On Sunday November 18, 2001, there was a noon service at our temple for Peace and Harmony under the direction of Upasaka Nguyên-Hòa Nguyên Danh Khoi, with Upasaka Minh-Qúy Lê Ðình Yên Phú playing the mõ, and Upasaka Nguyên-Hanh Nguyên Danh Hoài striking the bell. There were 72 persons in the assembly; the young GDPT Buddhists having had their own ceremony and activities. Before the ceremony, Upasaka Minh-Qúy read the 7th chapter of the Sutra of the Saints and the Commoners (Kinh Hiên Ngu). Our president Upasaka Minh Quang announced the uploading to our web page of the research papers of Thích Nu Nguyêt Chiêu nun "Comparative Studies of the Chinese and Pali Dhammapadas", inviting the assembly to visit and learn.
Tröa Chuû Nhaät 18 thaùng 11 naêm 2001, nhaèm ngaøy 4 thaùng Möôøi naêm Taân Tî, chuøa toå chöùc tuïng kinh Caàu An do ÑH Nguyeân-Hoøa Nguyeãn Danh Khôûi chuû saùm, ÑH Minh-Quyù Leâ Ñình Yeân Phuù duy na, ÑH Nguyeân-Haïnh Nguyeãn Danh Hoaøi duyeät chuùng. Ñaïi chuùng coù 72 ngöôøi; caùc ñoaøn sinh GÑPT Haûi Ñöùc ñaõ tuïng kinh rieâng vaø ra sinh hoaït theo ñoäi chuùng. Tröôùc khi vaøo khoùa leã, ÑH Minh-Quyù ñoïc tieáp chöông 7 Kinh Hieàn Ngu "Thaùi Töû Tu Xaø Ñeà". ÑH Hoäi-tröôûng Minh-Quang thoâng baùo cho ñaïi chuùng ban hoaèng phaùp ñaõ ñem leân trang löôùi cuûa Hoäi baøi tieåu luaän "Nghieân Cöùu So Saùnh Vaên Baûn Kinh Phaùp Cuù Chöõ Haùn Vaø Chöõ Pali" cuûa sö coâ Nguyeät Chieáu, du hoïc sinh taïi Ñaøi Loan, vaø yeâu caàu ñaïi chuùng ñeán xem.
The young Buddhists of GÐPT Hai Ðúc came in early at 10 am for their prayer and activities, cleaning up the altars and arranging flowers; the youngest ones followed Upasika Châu-Ngoc Lê Hoa Nhuy to the Vietnamese class, related later by Upasika Diêu-Ngoc Lê Thi Hông Thu, while the grown ups met with their leader Upasaka Minh-Qúy Lê Ðình Yên Phú for their Dharma class. The ladies arriving early for the cooking were Upasikas Nguyên Thi My Hông and Hùynh Thi Ngâu, then later were Upasikas Trân Thi Minh Châu, Bùi Thi Chuong, Nguyên Thi Quy, Bùi Thi Hiêp, Nguyên Thi Khâm, Trân Thi Mai. The offerings were made by Upasikas Nguyên Thi My Hông of a case of oranges and tofu bologna, Bùi Thi Chuong of mung bean stuffed rice dumplings and sweet mung bean and lotus seed relishes, Lê Hoa Nhuy of sticky rice. May them be blessed for their good deeds!
Caùc ñoaøn sinh GÑPT Haûi Ñöùc ñeán chuøa töø 10 giôø saùng ñeå tuïng kinh vaø sinh hoaït, lau chuøi baøn thôø, chöng hoa quaû; caùc chaùu Oanh Vuõ theo coâ Chaâu-Ngoïc Leâ Hoa Nhuïy vaøo lôùp hoïc tieáng Vieät, sau coù coâ Dieäu-Ngoïc Leâ Thò Hoàng Thu; caùc ñoaøn sinh Thieáu theo Tröôûng Minh-Quyù Leâ Ñình Yeân Phuù vaøo lôùp hoïc Phaät-phaùp. Hai baø ÑH trai soaïn ñeán sôùm naáu aên laø ÑH Nguyeãn Thò Myõ Hoàng vaø Huyønh Thò Ngaâu, ñeán sau laø quyù baø ÑH Traàn Thò Minh Chaâu, Buøi Thò Chöông, Nguyeãn Thò Quy, Buøi Thò Hieäp, Nguyeãn Thò Khaâm, Traàn Thò Mai. ÑH Nguyeãn Thò Myõ Hoàng cuùng moät thuøng cam vaø chaû luïa chay, ÑH Buøi Thò Chöông cuùng baùnh ít vaø cheø ñaäu xanh haït sen, ÑH Chaâu-Ngoïc Leâ Hoa Nhuïy cuùng xoâi luùa vaø xoâi ñaäu xanh. Nguyeän quyù vò höôûng coâng ñöùc phöôùc baùo!
After the ceremony, the assembly sat down for a vegetarian lunch with tofu bologna, sweet and sour soup, fried jicama, tofu casserole with lemon grass, fried rice vermicelli, salads, served on white rice, and desserts. The ladies and the young Buddhists stayed late for cleaning. May the Buddhas bless them all! Döùt khoùa leã, ñaïi chuùng vaøo phoøng thoï trai; thöïc ñôn coù chaû luïa chay, canh chua, cuû saén xaøo, ñaäu phuï kho xaû, buùn xaøo, saø laùch, duøng vôùi côm traéng, vaø thöùc traùng mieäng. Quyù baø vaø caùc ñoaøn sinh GÑPT ôû laïi treã röûa noài nieâu vaø queùt doïn. Nguyeän chö Phaät gia hoä cho quyù vò! Minh Quang ghi November 18, 2001 |