There was a noon service on July 29, 2001 at our temple for transcendence under the direction of Upasaka Nguyên-Lôc Lê Vân, with Upasaka Nguyên-Hòa Nguyên Danh Khôi striking the bell and Upasaka Minh-Qúy Lê Ðình Yên Phú playing the motak (mõ). There were 66 participants. Our president, Upasaka Minh-Quang announced to the assembly the uploading of the Diamond Sutra and of the Vietnamese Dharma Talk Vong Kien by the late Ven Hsuan Hua to our web page and asked them to visit for study. Tröa chuû nhaät 29 thaùng 7 naêm 2001, nhaèm ngaøy 9 thaùng Saùu naêm Taân-Tî, Hoäi toå chöùc leã Caàu-Sieâu taïi chuøa do ÑH Nguyeân-Loäc Leâ Vaân chuû saùm, ÑH Nguyeân-Hoøa Nguyeãn Danh Khôûi duy na, ÑH Minh-Quyù Leâ Ñình Yeân Phuù duyeät chuùng. Ñaïi-chuùng coù 66 ngöôøi tham döï. ÑH Hoäi-tröôûng Minh-Quang thoâng baùo cho ñaïi-chuùng Ban HoaèngPhaùp ñaõ ñöa Kinh Kim Cang tieáng Anh vaø baøi thuyeát phaùp tieáng Vieät Voïng Kieán cuûa coá HT Tuyeân Hoùa leân trang löôùi cuûa Hoäi vaø yeâu caàu ñaïi-chuùng ñeán xem. Many ladies from the catering service came in early, as did many members of the Young Buddhist Group, for food preparing, cleaning and other activities. The youngsters Oanh-Vu followed Upasika Châu-Ngoc for their Vietnamese class, while the grown-ups cleaned up the altars, arranging flowers and fruits. The head cook, Upasika Nghiêm-Ngoc, was sick, so the cooking was taken over by the ladies helpers, Upasikas Võ Thi Cài, Nguyên Thi Tu, Mai Gormican, Tât Walling, Bùi Thi Chuong, Nguyên Thi Vàng, Bùi Thi Hiêp, Nguyên Thi My Trà, Nguyên Thi Khâm ... Quyù baø trong Ban Trai Soaïn cuõng nhö caùc ñoaøn sinh GÑPT Haûi-Ñöùc ñeán töø saùng sôùm ñeå chuaån bò naáu aên, doïn deïp vaø sinh hoaït. Caùc chaùu Oanh-vuõ theo ÑH Chaâu-Ngoïc vaøo lôùp hoïc tieáng Vieät, trong khi caùc ñoaøn sinh Thieáu queùt doïn baøn thôø, chöng hoa quaû. Baø tröôûng ban Trai Soaïn, ÑH Nghieâm-Ngoïc, bò beänh, neân quyù ÑH khaùc thay phieân naáu nöôùng trong beáp, coù quyù ÑH Voõ Thò Caøi, Nguyeãn Thò Töï, Mai Gormican, Taát Walling, Buøi Thò Chöông, Nguyeãn Thò Vaøng, Buøi Thò Hieäp, Nguyeãn Thò Myõ Traø, Nguyeãn Thò Khaâm ...
After the service, the assembly sat down for a vegetarian lunch consisting of fried tofu patties, sweet and sour soup, fried rice vermicelli, fried squash, steamed salted tofu bologna, steamed tofu patties, fried vegetables, salad and salted preserved tofu, served on rice, and desserts ... The offerings were made by Upasika Mrs Ðoàn Xuân Hiêu of a case of tofu, Upasaka Trân Huê Thang of two cases of tofu, Upasika Lê Hoa Nhuy of steamed tofu bologna, sticky rice, Upasika Bùi Thi Hiêp of bitter melon, celery, basil ..., Upasika Nguyên Thi Khâm of fragrant squash, Upasika Bùi Thi Chuong of white round eggplants, elephant ear stalks, herbs, sweet white beans relishes ... May all be blessed for their good deeds! Döùt khoùa leã, ñaïi-chuùng vaøo phoøng thoï trai. thuïc ñôn goàm coù: chaû ñaäu phuï chieân, canh chua, buùn xaøo, möôùp höông xaøo, chaû luïa ñaäu phuï, doài chay, kho thaäp caåm, rau soáng, chao ... duøng vôùi côm traéng, vaø traùng mieäng ... ÑH Ñoaøn Xuaân Hieáu cuùng moät thuøng ñaäu phuï, ÑH Traàn Hueä Thaéng cuùng hai thuøng ñaäu phuï, ÑH Leâ Hoa Nhuïy cuùng gioø chaû, doài chay, xoâi, ÑH Buøi Thò Hieäp cuùng khoå qua, rau caàn, huùng queá, ÑH Nguyeãn Thò Khaâm cuùng möôùp höông, ÑH Buøi Thò Chöông cuùng caø dóa, doïc muøng, rau om, huùng luûi, cheø ñaäu traéng ... Nguyeän coâng ñöùc quyù vò ñem laïi an laïc vaø haïnh phuùc! After lunch, the ladies and the youngsters from GÐPT stayed late for cleaning. May them be blessed by the Buddhas! Sau böõa aên, quyù baø vaø caùc em trong GÑPT ôû laïi doïn deïp cho saïch seõ. Nguyeän chö Phaät gia hoä cho quyù vò! Minh-Quang ghi July 29, 2001 |