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ChaoZhou Jestival Herbal cook Noodle@Flour Shanghai-Old ManXample Hunan Sichuan Mitosis HuBei Food Development xhangHei KeJia Various Specialz GzhouSalon Pepper@Red Cook Skill Dumpling@Beijiang Tofu Kungfu@GuangZhou North-East of Ching Old Restaurant Tradition

 :This festival takes place on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar and actually commemorates two occasions.

Chung Yeung Jit is also known as "Chung Gau" (Chung means Double and Gau means nine). Being the ninth day of the ninth month, it is the DOUBLE NINE, also means forever and is the day on which Chinese people go to the hillsides to tend their ancestors graves, make sacrifices of special paper money and paper winter clothing, after which a picnic is held. It also commemorates the day during the Han Dynasty (B.C. 221 - 206) when a Taoist soothsays, Fei Chang-fei advised a scholar, Huan Jing, to escape to the hills with his family to avoid an impending disaster. Huan Jing took the advice and went to the hillside with his family, taking food and chrysanthemum wine. When returned home all his livestock dead from a plague and realized the soothsayer had saved the lives of himself and his family.

  :On the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar in 295 B.C. a virtuous minister named Wat Yuan committed suicide by drowning in the Tung Ting Lake in protest of the decadence of the court. His body was never found in spite of the local people racing out in boats trying to find him whilst, at the same time, scaring the fish with drums and throwing glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves into water to feed the fish. The day in the calendar is now known as the Dragon Boats Festival and is celebrated by races between specially built Dragon Boats crewed by members of different villages, guilds or other organizations. The races take place in southern China and throughout South East Asia, wherever there are Chinese communities. The crews have about one month's practice before coming together to race each other on the day of the festival.The boats can be up to 120 feet in length with depth of about two and a half feet crewed by up to 40 paddlers. There is very little freeboard and a boat can easily become swamped. A large drum located in the middle or stern of the boat is beaten to maintain the paddlers rhythm.The bow of the boat is decorated with a dragon's head and the stern with its tail. These are detachable, and when the boat is not in use, are often kept in the local temple, reflecting the religious significance of the festival.To this day the Chinese people all over the world, even where there are no dragon boat races, celebrate the festival by eating the specially prepared glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves.

:The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the Chinese Lunar Calendar. On this day the moon is at its apogee when it is at it's brightest and is the only day on which it is considered to be perfectly round. The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the Chinese Lunar Calendar. On this day the moon is at its apogee when it is at it's brightest and is the only day on which it is considered to be perfectly round. In the past, traveling theatrical groups and blind musicians entertained those celebrating the festival but in modern times, it is usual to hold an outdoor party where the moon can be viewed in all its glory in the late evening. Some groups of families or friends "chase the moon" and hold their parties on hillsides, where clearer views can be obtained.Paper Lanterns:Paper lanterns are a prominent feature of the celebrations, being hung around the area where the feasting takes place. The larger lanterns are very elaborate being decorated with pictures of various deities and characters associated with the moon whilst children carry smaller lanterns suspended from sticks during the celebrations.Festival food:Probably the most recognizable feature of the festival is the boxes of moon cakes on sale in the months prior to the festival. They are in boxes of four and may be round or square in shape and are usually stamped with a deity associated with the festival. The cakes are made from a flaky pastry in which many varieties of fillings can be found. The most usual was sugared beans, ground sesame or lotus and the yoke of a preserved duck egg; but there are many other fillings and nowadays it is even possible to buy moon cakes filled with ice cream.

Chinese New Year: Chinese New Year is the most vital festival which marks the new beginning of the year, it normally falls between 20th January and 20th February according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar. New Year is a good beginning, when firecrackers are let off at the midnight of the New Year Day, whatever was bad and unhappy will vanish without trace.
There are many myths, legends, traditions and ceremonies associated with New Year celebrations and these can differ from north to south and from province to province in China.For the oversea Chinese, Lion & Dragon Dance together with a special festive market (consist of a number of Chinese Culture stalls, food stalls and Calligraphy stalls etc.) are always part of the program in China town around the globe to welcome the Chinese New Year. Every year in London, numbers of "Lion Dance" collecting "Lucky Red Packet" from shops around the area, which starts from morning till late in the evening. One of the shop's "Lucky Red Packet" normally contains over US$15,000, and the amount keeps increasing every year as a sign of their business prosperity. The "Lucky Red Packet" is arranged in a difficult way so that the "Lion" will have to employ their skillful Martial Arts technique to collect, and such occasion should not be missed.

 Thanks Giving Day for Good Harvests :Theday normally falls on the 22nd or 23rd December of the Solar Calendar before Chinese New Year, which coincides with the shortest day of the year. According to the Chinese legend, this day is one of the most important days in the Year.

  Dumpling:Family members will gather together to have a big feast and making glutinous rice dumplings. Glutinous flour dough shaped into small round ball and stuffed with a small piece of brown sugar, pre-cook in boiling water and eat with ginger soup. 

 Kitchen God Celestial Visit:Traditionally the Kitchen God (or Lord of the Hearth) rested in a shrine above the stove. A farewell dinner would be held and the offerings made to the God on the 12th Chinese Lunar month and the date is according to your profession; 23rd for the Government officers, 24th day for the ordinary people or 25th day for the boat people.Kitchen Gods' Duty :He ascends to heaven to submit report on the family's performance during the previous twelve months, and will return on the fourth day of the Chinese New Year to resume his duty.
A farewell dinner with different special dishes would be offered to the Kitchen God on the day, praying to him to conceal the faults, but only emphasize the good deed of the family throughout the year in his report, and wishing him to bring blessing & prosperity to the family for the coming year.

