The site was last updated on
24 Aug 2000
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Shining your dog's teeth
This week's tip is for all of the
people that wondered if they can get rid of their dog's morning breath.
Who of us never thought about "Why can't my dog brush his teeth after he
eat?", well today I can tell you that he can!
Dogs in nature didn't brush their teeth, but today when they live with us, people, which
the dog breath disturb us allot, we have to do something about it.
The things that you need are:
Tooth brush
Water spray
Backing soda / veterinary tooth cream
Now, you have two choices of how to clean the dog's teeth. 1st, you can ask your vet to
buy a veterinary tooth cream (it is much alike humans, but with more minerals and it
smells like chicken), or you can use backing soda with a glass of water.
Also, you can use or a finger brush or an ordinary brush, some dogs are a little afraid of
the ordinary one so you'll have to use the finger brush. Ok, all you have to do now is
brash them! Be careful not to push too hard but not too gentle, you must be sure that you
have cleaned all the teeth, inside and outside, front and back teeth... and then, Aha...
If you wish to watch on the hygiene of your dog's mouth, you might give him to chew bones,
it can be the plastic bones, or even the chewable bones for puppies, it is very important
to teach the dog while it is a puppy to keep their mouth clean, and to clean the teeth
every 2-3 days.