
While our COY search focuses in Washington Co. and Frederick Co.,my TREHEARNE family had already been in Worcester Co.,Dorchester Co.,and Somerset Co. area since 1628.This area is located in the lower tip of Maryland just above Virginia where they had orginally entered the United States into the Virgina area around 1628. |
Township Maps to be added when I locate one's that I like to show a smaller range of area for the Beavercreek gang. |
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Hagerstown is located in Washington County and Frederick County,which is located just to the left.Hagerstown is actually located about where the (n) of the word Washington is at on the following map. Hagerstown was orginally called Elizabeth Town,sometime in the late 1770's the town was renamed Hagerstown after Jonathan Hager,his wifes name was Elizabeth. During the late 1770's there seemed to be 2 main German Reformed churches in Hagerstown,Washington Co.,MD. St.John's Luthern Church and Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church.I have also found St.Paul's Evengelical Lutheran and Reformed Church,I found alot of records at this church.Evangelical Lutheran Church at Elizabethtown(Hagerstown) too.
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Frederick Co.-I have not found a record of Jacob Coy being in this area,yet all books reference his family members and friends as being from Frederick,Md. The only church records that I have found located in this area,actually belong to Luwick COY(not associated at this point in our research).Ludwick's records seem to be crossed with Jacob's on several occasions. |