Journeys of the Questress - WTC
The Way it Was - 1
The Way it Was - 2
Sept 19 - When Tomorrow Never Comes
Sept 27 - Oral Interpretation
Oct 5 - A Mile of Tears - Part 1
Oct 5 - A Mile of Tears - Part 2
Oct 5 - A Mile of Tears - Part 3
Oct 11 - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Oct 28 - Each Day I Search the Rubble
Nov 12 - When Spires Fall
Nov 19 - 911 The Rape of America
Dec 14 - Just A Thought
Dec 18 - A Sense of Place
Feb 2 - Final Pass to the End Zone
March 3 - Sitting on the Edge
March 14- Do You Still Remember
March 20 - Virtual Walk-Through
March 25 - When Will It End - Part 1
March 25 - When Will It End - Part 2
April 1 - Towers of Light
May 14 - View From Above
May 30 - Tunnel At the End of the Light
May 31 - Seventeen Hundred
Aug 9 - From the Margins Erased
Aug 30 - The Train Doesn't Stop There Anymore
Sept 9 - Ceremonies of Light and Dark
Sept 10 - Just An Anniversary
Sept 12 - September Holds Great Promise
Literary Reflections
Rebirth and Resurrection
The Winter Garden Springs To Life
The Winter Garden Springs To Life - con't
Underpass to the Past
Rebuilding Ground Zero
Under Hallowed Ground
What Will Fill the Void?
I Submit a Design
Footprints in the Dust
My Memorial Design Submission
My Memorial Design - Drawings
New Path Train Station
Path Station Tour
May We Never Forget
That Which Surives
War Without End
4th Anniversary
Footprints in the Dust
I Miss 9/11
Time Comes Between Us
A Thousand Cranes
Fear Factor
Love Letters On The Wall
Empty Chairs
Sitting on the Edge of Forever
Walking the Perimeter of Emptiness
A Counting of Days
For Friends Absent But Not Forgotten
The Memory Keeper's Promise
Unbreak My Heart
Standing On The Edge Of Forever
Both Sides Now
A Memory In Time
The Gravity of Loss
The Survivors Rise Up
Flowers Will Bloom
The Fire Within Us
The Sentinel
Stronger Than The Storm
Between the Candle and the Stars
A Journey Through Remembrance
Canticle of Remembrance
Beyond the Crucible of Chaos
Journey Through Remembrance project
What See We Now
Forever In Our Hearts
Keeping the Flame Alive
The Rebuilding of Ground Zero continues
Does Anyone Care Anymore?
Where Is Our Story Teller of Pain
At Memory's Edge
Dust Thou Art and to Dust Thou Shalt Return
Heroes Never Die
The Flame Inside Our Hearts
The Year of the Heroes of 9/11
Déjà Vu
Remembering 9/11 in the year of COVID-19
Coronavirus Decimates Ailing Sept. 11 Responders
Touching From a Distance
That Which Survives 20 years later
2021 - 20 years later
Memories of Terror Return
Putin's Name Covered Over On Teardrop Memorial
The 9/11 Tribute Museum Closes
When Memories Fade Away
St. Nicholas at Ground Z is rebuilt
The Blue Wall of the Unidentified Victims
When Time Calls Your Name
When Art Gets It All Wrong
9/11 victims that America wants to forget




THEY appear in the most unexpected places. I recently was cleaning out my old video tape collection and decided to watch one that had Japanese programs. After a few shows, skipping the commercials as I always do, I wondered when I had recorded them. Commercials are always a good indicator of date and so I watched a few. (The Japanese programming was historical Samarai stories, hardly a way to date the 21st century) Right after the spot for Yohan Plaza in Edgewater NJ came the most spectacular view across the river (where Yohan faces). There on the skyline THEY stood. Tall and strong, as if time had been frozen. My heart skipped a beat. I reversed and froze the frame of the Twin Towers in all their glory. This tape was obviously pre 9/11.


I’ll be driving down the highway, and suddenly notice that the car in front of me has a big sticker reading “Never Forget” and a color image of the NYC skyline with the Twin Towers. Gasp. The most glorious car decoration I ever saw was a hand painted Twin Towers on the hood of a truck along with an American flag. Double gasp. Then there was the truck that had a huge window banner of the Twin Towers, parked right in my driveway visiting someone in our apartment building. I had to get a shot of that!


Of course every time I go into NYC, the small stores that sell souvenirs still carry the postcards of the World Trade Center as it was pre 9/11. At first I found that a bit gruesome, but now like the fact that foreigners, people who never lived in NYC, and those who weren’t even born before 2001, can take home a picture of what once was so stately a place. I’ve even nicknamed them “remembrance cards”!


There are Twin Tower decals on all of our fire trucks in Roselle Park, and some new acquaintances have old WTC chatckas in their houses displayed on shelves. I’m no longer startled by those reminders. It’s the ones that creep up silently and suddenly like the one on my tapes that rattles me. For instance, I’ll be watching a movie and not know what date it was released. No cell phones or laptops are a dead giveaway that it was pre 2001. But that doesn’t mean there will be a Twin Towers shot. Until it pops up. The iconic image of the latter part of the 20th century NYC skyline. Choke.


Yes, these are the Ghosts of the Twin Towers. This is the way they will live on forever. Unexpected appearances in the midst of a different time and space, to haunt our souls, to help us never to forget what happened on that day!