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in Super Mario 64?
I, personally, think that Luigi is not in the game. Here's some reasons why I don't think he's in the game:
- Many pictures of Luigi and Mario on the net are fake.
- Some of the pictures have a short and fat Luigi. I'll tell you what: Luigi doesn't look exactly like Mario!
- There are so many "codes", Mr. Miyamoto might as well tell the whole world that Luigi is in the game.
- Visit The Unofficial World of Nintendo. It says that The Unofficial World of N asked Nintendo and they said there wasn't a Luigi.
Finally, the pictures:
Luigi and Mario
There should be a lakitu camera at the bottom right corner. Instead, there is a signature, probably belonging to the artist.
After 120 stars, you'd go on the roof to find Yoshi, right? So now your with Luigi and meeting Boshi instead, yeah, right. *
Everything's okay, but there's a signature at the bottom right corner.
Luigi looks a lot like Mario. Maybe he was copyed, pasted, flipped and coloured. I just don't know.
Everything's okay, but look at the other picture.
Speckles are always a sign of unprofessional image editing.
* Someone told me that you can get Boshi with a Gameshark code.