On Sunday July 15, 2001, there was a noon service for peace and safety at our temple under the direction of Upasaka Minh-Qúy Lê Ðình Yên Phú, with Upasaka Nguyên-Luc Lê Ðúc Hùng beating the motak (mõ) and Upasaka Nguyên-Lôc Nguyên Tý striking the bell. There were 69 participants. Our president, Upasaka Minh-Quang Nguyên Lê Ðúc announced to the assembly the uploading to our web page two short sutras: the Sutra of the Ten Beneficial Actions (Kinh Thâp Thiên Nghiêp) and the Sigalovada Sutta (Kinh Thiên Sanh = Thi Ca La Viêt), and asked the assembly to visit for study.
Tröa Chuû nhaät 15 thaùng 7 naêm 2001, nhaèm ngaøy 25 thaùng Naêm naêm Taân Tî, chuøa toå chöùc Caàu An do ÑH Minh-Quyù Leâ Ñình Yeân Phuù chuû saùm, ÑH Nguyeân-Loäc Nguyeãn Tyù duy na vaø ÑH Nguyeân-Löïc Leâ Ñöùc Huøng duyeät chuùng. Ñaïi chuùng coù 69 ngöôøi. ÑH Hoäi-tröôûng Minh-Quang Nguyeãn Leâ Ñöùc thoâng baùo Ban Hoaèng Phaùp ñaõ ñöa leân trang löôùi cuûa Hoäi theâm hai Kinh tieáng Anh laø The Sutra of Ten Beneficial Actions (Kinh Thaäp Thieän Nghieäp) do William Giddings dòch, vaø The Sigalovada Sutta (Kinh Thi Ca La Vieät = Kinh Thieän Sanh) do coá HT Narada dòch. ÑH yeâu caàu ñaïi chuùng ñeán xem ñeå hoïc Kinh. The ladies preparing the vegetarian lunch, and the young Buddhists from GÐPT Hai-Ðúc, arrived early from 10am for their activities. Members of the Buddhist Family cleaned up the altars, the halls, arranging the flowers; then the younger went for their Vietnamese class with Upasika Nguyên-Diêu Nguyên Xuân Mai, while the grown ups met with Upasakas Minh-Qúy Lê Ðình Yên Phú and Nguyên-Lôc Nguyên Tý for their activity class (Morse code) preparing for the upcoming camp. Upasakas Lê Ðúc Hùng and Lê Công Huy repaired the sagging air vent on the right ceiling. Quyù baø trong Ban Trai Soaïn vaø quyù huynh-tröôûng vaø ñoaøn-sinh GÑPT Haûi-Ñöùc leân chuøa sôùm töø 10 giôø saùng ñeå söûa soaïn sinh hoaït. Caùc em GÑPT lau chuøi baøn Phaät, baøn Toå, baøn vong, chöng hoa quaû, huùt buïi chaùnh ñieän; xong, caùc chaùu Oanh-vuõ theo ÑH HT Nguyeãn Xuaân Mai vaøo lôùp hoïc Vieät ngöõ, caùc ñoaøn-sinh lôùn ra ngoaøi saân sinh hoaït, hoïc aùm hieäu ñeå chuaån bò troø chôi lôùn trong cuoäc traïi saép tôùi döôùi söï höôùng daãn cuûa HT Leâ Ñình Yeân Phuù vaø Nguyeãn Tyù. ÑH Gia-tröôûng Leâ Ñöùc Huøng vaø ÑH Leâ Coâng Huy giuùp söûa laïi oáng thoâng hôi nôi traàn traùi bò xeä.
We saw in the kitchen the presence of Upasikas Nguyên Thi My Hông, Bùi Thi Chuong, Bùi Thi Hiêp, Hùynh Thi Ngâu, Nguyên Thi Vàng, Lý Nguyêt Huong, Mai Gormican ... The offerings were made by Mrs Qùy of apples, mangoes, red pepper and a gas container, Mrs Chuong of sweet rice dumplings, Mrs Mai of peppers and flowers, Mrs Buong of roses and , and Mrs Ðúc of sticky rice ... May them be blessed for their good deeds! Phuï trong beáp naáu aên tröa coù quyù ÑH Nguyeãn Thò Myõ Hoàng, Buøi Thò Chöông, Buøi Thò Hieäp, Huyønh Thò Ngaâu, Nguyeãn Thò Vaøng, Lyù Nguyeät Höông, Mai Gormican, baø Song ... ÑH baø Quyø cuùng xoaøi, taùo, ôùt ñoû vaø naïp bình gas, baø Chöông cuùng cheø troâi nöôùc, baø Mai cuùng ôùt traùi vaø hoa baøn Phaät, baø Böôøng cuùng hoa hoàng vaø hoa vaïn thoï, baø Ñöùc cuùng xoâi luùa vaø xoâi vò ... Nguyeän moïi söï an laïc ñeán vôùi quyù vò!
After the service, participants sat down for a vegetarian lunch consisting of spring rolls, fried rice vermicelli with tofu, fried mixed vegetables, sour soup, tofu fried with lemon grass, served with rice, and desserts ... The ladies and the members of GÐPT stayed late for cleaning. May the Buddhas bless them all! Sau buoåi leã, ñaïi chuùng vaøo trai phoøng duøng côm chay, goàm coù chaû gioø, buùn xaøo ñaäu phuï, xaøo thaäp caåm, ñaäu phuï kho xaû ôùt, töông ôùt, chao, duøng vôùi côm traéng, vaø traùng mieäng ... Quyù baø vaø caùc chaùu GÑPT ôû laïi doïn deïp. Nguyeän chö Phaät gia hoä cho quyù vò! Minh Quang ghi July 15, 2001 |