Jacob and Susannah's Children,and many grandchildren. All of the families live in, or near the township of Beavercreek,Greene County,Ohio Catherine Coy (b)1778,I believe she was born in Maryland during the early years of her parents marriage. She married Andrew Smeltzer.He was born Nov.20,1765,in Pennsylvania. They married on Dec.2,1795-in Hagerstown,MD. I believe it was at the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Elizabethtown .The minister was Rev.W.L.(Maryland Records Pub.1975).(The records were recorded as Nedren Schmalser and Catherine Cau(Kau) Catherine and Andrew have the following children ,Eve (b)abt.1795 :Esther (b)abt.1796,:Catherine )Jan.10,1797:Mary "Polly"(b)1800. I started with the 2nd daughter in the family,because she unfortunatly is the 1st COY buried in 1802 in the family cemetery on the corner of her father,Jacob's land. Here husband Andrew Smeltzer stays in Beavercreek and out lives her by many years.I'm not sure if he re-married after Catherines death,I haven't seen a record to that effect yet. ************************************************************ Susanna Coy (b)1776, actually has been recorded as the 1st born of the family.I believe she too would have been born in Maryland,not PA as we had thought. She marries Andrew Hawker (b)1768-Hagerstown,MD. They marry in 1798-at the St.John's Church by Rev.George Scmucker(Maryland Marriages 1778-1800,pub.1978). Her name was recorded as Susanna COW, and his Andrew HOCKER. Their children:Frederick (b)1805:Catherine (b)Nov.8,1806:Adan (b)Nov.1,1813 :Abraham (b)June 30,1818 :Jacob (b)1826 :then next children exact dates are not known:Elizabeth (b)abt.1800 : Mary "Polly (b)abt.1800:Susanna (b)abt.1800 :Eve (b)abt.1800 :Barbara (b)abt.1800 : Otto (b)1808 In later years her 3 son's Adam,Abraham and Frederick were instramental in the founding of the Hawker Church,part of the Beaver German Reformed Church.Several of them will become decons in their church as well as ministers. Susanna and Andrew's first property was several miles NW of her father Jacob Coy's near east half of sec.9.The Hawkers first owned 314 acres, and later bought another 319 acres of land in 1819 from her father. The Dayton-Xenia turnpike is on the path near this land section. Her husband will play an important part in the building and establishing of Beavercreek Twp. the early years. ************************************************************ Adam Coy (b)Nov.20,1780-born I believe in Maryland.Adam marry's Catherine Martin (b)1784-unknown where. They marry in 1810 in Beavercreek Twp.,Greene Cty.,Ohio . They have the following children :Jacob A. (b)1810 :Nicholas (b)Jan.21,1811 :Andrew (b)1813 :Peter (b)1816 :Susan (b)1818 :David (b)1819 :Abraham (b)Nov.20,1820 :Henry J. (b)1823 :Elizabeth (b)1824 :Rebecca (b)1829 :Adam (b)1831 : Their 5th daughter Susan marry's into the family of Johnathan Hanes the local Judge known as "Squire". Adam and his wife were part of the backbone of the community and farming community. ************************************************************ My Ancestor-John (b)June 28,1783-probably on the Maryland side before the Montomery Twp.PA years (d)Nov.8,1823-Beavercreek Twp. He marry's Mary "Polly" Jones (b)Aug.18,1787-born near the fort of Daniel Boone in KY. They marry Sept.18,1804 in Sugarecreek Twp.The next Township next to Beavercreek. His wife has a full and wonderful "Pioneering "tale I will go into later. I believe they make their home in Sugarcreek Twp. This township is only about 5 miles away. They have the following children:Susana (b)July 2,1805 :Jacob (b)Feb.20,1807 :Adam (b)Jan.9,1809 :John (b)March 27,1811 :Nancy Ann (b)Sept.3,1814 :Caleb (b)Jan.26,1818 :Mary "Polly" Ann (b)Feb.26,1819 :Andrew (b)April 16,1821 : John unfortunally meets an untimley death, and soon his widow will sell their land, and move to Tiffin Twp.,Williams Cty.Ohio just shortly after. It seems that John had been in some kind of "horse"accident.He either is killed in a wagon over turning,or stopping a wagon, or maybe a runaway horse. However,it invloves a horse,and he meets his untimley death as a result. Much of the information found out about John and Mary "Polly" Jones was done by Jean Coy Bartholomew.Her book the COY Family was concentrated with him in mind and his decenadants. I have so much to add, I will have to come back to this section. under construction under construction |
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Peter S. (b)1787 -in I believe Peters Twp.Cumberland Co.,PA. marry's Elizabeth Ritter (b)1810-Greene Co.,Ohio. I don't have a specific record of them being married in Beavercreek Twp.,or having land there.I think they lived in the next township,possibly Bath Twp.or Xenia Twp. These are neighboring, only 5 miles away. Peter and Elizabeth have the following children:John (b)Sept.3,1811 :Jacob (b)Feb.25,1823 :Anna Maria (b)June 5,1814 :Tobias R. (b)Sept.2,1816 :Sarah (b)Aug.2,1819 :Emanuel (b)Aug.2,1822 :Susanna (b)Aug.12,1825 ************************************************************ Henry (b)May 15,1789-Montogemry Twp.,Cumberland Co.,Pa.He marry's Anna Maria Schnepp (b)Oct.10,1788-Orwigsburg,Pa.,they marry abt.1809-in Greene Cty.Ohio. Their children are :Catherine (b)abt.1810 :Susan Ann (b)abt.1810 :William G. (b)Oct.1818 :Ann Mary (b)1816 :Jacob H.(b)1820 :Daniel (b)1824 :Leonard (b)1836 I will fill in more details later of their lives ************************************************************ Mary (b)June 22,1791-Montgomery Twp.,Cumberland Cty.,Pa-marries Jacob Darst (b)Oct.30,1785franklin Cty.,Va. They marry Dec.10,1810-Greene County,Ohio They have the following children :Elizabeth (b)abt.1810 :Isaac (b)abt.1810 :John (b)1810 :Sarah Ann (b)abt.1810 :Susanna (b)abt.1810 :Mary Ann (b)Oct.19,1811 : More information to follow The Darst family is very prominent in Beavercreek Twp. *********************************************************** Jacob (b)May 8,1792-Montgomery Twp,Cumberland Cty.,Pa marries Barbara Schnepp (b)Dec.26,1795-Manheim Twp,Berks Cty.,Pa. They marry in 1813 -Beavercreek Twp.,Greene Cty.Ohio They have the following children: Jacob (b)Feb.25,1813 :Catherine (b)Sept.7,1820 :Henry (b)May 8,1822 :Susanna (b)Jan.1,1825 :Rebecca (b)1827 :Adam (b)May 24,1835 :Leonard (b)abt.1820 :Peter (b)abt.1840 :Sarah (b)abt.1840 David (b)abt.1840 :Anna (b)abt.1840 More story to follow:
to be edited My Family Group sheets David Coy's Website more info Under construction |