The Jacob Coy Family
(3rd Generation)-Tiffin Township (Evansport )1831 forward


Jacob Coy from Bavaria 1739-1832
Jacob and Susannah's Family-2nd Generation
Jacob's Grandchildren-Dayton,Ohio area
Who was Johann Jacob Coy
Heritage Days in Beavercreek-Sept.16,2001
Beavercreek Historical Landmarks
Beavercreek Township Map-1825
Beavercreek Years -Our Relatives and Neighbors
Dayton Area COY's (3rd genration and forward)
Pioneering Family Photo's
MAPS-Greene Cty. and Montgomery Cty.-Townships
Beavercreek Cemeteries-Greene Co. Ohio
MAPS-Maryland and Pennsylvania-Townships
The Early Years in America
Evansport the Early Years
Evansport Area Cemeteries
Evansport-Our Relatives and Neighbors
Where the COY's are-Migrations
(3rd Generation)-Tiffin Township (Evansport )1831 forward
(4th Generation)-John Coy Jr.Family
(5th Generation)-Solomon Coy Family
(6th Generation)-Thomas Ellsworth Coy Family
(7th Generation)-Elmer Ellsworth Coy Family
(8th Generation)Eugene Ellsworth Coy Family (Photos)
Being a COY
(9th Generation)-Coy's go to Europe
Sources and other Contacts
Two by Two-The spouses
Food for Thought
Other Research in progress
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England,Ireland and Wales
Rome,Tusacany and The Riviera
Rome,Isle of Capre to Greece
Bavarian Adventure into the Alps-Switzerland,Itlay,and Germany
Scottland and Beyond
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Jacob's Great-grandchildren

Williams County was formed from Darake County-(1820)

Springfield Township was formed from Tiffin Township on March 30,1835

Mary "Polly" Jones Coy Pioneers the family again in 1831.
Mary b.Aug.18,1787-Kentucky d.Dec.16,1870-Tiffin Township

We are not sure why Mary "Polly" decided to uproot her nearly grown family from Greene County,and take her group up to newly opening land.It does seem odd, that their lives were pretty well established with over 100 realtives and friends right their in that area.We are not sure if she herself was of the German Reformed faith or perhaps she wanted a fresh start after her husband John Coy met an untimely death by some sort of horse accident.

Mary grew up a Pioneer,born in a cabin along the Redstone River near Daniel Boone's fort in Kentucky,just outside of Lexington.Maybe she had a sense of adventure and was ready for her own children to be able to have wide open space again.The new area of Tiffin Township was near Fort Defiance in upper Ohio.
Mary was the daughter of John Jones from Wales, and her mother was Nancy Powers from Scottland.We have just begun to do research on her parents.Since they both had common names, this may prove to be quite a challenge.There were many Jones in Greene County by 1830, and then a few Jones in Defiance County by 1840 so this may take some time to fianlly find more family informtation.I would guess that at least on of her JONES family members would live fairly close to her in the Tiffin River area.
During the 1830-1840's the Dayton,Ohio area was now well estblished thanks to Jacob Coy and his Beavercreek gang.
As a matter of fact it seems that the COY's of old Jacob are still in the Dayton,Ohio area today.Only a small percentage of the next generations venture very far from the tree.

Mary "Polly" Jones moved her grown kids, and extended family to the newly opened land of the Maumee River.

In April of 1831 thier were 22 people that migrated to the new land at Piqua.The group consisted of Mary Polly Jones Coy,Jacob Hall and Susannah Coy Hall with their 3 children;George and Catherine Hall,in-laws,Jacob Coy IV and Mary Coy with their 1 son;Adam Coy and Mary Coy ;John II and Mary Coy;John Snider(Schneider)and Nancy Coy Snider,she was 8 months pregnant at this time;Caleb Coy,son;Mary Ann,daughter;Andrew Coy,son:
The journey took them by way of Ft.Amanda and St.Mary's,SW of present day Lima in Auglaize Cty.

Before they arrived her 2 sons,John Coy IV and Adam Coy,and 2 son-in-laws,John Snider and Jacob Hall helped purchase the land ahead of the journey.

Her land consisted of 64.3 acres in the NW corner of the South 1/2 of R4E T5 S3(presently Tiffin Twp.,Defiance County.)This is about 1/2 a mile from present day Evansport,Ohio.

I wanted add the information that the Schneider family and the Hall family had been freinds of the COY's from the MD/PA days before the OHIO migration in 1801.
So we rejoin our family lineage and kindred kin again in the new territory of Tiffin Township.

Photo of Mary "Polly" Jones to be added. It will be of Mary on her porch,with 2nd husband Woolery Coonrad/Coonrod.
Mary is smoking a corn cob pipe. This photo is said to be in the Coy book that Jean Coy Bartholomew wrote.

Mary "Polly" Jones Coy ,marries her second husband Woolery Coonrad on Jan.23,1835-Tiffin Twp.,Defiance Cty.,Ohio.

Woolery Coonrad was born Aug.19,1797, and died Jan.3,1847-Tiffin Township.

We believe that Mary "Polly" had a few more children with Wollery, however I don't have specific names and ages yet.


Williams County MAP (see above)

(photo of Coy Homestead to be added)
David has promised a copy of the photo taken in the early 1990's of the COY home built after the 1830's in this part of the state. The old homestead however is not in as good of shape as Jacob's cabin built in 1802.

under construction

Old Evansport Cemetery list -link

David Coy's Website-link to 3rd Generation