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Welcome to Connie Coy's Family Genealogy site. Family of Johann Jacob COY (b)July 27,1739 in Bavaria,and his many decendants in America. |
This sight is dedicated to my progentitor of my family that 9 genrations ago came to America from the Bavarian region of the Rhine River,Black Forest area along the Alps. If you are reading this, be assured you have found THE Johann Jacob COY born in 1739 that journey's with his large family to PA, and is then indentured in PA to a land owner for a number of years.*I want to find out who the land owner was, and which County it is in. Mine is the REAL "McCOY"!!! I have source documents to support this claim.(pg.598-R.S.Dills)-source below My Jacob COY coming to America story seems to be the story that all of the other COY's claim lineage from. Johann Jacob COY (b)c.about 1715 and wife (b)c.abt.1715(unknown name)travel up the Rhine River area to Rotterdam, and board a ship in 1756 headed for the New World of Philadelphia,Pa. Their nearly grown children which could have been 5-7 in total,make the long passage with them. I believe their were only 7 in total to the family,leaving 5 siblings. While at sea, my Jacob's father and mother die and recieve a burial at sea. When the family of siblings arrive in 1757 in Philadelphia,Pa.,all of their family effects were conviscated, and the remainder if the family were to then fufill the rest of the contract. The oldest son would have been expected to carry out the labor contract that his father would have negotiated for their cost of the ship passage. Jacob COY would have been 18 yrs. old, and the oldest son of the group.He now then has to serve for the passage of 2 adults,and possibly any other siblings that did not survive the journey. The known siblings to arrive in 1757: Johann Jacob (b)1739 when he was 18 yrs. old (Johann)Henrich (b)abt.1741-would be about 16yrs.old At least one more sibling that we know, however the name is unknown. The person could be either a brother or sister. Possibly an older sister? However,at 20 yr.s of age, I would think she would be married already and going by her husbands name if so? The other sibiling/sibilings would have had to be born between 1742-1756 if they were male since Jacob was the 1st male. If female,they could be anywhere between c.1725-1756? Below is the 1st land transactions that we have known where abouts for Jacob,Henry was probably there too. *July 6-1785-Jacob Coy(COW)purchases 150 acres of land from Francis & Margaret Killogh in Peters Twp.,Franklin Co.,Pa. *1786-Jacob Coy (COW) found int eh "List of Taxtables" in Montogomery Twp.,Franklin Co.Pa. *1790-PA Census Index: Jacob Coy(COW)-Franklin Co.-Mixed Twp.-pg 115 Henry Coy (COW)-Franklin Co.-mixed Twp.-pg.115 I wonder about the following two people on pg.115 too?Their spelling is in the soundex code of COOO-(Coy) and page 115 would mean they live near each other in land mass. Joseph Cous-Franklin Co.-mixed twp. pg.115 Robert Cowen-" " Revolutionary War 1776-Veterans according to Greene Cty.Ohio Aug.21,1780-records found Jacob was listed as "1st class,4th Company of Cumberland Co.Pa Militia.Commanded by Col.Samuel Culberston Cptn.John Orbinson. Henry listed as "4th class",same as above. *But a Phillpy COW-"7th class" and Paul COW -"3rd class" were recorded in Cumberland Area. They may or may not be related, however they would be at least 13 years or older to serve in the military. It also seems they might have a connetion because of serving for Cumberland Co., the other COW's families were listed in the next County over in PA. July 21,1781-enlisted men:Jacob COW "1st class,Henry COW"4th class-same as above,but Cptn.John Scott. Jacob was known to have served in the War of 1812 for Ohio Militia. I will post the source when I find my record. The COY name was recorded as COW/CAW from at least the (1780-1801) records that have been found.Everything before Ohio was recorded this way. We know that they were German Reformed (Dunkards), which leads us to believe the origianl spelling should be with a "K"(KOOO-soundex) not the "C" spelling (COOO-soundex).In comparing the other COY's that are NOT related to us,I have their name recorded as KAU,or KOCH. The original name could be KAUTZ/KAUP or some other variation. If my COY's were actually from the Switzerland side of the Alps, thier might be a French background to the spelling,which could be "C",however the latest finds are still leading to the German side,which would with a "K". I have been doing pattern thinking and searching for Jacob's records looking for more clues. I made an intersting obeservation last weekend while searching Civil War Regiment lists,just under the name COW in the 1860's. Their were only a few men listed by that spelling, a couple in KY and a few in PA. These men belong to the "Other" Coy's obviously. The KY COW,I think belong to Ludwig KAU,(COY) , where the PA, might belong to the COY's that came from CT/NY and then into PA around 1780, which is where the COY/COW records for Jacob's and John's get to be such a challenge, and start to get muddied. *I am currently a member of the Ohio Genealogical Society (OGS) I have begun gathering the needed vital records so I can apply for the Ohio First Families *I belong to the Beavercreek Historical Society (Greene Co.)-My brother David and I are working on articles to submit to the chapters publican Log*By*Log *I belong to the Williams Co.-Ohio Genealogical Society and am planning on applying for the 1st families of Williams Co. *I am submitting my application to the Defiance Co.chapter, and will then submit an application for the 1st families of Defiance Co. too. *Our Jacob Coy is a registered PATRIOT with the DAR (Daughters of the Amercian Revolution) Feb.10,2001-I submitted a request to find out if he is in fact in there records, and they emailed back immediatly that he is. I beleive it was Jean Coy Bartholomew that registered her lineage to Jacob. I am requesting the documents so I can post his DAR #. I am planning to submit an application to the DAR for my connection my progenitor Jacob Coy.