Thirty degree spinning
Eye Glasses, Spinning
Four_ Eyed_Twins_1818


春節:是中華民族最重要的傳統節日。"年"的本義指谷物生長周期,谷子一年一熟,春節一年一次,有慶豐收的寓意。又傅,春節起源於原始社會末期的"臘祭",當時每逢臘盡春來,先民便殺豬宰羊,祭祀神鬼與祖靈,祈求新的一年風調雨順,免遭災禍。上溯堯舜時代, 春節是在正月,漢武帝時,確定以農歷正月初一,即"歲首"為春節,一直至今. 春節, 古代稱為"元旦"、"元日",辛亥革命以後,我國開始採用公歷纪年,改稱"春節"。中國有很多傳統節日,從農歷正月初一到臘月三十,重要節日就有十來個。這是以漢族為主的節日。每一種傅統節日都有相應的食俗。春節吃春餅、年飯、年糕,飲屠蘇酒、年節酒,上元吃元宵。古時的春節指立春之時,現在,則是以農歷正月初一為春節,不管是否立春了。

食俗:各地春節食俗---北方人吃餃子、年糕, 南方吃元宵、水磨年糕,江浙和閩粤等地初一吃元宵,或炸或煮;福建漳州人初一早上吃生蒜和皮蛋;廣東潮州人初一吃當地特有的"腐圓";回族人正月初一吃麵條和燉肉,初二方食餃子。春節食年糕的風俗,興於宋代,盛於明代。吃年糕,有"年年(黏黏)高(糕)"的吉祥如意之意,演繹為取年年高升之意。吃春餅,春節吃春餅的食俗,較吃年糕、年飯早,晋代已有記載。唐代的史料,記載了立春日做春餅生菜,稱之為"春盤"。春餅之製,有以粉皮雜生菜者,有薄餅卷菜者,無定制。今人所食的春卷,即由春盤、春餅演進而來。吃年飯,春節吃年飯,始於清代。除夕的時候,家家具肴守歲酣飲,送舊迎新。



端午節:農歷五月初五日叫端午節, 這個說法很早就開始了. "端"者,初亦,而"午"和"五"古時互為通用,故稱端午節。戰國時代偉大的愛國詩人屈原死於這一天,端午節吃糉子,就是把糉子投入江中祭祀屈原演化而來的。屈原投江後,百姓不忍屈原被蛟龍吞食,便造龍舟爭相競撈,並鳴鑼鼓驅趕蛟龍。經過漫長的歲月,這一舉動便逐漸演化成為賽龍舟了。後來端午節的紀念活動多與屈原聯系在一起. 其意義變得比較重要。吃糉子,端午吃糉子,起因本很明確。糉子之義"蓋取陰陽尚相裹未分散時之像也"。後來則傅說是為記念屈原才食糉子。屈原五月五日投汩羅水,楚人哀之。正是由於這個傅說反映了人們對楚國偉大爱國主義詩人屈原的崇敬,從古至今,不僅中國人過端午要吃糉子,影響所及,我們的鄰邦朝鲜、韓國、日本、越南、馬來西亞等國亦在端午節吃糉子。


中秋節:農歷八月十五日.按照我國的歷法,農歷八月居秋季之中,而八月的三十天中, 十五又居一月之中,故八月十五日稱為"中秋"。自古以來,人們就有中秋賞月的活動.開始為達宮顯貴、文人墨客所爱好,後成為民間的傅統風俗。據傳吃月餅的風俗始於唐代的甜餅,後形成專門的中秋節日的糕點。其形為圓,富有家家團圓、歡樂之意。節日飲食習俗:月餅、桂花糖艿頭。吃月餅,八月十五吃月餅,取的便是團圓之義。最早記載"月餅"這一食品名稱的着作,是宋代周密的《武林舊事》。不過當時的月餅是一種蒸餅,非同現今烘烤出來的月餅。現在全國各地的月餅品種繁多,形成了粤式、蘇式、京式三大月餅流派。台灣甚至有人稱月餅為"國之餅"、"龍之餅",并决心"使傅統的月餅變為現代化商品",向全世界推廣。



臘八節:據說臘八粥傅自印度。佛教劍始者釋迦牟尼本是古印度北部迦毗羅衛國淨飯王的兒子。他見眾生受生老病死等痛苦折磨,又不滿當時婆羅門的神權统治,捨棄王位,出家修道。經六年苦行,於臘月八日,他在菩提樹下悟道成佛, 六年苦行中,每日僅食一麻一米。後人不忘他所受的苦難,於每年臘月初八吃粥以做紀念。"臘八"就成了"佛祖成道紀念日"。食俗:我國江南、東北、西北廣大地區仍保留吃臘八粥的習俗。所用材料各有不同,多用糯米、河詮、棗子、栗子、花生、白果、蓮子、百合等煮成甜粥。冬季吃一碗熱氣騰騰的臘八粥,既可口有營養,確實能增福增壽。吃臘八粥:農歷臘月八日,宮觀寺院送七寶五味粥,民家亦以果子雜拌煮粥而食,供佛齋僧,稱這種食品"臘八粥"。據記載臘八粥又稱佛粥。中國眾多的粥品中,由臘八節而創製的臘八粥,給粥品增添了光彩。

