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John Coy (b)March 27,1811-Beavercreek Twp.,Greene Co.,Ohio (d)March 12,1891-Springfield Twp.,Williams Co.,Ohio Defiance County is formed from Paulding,Henry,Williams County-(1845) |
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John married Mary Schneider/(Snider)- Mary was born (b)Aug.8,1809-Thorn Twp,Perry Co.,Oh.(d)9/20/1860-Springfield Twp.,Williams Co.,Oh John and Mary married Oct.24,1830-in Beavercreek Twp. Mary was 21yrs old, and of legal age for marriage,John on the other hand had to have his mother's consent. John's brother,Jacob III proved the wedding nuptuials. |
1832 Tiffin Twp. was incorporated from what was then (Williams Co.)The Township's 1st election was held at their neighbor's cabin of Ephram Doty. John had the distinction on 04/04/1832 of casting the 1st ballot in that election.He cast his vote for "Old Hickory" Andrew Jackson,and remained loyal to the politics of the Jacksonian Democrats for years afterward. (I paraphrased David Coy's statement from his WEBSITE about this activity) Map of Springfield area edit |
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Williams County Maps and other links John and Mary's children were: *Solomon Coy (b)April 11,1832 Frances "Fanny" Coy (b)Sept.6,1833 William Coy (b)July 16,1835 (d)July 14,1849 Daniel Coy (b)Feb.2,1839 (d)Aug.11,1847 They were said to have 9 total,however the above are the children that lived to adulthood. Solomon married Mary Ann Kintigh,and had 8 children Frances "Fanny" married John Christy and had 8 children
John and Mary's land was situtated in R4E T5 S10 in what is now Tiffin Twp.They had a total of 160 acres in this section until 1836. I had found the following Census information on USGENWEB.org Census project. 1850 Census:Williams County,Springfield Twp. reel M432-74 LN:24-28 HN:425 FN:434- Occupation State Born in John 40yrs -Miller $5000 Ohio Mary 47yrs(it should be 42yrs) Ohio Solomon 18 yrs -Farmer Ohio Fanny 15yrs Ohio By 1850 both William and Daniel had died at an early age.
1850-Springfield Twp.,Williams Co. Census |
edit John and Catherine purchased land following their marriage in S16 of Springfiled Twp.,Williams Co. 1 1/2 mile South of Stryker. John remarried on Aug.8,1861 to Catherine (Krontz) Johnson.She was the widow of George Johnson-German Twp.,Fulton Co.,Ohio. Catherine was the step-mother of 5 children and the mother of 3.Her 3 children were Sarah(b)9-1848:Solomon (b)3/2/1850:Simon (b)4/30/1852 John and Catherine had 2 more children Elmer J.Coy (b)11/1863 and Uriah Cyrus Coy (b)1/8/1863. They would have had quite a full house at this time. Catherine would have had a great deal of influence over all of the COY children,and John having become "Father" to her 3 children.I would say blended families have been around alot longer than anyone has noticed.
Elmer J Coy marries Dollie M.Robinson and they have 2 children Uriah Cyrus Coy marries Jeannie Augusta Clark and has 2 children * Sarah Johnson marries William Ufer and have 2 children Solomon John marries Florence May Bostar-I don't have children listed Simon Johnson marries Lucinda Wieland-no other listings |
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Uriah Coy marry's Jennie Augusta Clark,they have a son Charlie Edward,who has son,Raymond Edward who in turn has daughter Jean Coy Bartholomew!!! She is an 8th Generation COY of Jacob. I needed to put her lineage,as Jean is the one who did so much research on John COY and as far back to Jacob of 1739 as we had known up until a few years ago.She is taking a break from all of for now. Defiance links Williams County Links David Coy's website link-4th generation |