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Johann Jacob Coy and Susannah marry in Philadelphia,Pa. 1776
Jacob Coy and Susannah(maiden unknown) were married March 3,1776 in Philadelphia,Pa. *I'm searching for the name of the church Jacob and Susannah then borrowed money to purchase 350 acres of land in Maryland.I believe they had a homestead near Hagerstown,Md., which would be in present day Washington Co.,however in 1776 it might have been Frederick Co.,Md. I believe they would have been members of the St.John's Luthern Church (German Reformed) or Zion Evangelical Reformed in Hagerstown,Md.I have confirmed the 2 oldest daughters married at this church. But the other records are still being saught. *Their is a possiblity that they lived near Beavercreek area in Hagerstown area,which is in Frederick County.Anyhow they could have lived anywhere from the PA border down to Hagerstown MD,which is where ALL of the German Reformed had congregated.They lived in the Kittatinny Mts. region down to the Potomac River area. I found a few of their freinds in Welsh Run,Morris Cove and Greencastle.Pa.which is part of Franklin County.Pa *I'm searching for the land platt that would tell me the exact land purchase location.
Jacob and Susannah were said to have 12 children,however only 8 are known to have lived to adulthood. *Susanna-(b)1776-MD,1798-marries Andrew Hawker *Catherine (b)1778-MD,1795-marries Andrew Smeltzer *Adam (b)1780-MD,1810 marries Catherine Martin **John (b)6/28/1783-MD,1804 marries Mary "Polly"Jones *Peter S. (b)1787-PA,1810 marries Elizabeth Ritter *Henry (b)5/15/1789-PA,1809 marries Anna Maria Schnepp *Mary (b)6/22/1791-PA ,1810 marries Jacob Darst *Jacob (b)5/8/1792-PA,1813 marries Barabara Schnepp Jacob and Susannah purchase 3264 acres of land on 12/30/1801 in the newly opend part of Greene County,Ohio,the area near Dayton Ohio.The Township they move to is Beavercreek. In the early part of 1802 Jacob,Susannah,all of their children,spouses and a few of their closest neighbors make the 2 month journey.They start by flat bottom boat traveling down thru Wheeling,WV on the Ohio River.The group then travel by wagon train thru the rugged Ohio Wildreness.They stayed for a short period of time in Cinncinati near Fort Pitt. Young Jacob remembers that their were only 16 log cabins in what would become Cinncinati. Census records support the following friends being part of the journey. Adam Soleinger,George,John and Henry Putterbaugh,Mathew Crow,William Kirkpatrick were the unrelated friends that joined them. Their oldest daughter Suanna and her husband Andrew Hawker, and 2nd daughter Catherine with her husband Andrew Smeltzer were part of the Wagon Party. |
The Sources The COY's Coming to America Story -was recorded in all 3 books below.The story is an oral story told to either a Beavercreek/Xenia -Greene Cty. newspaper.Jacob COY (b)1792 tells the story.The article is in circulation in the Xenia Library,Greene County Ohio .I'm still working on which publication,and what year(abt.1870-1880) *Beavercreek Chronicles-published by the Beavercreek Historical Society -Collectors Edition ,second printing 1987. Mrs.Daniel T.Coy is part of the committee *Sources-"The Coy Family" by Jean Coy Bartholomew,copies available in Xenia Library,Greene Cty.Ohio She also used researcher Myra Fields-Chambersbug,PA to check local Franklin Co.,PA resources. Jean also worked worked with Ella Mae Curtis,whose mother was Gertrude "Gertie"Coy Curtis ,daughter of Thomas E.Coy.There are photos that appear in Jean's book,that I hope to put on this site when I get a copy of the materials. *History of Greene County-Ohio by R.S.Dills-Dayton,Ohio,Ordell & Mayer Pub.1881 *History of Greene County-Ohio by George F.Robinson,published Chicago-S.J.Clarke Co.Pub. co.1902 These 2 books have more solid documentation for every part of Jacob Coy (1739) and his family,as well as all of the families that COY's marry 1802-forward in (Dayton)Beavercreek,Greene Cty.Ohio
David Coy's Genealogy WEBSITE.(my brother)(9th)generation Coy -20 yrs of research. Unknown Gem Type: tlx.tlxinv.guestbook |
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