
Jacob Coy from Bavaria 1739-1832 | Jacob and Susannah's Family-2nd Generation | Jacob's Grandchildren-Dayton,Ohio area | Who was Johann Jacob Coy | Heritage Days in Beavercreek-Sept.16,2001 | Beavercreek Historical Landmarks | Beavercreek Township Map-1825 | Beavercreek Years -Our Relatives and Neighbors | Dayton Area COY's (3rd genration and forward) | Pioneering Family Photo's | MAPS-Greene Cty. and Montgomery Cty.-Townships | Beavercreek Cemeteries-Greene Co. Ohio | MAPS-Maryland and Pennsylvania-Townships | The Early Years in America | Evansport the Early Years | Evansport Area Cemeteries | Evansport-Our Relatives and Neighbors | Where the COY's are-Migrations | (3rd Generation)-Tiffin Township (Evansport )1831 forward | (4th Generation)-John Coy Jr.Family | (5th Generation)-Solomon Coy Family | (6th Generation)-Thomas Ellsworth Coy Family | (7th Generation)-Elmer Ellsworth Coy Family | (8th Generation)Eugene Ellsworth Coy Family (Photos) | Being a COY | (9th Generation)-Coy's go to Europe | Sources and other Contacts | Two by Two-The spouses | Food for Thought | Other Research in progress | Favorite Links | England,Ireland and Wales | Rome,Tusacany and The Riviera | Rome,Isle of Capre to Greece | Bavarian Adventure into the Alps-Switzerland,Itlay,and Germany | Scottland and Beyond | Contact Me | Jacob's Great-grandchildren
The Jacob Coy Family
Heritage Days in Beavercreek-Sept.16,2001

(photo below)David Coy-9th generation COY,with present land owner,Bill Hagenbuch.Bill and David mount the plaque on the front door of the Log Cabin built by Jacob Coy


(photo below)David screws in the last screw needed to mount the plaque declaring Jacob's cabin as a Landmark.


(photo below)Bill Hagenbuch with his daughter Chris,tell David about how the cabin got moved to their property by his mother during the 1940's.


(photo below)David COY show off the plaque that is now mounted to the Jacob COY cabin of 1802.The Historical Society declared 1803,but we know through records that it was built by 1802



(photo to right)David and Eugene COY stand in the doorway of the NEW landmark status for Jacob's cabin.


(photo below)In front of the fireplace-David and Eugene COY tour the inside of Jacob's cabin.Grace and Bill gave them details that have been kept intact from it's original design nearly 200 years ago.


(Photo below-left)Upstairs loft of Jacob's cabin



(photo right)Eugene COY standing on the stairs that were very narrow to navigate up to the loft of the cabin

David and Dad had an absolutely wonderful day at the Hagenbuchs after the Heritage Day Festival.The Hagenbughs extended great hospitaility to the long lost COY's of Jacob's ancestors. They spent time showing a slide show of how the other large 2 story COY building that is now the home the Beavercreek Wetlands association had been moved,and how the utility company had to take power lines down to get it moved all in one piece.
Bill and Grace also took the time to tell of Bill's mother purchasing Jacob's cabin and having it moved to this property in the 1940's.
They also gave more details of the other landmark's on their property.
I think this was the BEST way for David to have celebrated his Birthday.
If I hadn't written the letter to the Beavercreek Historical group to suggest this becoming a landmark,our family never would have known that it already was in the works,nor would we have joined the society ourselves. David would have gone on to just catch a peek at our Heritage cabin from afar,instead of the current owners getting a chance to share their joy with more of it's ancestor's who really love it as much as they do.I'm so thrilled that the Hagenbuch's have brought new COY's into the fold of sharing the love of Beavercreek and it's landmarks left to tell it's tales to the future.

Beavercreek Historical Landmark Committee-
Bob Zimmer,Laura Bader,Izzy Caro and Bob Wagley


Jacob Coy Log Cabin 1803**
Daytona Mills 1805
Solomon Shoup Springhouse 1810**
Shoup-Schantz House 1810**
Shoup-Durnbaugh House 1820*
Darst-Durnbaugh House 1820*
Brown-Shellabarger House 1824*
Nesbitt Cemetery 1828
John Aley House 1835
Hawker Cemetery 1850*
Brown-Shellabarger House 1854
Cozad-Phillips House 1856
Harshman-Ferguson House 1863
John Schantz Barn 1875**

Markers with ** are on the Hagenbugh property
Markers with * COY's are related to by a marriage

July 12th-Historical Landmarks named

Stage Coach Inn 1810
Gerlaugh-Tobias House 1821
Beaver Church 1847*
Ankeney-Westbeld House 1853
Shank-Cosler House 1855*


Solomon Shoup Springhouse-1810-on Hagenbugh property.
If you look to the left,you can see the stairway that leds underneath to the lower level.The springhouse still has a spring that has water comes up from,and can keep things cooled to about 50 degrees in the summer.This was how our German Pioneers would keep things chilled for several days during the summertime.


Solomon Shoup Springhouse 1810-also on Grace and Bill Hagenbuch's property.This was also named a landmark June 25,2001.


Historical Landmark Plaque-presented to Grace and Bill Hagenbuch by Beavercreek Historical Society-Sept.16,2001 at the Heritage Days Festival


Beavercreek landmarks-When Bob Zimmer,chairman of the landmark committe called in early Aug. to tell me of the status of Jacob's small and large cabin's he also told me of how they were named,and how their landmark naming would be different than other landmark's.

When a location or structure in Beavercreek is named a landmark it may still be inhabited,and it may have had a few alterations.They believe you should still be able to enjoy the stucture instead of making it "off limits" as still functional in traditional landmark naming's.One would never be able to add,move or change one morsel of a structure. I like this view,it makes it still a tangible structure and still be given the love a historical structure can and should be given.

Heritage Days sponsered by the Park's and Recration Dept. of Beavercreek.
The event was held at the Wartinger Historical Park-
This was published in the LOG *By *LOG Sept. 2001,Vol.10, number 9