
Jacob Coy from Bavaria 1739-1832 | Jacob and Susannah's Family-2nd Generation | Jacob's Grandchildren-Dayton,Ohio area | Who was Johann Jacob Coy | Heritage Days in Beavercreek-Sept.16,2001 | Beavercreek Historical Landmarks | Beavercreek Township Map-1825 | Beavercreek Years -Our Relatives and Neighbors | Dayton Area COY's (3rd genration and forward) | Pioneering Family Photo's | MAPS-Greene Cty. and Montgomery Cty.-Townships | Beavercreek Cemeteries-Greene Co. Ohio | MAPS-Maryland and Pennsylvania-Townships | The Early Years in America | Evansport the Early Years | Evansport Area Cemeteries | Evansport-Our Relatives and Neighbors | Where the COY's are-Migrations | (3rd Generation)-Tiffin Township (Evansport )1831 forward | (4th Generation)-John Coy Jr.Family | (5th Generation)-Solomon Coy Family | (6th Generation)-Thomas Ellsworth Coy Family | (7th Generation)-Elmer Ellsworth Coy Family | (8th Generation)Eugene Ellsworth Coy Family (Photos) | Being a COY | (9th Generation)-Coy's go to Europe | Sources and other Contacts | Two by Two-The spouses | Food for Thought | Other Research in progress | Favorite Links | England,Ireland and Wales | Rome,Tusacany and The Riviera | Rome,Isle of Capre to Greece | Bavarian Adventure into the Alps-Switzerland,Itlay,and Germany | Scottland and Beyond | Contact Me | Jacob's Great-grandchildren
MAPS-Greene Cty. and Montgomery Cty.-Townships
The Jacob Coy Family

Miami Valley Pioneers


MONTGOMERY County 1803.County seat Datyon.County was formed from Hamilton and Wayne County Michigan

The area of Dayton was split into 2 counties,so many of the relaitives can be found in Mad River,Van Buren,Washington, and a the other townships that border Greene County


County's of OHIO

Rootsweb link-Ohio Counties and more searches

GREENE County 1803.County seat was Xenia,the county was formed from Hamilton and Ross County


The COY family surname is basically found only in Greene County townships.Bath,Sugarcreek,Xenia and Beavercreek.

This is a searchable databse for the lower counties of Ohio during the early 1800's.

1840-Greene County index of Census

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