On Sunday August 5th, 2001, there was a noon service at our temple in Commemoration of Quan Âm Boddhisattva under the direction of Upasaka Nguyên-Hòa Nguyên Danh Khôi, with Upasaka Nguyên-Luc Lê Ðúc Hùng beating the mõ and Upasaka Nguyên-Lôc Nguyên Tý striking the bell. The assembly amounted to 72 participants, reciting the Universal Door Chapter of the Lotus Sutra. Our president Upasaka Minh-Quang announced to the assembly the upcoming visit of the Venerable Thích-Minh-Quang on Saturday August 18 and Sunday August 19 for Dharma Talks, inviting them to participate, also the uploading to our web page of the 9th and 10th chapters of the Vietnamese Avatamsaka Sutra, as well as a new page of Tho Van (Stories and Poetry) in Vietnamese, asking them to visit often. The two new air conditioning units with heat pump have been put in by the American contractors but the new power line was not in place, so the assembly had to stand the heat for the moment; will be perfect next week! Tröa chuû nhaät 5 thaùng 8 naêm 2001, nhaèm ngaøy 16 thaùng Saùu naêm Taân Tî, chuøa toå chöùc tuïng kinh Caàu An Phoå Moân, töôûng nieäm Vía Quan AÂm ngaøy 19 thaùng Saùu, döôùi söï chuû saùm cuûa ÑH Nguyeân-Hoøa Nguyeãn Danh Khôûi, ÑH Nguyeân-Loäc Nguyeãn Tyù duy na, ÑH Nguyeân-Löïc Leâ Ñöùc Huøng duyeät chuùng. Ñaïi chuùng coù 72 ngöôøi. ÑH Hoäi-tröôûng Minh-Quang thoâng baùo cho ñaïi chuùng cuoäc thaêm vieáng cuûa Ñaïi Ñöùc Thích-Minh-Quang vaøo toái Thöù Baûy 18 thaùng 8 vaø tröa Chuû Nhaät 19 thaùng 8 ñeå Caàu An vaø thuyeát phaùp theo söï yeâu caàu cuûa quyù Phaät-töû, vaø keâu goïi quyù vò tham gia ñoâng ñaûo; ñoàng thôøi cuõng thoâng baùo ban Hoaèng Phaùp ñaõ ñöa leân trang löôùi cuûa Hoäi phaåm 9 Quang Minh Giaùc vaø phaåm 10 Boà Taùt Vaán Minh thuoäc boä Kinh Hoa Nghieâm, vaø trang môùi Thô Vaên goàm thô, truyeän, saùng taùc ... ñaõ coù Cöûa Tuøng Ñoâi Caùnh Gaøi cuûa Nhaát Haïnh, Piano Sonata 14 cuûa Tueä Syõ, Hai Vò Thieàn Sö cuûa Phaïm Coâng Thieän ... ÑH yeâu caàu ñaïi chuùng ñeán xem thöôøng xuyeân. Hai maùy laïnh môùi ñaõ ñöôïc haõng thaàu Myõ laép raùp xong, nhöng ñöôøng daây ñieän môùi chöa keùo vaøo kòp neân ñaïi chuùng phaûi chòu khoù ñoå moà hoâi tuaàn naøy; tuaàn tôùi seõ hoaøn thaønh!
The ladies and the youngsters from the Young Buddhist Group arrived from 10 am for preparing and activities. The youngest Oanh-Vu Buddhists followed Upasika Nguyên-Diêu Nguyên Xuân Mai to the Vietnamese language class, while the grown ups cleaned up the altars, the halls, arranging the flowers and the fruits, then went for their meeting. The kitchen helpers under the direction of Upasika Nghiêm-Ngoc Nguyên Thi My Hông, head cook, were Upasikas Lý Nguyêt Huong, Pham My Vogt, Bùi Thi Chuong, Hùynh Thi Ngâu, Tât Walling, Mai Gormican, Trân Thi Nhiêu, Hô Thi Ðê ... May them be well and safe! Quyù baø trong ban Trai Soaïn vaø quyù ñoaøn sinh GÑPT Haûi-Ñöùc ñeán chuøa sôùm töø 10 giôø saùng ñeå söûa soaïn vaø sinh hoaït. Caùc chaùu Oanh-vuõ theo coâ HT Nguyeân-Dieäu Nguyeãn Xuaân Mai vaøo lôùp hoïc tieáng Vieät, caùc ñoaøn-sinh Thieáu lau chuøi baøn Phaät, baøn Toå, baøn vong, huùt buïi chaùnh ñieän, chöng hoa quaû, roài ra saân sinh hoaït Ñoaøn. Quyù baø phuï beáp döôùi söï höôùng daãn cuûa ÑH tröôûng ban Trai Soaïn Nghieâm-Ngoïc Nguyeãn Thò Myõ Hoàng goàm coù ÑH Lyù Nguyeät Höông, ÑH Phaïm Myõ Vogt, ÑH Buøi Thò Chöông, ÑH Huyønh Thò Ngaâu, ÑH Taát Walling, ÑH Mai Gormican, ÑH Traàn Thò Nhieàu, ÑH Hoà Thò Ñeâ ... Nguyeän moïi söï an laïc ñeán vôùi quyù vò!
After the noon service, the assembly sat down for a vegetarian lunch consisting of fried tofu, steamed cabbage, fried cabbage and tofu, mixed vegetable soup, vegetarian spring rolls, fried rice vermicelli, served on rice, and desserts ... The offerings were made by Mrs Qùy of a case of mangoes and grapes, Mrs Ðoàn Xuân Hiêu of cases of tofu, carrot, cabbage, Mrs Bùi Thi Chuong of round white eggplants, salted eggplants, sweet mung bean relishes, Mr Trân Khôi of winter melons and pears, Mrs Ðúc of sticky rice ... May them be blessed for their good deeds! Döùt khoùa leã, ñaïi chuùng vaøo trai phoøng thoï trai. Thöïc ñôn goàm coù ñaäu phuï chieân, baép caûi luoäc, caûi xaøo ñaäu phuï, canh thaäp caåm, chaû gioø chay, buùn xaøo, duøng vôùi côm traéng, vaø xoâi cheø ... Baø Quyø cuùng moät thuøng xoaøi vaø nho, baø Ñoaøn Xuaân Hieáu cuùng maáy thuøng ñaäu phuï, caø roát, baép caûi, baø Buøi Thò Chöông cuùng caø dóa, caø muoái, cheø ñaäu xanh, oâng Traàn Khoâi cuùng 4 traùi baàu vaø moät thuøng traùi leâ, baø Ñöùc cuùng xoâi ñaäu xanh vaø xoâi luùa ... Nguyeän chö Phaät chöùng minh coâng ñöùc quyù vò!
The ladies and the young Buddhists stayed late for cleaning. May them be blessed by the Buddhas! Quyù baø vaø caùc ñoaøn-sinh GÑPT Haûi-Ñöùc ôû laïi treã ñeå lau chuøi queùt doïn chuøa. Nguyeän chö Phaät gia hoä cho quyù vò! Minh Quang ghi August 5, 2001 |