moved far away. Her child’s
birth is an obnubilate mystery to me and I wonder if her daughter will grow up to be like her recovery after 911 Mother
Copyrighted BBC
❤️♥️♦️�� OATH: Meditations On Innocence
(poetry in process): A Choreographer’s Score In Book Form In The Struggle For Life (book title includes 48)
Police Report In Process (poem title includes 48)
There is nothing poetic about an unsolved child murder police report in process: save obnubilate for ghost stories told
at campfires where marshmallows are eaten with chocolate and graham crackers and several generations can sing camp fire songs
as a family as guaranteed in the Epic Declaration of Human Rights
Copyrighted BBC