Before the service, from 10 am, many members have arrived, many for the preparation and cooking, but the Hai-Ðúc Youth group has also been present for their activities. We saw in the kitchen Upasika Nghiêm-Ngoc Nguyên Thi My Hông, head cook, with other Upasikas Bùi Thi Chuong, Hô Thi Ðê, Lý Nguyêt Huong, Nguyên Thi Kim Hang, Lê Hoa Nhuy; arriving later Upasikas Trân Thi Ngoc Lan, Pham Thi Bòng, Nguyên Thi Thái Bình, Trân Thi Nhiêu. Upasika Bùi Thi Chuong offered the hard jellies (xu xoa) and sweet mung bean relish (chè ðâu xanh), while Upasika Châu-Ngoc Lê Hoa Nhuy offered the sticky rice (xôi) as usual. The Muôn Huu Hà family arrived with a large offer of foodstuff including a case of mung bean, a case of coconut milk, 50lb bag of sticky rice and a case of Ube cakes (khoai môn sponge cakes). Our blessings to all of them for their good deeds.
After the service, everyone sat down for a vegetarian lunch prepared by the above mentioned mothers. In the menu, we saw spring rolls, sweet and sour soup, fried vegetables, tofu casserole ... everything was completely consummated. The ladies stayed for dish washing and cleaning. May the Buddha bless all of you! Sau buoåi leã, moïi ngöôøi cuøng vaøo phoøng aên thoï trai thaân maät. Thöïc ñôn coù chaû gioø, canh chua, caûi xaøo, ñaäu phuï kho ... thöùc aên ñöôïc tieâu thuï saïch seõ. Quyù baø ôû laïi röûa cheùn, noài nieâu, lau chuøi phoøng aên, vôùi söï giuùp ñôõ cuûa Gia Ñình Phaät Töû Haûi-Ñöùc. Xin Chö Phaät gia hoä quyù vò! The Hai-Ðúc Youth group members cleaned up the altar area, put up flowers and decorations, then went for their meeting during which they agreed upon a resolution to organise a camp for local members and neighboring Families, as well as participating in the forthcoming regional meeting. Upasika Lê Xuân Thao Holly helped vacuum cleaning the great hall. Upasika Diêu-Ngoc Lê Thi Hông Thu taught Vietnamese for the Oanh Vu group. Young members also played volleyball in the yard.
During the monthly meeting of the Board of Directors, Upasaka Minh-Quang Nguyên Lê Ðúc, chairman of the Board, announced the presence of our congregation on the Web, temporarily on a free server before relocation on a permanent and more powerful one; he asked viewers to send feedback for improvement and fine tuning of the site. The Directors also agreed to weed out inactive members from the roster list, eliminating members inactive for more than six months without formal letter to the Board. Trong buoåi hoïp haøng thaùng cuûa Ban Giaùm-Ñoác, ÑH Minh-Quang Nguyeãn Leâ Ñöùc, Hoäi-tröôûng, thoâng baùo hoaøn thaønh Trang Löôùi cuûa Hoäi, taïm thôøi ñaët nhôø mieãn phí nôi maùy chuû trong thôøi gian chôø ñôïi ñaët vónh vieãn nôi maùy chuû maïnh vaø lôùn hôn; ÑH yeâu caàu quyù vò ñeán thaêm vaø goùp yù ñeå chænh ñoán vaø hoaøn bò trang nhaø. Ban Giaùm-Ñoác cuõng ñoàng yù loaïi boû teân caùc hoäi-vieân khoâng hoaït ñoäng trong Hoäi quaù saùu thaùng maø khoâng coù vaên thö chính thöùc gôûi cho Hoäi. Minh-Quang ghi May 14, 2001